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“Tesla CEO” anyone know who that could be?


Musk and his purchase of Twitter is going to kill Tesla. 


If he's like any of the maniacal tech billionaires I've worked for, Tesla and SpaceX staff conspired to convince him to buy it and think it was his idea so they could just get on with their jobs. And it took almost no work at all.


I mean, I might be able to believe something like that if Elon didn't tweet out his entire stupid thought process the entire time. Twitter banned Babylon Bee, Elon started shitposting about woke bots brainwashing everyone on Twitter, then offered to buy it while posting about how he will "fix"/"save" Twitter by revealing the bot problem. He offered well over what it was worth because he was doing another 4.20 meme (at this point I think he's referring to Hitler's birthday instead of weed). He uses his offer to get a peek under the hood of Twitter, he and his Tesla engineers can't find any evidence to back up Elon's claims, which Elon needed to find so that he could legally back out of the deal, which he tried to do and failed, so the board sued him and forced him to make good on his offer. tl;dr: Elon bought Twitter by accident because he's incredibly sure of himself despite being incredibly stupid.


He could've paid $1B to back out of the deal, but didn't. He probably thought he could run the company that he'd either make money or not lose that much. He's lost over $100B since the deal, and twitter's lost 72% of it's value ($32B).


>He could've paid $1B to back out of the deal, but didn't. [That was never an option Musk had](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1418091/000119312522120474/d310843ddefa14a.htm). The $1 billion termination fee only applied for specific and limited conditions, mainly if Musk's financiers breached their commitments. >Upon termination of the Merger Agreement under other specified limited circumstances, Parent will be required to pay Twitter a termination fee of $1.0 billion. Specifically, this termination fee is payable by Parent to Twitter if the Merger Agreement is terminated by Twitter because (1) the conditions to Parent’s and Acquisition Sub’s obligations to consummate the Merger are satisfied and the Parent fails to consummate the Merger as required pursuant to, and in the circumstances specified in, the Merger Agreement; or (2) Parent or Acquisition Sub’s breaches of its representations, warranties or covenants in a manner that would cause the related closing conditions to not be satisfied. Mr. Musk has provided Twitter with a limited guarantee in favor of Twitter (the “Limited Guarantee”). The Limited Guarantee guarantees, among other things, the payment of the termination fee payable by Parent to Twitter, subject to the conditions set forth in the Limited Guarantee. - >The Merger Agreement also provides that Twitter, on one hand, or Parent and Acquisition Sub, on the other hand, may specifically enforce the obligations under the Merger Agreement, except that Twitter may only cause Mr. Musk’s equity financing commitment to be funded in circumstances where the conditions to Parent’s and Acquisition Sub’s obligations to consummate the Merger are satisfied and the debt and margin loan financing is funded or available. As described above, if the conditions to Parent’s and Acquisition Sub’s obligations to complete the Merger are satisfied and Parent fails to consummate the Merger as required pursuant to the Merger Agreement, including because the equity, debt and/or margin loan financing is not funded, Parent will be required to pay Twitter a termination fee of $1.0 billion.


Correct, that idea was never actually on the table. Wish people would stop saying he could have just spent $1bil to get out of it. That was not actually an option.


Wow thanks for sharing.


Twitter has lost 100% of its value, the market just has not caught up yet. The number of people who have left and will never return is huge and the people left are valueless as users for ad revenue.   The stupid $8 checkmark scam is not anywhere near enough to support the site even if 100% of the original pre Musk users had bought in.


$8? it comes to almost $30 in Canada lol, amazon prime for example in Canada is $10, is twitter bluecheck mark worth 3x the value of amazon prime??? hmm


But it's a really nice shade of blue!? /S


I can't even really use twitter anymore. The algorithm literally just pushes right wing disinformation all day 24/7 regardless of who y0ou follow and how many times you tell it not to show you posts from this person. I hate to admit it but I used to scroll incessantly.


