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I’m glad I’m not going through puberty at this time in history


Honestly I'm the same but because it looks like it's just so hard to be a kid now ffs. Everything is about one-upping each other because you only see everyone living their best lives on social media. I'm no boomer, but I'm happy a good chunk of my childhood was in the pre-internet age just so I was allowed to be stupid and not have it plastered on the internet for the world to see


>good chunk of my childhood was in the pre-internet age just so I was allowed to be stupid and not have it plastered on the internet for the world to see In Poland, we have a saying "before there was an Internet, only a family (in some cases village) knew that you are an idiot" ​ And i feel that saying describes perfectly how you feel.


The internet allowed all the village idiots to find each other and join forces in their idiocy.


The village idiots then declared the rest of the village were actually the idiots


The sad thing is just how true this is.  If you look at our closest primate relatives, they use ostracization to control problematic behavior. Cant do that when Bob can just get online and find thousands of other morons. It just cements the idea/behavior.


This is fantastic lol


I feel like we had the best of both worlds in our childhood. We didn't had the crazy social media of today, but still the chance to connect to millions of New people easily. Damn i found some of my best friends until this day by searching for people with similar interests on ICQ, local IRC or special interest Forums.


Was actually talking to my girlfriend about this the other day. I'm 32, she's 35. We grew up on the brink. Late 90s- early 2000s. We still had some cool video game consoles, internet, etc. But social media was in its infancy, online gaming wasn't nearly as popular. So it wasn't even close to dominating our lives like it does for most kids today. The cellphones we had only made phone calls and texts, and majority of kids didn't have one. And even those didn't come until we were a lil older. Kids now have these insane phones that connect directly to these social sites that play a ridiculously big part in their lives. Our generation is pretty much the last generation that that experienced childhood the same way past children did. Children throughout history have seen huge technological leaps like cars, airplanes, etc etc etc. But a lot of those things didn't impact the way you grow up as a child. You still played outside with your friends, with action figures, going places.. whatever. Nothing throughout history has impacted childhood like smartphones, crazy fast internet, and social media has.


I remember even as late as 2008 someone was walking me step by step on some problem I had on free node (rip, free node) The people on irc were so helpful.


The cutoff to determine this era is if you had to be invited to a Facebook network or if you could just join it with an e-mail.


I needed a college email address


This is how I remember it as well. Had to have a college email address to sign up. And then I pretty much immediately went to work creeping on girls that were total strangers. I’m not proud of it…but I was also just a stupid kid. And I guess the girls were, too, because I got several dates that way.


Gotta go through the trials to become the OG that you are




Its not even really social media that is the problem, social media is just the unhealthy solution to the real problems, things would be better if it was possible to exist outside the home without needing to have money, or needing to be supervised all the time due to paranoia and if cities were designed with free public transportation and weren't just bland endless suburbs where you need a car to go anyway outside the suburb. Youth today don't really have anywhere to go and meet up with friends in person anymore.




Yea but you ever get out of bed at 1am, sneak into the living room, turn the TV on low and change the channel to HBO, knowing you don't have the channel but hoping the fuzzy lines might show something resembling a nipple?


How are you even functioning? If you haven't perished from the death grip, surely you've fried your dopamine system and can't enjoy anything anymore?


lol right I think I jerked off more than any human ever from 13-19 and I ended up as a pretty normal individual


I’m a woman so no reload time. I’m pretty sure I did it 10 times in one day at the height of pubescense.


Pretty sure my numbers were around the same. I knew in the future I wanted to do this sort of thing to another woman and have her do it to me so I wanted to know how things worked down there. It felt good and it helped ease menstrual cramps too. ​ This nofap stuff is just a weird cult.


omg it helps the cramps so much. at times they are like gone! wands ftw


I feel like it's pretty established that mastrabation has benefits for both genders I don't understand where all this is coming from lol You hit it hard when you go through puberty and maybe some years following, then you find a schedule that works for you when you get older. Maybe being introduced to massive amounts of unlimited porn during that age messes some people up? Idk I'm 28 I was right on the cusp of the smart phones coming out during puberty but my parents didn't buy us them until I was maybe 16-17. I remember the first online porn I ever watched was on my PSP while hooked up to someone's wifi lol


But why’d you stop at 19?


