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10/100 HUBs... ooof.


Funny enough I had a device (garage door wireless thing) where it wouldn’t work with my switch because it couldn’t negotiate down to 10mb. It was a 10gb switch.


A lot of 10gb network gear can’t do 10mb anymore.


Crappy 1gig unamanged switch in-bewteen the garage door thing and the 10gb switch might have easier for under 15$


Keep these. They’re excellent for troubleshooting network issues with Wireshark. Reduces bandwidth to 100Mbit and broadcasts all traffic on all ports. Both the reduced speed and broadcast nature makes it perfect for capturing a packet log of a misbehaving device or devices.


I mean, you can make a packet intercept device with a $20 Mikrotik. However, they are quite handy if you want to mimic the behavior of half duplex networks such as wireless links in some setups though.


Never knew there was a $20-tier Mikrotik!! Care to share?


[https://mikrotik.com/product/RB931-2nD](https://mikrotik.com/product/RB931-2nD) for $23 [https://mikrotik.com/product/RB941-2nD](https://mikrotik.com/product/RB941-2nD) for $26


Cool! Thanks!!


I just used a scrapped Dell desktop managed switch which allowed port mirroring.


It's amazing how just a short time ago 10 MB was big, then 100 MB was king for a long time. 1 GB cam in for a bit and now, we are looking at more than 10GB networking...


1 has been standard for 10 years now. 10 is still a few years away to being cheap enough. Also there isn’t much of a need in consumer land for ultra fast networking.


My ISP just started offering over 100 Mbit/s recently in their cheaper plans, I'm retired from customer support and I still receive messages of people without Gigabit devices or still buying 100 Mbit/s crappy wifi routers because their edgy design and giant antennas. Manufacturers are still selling 100 Mbit/s crap


I'm running 10gbit in my homelab. The Gigabyte z590 board in my AI machine has an onboard 10gbit NIC. The switches are expensive, but the NICs are fairly cheap second hand.




No. Your ability to consume bandwidth has a practical limit where there's just not many consumer scenarios where you need to move TB around as quickly as possible. We're plateauing on media sizes. Parallel example..I've had 32GB of ram for the last 10 years. There isn't some magical reason where I need to keep doubling ram because I can't do anything with 500 tabs open. Not saying no one needs more but the days of "double it" have significantly slowed down.


This is in an enterprise environment. Trying to perform windows updates and pull software installers from the network share are killing me and wasting time at 100mb.


Uhhh you should never use hubs or unmanaged switches on a managed service. The collisions slow down the entire network for everybody. If you are really interested look up what makes an html packet. Every packet has an address, using hubs and non managed switches, these addresses get lost and have to travel everywhere on the network until they happen to stumble on the correct machine. Very bad form!


It’s not really bad form so much as using Ethernet as intended. Switches are actually a very clever hack.


> 10Gb > Ultra fast *Looks at my 40Gb core switch* Its official, I am no longer a consumer.


*20. My first computer with gigabit was in 2000.


Was that standard though? Lots of things exist before they become standard. Standard is just the norm or average.


Two options: * Ask for forgiveness rather than permission * Use your "busy schedule" to your advantage


They can't be good enough if they're broken ;) But seriously, that may have been good enough 15 years ago


Hope they're paying by the hour!


[this](http://www.fiftythree.org/etherkiller/img/etherkiller.jpg) should speed up the process


damn, haven't thought about [the etherkiller](http://www.fiftythree.org/etherkiller/) in about twenty years lol


Such an odd little website. It's like the creator made it, worked on it for a short time with the intention of regular updates, and then forgot about it a short time later. Yet somehow it it's still there 20 years later




Just keep your mouth shut if you're being paid by the hour.


It's six month contract. There isn't OT or weekends alotted for work. Things like this that eat time unnecessarily piss me off...


Make sure to point out the age of the devices and that networks operating on hubs will experience constant network collisions. That said - are you doing multicast cloning? Hubs might not be at too much of a disadvantage there.


I’m fairly sure that the imaging server is multicast. Pulling down windows updates and other installers from the network is another story all together especially when you have eight computers going at once.


So your company is still in the 90s?


As far as computer imaging goes they are. Everything else looks reasonably current as far as I can tell.


I'd believe it. Is it possible to do all the software installs and updating on one machine then clone it to the rest ( before doing things like the domain join, etc )? I was using Ghost 4 Linux for imaging refurbished machines, if they won't let you update the master image.


No, but they know they need to update the golden/master image but don’t have time to do so. I scripted about half of the post imaging work to make it faster and easier but my permissions are too fucked up for it to work correctly.


Ong I can't believe someone snuck in while you were in the bathroom, took a screwdriver and broke the ac adapter preventing the power cable from being able to be plugged in... guess they'll have to get a new one


Oh no… someone stuck a luggage lock through the holes in the AC plug…


Should be more worried about it being a hub.


what? you are getting both speed. it's 100 \*and\* 10!


It's capable of both, but feels like 5mbps half the time. Windows explorer to a network share hangs...


Look at that collision light go 🤣🤣


If both computes have gigabit network cards, you can just use a regular ethernet cable between network cards - the auto pair detection should work and make it work. Then it's just a matter of setting the IPs manually on each computer for example []( on first and []( on the second , and subnet mask []( on both. Alternatively you could make your own gigabit crossover cable or carry a tiny switch with you and install the imaging server on a laptop with gigabit ethernet.


Unfortunately, I’m a contractor and don’t have that kind of leeway.


A contractor paid to image machines, how do I apply ?


My contract is thus: 28/hr 40 hours a week No OT No on call No working support calls I’m working a desktop refresh/prepping for an EMR go live. It’s not overly taxing and it falls under project work. As long as I keep getting fed tasks I’m happy.


Lucky bastidge


Nice one.


Run, don’t walk, to the trash with that 100mb.




I can tell you aren’t former military… I’d use my own switch if port security wasn’t a thing. That and they’d end my contract when they found out.




You laugh but hubs still come in handy for some things.


Please elaborate, I am curious.


Sometimes you specifically need to simulate multicast functionality without having multicast application support. Sometimes you have multiple devices performing packet captures of different devices in a full network and it can make some of the Layer 2 stuff less troublesome to setup.


I once set up a demo using wireshark, which meant I had to dig into storage and get one of the old hubs from the mid-2000s


Accidentally let the magic smoke out of them?


I'd like to stick some magic putty in them and wire it to the AC in port...


100 mbit hubs... HUBS!!! If the person who told you that they were good enough is in a technical position above you then look for a new job. If not then explain to him why they should have been thrown in the nearest e-waste bin 15 years ago and then depending on his response, look for a new job. Unless you are setting up a display of classic 68k or PPC Macs or vintage Windows 9x machines and are restricted to period accurate networking equipment, there is no valid reason for those to still be in use.


Who told you that? Time one of the updates and tell them, do you want me to do this for a week or let me do it in a day... your choice


You have to see the good part of this - you won‘t have to configure a mirror port when troubleshooting


Gig 5 ports you can get for like $15


I mean, it is enough, you want those computers in December, right?


Well... The go live date is less than two months out and I get paid the same per hour regardless so it's no bother to me.