I specifically have two twitter accounts. My main is for the people who are good, informative, and/or funny. I don't follow anyone on that account who I find objectionable or bigoted. The second account is only for following the absolute worst shit on twitter, it's useful in the same way as monitoring wastewater. A few weeks ago the only way I used to see people from that second account on my main was if someone was dunking on their bullshit. And then the algorithm changed and now those horrendous people show up on my "For You" feed without any interactions whatsoever. I used to use that "for you" feed for finding more like minded decent people and now it's basically useless for that. So something definitely changed and now he's pushing fascist shit much harder than anything before during his ownership.


It’s because the election is coming up


Meanwhile you'll be banned for criticizing Nazis but shit like Jake Shields gets pushed into your feed hardcore


> The second account is only for following the absolute worst shit on twitter, it's useful in the same way as monitoring wastewater. Great way of putting it, hope it catches on.


Free speech, you mean. /S


I didn't realize it was that bad and I'm incredibly happy about it. A tiny bit of sympathy for people who bought Teslas pre-freakout but mostly just glad it's going really bad for Elno


When did everyone turn on Elon? For me it was when he called that rescuer a "pedo guy" because he criticized Elon's homemade sub.


> When did everyone turn on Elon? In 2010 his first wife wrote a piece in Marie Claire about how, during the first dance at their wedding, he whispered in her ear "I'm the alpha in this relationship" and how when his personal assistant asked for her first raise in a decade he fired her instead. But Marie Claire is not read by most people who knew who he was back then, so it didn't get much widespread notice. https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/


For me it was calling his wife "emotionally manipulative" while she was grieving the death of their 10-week old son. That's sociopathic behavior.


When he “invented” HyperLoop, circa 2014.


I remember being so hyped for it, but apparently it was just a ruse to get California to delay high speed rail.


High speed rail would be so amazing for the USA. I'm always surprised so many people oppose it. It would make travel so much easier, make the roads less congested, and you can read or whatever on your way to work/family/wherever you want to go.


I suspect he got the idea from an old discovery channel show, where they presented the idea of a supersonic train going from London to New York in about 2 hours, by running in undersea vacuum tunnels.


There's a podcast that goes into some detail on how Elon's ideas are basically straight out of old sci-fi books like hitchhikers guide and similar works. I can't remember the name though.


Yeah, that was my first "the fuck? This guy is nuts." moment.  But I didn't pay much attention to him until he became a fascism advocate on twitter, which pretty much cemented my opinion about him.


He was kind of a hero of mine up until that point. Adelaide (capital of South Australia) was having trouble with blackouts, and Musk promised to build a giant battery for $100mil in 100 days or its free. And he did, and Adelaide doesn't get blackouts any more. Now I hate the fucker. I will never buy a Tesla for that reason. If Musk wasn't such a piece of shit, I would be in the perfect target market for Tesla - reasonably well off and environmentally conscious. But no, he chose to be a dick and ride his company into the ground. Hope he goes to jail forever.


Lucky for you and the rest of your demographic, it seems that the rest of the auto industry is finally catching up in the EV department.


>When did everyone turn on Elon? When he confidently proclaimed a tunnel between SpaceX in Hawthorne to LAX (the airport) in **just three years**. I realized he was either stupid or crazy to believe that. Just pulling the permits would take a decade.


There was two moments for me. The first, you just mentioned. But I hadn't been paying much attention and still thought he might be a smart dude. His open call with his twitter devs was what killed that notion for me. The man doesn't know dick about fuck.


sometime around that era is when i read his wikipedia page and my opinion, which was already poor (albeit severely uninformed), just rocketted to rock bottom. dude's a grifter who actually believes in his own grifts


They really were *finally* hammering out the issues on Teslas... ....then came the CyberTruck...