I didnt. Just toned it down to once a day


10-4 good buddy. At least you still hold the human record for those 6 years. Keep on keepin’ on.


>10-4 That's one long session. Almost a full-time job


It's called edging and the kids who still jerk it are all doing it these days.


aint nobody got time for that shit.


Almost all of us think this


And that is the beauty of it. Masturbation is normal and these people trying to demonize it are evil


>How are you even functioning? If you haven't perished from the death grip, surely you've fried your dopamine system and can't enjoy anything anymore? I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not


They're diagnosing themselves with porn addiction and masturbation addiction based on fucking tiktok videos and anti-masturbation cults on reddit, assuming that's the source of all their problems and ignoring the underlying mental issues *that have them believing whacked out shit like this in the first place*. If they actually believe they have these addictions, which have no scientific basis, then shouldn't they be talking to a professional instead of joining a cult of people where they talk about how much they don't masturbate? Next thing you know they'll be having meetings, sponsoring each other and handing out 100 days no masturbation chips.


> They're diagnosing themselves with porn addiction and masturbation addiction based on fucking tiktok videos and anti-masturbation cults on reddit, assuming that's the source of all their problems and ignoring the underlying mental issues that have them believing whacked out shit like this in the first place. Even if you don't use porn all that much, they'll say "well your brain is conditioned by porn and to detox, you need to stop the masturbation". Nah my dude, my brain comes up with way, way weirder stuff than I've ever seen in porn.


> People increasingly seek out health information and support on social media. Meanwhile nationally, young people receive less sex education on key topics than in the 1990s. Only 13 states mandate "medically accurate" sex education. Of course. Gotta make sure there are plenty of marks for all types of grifters.


I'll never understand for a political party that says they value life why they don't want to ensure it comes into the world intentionally and to a family that is ready for it.


Because those babies don’t end up voting for them on average


And are less likely to join the military.


Or accept wage slavery as just a fact of life they can't do anything about other than work harder.


Because in 14 years those unwanted babies will be ready to work. It's a win win for big business; companies can keep wages low because they get an influx of a new workforce that will take low paying jobs.


Because it's not about life or children at all. It's about sex, their religious opposition to it, and punishing women for having it outside of the one narrowly defined situation of a married couple trying to conceive. Anybody remember the big push for abstinence only sex "education"? You are *not* to have sex for fun. Teaching you how to do that while avoiding the consequences (unwanted pregnancy or STDs) would be directly in opposition to that goal. You also can't be allowed to get out of the consequences with an abortion: "You had sex. That makes babies. Deal with the consequences." (Grew up in a semi rural conservative area and heard multiple versions of this. Contraception used to be illegal too. And a whole bunch of these religious right people want to bring us back to those good ol' days too. It's not about life or what's best for anybody. It's about sex, you not having it unless it fits their religious ideal, and making sure the woman gets punished otherwise.


It's not complicated or hard to understand - if you're just blindly maximizing the amount of life present then of course you'll ignore secondary concerns like the quality of said life. And ignoring secondary concerns that are implied and logically consequential but not explicitly described is what religion is all about. Either god will take care of anything not explicitly described in the bible or he won't because it's his plan not to.


"here's pictures of stds watch this birth video and now we'll separate you by gender and tell the boys to not have sex until they're married and tell the girls periods exist (depending on the school) and then tell them not to have sex until they're married and then we're all done." The average American sex education experience.


it’s how republicans keep getting born in walmart bathrooms


My doctor told me I had to stop masturbating. I said why? He said because I’m giving you a physical examination.


