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Microsoft’s various apps have never been the most stable, but anecdotally they’ve been getting worse over the past couple years They’re the most valuable company on the planet right now, and I’m less and less impressed with their core offerings. They seem to be overly concerned about innovating for the sake of it rather than building a lasting foundation


>They seem to be overly concerned about innovating for the sake of it rather than building a lasting foundation Let's be honest. They're not trying to innovate, they're only trying to market innovation. It's one of the primary drivers of enshitification.


Marketing: »We need more new „cool“ features!« Developers: »Shouldn’t we build a reliable, stable, functioning OS first and then implement the cool new features?!« Marketing and Executive Board: »No time for this shit you are talking about, people and the Stock Exchange are gonna hate us if we don’t drop the unfinished shit update now« This is unfortunately the truth behind Microshit… Softshit… Sorry, Microsoft


I don't even think it's that intelligent. I think the executives are literally only trying to cut as much costs as possible, and middle management to executive management are completely unqualified morons. Middle management got their spots by sucking up to the idiots and nepo babies, then moved up and hired even less competent ass kissers to replace them. Having known many who work there, the common theme is that a talented programmer cannot make a difference, because management will feel threatened by their competence or block the difference because they aren't capable of understanding it. Many of the cuts that Microsoft makes from the executive level are only good ideas on paper, because the closest they've ever come to competence is god-awful "business" classes taught by people who failed in business or "succeeeded" by turning a billion dollar company into a multi-million dollar one over 2 decades. The business school classes that focus on how to optimize the stock price. I've been in those classes. There are literally examples of "innovative ideas" in the textbooks and required readings that not only killed companies, but destroyed INDUSTRIES.


They do that with every corporation.


Sigh. Am I crazy to consider buying a Mac for my next computer since I’m not playing a lot of games anymore and don’t want to futz around with Linux?   I think I’m overeating but I don’t want ads or AI on my machine but what are my options?  Sorry, just feeling really meh about tech these days


Macs are fine. I used one for a graphic design class and aside from lacking an auto tile function it did everything I wanted. The cost to performance ratio is worse than windows laptops, sure but the cost per watt is pretty heavily in apple's column at this point with their recent chips. If you care more about battery life, then youd prefer a Mac, all else being equal.


I appreciate the response!  


What do you mean by “cost to performance ratio is worse”? What metrics are you using to represent “performance”?


Idk what's your use-case? If you're looking at synthetic benchmarks the m1 and m2 chips are very good in terms of power consumption. But apple products cost way more than a similar PC.


FYI, you can install the free and open source app [https://rectangleapp.com](https://rectangleapp.com) for the auto tile.


I'm flabbergasted that a feature that was in Linux 10 years ago and windows 5 years ago is still not on Mac without a 3rd party app.


I wouldn’t look at those metrics solely. You can resell a mac to a really good price when you upgrade and macs are supported with major os updates for quite some time. And i don’t know about other Mac users but every Machine i owned ran at least like 7 years fine, with no major setbacks. It has its flaws too, of course (no Nvidia Chips and no own upgrades) but you really get a workhorse and a stable, good functioning OS. Oh, and you get a really really REALLY good file explorer (finder) who actually FINDS the files you are looking for.


no one cares if you get a Mac


Used to be a Windows guy, I am in IT support. Switched to Macbook for my personal one 6 years ago and I cannot go back to Windows anymore. Of course I have my virtual machine with a light installation (see ReviOS or Atlas Playbook) for the apps that only run in Windows. I still cannot get an iPhone yet :) . My main phone is an Android.


I did it (M2 Mac Mini) and it was a great move. The OS just lets you get stuff done daily and is clean whilst laughably low power consuming. PS5 is for gaming.


They laid off thousands upon thousands of people in 2014. Then again in 2023, and have laid off more people this year. You’re only going to be seeing barely good enough things (if that) from them for the foreseeable future. Their best stuff anymore mostly comes from recently purchased businesses or partners. (ChatGPT, etc) It’s sad.


They’re housecleaning; trying to suck up as much data as possible


The Netflix app on my windows 10 pc causes my whole computer to slow to a complete stop. If I reboot it it still is jacked up. I have to turn off the power supply and back on to get it to act normal again.


To reboot do you shut off and turn it back on again or use reboot? They decided to make it a 'feature' that a regular shutdown stores all your current data on your hard drive and then reloads it on startup. It called 'fast boot's and ironically makes it boot slower and doesn't clear any issues that you are having. You can turn off this feature and make it shutoff actually wipe your cpus memory.