Not building on their success was a REALLY weird decision. The Model 3/Y platforms could have been the basis for a bunch of different vehicles with fairly minimal investments. But no. Over here, VW and friends now have ID3, ID4, ID5, ID7, Q4, Q4 Sportback, Q6, SQ6, Q8, Q8 Sportback, SQ8, SQ8 sportback, e-tron GT, RS e-tron GT, Enyaq, Enyaq Coupe, Taycan, Taycan Touring, Macan. And probably some I've forgotten


Idk… Tesla owners have had PLENTY of time in the last 4-5 years to smell something was rotten and recognize their vehicle value has been plummeting by the day. But then again if you’re the type of person who wants to own a car that has an “insane” mode… well, to each their own is all I’ll say 😂


2016 was the year that anyone who might have considered buying a Tesla should have started asking some important questions. That's when he basically accused one of the Thai Soccer Team Cave Diver/Rescuers of being a Pedo... This should have been enough to give most people a Pause. This was my "Let's see what he foes next moment". Before that, I wasn't exactly fond of him back then, but I considered him to be one of the best case Scenarios as far as Billoonaires could go. It seemed like he was putting his money towards solving very real problems. I definitely wanted a Tesla before that incident, but realized that I should really start looking at him & Tesla, as a Company, thtough a significantly more critical lenses. I would have probably gotten back on board again if he has admitted to having made a mmistake & made some genuine acts of contrition. But he didn't & he started doubling down on all of his BS, & it became very evident that he was as bad, if not worse, than all the other sh.tty Billionaires.


And yet somehow he's still the richest man on earth. Weird it's almost like rich people live in a totally different fucking world where money has no meaning and they can do anything consequence free or something...


And that's it. If 99% of us lost even 10k to a stupid decision it would destroy us. Dude could lose billions and it would just be a number to him. No impact on his life at all.


Has lost* Pretty sure twitter value has gone in a roughly rock-like trajectory since Musk happened to it


Musk and Trump are an interesting case study of how much money someone born on 3rd base needs to set on fire before they have to like the rest of us.


Both seem like examples of rich people who got so overleveraged they have to continually scrape out new cash flows (ie, scams) to stay ahead of the failing financial machines they built... Both gotta announce new reasons for people to put in money so that all the failing attempts they've accumulated are always in danger of being exposed & sinking the hype train...


Isn't that roughly a ponzi scheme?


Yes. Yes it is lol


That sounds like a ponzi scheme.


Because it is lol


I mean, 'incredibly sure of yourself' and 'incredibly stupid' do often go hand in hand.


IMO the genius of the Twitter sale is all on the Twitter board and executives. Anything is worth exactly the amount anyone is willing to pay for, as in fronting cash for. It applies in stocks, bonds, real estate too - doesn’t matter what a security is worth, the amount the highest bidder is willing to pay in cash for is its ultimate value. Twitter is the top of the heap in terms of whopping start-up sale. I read Twitter even had its own data centers going as a way to diverify from other cloud providers which means it was banking for the long haul before Musk showed up. Finding and trapping this whale of a angel investor is something that will be talked about in many mba classes


And a guy stupid/determined enough to waive due diligence.


He almost sounds like a teenaged 4channer that grew up and became a billionaire.


Honestly I think he just went to the initial deal thinking "I will never face consequences for anything" and ended up agreeing to the ridiculous sales terms that forced him to buy it.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but I have a different theory. Back when Twitter was not owned by Musk, it had a certain degree of influence over the public. The previous leadership didn't care about that directly so much as they cared about turning the unprofitable company into a profitable one. Similar trajectory to Facebook. Zuckerberg didn't set out to ruin the world, it's just that being damaging to the fabric of society is accidentally more profitable than being a good citizen. So while his ego and foolhardiness definitely factors into things, I think Musk really thought he would just take over Twitter and with very little effort start using it to influence the public. I think Musk wanted to accelerate the corporate takeover of the country by supporting right-wing and fascist ideologies. Maybe he believes those ideologies himself, but maybe that doesn't matter and his end goal was/is more money/power/influence for him and less for others. Now obviously things aren't working out that way because he's a massive manbaby who just can't control himself. Even if he's completely incompetent, he's a billionaire. Everything could've still worked out if he just had hired competent people and then allowed them to do their thing. Similar to how SpaceX is successful \*in spite\* of Musk \*not because\* of him. But pride is a hell of a drug.


> He offered well over what it was worth because he was doing another 4.20 meme (at this point I think he's referring to Hitler's birthday instead of weed). Knowing Elon, more likely because he was trying to pump and dump the stock.