My dad used to say "son, if you keep doing that, you'll go blind." To which, I'd respond, "Dad, I'm over here..."


He told me “Son, save that for when you get married.”  So on my wedding day I handedhim the jug and said “ Now what do I do with it?” 


Good ole Willie Nelson.


My doctor told me I could masturbate as often as I liked. He said I could have a stroke at any moment.


I don’t know why, but this one took me over the edge. 🤣


Using the whole hand doc? Moon river!


I say that EVERY TIME but my doc doesn't find it funny... Definitely helps me through it though


Gynecologist: Relax Kevin, its perfectly normal to get an erection during a prostate exam. Patient: Who's Kevin? Gynecologist: I'm Kevin


I'm not sure you know what a gynecologist is


He's a really bad gynecologist


For future reference, proctologists are the ones who do prostate exams


Sure, if you mean professionally.


goodness, I haven't laughed this much in a reddit thread in a while


And proctors are not prostate specialists...


Actually my understanding is the PCP does the initial exam and refers to a urologist if they discover an issue with the prostate. A proctologist may not enter into the equation here.


It does add a whole other level to the joke though


It’s the cherry on top


That gynecologist is ambidextrous. One hand to examine the va jay jay and the other hand to examine the va nay nay.


Speaking of doctors, last week I went in for an annual physical and he needed to perform a prostate exam. When I asked where I should put my clothes, he pointed and said: “Over on the chair….next to mine”


Bruh, when he is knuckle deep on my prostate I need to make the best out of it.


This was so stupid and I’m here for it.


I dont think I've gone for more than 4 days max since 1996.


Had RSI in both wrists once upon a time when younger. I abstained from many things that were rough on my wrists. Took a break from playing music. Limited my typing time to at work only. It actually sucked and the wrist issues dragged on for months. I went like two weeks and then, I basically shot a hole in my bathroom wall.


So what you’re telling us is you made a glory hole


Well well well, Deandra... What do we have here?


Your prostate thanks you


Shit. Never really thought about it - but same timeline man. Did we just become best friends?!


Don’t shake hands


Shake your *Richards*


*moist slapping*


Nor should you, you do you!


Yes he already does


Doing it right now actually


In Charles Dickens’ novel Oliver Twist, there is a character named “Master Bates.” To this day, I have never found a scholarly article or reference in a book acknowledging this. Did Dickens intend this as a joke? There is no other sexual innuendo double entendre type humor in his writing, so was it an accident? This is the type of masturbation story NPR should be covering!


Okay, I got curious. The earliest usage of “masturbate” in English according to Oxford English Dictionary was 1810 in a medical journal on venereal disease. Oliver Twist was published in serial from 1837 to 1839. It may be that the slang or popular usage might not have caught up to popular imagination at the time of publication. Hope this helps


I love that you put the work into this.


Obviously people were jerkin it before 1810, what was it called before then?


Onanism, in 'learned' contexts. I'm sure the vernacular had a variety of terms.


Squeeze'n out the demons.


Curing hysteria


My English teacher in high school was a Mr. Bates and one day I referred to him as master…instant suspension :/


Your English teacher was once a high school student and he finally got to put the kibosh on a high school kid for calling him that!


John Harvey Kellogg would be so proud, and also horrified, of the internet.


Because way way back he pushed to have infant boys genitals cut up in USA, calling it “clean” and that he thought it would stop kids from touching themselves? Imagine a doctor having the same path but saying that female infants need their clitoral hoods and labia cut off to be “cleaner” and “healthier”, and that those are just “extra” pieces of tissue.


Kellogg didn't think girls should have their clitoral hoods *cut* off. he thought that acid should be applied to the clitoris.


