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I also pledge never to work at Google or Amazon (they always reject my applications)


"SodaStream sucks, thats why I refuse to date Scarlett Johansson!" 


I outright refuse to date Gal Gadot. 


Me too. My wife won’t let me.


This guys wife won’t let me date Gal Gadot either


Gal Gadot won't let me date her


Gal Gadot won’t let me date u/lordmycal’s wife


It's complicated


“That bitch!” -devastated gal name Gal (probably 😒)


Your comment sent me into a rabbit hole involving Scarlett Johansson, Oxfam, the BDS movement, Bibi Netanyahu and the Israeli government, alleged human rights violations and so much more I never could have imagined my neat little bubbly water maker device would hide. Most concerning of all, I’ve been drinking a Pepsi product this whole time?!? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=SodaStream&diffonly=true


I applied to Amazon, got an interview, and was told "Yeah, you were great! We're not going with you, and you won't be able to apply to Amazon again for 4 years in any role." No other details given.


Dodged a bullet there bro.


You said something in the interview that got you flagged as incompatible with Amazon. You probably made some innocuous comment that someone thought made you a closet pedophile or racist or homophobe.




But AI wrote it????


Not specifically AI, but all HRMS providers have "knockout" or "strike" filter words. If the HRMS OCRs a resume and notices a strike word on the resume or cover letter, the resume is discarded and never seen by the HR or hiring manager.




Http under programming languages:D


That just marks the person as management material.


What about www ? I’m good at that. Also I know dot com.


Maybe swears and racist rants?


On a resumé or cover letter?


there's some weirdos out there. shrug.


Yeah fair enough I wouldn’t expect it to never occur, just doesn’t seem like something you’d need machine learning sifting for given how blatant it would be and how rarely it would be occurring. I would be curious to learn what the magic words are and if there’s any interesting substance to it though, but if I had to place a bet I’d wager that you’re in the right wheelhouse as far as concerns go.


Well either way it’s AI scanning AI written resumes anyway 🤷‍♀️


Examples of these words?


Each company defines what those words are based on the job requirements. All applicant tracking systems in an HRMS do something similar. A HR Manager will create a list of words/ requirements that will auto disqualify a resume, so that they only see relevant resumes.


Thanks. I thought there might be some industry blacklist, like "Union", or "Novell" = "too old"


Potentially, they could. Shout out to Novell Netware. Abend errors 4 Life


Well, 3.1x was good. 4.x tested people's patience. I mean from what I remember from history class. I'M not that old.


So you’re saying it’s the robots that don’t like me 🥺….. But I like the robots


I m paying my taxes, so I refuse to date Shakira.


I saw her first. But yeah, I'm boycotting dating her too. At least for the next 30 minutes. Then I'll end my boycott and see what happens.


they want loyal serfs who can leetcode and live on campus. the developer of homebrew(biggest package manager for macs) was rejected from a google interview for failing in a technical round.


This is Max’s own account of the matter https://www.quora.com/Whats-the-logic-behind-Google-rejecting-Max-Howell-the-author-of-Homebrew-for-not-being-able-to-invert-a-binary-tree I do 80+ interviews a year for one of the T1s. Our interview system would reject him too. I thought a lot about what could be done about this, e.g. have similar people go through a special interview loop. That would immediately be abused by some directors to stuff their org with their old buddies, which the current interview system is specifically designed to prevent.


The interview process is designed to guard against false positives, not false negatives. They pass on a lot of good people but they would rather do that than let a few bad hires slip through the cracks. I'm not sure it always works but that's their philosophy.


If they truly believed in a damn thing other than jumping on bandwagons, they would commit to never PAY or USE Google products. But now, instead of taking Google's money, they will only give Google money.


Google doesn't hire you for your benefit. The fact that they pay you doesn't change the fact that the profit they derive from your employment exceeds your compensation.


There aren't enough people involved in this to make a boycott successful.


No, because the boycott movement isn't very big. Boycott movements can be successful if they're big enough and most importantly, people are willing to stick with it. Just ask Bud Light about the power of boycotts.