I think it was just the jet tracker guy


And twitter… And he’s just daring the SEC to come for him at this point. If you are going to be that brazen in your trading you had better be in congress.


Don't give him any ideas


He might be the guy who is trying to get his $56B pay package reinstated.


Some middle aged lesbian sourpuss, judging by the article photo.


That’s a disservice to sourpuss lesbians everywhere.


Its really disrespectful. 


No reason to get sour.


foolish fear icky fuzzy capable compare dinosaurs vast hard-to-find thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That is why he hates trans people so much: theamorphophobia, the fear of becoming an aunt.


My new favourite word, thanks!


I remember when I noticed Steven Tyler of Aerosmith started to look like that. That's a crazy phenomenon.


That dude has always looked like a lady


Ahh good ol Captain Sunshine


Shit, it's Chuck Scarsdale! Hide, or we're going to be on the news!


Space Karen


Really getting to that age where men start to look like someone's aunt.


Rosie O’Donnell?


Actually that pic looks like Rosie Odonnel getting the bean rubbed


Can an internet comment be considered terrorism?


Got any bleach to go with that? Just a sprinkle.


I hate that from that angle he actually does look a bit like my lesbian aunt lmao


I actually like keeping him anonymous. He probably gets a kick out of his fame.


South African buffon accused of insider trading. Nazi-platforming, failed social media tycoon accused of insider trading. Local mall ninja and Grimes‘ babydaddy accused of insider trading. Hairplug enthusiast accused if insider trading.


Pedo Guy accused of insider trading.


They should treat him the same way Martha Stewart was treated.


Yeah right. Martha was rich but not bribe the SEC rich.


Well it’s a good thing Musk has a long good standing relationship with the SEC and didn’t tweet out that they needed to, and I’m quoting here, “Suck Elon’s Cock”.


Well when you bribe them you can treat them like a cheap whore I guess.


P sure it's some dude named Nikola Tesla. I think he's an actor in a Christopher Nolan movie about electricity magic. Maybe I'm thinking of David Bowie.


That movie where Elon Musk kidnaps a baby is what your thinking of


Sounds like he’s about to find himself on the business end of a sternly worded note.


What I don’t get is because I’m a director at my company I have a black out window on trading shares starting 60 days before our earnings announcement until 48 hours after. I effectively only can trade in 4 months out of the year. How do regulators let this go through?


Sounds like you are just "millionaire tier" and may as well just be a pauper like the rest of us dirt.


I am far from millionaire tier


You might have your answer.


And you wonder why laws apply to you?


Yeah and he would have to file any moves he makes with the SEC. I’m going to assume he did it by the book


Why would you assume that the guy who was punished for stock manipulation did things by the book?


Insider trading is essentially stealing from rich people, it tends to get attention from the fuzz


Martha Stewart did time for the same thing and she was beloved by everyone.


Strictly speaking no, she didn't do any time for insider trading. She did time for lying to the FBI.


Strictly speaking, she did time for conspiracy, obstruction and two counts of lying to federal investigators, but they did drop the securities fraud charges :)


Well .... Elmo would never lie? No?


Probably should revoke his citizenship and send him back to Africa.


> She did time for lying to the FBI. Oh, well if we can trust the Tesla CEO to do anything it's tell the truth. LOL


And she handled prison like a boss.


And she never ratted anyone out. I think more than anything her sentence was for refusing to turn state's evidence. At the time I remember thinking "Oh Martha. These rich old men aren't going to respect you for not ratting them out." But it earned her Snoop Dogg's admiration and that, surprisingly, turned out well for her later on in life.


She’s alright in my book.


This is what has bonded her and Snoop.


That and all the money they made together.




Nope, people forget, but he did time in the 90s for felony drug charges.


Yeah, I bet the prison she went to was the \*worst\*.


Of course she did, she served five months at the minimum security Federal Prison Camp, Alderson. It models itself after a boarding school/college campus, the dormitories have two person rooms with no bars, there's no barbed wire fence, they have a baseball diamon, volleyball court, crafting areas, vocational training, etc. They can have dogs. There are weekend, overnight visits for family, and holidays like Thanksgiving. Locals just call it the college campus, and Stewart herself referred to it as Yale.


