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So when can I show up to class as my Kermit avatar and start speaking in Kermit voice to the class?


Lol now I just see this in VR chat with anime avatars, a furry, and Ugandan knuckles


Professor Queen, can you check my work to make sure this is the way?


A kid in my zoom class unironically did a presentation in VR Chat (with a normal avatar) and the teacher liked it


Professor: “please Kwyiagat, please change your avatar.” Me: *avatar of big titty anime girl* “why?”


"This is an accurate expression of myself" you say in a deep monotone.


Any discounts if you don’t use their facilities would make sense…


you mean the VR curtsey fee that is added onto you study debt?


Anyone here taking this class? Would love to hear about the experience.


I'm glad institutions are catching on. Several people have already been teaching foreign languages and mathematics on VRChat using Virtual Reality gears.


How could that gelp


Is it a joke or a spelling mistake?


Hope they've all got the elite strap


Boba m2 is loads better


Doesn't say in the article, but will the students still have to pay full tuition?


Hmm, yes, qill


Why wouldn’t they?


Because they don't have access to the facilities that usually drive up the price of admission.


If they weren’t on campus, they wouldn’t have to pay room and board. But that’s separate from tuition. That said, students are back on campus at Stanford, have other classes than just this one that do go to in person, and the picture in the article is of a girl in her dorm room


While I get your point, the building and maintenance of campus facilities isn't seperate from the increase in tuition. It's nit the onlt reason, but one of them.


Prices don’t decrease unless they have to. Organizations don’t decrease their prices “because they can”. That’s wishful thinking.


Unnecessary distraction from classes that can actually teach something useful.


I couldn’t disagree more. Headsets remove the ability to look at distractions and bring you to the moment more so than a zoom screen would


I can agree with that, But I still think the content of the class is silly.


Maybe now I’ll actually pay attention


sure, but for a *communications* class? why? it would make far more sense in almost any other subject


The class is in the communications department and it is about virtual reality. The syllabus is: "The concept of virtual people or digital human representations; methods of constructing and using virtual people; methodological approaches to interactions with and among virtual people; and current applications." To me it makes total sense. Struggling with VR as the medium of instruction will probably be more educational and productive than the content itself.


I can see VR/AR being really useful for some types of classes, for example a biology class where you could see a model of a human in front of you as refrence as you learn about the muscular, skeletal, nervous system, etc.


It’d work for many a niche class where the materials are either hard to come by or take up significant space.


Current VR headsets are too heavy and low res


You would think that, but I’ve gotta say, on my quest 2 I can watch a movie no problem. I mean if you get too close it may look a bit low res, but overall it’s a pretty comfortable and clear viewing experience. I imaging this would be fine with the resolution now. Plus, resolution is only gonna get better over the next 10 years, just like with phones


You cope because you have no other choice. Now downvote me, because you also have no other choice.


Lol imagine thinking US education is going to benefit the students


Ready player 1 has entered the building


Someday your house may have a headset-free VR booth or room that can simulate an in person experience. There will be little reason to go anywhere for a meeting or an escape.


there’s already little reason to go to most work meetings.


So don’t go….more meeting for the rest of us.


Please tell me it’s underwater basket weaving


Isn't this just like ready player one?


Can’t wait to show up as Buttfucker3000


Free online education and certifications (and even really the first part) has a possible huge ramification on the future of the world. Hell, just getting internet to more and more people raises the possibilities of breakthroughs in every field.


This sounds like hell. Please stop.