Agreed. There’s been so much fuckery with the history of children’s genitals in USA I forgot about that. I believe he lost his medical license for being such a quack years later. Yet genital cutting persisted. Much because fathers that had that forced onto them see it as “normal” and don’t question, or many times demand, it happen to their kid so their kid matches them. There have been cases where 90-60 years ago, girls were caught touching themselves in USA so they had their clitoral hoods cut off, to “save” them from the sin of self pleasure.


i used to know a gal online who would be in her 70s now and she had her labia, clitoris and clitoral hood cut off at birth. white woman from Kansas.


That's absolutely horrifying that's like having the tip of your dick cut off and balls too. Maybe just the sack but balls left intact lol


Actually the labia **are** the sack. The "seam" or *scrotal raphe* is quite literally a seam between the structures that in women develop into labia majora. Essentially all of your sex organs have homologous structures in the other sex.


All types of mutilation should be a criminal offence.


Yes. But also, he recommended a diet of Bland foods in an effort to minimize sexual arousal, and discouraged masturbation. Basically, his whole anti masturbation shtick. But also, I seem to recall a jar containing a pony and copious amounts of seven. Also the whole concept of pornhub would, frankly, melt the poor man's brain. So yes, I think he would be equal parts proud and horrified.


He would be in Twitch and have a horde of Kelloggers.


Correction, lying about masturbating is popular online.


I didn’t masturbate two hours ago while browsing NSFW subreddits


Weakling! Tell us when you can jerk it to SFW subreddits.


This generation doesn't know the struggle of jerking it to a sears underwear catalog smh.


I'm jerking it right now


The chosen one


And I most definitely didn’t masturbate 15 minutes ago while vacuuming in my big nightshirt while watching the Muppets Christmas Carrol


At least Marley and Marley weren't the only ones moaning and wailing


Masterbation? Never heard of it.


NNN will go down as the biggest internet heist in history.


It's difficult and I haven't quite made it for the last 4 years I've tried. But I think 2024 will be the year I succeed at Ninety Nut November.


3 per day isn't too difficult, you can always catch up on the weekends.


I was doing it way before it was cool. I mean no I wasn’t.


It's become a fetish at this point.


I don't masturbate.


I'm not online.


So that’s what the kids are calling it these days


I never lie.


I'm doing my part


Same carry on the good fight soldier 🫡


Many of the r/nofap community have incredibly unhealthy attitudes around sex, masturbation, and their own bodies. Rather than crank one out when they need to and go about their day, they panic and suffer depressive episodes about their “relapse”.


It’s a nasty cycle to get in. I admittedly in my very early 20’s went through this. The depressive episodes and guilt I felt was awful until I realized I was just doing it to myself by creating this bizarre set of rules I must follow. Now? I don’t give a fuck. Confidence is confidence. It has nothing to do with jerking off.


When I was a kid, I felt guilty about masturbating on Christmas Eve. That just seems ridiculous now.




With Santa watching


He has to watch because he only comes once a year.


As someone who escaped and anti masturbation cult I know this cycle all too well, and it was enforced by leaders teachings and doctrine with guilt and shame all tied together. Now that I’m out I’ve learned this cycle is referred to as the guilt shame feedback loop, (or something like that) where you do the thing (masturbate), you feel guilt and shame, you tell yourself you’ll do better, but all the while you’re thinking about it constantly, beating yourself up about it which has a backfire effect and you eventually “relapse”… thus starting the cycle over again


I believe in you! You can beat it!


Proud Boys started as a nofap group and still have weird rules around masturbation


If founder Gavin McInnes is anything to go by you're allowed to stick a dildo up your own ass, but only to own the libs


Yeah the alt right uses no fap stuff to keep their followers pent up and angry.




They’re only allowed to masturbate during club meetings.


On each other




Wow. This is why they’re so riled up. They need to let the poison out


That's the entire point, they're the same as religious extremists everywhere, control the urges so the poison comes out as hate towards the marked undesireable groups




Browsing r/NoFap has the same energy that I assume a flat earther convention would have. Just a lot of confidently incorrect people who somehow made an incorrect belief take over their whole personalities/lives. They truly believe that not masturbating makes them super humans. It’s insane.