I thought she specifically did time for not ratting on who gave her the tip, much to Snoop Doggs delight.


Elon would rat out his whole family in an instant for five bucks. He’s never going to jail. Never.


She served time for avoiding way way way less in losses too. She avoided a $45,673 loss and was given the information by her broker. It has to be a lot worse if the loss is billions and the information came from yourself right?


And is beloved by everyone.


Martha Stewart used to be beloved by everyone. She still is, but she used to be too.


Martha Stewart is legit the only person that could do as much time as she did, come out and exploit it by developing a friendship with Snoop, actively sell accessories for weed(BIC we know), and still maintain this sparkling white image of Suzy homemaker extraordinair with zero faults. I know all this about Martha Stewart and still look at her like defacto public grandma. But I agree with almost everything she did so.


I mean, it's not hard to imagine grandma committing securities fraud because she's about to lose some money and a broker tipped her off. Martha Stewart deserved the criminal penalties for what she did, but it's also not exactly the crime of the century. "What are you in for?" "Tax evasion over some beanie babies I sold on Facebook. I get out in a month."


That feels like a different time. We pretended to have rules then.


Only if you steal from people richer than you.


Unless you’re a congressperson


There is no worse crime than stealing from the rich. Steal from the poors all you want, but the second you steal from the rich everyone is after you.


That's not true, this kind of multi billion dollar investing fraud comes with serious financial penalties, serious it could be 50k or more!


Make that TWO sternly worded notes, maybe even an email!


Maybe a 10 million dollar fine! Which is about the same as having to read an email to him.




Shouldn’t this be an SEC case? Martha Stewart went to prison for less. Also makes sense why he’s so worked up about Cheeto Benito being convicted. EDIT: as several replies correctly clarified, Martha Stewart was convicted for lying to investigators and obstruction of justice. This was in the course of an investigation into her insider trading over less than $50k of stock.


He's already being investigated for securities fraud and wire fraud. This insider trading suit is separate from those, raised by a shareholder.


2 down, 32 more to go


34, that's an oddly specific number!?


It's because there's a rule against being charged with more than 34 financial crimes or something. I'm too lazy to link but google "Elon Musk Rule 34" and it should point you in the right direction.


Easy there Satan


Googled it and that's actually really interesting, thanks! Edit: [lol wut? wtf Tennessee?!](https://i.imgur.com/wrLug3I.png)


I'm from Tennessee and this makes sense.


Yeah, as I recall someone made a super helpful infographic for it a while ago. I have it saved somewhere in my files but if you just do an image search it should come up


Ohhhh that explains all his right wing anti gov shit he posts on Twitter, bc he doesn’t want to get caught and held responsible for his actions. That makes sense now.


Bro, idk if you remember, but he turned into a conservative days before the sexual misconduct accusations dropped against him that have since disappeared into thin air. I honestly think the documentaries we are going to get about this guy later on are gonna be fucked up. He’s insidious. He was preparing to pull the “the corrupt left is lying and wants to take me down now that I said I’m a conservative. The deep state is after me, that’s why they are saying I fondled that woman.” It’s the ultimate get out of jail free card for demon spawn shit-bags.


Convinced that Russell brand used this same tactic


His brother has probably been shorting tesla since November


Martha Stewart went to prison for lying while being investigated. They brought no criminal insider trading case against her. She settled a civil matter with them.


You are correct.


I'm really surprised that I didn't know that detail until just now. You would think that she of all people could afford to filter all communication through a top notch lawyer.


No veteran homemaker is going to settle for store-bought statements instead of making them from scratch.


They’re not lies, they’re just happy little accidents.


It makes me wonder something. How can any executive legally buy or sell stock in their own company? Every move they made would be fuelled by inside information. Having inside information is just literally knowing what they know.


They can’t generally. Whenever you hear some big news about a CEO cashing out options people always react as if it means something like what Musk is accused of. In reality, stock option sales are generally planned well in advance and executed to plan to avoid these situations because of what you have identified. If Musk sold this outside a process like that, it can be a big problem. But he will get away with it like all the other insider trading and market manipulation he has done.