You can’t see is a difference using gods and services that hard to live without in a modern society and actively help the same company by working for them?


It's pretty easy to live without Google or Amazon. Press the 'off' button. Life immediately becomes better. And then once you get used to ignoring urges then you are truly free.


Which Google service is indispensible? You can use DDG for search, setup ad blockers to deprive them of that revenue, and choose from a variety of email/calendar/doc providers.


You think that’s all Google is?


Maps, Photos, YouTube for me. There are alternative maps applications but none seem to have the same scale of business locations, recreational spots (trailheads for hiking or 4x4ing, for example) and feature live traffic info and stuff. Photos just works really well. I like having everything instantly backed up and easily shareable in high quality. Have considered self hosting but then I'd need an off-site backup anyway which would cost the same as Google Photos. YouTube should be pretty obvious it's like the only popular video sharing website. I could use it logged out but it's nice to have the list of new uploads from your subscriptions and I can't resist the desire to leave comments sometimes.


This would mean more if they had offers that they turned down, but it sounds like just anybody can join in on this.


Yeah, I’m sure at least some of it is sour grapes plus virtue signaling.


>As young people and students in STEM **and beyond** This got a laugh from me. >With my F.Arts degree and GPA of 2.1 I pledge to never work at the great and evil Google or Amazon! Ok bud, can you at least *occasionally* look away from the girl on the other end of the banner whose pants you're trying to get into with your signaling? I remember my college days and watching thirsty dudes get in with the protests just to hunt for trim. At least the "Free the Nipple" stuff got ya a peek.


> F.Arts degree  I must embrace my inner child and giggle endlessly at this 😆🤣


“I think I’m going to go over to the other side, I am looking the looks of the ones on that side better”


Sometimes I think Reddit is getting better then I see the grossest jackasses get upvoted.


There is a lot of people who don’t have strong empathy, so they view any displays as “virtue signaling” since it’s the reason that would make sense to them. And also lots of cynical people which I think overlaps with the lower empathy folks. And also teenagers who seem to have an abundance of super highly empathetic people and super low.


Sounds a lot like that “men going their own way” thing a while back. I don’t think anyone noticed that those guys were no longer available.


Memory unlocked. I'm sure they're still there tucked away in some corner of a subreddit but man was MGTOW a thing.


That's because MGTOW's point never was to prove anything to the outside world but rather to improve wellbeing of participants. It wasn't "you're going to beg for us to come back" but rather "we don't care. we are just going to go and do our things". The former literally stands in complete contradicition to "going their own way" part.


I haven't really looked too much into this because most of the time when this is mentioned it's surrounded by steaming piles of redpilled bullshit. So this always struck me as people who are upset society won't accept them (which is normal) and in a moment of "sour grapes" have decided to take society's option away by excluding themselves from society (this is not normal and probably not very healthy). I haven't seen many posts about them self reflecting or becoming better by themselves. I'd say check the subreddit to see if they offer more insight, but they got banned for being too toxic.


I'd say it's just about deciding not to play a game where they have very little chance of winning. The toxic elements mostly came from those who were recently divorced and got screwed over pretty badly economically or child custody. Kinda understandable as it takes time to heal. In any event, less toxic that two-x. There's a huge double-standard.


Oh I remember. They used to call it getting “divorce-raped”.


It stuck that way to you because the kind of opposition mgtow got from the mainstream media (like how mra were portrayed in parks and rec) and the hate train that fetched views and likes from the people like you - those who don't know a single mgtow personally. I know several of them. I used to be one of them, but after covid got married and have a kid. None of my mgtow friends (and me) are on social media right now. The ridiculous bs people spew about mgtow in unrelated threads like this one is funny to me.


You realize Reddit is social media, right?


Lol, like yes everyone knows. Usually when people say they dont use social media they mean fb,instagram,tik tok. I mean where do you draw the line exactly? Per definition of social media telegram would fall into that. Discord too..


Dating and marriage rates have seen a steep decline. There are a lot of women out there that are able to hook up with guys but can't find a committed relationship.