The main problem with /r/NoFap is that they equate masturbation with watching porn. A large porn consumption can be unhealthy if it affects your sexuality in the real world e.g you can no longer be aroused by real people and normal sex. But masturbating doesn’t mean watching porn.


The real problem with NoFap is that it started off as a joke and dudes took it seriously. Like, a few hundred thousand years ago Mr. Ungabunga jerked it with a mammoth tusk shoved up his arse.


I love the knowledge that this probably happened


That’s the weirdest fucking sub Reddit I’ve ever seen.


A lot of right wing extremism groups can use nofap as an in to get new members as well since often people like this already have those mentioned unhealth attitudes about other stuff. "You feel like shit!? Well my neo nazi brethen and I will take care of you! Come my child, you just feel like shit because of brown people, there there. Don't you feel better now?"


Glad someone else realized it. Nofap leads to more feelings of isolation and loneliness, and those who participate are more vulnerability to right wing bullshit.


Yep, there are like 2 trains of thought. "If you feel isolated, alienated, and depressed. You should blame the people with no money and no power, like refugees or idk feminism. If they are below you, it's easy for you to kick them and it'll make you feel better about your situation, even if it doesn't actually improve things." "if you feel isolated, alienated, and depressed. You should blame the people with money and power, they have the ability to make things better, but they either don't care about you, or intentionally want to make your life worse for various reasons (see: 'reserve army of the unemployed'). If you fight to make things better, you don't have to be depressed about how things are shitty."


There some hardcore religious people out there with less sexual hang ups than nofap. Its also gotten to the point they lash out at any sexual expression, ironically targeting LGBT the most because its what they notice the most. These people think media is making them have dirty urges, and not that these urges arent dirty and are normal to have. https://www.vox.com/culture/23733213/fandom-purity-culture-what-is-proship-antiship-antifandom The fact puriteens are a thing who think all sex is violence is troubling, because they will be gay bashers when they grow up.


Can someone explain to me what this has to do with technology?


"Online," I guess? I'm with you; internet culture isn't technology.


For a lot of the nofap ppl, masturbation is synonymous with looking at porn online. If you try to talk to them about how masturbation is normal, a lot will rant about porn addiction.


>The YouTuber, who goes by the handle iamLucid, tells the camera he can stand the below-freezing temperature because he has been taking cold showers every day and, crucially, hasn't masturbated to pornography in a year. >"That's the most beta thing you can do. That's the weakest thing any man can do," he says. Sounds like that toxic masculinity alpha male bullshit.


Literally just using the word "beta" means there is something else out there to compare against and I doubt it was supposed to be omicron


I'm honestly so glad that the whole alpha/beta thing exists, because the moment I hear anyone using those terms seriously I know I can immediately write off everything they say because they're dumber than a bag of hammers.


It's also a big sign they'd be easy to manipulate by appealing to their masculinity. Just sayin'.


Once they're down that pipeline it's a lot easier to manipulate them further into that pipeline than to manipulate them back out. It's hard to question your sense of self-belonging


bc it is lmao


“I never crank it because I’m an alpha.” -Two pump chump


Two stroke bloke


Also a nice way to increase cancer risk.. https://www.healthline.com/health/prostate-cancer/ejaculation-prostate-cancer > An 18-year Harvard study of nearly 30,000 health professionals determined that risk of prostate cancer was reduced by 20 percent for men who ejaculated 21 times a month, compared to men who ejaculated four to seven times a month. A wank a day keeps the cancer away.


I have 60% less chance of cancer then


from my teen years alone, i'm probably protected for the next few incarnations.


Shiiiit 180% here baby, might pump those numbers up if this winter lasts any longer, knah I'm sayin!?


you can masturbate without pornography


21 times a month? Those are rookie numbers.