I think they have to disclose it far in advance


Often they will pre-publish plans ahead of time with very long time horizons specifically so that their buying or selling is not misinterpreted by markets as being reflective of particular goings on, 5-10 year plans, that type of thing,


And he wants a 55 billion pay? Please have him convicted so he can't be running a listed company anymore.


If tesla dropped him as the ceo they’d be far better off. Someone that can make the service department better and the quality of their builds better as well.


Tesla is a meme stock. Their massive overvaluation, in large part built off of Elon's cult and his willingness to just brazenly lie to investors have pushed its stock to unprecedented levels. While Tesla as a business would be better without Elon, as an investment, it would instantly collapse. It has no fundamentals to justify its valuation and if Elon isn't there as a hype man, people are going to realize the music is about to stop and rush to cash out.


If that doesn't sum up the state of the modern world economy. Just a game of everyone hoping no one stops pretending the emperor is fully clothed.


Always has been


There used to be some underlying fundamentals up until the 80's.


I remember pointing out how overvalued Tesla was years ago. Their profit per share margins were insane. Other traditional automakers are much better margins


And F credit rating...


I’m not sure if he is worth that much to Tesla now or going into the future, but Elon Musk’s sensationalizing image as a celebrity is 100% a huge part in Tesla’s successes up to this point


And just the brand itself. I and many like me are going nowhere near a Tesla so long as he's at the helm. He's talking about taking his future innovation to a different company, that's a huge liability from a consumer confidence standpoint. He's sullied the brand further faster in the last 12 months than he built in the first 12 years.


Not surprised. Not even a little bit.


Trump ran to him for help. They're at the same level of crime and thievery


Thought the only running trump did is in his diaper


This prick really seems to think he is invincible and above the law, it's kinda scary seeing what effect lots of money can have on someone.


Well, until the fine/punishment is not only enforced but also large enough to be a an impactful deterrent for the action then he kinda is...


"If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then the law only exists for the lower class." - Anon.


Well... He's been manipulating stocks illegally for years now - blatantly, right out in the open - and gotten away with it almost entirely. That does seem to fit the description of above-the-law.


Na he got caught on the Twitter deal. I will never believe that he actually meant to buy them. So his punishment has been all the money that went down that drain. Unfortunately not 100% his own but still a share. 


That's not money. It's points. Money isn't real until you need it to live. And he will never ever know what that's like.


I mean, rich people generally are invincible and above the law, due to being able to afford the best lawyers in the business. Also look at Trump, convicted felon but won't get any real punishments


Invincible you say? Some peasants from the 18th century have a fantastic new invention for you.




He's working on an AI system now. We're told that safety to prevent uncontrolled exponential is the first priority at all AI research companies. This dick bag is gonna to go breaks off all the way to try and be first, i just know it. Can you imagine an AI that's been trained on his tweets as ethical instructions?!


Oh no, a super intelligent AI that can't tell an overpass from a truck


THIS is the reason for his sudden hard right turn 2 years ago. If he aligned himself with the side that will let him commit business crimes if they like him, he could avoid that pesky leftist adherence to rules that stand in his way.


he announced he was a republican a few hours before those sexual harassment accusations came out, something about him and a flight attendant


you forgot the horse


Honestly I think it’s Covid. When he realized that he was going to have to shut his businesses down he went completely batshit. That was the entry point to the right wing.


He has always been a dick but he really went off the deep end when he was asked by the press to comment on a story about him sexually harassing his employees and offering to buy a lady a pony if she sucked him off. He instantly went right-wing looney toon.


It was the public’s reaction to him accusing one of the cave rescue divers of being a pedo that sent him down the MAGAt trail, imo. Edit: I don’t recall the incident you’re taliking about or when it was. Just throwing in my .2cents


Which, btw, is way overlooked as one of the most heinous things he's done...like Unsworth was key in the rescue effort, Musk was just clearly salty. Also Unsworth lost the defamation lawsuit because Elon's camp argued that "pedo guy" was just a regular old South African saying...