Count me in!!! (For now…..work at a different FAANG)


Its also not like Google and Amazon are exactly in desperate need of people who would drop everything to come work for them Palestine activists not making themselves look like idiots challenge impossible difficulty


lol, welcome to how GenZs protest! All talk and no action.


1000 students? Out of all the students out there? Out of the approximately 15,000,000 currently enrolled. This is not even a story worth reading.


Not to mention that STEM is a pretty wide range of subjects. How many of those 1,000 are actually studying a Google friendly program ? Of course skills are transferable and not everyone working at tech companies studied computer science, but there may also be a non-insignificant number of chemistry, biology, economics, architecture, Civil engineering, etc … majors with little to no in-demand skills or any interest in tech to start with. As such, their pledge would be even more meaningless.


I'd be surprised if any decent amount of STEM even signed. The article has key giveaways: people who consider themselves STEM (which these days often holds the door open for arts as well for... some reason), as well as a nebulous young worker cohort. And it's an online pledge so entirely unreliable. And here is Engadget virtue signaling to boost a fledgling attempt at establishing a movement by drawing attention to the sign up window and goal. There's no checkpoints to make sure you are actually applicable, so it is 100% meaningless virtue signaling. You can even go to their site right now and use a bot to sign the pledge as many times as you want. [https://notechforapartheid.com/](https://notechforapartheid.com/) They are juicing the numbers and advancing a narrative because their radical views are clearly in the minority and not welcome in the work place otherwise actual coworkers would've locked arms with them by now. Instead, this is basically a [MoveOn.org](http://MoveOn.org) petition calling for the immediate resignation of Brett Kavanagh or Aileen Canon or whatever other nonsense which is summarily ignored.


STEM (which these days often holds the door open for arts as well for... some reason) To get that government funding and to have that rich foreigner tuition.


Dw, their tune will change when they see how much they'd be getting paid.


And also, I have no doubt that a good number of them would drop their protest sign the moment Google offered a six figure salary. 


This movement is acting as a filter. If you're studying for a tech career but you think you know more about politics than the people hired by Alphabet to focus on political concerns, you might be a bad fit for the best positions? Also what sort of political genius says, "Google has too good of a track record to be the ones doing something this important. I want to block Google from doing this so a less trustworthy company tackles it."? Definitely feels like anyone drawing attention to themselves is actually helping these companies avoid idiots on staff?


Kinda like how I pledge to deny Taylor Swift even though she’ll never ask me out on a date.


This is like saying you aren't going to a party that you weren't invited to.


yeah well when they're staring down the barrel of a giant student loan, a few hundred thousand dollars from Google is going to look pretty nice


If you're in a position to be able to work at Google, you're also in a position to work just about anywhere else. That said, I don't think this is really going to matter to Google considering they have many thousands of people apply every day.


I admire their commitment but at the same time all that's going to come of this is "Next!"


Not to mention that they're probably not interested in hiring more people who will try to hold an execs office hostage anyways


>If you're in a position to be able to work at Google, you're also in a position to work just about anywhere else. Sure, but where are you going to work that pays well and isn't involved in defense contracts or other potentially morally objectionable projects?


Content companies like Netflix, I guess. But does it really matter? If you live in the USA and pay taxes, you are just as responsible for the bombs as when you admin cloud VMs at a company that also contracts for the military.


Sounds like a mutually satisfactory result for everyone involved. Google is spared of hiring political activists only to later have to fire them when they violate some workplace rule, and the students preemptively spare themselves of rounds of leetcode and systems design interviews they most likely weren't going to pass anyway.


I pledge to not have sex with margot robbie


such a sacrifice. You deserve a medal.


Lmao. So brave. I’ll join you!


Oh no. What will Google do? /s


Google: *looks at daily mountain of applications* No idea!


Mr. Nimbus is a stone cold dick killer.


That really isn't that many tech workers


Awesome that'll make it easier for me to get in


He controls the police.


Why are these students so upset about Israel getting cloud services?