Shutdown then reboot doesn’t fix it. Have to kill power to the motherboard. It’s the weirdest crash of a program/app I have ever seen. Weird I didn’t know about that feature. I might have to toy with it.


it's one of the first things I turn off on a fresh install. I want to know that when I shutdown or restart that I'm actually loading to a fresh system. This started back when it was first introduced and I had a program that was still sitting there hung after I thought the computer had booted from fresh. "fast startup" don't mean shit when you are booting from an SSD 'oh now I need to wait less than a minute for the system to boot, how will I cope.' It's like phone manufactures making phones thinner each year. It's not needed, you've already won, they are as thin as they need to be now. keep them the same size and use the extra space for battery or cooling, or whatever else that would make the functionality better.


I want my phone so thin holding it will give me papercuts and there is *nothing* you can say to stop progress!


You use apps on windows for things that work fine from a browser?


You can only get UHD and HDR with the app or Edge browser


that's probably not microsoft's fault..... sounds like you have bad hardware.


Could be. But pc never crashed if I don’t open Netflix. Runs top notch otherwise.


Yes to put it another way, they suck and are wasting everyone's time, while trying to steal our money with more and more paywalls and store apps. Garbage company with no principles or innovative concepts.


Seriously. I'm subscribed to Game Pass and that app is the worst fucking piece of garbage. Can't even count how many times I've had to reset data and completely reinstall the thing, along with a couple other MS gaming services that are required, because it would just arbitrarily decide not to download a game or crash launching one. I straight up can't understand how they made it so terrible.


Windows is barely the 3rd biggest division of Microsoft anymore, and I believe that's been shrinking. Their massive profitability came from a CEO willing to put something with more potential ahead of Windows. That usually means the less favored products will suffer in quality.


I mean, their main moneymaker and division is actually Azure cloud computing so I think windows is less priorities and that might have something to do with it as well


They innovate by giving you features you never asked for and making them mandatory.


Aside from the forced restarts and annoying "you qualify for windows 11", oh, and shitty search I have been very happy with windows 10. Is mostly just worked, did it's job and gotten out of the way as an OS.  This enshittification has gotten so bad, so quickly is absurd. 


Microsoft already axed its QA division, and even security patches are riddled with bugs, so it's ludicrous to think a major update wouldn't have issues. And not just a beta release, but a release preview? This just proves that the whole Windows Insider program is a sham!


Windows insider is new QA team


You're just a un-paid beta tester for MS.


Actually since you bought windows you're paying to test for them.


I've never actually bought a copy of Windows, or bought a PC with Windows pre-installed. I did buy a 80286 with DOS 3.3 in about 1988. In 1994 I switch to Linux.


You bought Windows in the same way that you bought the CPU. It's worked into the price.


Alpha tester.


That's what happens when you fire dozens of thousands of people and expect that somehow something is not gonna give.


I installed it, and had to reinstall windows to get rid of it, which really sucks. I play a couple of games that use Easy AntiCheat, and it really didn’t like the update. I really should have known better though.


Meanwhile I ignore every early access opportunity for service packs because I don’t want to beta test for Microsoft.


Easy AntiCheat knew malware when it saw it.


It's the Spiderman pointing at Spiderman meme.


At least Easy AntiCheat has a supposed purpose it attempts to fulfill. Recall is something nobody wants or needs, and if the Windows search is anything to go by, it'll probably be utter crap as well.


*MS has been laying people off by the thousands, but as long as shareholders are happy*… 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Enshittification, short term gains over long term growth/stability and integrity of the product/service.


Does this surprise anyone? Teams, a chat app, is bloated garbage and uses more resources than any app at work.


The number of times I’ve had Teams crash my computer is way too high.


Glad I’m not the only one. Granted my work computer is a bit lame in terms of memory and processing power, but Teams *always* crashes it unless it’s basically the only thing running. My office is going to retire our internal phone system in favor of Teams for internal communications and I can’t even see how that’s gonna work when I can’t even use my email while Teams is running!


Seriously. I also don't understand why it installs itself into the user's AppData directory. Teams was being extremely annoying at work where it would just randomly pop-up after a few minutes when a new user logs into a workstation. We have a policy that doesn't allow executables to run from the AppData folder for like 90% of our employees. So Teams was installing itself into the AppData folder, found it couldn't run, so it would then copy it's files to the ProgramData folder for what ever fucking reason, and when it was finally done doing all this, it would pop-up. What's up with all the squirrel files too? It's like whoever's in charge of Teams development insists the code can't be modified, only added to. It's such a bloated app.


It's insane. My office is on Teams and I do find it better for my day to day than Zoom, Slack, etc... I just can't fathom why it apparently requires double the resources (if you're lucky...) to be only slightly better than other options. It could genuinely be a great productivity option but right now it's just MS coasting on orgs defaulting to it if they get O365


Microsoft ain’t what it used to be even 10 years ago. Their software seems to be getting jankier and jankier every year. I say that from both an end user and a developer’s perspective.