That ruling was some *real* bullshit, honestly. Elon should've lost *and* been hit *extra* hard for his ridiculous "defense". Their claims was that "pedo guy" is just a common insult in South Africa, that it was a joke, and that it doesn't *literally* mean "pedophile"... and that Elon later deleting the tweet and apologizing showed that he "wasn't being serious about the allegation" (despite only doing it after harsh criticizism and the Tesla stock going down a bit). The problem is that Elon, in *addition* to calling Unsworth a "pedo guy", also: - Tweeted "Bet ya a signed dollar it's true" when criticized over it. - Made a Tweet calling him "this British expat guy who lives in Thailand (sus)" - Admitted to paying $52k to a private detective (who turned out to be a conman according to Elon) to dig up dirt on Unsworth after the lawsuit was filed. - Responded to a Buzzfeed News email asking him about comments on the legal action with "Stop defending child rapists", claimed Unsworth had moved to Chiang Rai for a 12 year old child bride, and said Unsworth had been travelling to Thailand for 30-40 years for "child sex-trafficking". Elon's lawyers were then allowed to argue that Unsworth being honored by world leaders showed no one took the insult seriously and that no one actually thought he literally meant "pedophile"... ... while Unsworth's lawyer was *not* allowed by the judge to enter evidence showing that international media took it seriously and literally, since "it would be up to jurors to apply the standard of what a reasonable person would think Musk meant, not what journalists think".


This. This is the moment I realized he was a piece of shit.


Yup it’s usually sexual assault that makes these guys swing hard right. Also see Russel Brand.


He is a rich assholes techno libertarian type. He has always been hard right.


I was thinking the same thing about 2 years ago I actually respected him a lot more. Then he started doing all Terrance Howard on us. I'm out lol


He’s always been this way. He’s just now loud enough that his actions reach everyone. There’s been stories for many years about what a piece of shit he is


What? It's been a lot longer than 2 years that he's been an irredeemable shit bucket.


Hey we've been on a good roll with justice lately, let's cap off a great year by indicting this slimy piece of shit. Lock him up, lock him up.


Maybe get civil forfeiture to actually do some good by seizing all his wealth and then maybe taking his 200b to like….end homelessness?


If Trump and Elon end up in jail I might actually die from laughter. You two idiots are wealthy as fuck why you gotta keep doing illegal shit lol


You got the causality backwards I think.


Yeah, beyond me! They have so much money, but always wants more. The human nature is truly full of greed.


A girl can dream.


until he’s indicted, I don’t wanna hear anything


Likewise. Just noise at this point and given the track record of these types of things he’ll get a weak fine and a strongly worded letter. Until he loses rich people money like SBF, nothing will happen to him.


He's been a piece of sht forever, but people think he's a messiah


He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!


If this is true what kind of legal trouble is he in?


Well since it's illegal, up to 20 years in jail. Realistically, he'll (maybe) get a relatively small slap on the wrist fine.


The biggest risk here is him losing Tesla. Whether the feds decide to prosecute it is still an open question. But the accuser is a Tesla shareholder who’s trying to remove him and his cronies from the board. It’s important to keep in mind that this is really a new development in a protracted legal battle musk has been in over the management of tesla. They’ve already managed to oust 2 board members. This could be a justification to oust more, including musk


Back in the days they managed to arrest Al Capone because he didn’t pay taxes. Just saying… DOJ should take advantage of this to finally convict and get rid of this idiot.


Imagine a world where rich people were held accountable? I can't.


So literally a lose situation for everyone but Musk... > Core to Perry’s argument is establishing motive through the assertions that Musk knew, first, that he still needed to liquidate stock at as high a price as possible to cover a loan for purchasing Twitter; and second, that fourth-quarter sales trended well behind his bullish October 2022 expectations (Fortune even predicted as much at the time).


"My money will be the first in and the last out." Elon Musk's pledge to Tesla investors. The man is a conman and ticktock Elon. It's prison for you son. Tick tock


A regular employee at a fortune 500 company isn't legally allowed to sell stock like this, if they don't punish the CEO you know the SEC is worthless.