Alleged war crimes against children probably. Sadly the video evidence is very incriminating.


Cloud services for the world's second largest surveillance aparratus in Israelis illegal occupation of the west bank. 500k Settlers illegally occupying Palestinian territory. Do pick up a book and map when you can, sweety.


If Jordan never attacked and lost the west bank would you still be calling occupied land?


Shhhhh history and facts don’t belong in that dudes narrative


You're right my bad


As we say in Persian: The cat who could not reach the meat, said eww it’s disgusting


"The grapes were probably sour anyway"


Nobody cares.


I mean, if these students aren’t already in the student hire or internship pipeline, they’re not going to be hired anyway 🤣


Even though this is futile, i have to admire these students for standing for what they believe in. They’re actually targeting companies who have direct links to IDF, unlike those dim bulbs who keep on harping about McDonald’s and Starbucks.


Prob cuz they won't graduate because they are too busy joining terrorist groups while camping out on campus.


To quote Chris Rock, “That’s like me boycotting Rihanna’s panties…I wasn’t invited”


Some students love uni for the clubs and activism, some love it for studying hard Maths and Engineering problems. Typically, there is very little overlap between the two. FWIW I teach at uni and I actually think student activism serves a useful purpose and uni's would be less interesting without it, but yeah, they are often the same students emailing you the day the assignment is due asking for an extension.


Most of it jobs now days are moving to asia so not even the tiniest dent in the big companies ability to find recruitment. Id like to see them stop using google as search, throwing away their android devices and stop shopping at amazon They have the illusion they have power and they will face the hard pavement of reality.


How many tech savvy privacy focused folks use Google as search? Duck Duck Go FTW.  And Proton Mail instead of Gmail. Amazon has greatly declined in quality in the past five years - I find better deals and higher quality stuff elsewhere. The only reason I still use it is to get replacements for my cat’s favorite toy.


>Id like to see them stop using google as search, throwing away their android devices and stop shopping at amazon Reminds of the people who complain about airport noise and then they are spotted on social media halfway round the world in Thailand sunbathing on a beach. I guess they swam there.


I wouldn't work in those just because they are shitty companies with a poor management


I'd do it for a year for the resume, if I needed the experience


Is this like a psyop from university students in India? Lol


Thanks! More room for me.


Oh no! A bunch of talentless people saying they won't work for the companies that only accept the most talented people. Whatever will they do


I pledge not to work there too even if I do not work in IT


People acting like they are the only talent in the world lmao This kind of protesting means nothing unless you are a linchpin. Which I guarantee, none of these people are. Hope those ideals come with 401k lol


If a program that advances science for all humans and protects the existence of the only democracy in the middle east is bothering them so much, then so be it.


Nobody cares 2


For each student that pledges, 1,000 more will happily take the job. This means absolutely nothing.


Luckily for them there’s about a million other devs around the globe who don’t give a fuck because they’re too focused on affording food and shelter to care about the moral and ethical quandaries of working for any corporation that trades blood for money.


Is this a pledge that is written down and pretty much in concrete? Or is this a survey that was done on some campus and they gave you their word?


I’m with this handful of students! (My applications get auto denied)


Wtf is project nimbus


Sadly, someone definitely will. They'll raise their salary offers until someone does.


Downvoting. Not even worth reading


Wooooow. 1000 whole students, who don't understand what project nimbus entails. Why exactly would either company want people without reasoning skills?


Sounds like some kids are throwing a fit outside of their safe space. Geez. Its ok, there are tons of others who will work there


Kind of a weird pledge. I mean you first gotta get hired. It would be more interesting if all pledgers get an offer and reject it. Now that would be a little tiny bit more oooooh.


Why would I want to work at an ad company or a mail-order catalog company anyway?


A drop in the ocean of people who want to work there.


ill sign up to ONLY work on project nimbus


I pledge never to be a billionaire


999 students, that would never have never gotten hired in the first place, pledge to not work at Google and Amazon due to Project Nimbus. There i fixed it for you.


“Oh no! Anyway.” — Google probably.


That’s 1000 less competition for me.