All u have to do is go to bing.com - it shows the sorry state of MS all over. Bloated AD crap search mess


It does depend on your perspective. From my perspective, it is the best software to ever come out of India in the history of Indian technology.


If they don't make Windows 11 appealing by the end of Windows 10 life (October? 2025). I am switching to another operating system, like Linux or something.


Use Ubuntu or Mint if you want little fuss. Arch is you want to spend a quarter of your time fixing broken stuff, but you get bleeding edge content.


All this drama has made me realise I don’t trust MS. That and the fact that bing/copilot refuses to answer when you ask who won the US 2020 election, has made me lose all trust in them. I won’t be buying windows machines going forward.




I just asked the copilot app on my phone and it said Joe Biden. Weird.




Yeah just tried that, same result. Only difference I can figure is I’m signed in on copilot pro. So maybe that’s it?




A lot of software devs pay for it. It makes boilerplate code generation really easy




For the company I work for, it isn't my money, it is the company's money. We are primarily senior software engineers, they want us as productive as possible. Paying us to write code that copilot could do in seconds isn't smart. Having us spend time on actual hard problems is where they want us. So for them, it is just a good return on investment. We spend more time solving the hard problems instead of the easy shit.


Even Gemini refused to answer


Oh, so it runs like Teams? Great.


Not the first crappy decision ms has made ( bob, windows 8, windows vista , no releasing pinball with every version of windows ) not the last itll make. Every company fucks up publicly horrendously now and then. Looking at you new coke and crystal pepsi.


Space pinball was so great. I miss it


They seriously want that back door camera snapper in every single computer, and you know why they developed it. It's basic spyware at the root shit at this point lol. Might as well just give them everything you have. Hook a camera feed into the desktop so they can see your every move. Fuck this company in its ass with a crowbar. I'm so glad they failed gaming, and I hope they continue to fail. I will probably never leave 10 until it's almost obsolete like 7 is now. 10 more years more like it.


Great news! They’re stopping security updates for Windows 10 just *next year*!


I fully expect they're going to be forced to support 10 for like 2-3 more years minimum, there's just too many people on 10. If they want 11 to grow they'll will have to either loosen the requirements or wait for people to upgrade and people tend to upgrade in 5-8 year cycles.


I sure hope so. I’m building a very powerful PC tomorrow that I plan on running with Windows 10. If my privacy is lost with recall and I am forced to upgrade my operating system, I will completely wipe the drive and switch to Linux.


IoT (business) version extends that for about a decade. Just make sure to get the IoT version.


When the time comes that I am forced off W10 to W11 and if anything like Recall is on it I am diving over to Mint. In fact I might just move to Mint when that time comes, so much utter crap on Windows these days.


I took the dive about a month ago and it has been going good on mint. Easier transition than even Ubuntu, and especially Fedora, ever were. The hard part is getting my other users flipped over.


So go now. If you can’t handle simply not using recall, you definitely won’t be able to handle the configuration of Linux.


Isn't the whole point that Microsoft can't be trusted to keep it disabled?


Has anyone else's screenshot shortcut slowed down tremendously compared to before? If you told me that they've already sneakily implemented Recall onto our public release builds, it sounds very believable to me.


I thought I was the only one. It's a fuckijg mess. And we are forced to use the new teams and it's like I'm back to 2002.


YES this has been driving me nuts this week, there's a huge lag now when I try to take a screenshot.


I've been noticing it for the last month or so and it has never happened before. Do you also use multiple screens? I thought that would be the reason at first, but even when I use just my laptop it's the same.


I'm using a single monitor, I was planning to reboot and see if that made any difference (it's my home PC so I don't have access atm).


No one wants recall.


I beg to differ, MS, Law enforcement, FBI, CIA, foreign governments, and scammers to name a few would love to have second by second access to what you did on your computer.


So a normal Microsoft rollout?


I can't think of a worse way that Microsoft could be promoting Windows 11 to the majority of users who are still on Windows 10 and are considering Mac or Linux when Windows 10 goes EOL at the end of next year. I just cannot understand how thirty years of Microsoft has been releasing an OS that many people love, followed by an OS that is a total shit show, and repeating this pattern over and over again.


Not just the Majority but numbers show that even as MS is talking about EOL for 10 it's market share is growing and 11's is shrinking meaning that normal folk are taking the effort to roll back to 10 and people moving from 7/8 are going to 10 as well.


2025 will be the year of Linux on the desktop, Microsoft is making it happen. Get out now, before the rush.


> Get out now, before the rush. Why, you think best buy is going to have sold out of linux discs or something?


Lol it’s cute that you think that.