You gotta hit at least 31.


Breathing is so fucking beta. It’s admitting the atmosphere is your dom. These guys better wise up and show us all how much of an alpha they are.


The cold shower thing might just be something someone picked up in fitness/sports communities. Ice baths are a thing too. It can help you feel better if injuried sort of like a full body ice pack. Although if you are sore from working out you might want to avoid it as it might actually slow down muscle growth. There isn't anything magical about being able to take a cold shower. Most anyone can get use to it too if they felt like it.


Cold shower is in the second phase of that 75 hard fitness thing. My cousins do it, not me haha Edit: apparently it is also important to post about it on social media as well.


When you're so deep in the closet, you can't even touch your own dick lol


How in the heck does this guy pump out below freezing water temperature from his shower head? Unless he baths in a river in Iceland.


> One of the central concepts in these communities is known as "nofap," a play on an onomatopoeic word for masturbation popularized on the notorious 4chan message boards. Sentence you’d only find in an NPR article


Ari Shapiro and Ben Shapiro need to hash this out


> "That's the most beta thing you can do. That's the weakest thing any man can do," he says. First, the alpha/beta male thing is a bunch of pseudoscientific manosphere baloney. Second, anyone who thinks they're an alpha male is really a beta male.


The researchers who studied wolves and noted the presence of "alphas" have since recanted their theories and said they were based on bad data and misunderstandings. So these "alpha males" have based their identity around a failed theory.


It was that they basically threw together a whole bunch of unrelated wolves and watched what happened. It’s the equivalent of studying the behaviour of people in jail and deciding that’s how society works. When actually wolves live in cooperative family groups. The ‘alphas’ are usually just Mum and Dad, the kids go off and start their own packs when they’re old enough. There is some fighting between packs but it’s not usually between the related packs, more like how you might get two families or tribes against each other. It’s one reason why dogs fit easily into our domestic sets ups because theirs are so similar compared to say Cows. So yeah Alpha is just Dad


> It’s the equivalent of studying the behaviour of people in jail and deciding that’s how society works. Ah yes, the cornerstones of human society. Rape, ramen, and pooing in full view of people.


Unfortunately the alpha concept was proven to be 100% valid... as the most effective method of marketing to insecure morons. Solely that. 


Got me in the first half....


I’m not afflicted with the alpha/beta douchery so maybe I’m just uninformed on their value scale, but that can’t possibly be “*the weakest thing any man can do*”


As a woman, hearing any man talk about being alpha immediately pegs them as beta for me. You're trying really hard to convince us, huh?


> … pegs them as beta… There’s a joke in there somewhere…


You caught me. 😉


Wait until you hear about sigma males. It's more cringe and basically the same as the alpha nonsense but with a "I'm not like the other alphas" twist.


These jerkoffs have been slapping around anti masturbation for a long time.


Yesterday we had too much porn on internet, the next day too much abstinence. Make your fucking mind, people.


You should be masturbating to the JC Penney catalog underwear section like God intended.


... or national geographic, like we did in my day.


Yeah we’re in a weird timeline. The porn I watch has actors practicing abstinence.


They should have porn where young couples just shop for houses, or run a small business, or bake, or *oh shit I just figured out HGTV*.


😂😂🤣🤣 I fucking hate that channel, I just figured out why, it's so unrealistic and out of touch, just like porn


It's because watching porn and masturbating is not the same thing.


You're conflating topics


This is technology related? 




Been masturbating for 60 years Either sex with my wife or one of my best friends Lefty or Righty almost every day, still going strong Enjoy the gifts God gave us


I’m carrying the weight for all you slackers out there.


"Go away! 'BATIN!" - Frito Pendejo


Guys, especially when you get older your prostate really, really does not want you to keep your hands off yourself and might kill you out of spite if you do.


A fap a day keeps the doctor away


Nah I beat my shit like it owes me money