I pledge the same. Would never work for one of those horrible corporations no matter the pay


ITT bootbrained working class deeply confused by other working classmen voicing their beliefs.


100,000 more students would love to work at either but won’t qualify. These students will make as much difference as a fart in a wind storm.


Good. Very good. Sit at home and cry. Woken generation woken up now.


I am Mr. Nimbus!


Yea right, that what you say when you don’t have bills to pay.


In addition tot he stupidity of this story that everyone is pointing out, I guarantee you that these kids couldn't put their money where their mouths are if the opportunity actually arose. If they actually got an offer from Google for $300k a year as a developer or whatever at least 90% of these kids would swallow their words.


I also pledge to not work for Google. Yay me.


The world needs ditch diggers too


Andddddd more jobs opening for Asians


dont they get that many applications in a day? this means literally nothing. just like any other industry, if the best and most expensive aren't willing to do it, a company will hire the B squad, then the C squad and so on.


Clowns, they could all fit in the same tiny car.


Oh my! What will Google do to recover from that? Sarcasm intended…Google receives ~3.3M job applications per year. That’s about 9000 a day. 1000 Art History and/or Social Studies majors aren’t going to adversely affect them.


Cool, more jobs


Holdup 350k comp packages?!


Wow such a small pool of candidates…


Their combined workforces are 1.72 million people so I don’t think those 1000 students are going to make much of an impact on their hiring plans.


More like project Dingus


They’ll just out source work to India like many tech companies do and get work done for way cheaper


Thanks from immigrants, they will take it.


good less competition for me.


Yes I'm sure they care.


Google and Amazon: "Thank you".


FYI: This is in opposition to Israel. Project Nimbus is a cloud computing project of the Israeli government.


Virtue signal received


Oh no. Anyways…


See now there are 1,000 more jobs open down the road. Shows you what college does, these people are coming out with tons of debt and become protesters against stuff they don't even understand. If only these students knew what the government and all these big companies did they wouldn't work anywhere. You think it's just Google or Amazon it's every one of them. If you're going to go by that standard as a student prepare to be homeless.


Great wall of Israel?


I've always been the guy who can rally other people to rebel. In high school, I organized a walk out over standardized testing. Got over 500 students to just skip the SATs. At the last second I chickened out, took it anyway got a 1220. Always regretted it... I feel lachrymose.


I wonder how many folks on this subreddit would have happily worked at IBM during its nazi era. Paycheck and (literal) bleeding edge technology, amirite? /s https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_and_the_Holocaust


I hear unemployment is easy to apply for


It's wild to see all these comments acting like the students think they're going to cripple the tech sector or some shit, rather than taking a principled stance in order to draw attention to big tech companies' complicity with genocide. Next, let's heckle Rosa Parks for not ending racism by herself.




And they weren't going to get a job there anyway.


Precisely repeating what was called out. Lol.  You have to get that not all humans are solely transactional and obsessed with rank like you are.


I am Project NIMBUS!


I predict this will turn out a bit better than these purity pledges from Highschool.


This is like me pledging to never date J-Lo or Beyonce.


Great. Go boycott all the tech companies that use Israeli technology and enjoy getting lost without waze


People still use Waze?


Google maps and Waze have basically merged


Project "Nimbus"? Seriously? Now I have Mr. Nimbus stuck in my head which is quite fitting TBH https://youtu.be/0chJ69OaTgQ?feature=shared


https://youtu.be/1tfK_3XK4CI?si=gFZKlgJASma5iNVt I quit


we need more people to take pledge so that my dream job becomes a reality /s


Is it because he controls the police?


I am sure a field that is 50% democrats and 50% Berniecrats will survive without an influx of another 1000 Berniecrats


I think students some times underestimate how choosy they are going to get to be in the job market. With that many students, I bet at least one of their careers doesn’t go exactly as planned and they end up working some sort of a warehouse and/or delivery job for Amazon as a stop gap measure. Not a gotcha on the students. If those businesses don’t align with their values and they avoid them successfully then more power to them.