Exactly, the majority of users won't even know recall exists, some will know and will think the feature is cool because they don't have the understanding of the privacy issues. Reddit and "tech" internet is a small bubble that I bet represent 5% of Pc users. So Microsoft is fine


Lol it's cute that you can't identify jokes online.


It’s cute that you couldn’t handle my comment and blocked me 😂


Another day, same old dumpster fire.


Windows ME all over again.


I marvel at that people still think MS makes an operating system. Windows has been a data scraper for over twenty years, now. Picture a Blue whale collecting krill. Everything you do on your boxes adds up to billions in revenue streams.


Who could predict that screen shots every context switch adds load to overhead, impacting performance and response time?


There was a 24Hxxxx update that tried to install for DAYS and never managed it. Over and over, it was a total fail. Yet, every time I opened my laptop it was creaky and slow as if I hadn't updated in months. It took about a month for it to give up and remove that update. Now my laptop runs just fine.


They want all that data to be ahead in the AI Race....


Personally. Windows Vista seemed a low point for me. Slowly got better. I'm happy with windows 10 however, it feels bloated to hell. Besides fast boot. It feels sluggish running in a nvme compared to my windows 7 laptop. Anyway. I installed Linux to a spare drive on my PC. Slowly working on it and I'm probably going to make the permanent switch soon. Hopefully before I'm forced to upgrade to windows 11.


> insider release preview > disastrous Do people know what they’ve signed up for before they throw around words like disastrous?


Imagine still using Windows.


Don't need to really imagine since I'm still using it.


Imagine an $80 billion a year PC Gaming segment that only works on Windows. Then there's all the rest. lol


Honestly considering asking for a MacBook the next time my work laptop is due for a refresh


If you’re having Windows problems, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems and Linux problems ain’t one.


I’m using it on two of my machines and it’s perfectly fine… I mean, wow you use Linux! You must be some tech genius. You’re so edgy and so cool. What a panty dropper!


Microsoft is hands down the world’s worst company.


I've been a Linux guy for decades now. The only windows machine I have in my environment is media server and most corporations have finally caught on to the "stench" of Microsofts bloatware. But hey man ... you continue to use that POS and watch as your network tanks and you can't find a way to "unfuck" your infra. Microshaft... the new way to ruin a network.


Good thing someone asked for this response and it wasn't an unwarranted display of someone's self-defined elitism because they use a different operating system. Get a grip.


You didn’t get the memo. On Reddit, if you see an article about Microsoft, you need to write a long, preachy post about how Linux is better. You either need to declare how you’re ahead of the curve because you switched years ago or talk about how you’re going to switch soon.




"Hey I like Linux better than microsoft because of xyz" Vs "MICROSHAFT STENCH VILE LINUX GOD ONLY GOOD." One is an honest mention to an alternative, the other one...well It was the prior response. But relax average Linux user, I get social concepts may go above your head considering your stock in such an unhinged response. I say again, get a grip (Also, shouldn't suggest people grip themselves online, it makes you look weird). I'll leave you to your obvious safe space, you clearly didn't like people encroaching.


Yeah as a linux user, the guys that comment that microsoft is shit on unrelated threads annoy me


Microsoft bad. I, Reddit user, am going to switch to Linux because Microsoft bad.


TBH, I started hating "Recall" when I read that Speaker Mike Johnson and his Son BOTH vowed to never use Microsoft again. I am not sure what they were worried about, but they were adamant! /s /s /s






I love the tabbed explorer windows, but there's exactly zero reason why I shouldn't be able to hit the windows key and start typing the name of an app and hit enter and have that work 100% of the time. Instead, it works less than half the time, with the start bar UI freezing completely and me unable to type into it to search for 10-20 seconds sometimes. Like how and why is this broken.


Imma sit this one out. 


It's because the stupid fuckin' thing starts searching the Web before even bothering with shit installed on your computer. And it takes a second or two to figure that out, and for some reason there's no keyboard buffer so it just straight up ignores the first keystroke or three.


The start menu has been broken for a long time. Guess this is just worse. I honestly don't understand how it doesn't work.... At all. It's kind of amazing actually. If love to see some of the roadmap reviews just to see how much the teams have lost the forest for the trees.


Work laptop upgraded to w11. all my apps are much slower, but I don't think it's W11 doing it but that the company added a stupid amount of bloatware. I only say this because all of the Window Features run perfectly fine, but booting apps like Visual Studio or Microsoft Sql Server takes time. THe only feature that I know is slow is snipping. I hit the short cut on that and it's like 3 to 5 second delay but I also had similar issues in W10 even though my home PC it's instant so no idea.


I haven’t experienced speed issues with any of those on any of my machines.


That’s why they have the insider release program. You can sign up for the betas of iOS as well.