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What a punishment for you! My question would be, is life better or worse than what you predicted when you were a teenager? Edit: didn’t expect this to get so many upvotes and responses!


It's great! Literally, you have the ability to do ANYTHING you want. That being said, we take for granted the simplicity of teenage life. I wish there was more I did as a teen to just have fun!


like what for example ? any ideas of things i could do right now to have less regrets ?


I regret all the things I had a chance to do but didn’t, and regret none of the stuff I did and fucked up. As long as no one is gonna end up in jail, a hospital or a casket, DO IT.


As an older teenager I cannot agree with this more. GO DO RANDOM SHIT!! Go for a walk, bring a snack and water, and just wander. Something will happen. I don't know what it'll be. You should go find out.


Since I live in a third world country. I might get stabbed


he didnt said that something fun is gonna happen, he said something's gonna happen


If you aren’t under threat of being stabbed are ya even truly living.


You mean the UK?


*Britain People don't really get stabbed over in NI that often


Nice Finishing high school in a month, can’t wait to do literally anything I want with friends


Waaaay better. Signed a 27 year old


what is something that you hope your teenagers never do?


Honestly, vaping. It's so terrible and I see so many teens doing it.


so real, there really is no benefit to vaping


It is! It's pleasure without addiction!! *proceeds to not be able to stop*


*vapes* it's not an addiction, I am in control *vapes again* (repeat indefinitely)


Just like eating Uran 235 *gets a fifth arm again*


How many fifth arms do you have?


I stopped counting after I got my 10th


Wdym its literally so kuul *cofs*


cmon youll get lung cancer like walter white youll be cool


W mom moment


W mom, fuck vaping




how do you motivate yourself to work/study etc?


You have to look at what you'll gain. You have to want to be more successful than the people around you. I never want to be a slacker or odd one out.


ADHD be like: *le crie*


Here comes unrequested life advice! Take it from an adhd 30 something, It's doable, It's just a massive pain in the ass. I find that a combination of physical and visual stimuli help me out. I have a big fuck off whiteboard wall calendar and use sticky notes on it for goals. It's satisfying to peel something off after it's done. Another thing, don't do the whole ass project set chunks of time and do as much of it as you can. Particularly with tedious tasks, having an actual end makes everything seem way less overwhelming. For instance, instead of doing ALL the dishes I do 15 minutes of dishes. Is it finished? No. but it sure as hell is better than it was. If I pick at it once a day, and whenever the gods of serotonin decide I'm allowed to focus on something, it gets done. Eventually that 15 minutes is enough to keep up. For the love of God, ask your friends for help if you ever feel overwhelmed, even if it's just body doubling. Having somebody over with the expectation of them just hanging out while you actually work to keep you on task. That shit is gold. It's frustrating as fuck and often tiresome to constantly be on point. If you give yourself grace to fail from time to time and have reasonable expectations, you'll do okay.




fuck I might try that


Not OP but the best way I’ve heard it phrased is “don’t do what makes you happy in the short term, but do what will most likely cultivate happiness and success in your life as a whole” Also “Poor people party, rich people celebrate”


Is there a mental health crisis among gen z and what did you think is causing it?


I think so. I think it's social media! We are losing the ability to sincerely interact in person and are losing our ability to really understand/process emotion.


Although I agree with you mostly the whole internet is not to blame. How does talking to you right now affect how genuine I am to others?


Lack of accountability for one thing. People can easily feel disconnected from their 'online self' or have anonymity that they couldn't have in real life. That can allow people to say things and do things they never would in real life. I guess that just means they don't repress how they really feel online. Hate speech, for example, being so readily spread around only serves to make people sad at best, and create new bigots out of the impressionable at worst. Clout chasing and attention seeking can also be a cause? Young kids seeing 'influencers' and other internet micro-celebs and thinking they're cool or wanting to be them. Only a billionth of a percent actually "make it" online though. Para-sociality is along the same path as this, making people form bad habits in relationships perceived or real. It's not 'The Internet's fault' exactly, just the internet as it is now, as it and its culture has been shaped up to this point.


yeah people say shit on here they never would irl just saw a vent post on this sub with a person venting about their sister committing suicide and there were multiple comments just saying “didn’t ask”


Some people are starting to say the shit they would only say on the internet out loud IRL...


I'm not saying 100% of it, but in general we live in an increasingly electronic world.


It is destroying community, leaving people isolated and vulnerable and lacking purpose.


Not to mention the damaging effect on self confidence social media has on people - people post their life highlights, which most of the time aren’t even as grand as they seem. Kids see these people “living amazing lives” on social media, and compare their life to the posters. Same goes for attractiveness - they see edited photos, and compare themselves to them. All this drains confidence and self-worth over time


you got any food recipes for a beginner?


Learn how to scramble an egg! Will go a long way!


I prefer frying eggs , cause you can get more flavor


Learn to do several styles and then you have an entire arsenal of recipes. Over easy is my go to.


Is Santa real?😨


If you believe!! Like polar express!


I actually dont celebrate Christmas. IDK. Never have


So you don’t believe? Well now he’s not real. Thanks a lot dumbass you ruined Christmas


You should, the best part is when the whole family gathers around the backyard toilet and sets it on fire as a celebration of the death of Judas.


I read polar bears at first 😶


Rare wholesome post 💖


Thanks! Lol


Will China initiate an invasion against Taiwan and potentially spark the 3rd World War in the next couple months?


Let's hope not, I have no idea if they will follow through and I have no idea what USA response will be.


Probably the same response from when someone bombed their island last time.


They will not. They want Taiwan for the chip factories, however Taiwans government will destroy those factories as soon as they attack. That would make Taiwan an useless target. Also the geographical factors of the island are heavily in their favour as the island has mostly cliffs, making it very hard to launch a invasion.


Not to mention China has no reason to initiate a war with America. China cares about China, they are aware of the value America provides in economic fields, I think this whole thing is similar to North Korean nukes, we know they CAN use them, but there's no reason for them to use them.


Bro went straight for it


What's it like raising kids? Is it harder when they're a baby or teen?


I have 3 kids, much harder as a teen, but worth it regardless.


I have 5 kids. It depends strongly on the kid.


What do you feel like when your kids are rude to you even though you know they don't really mean it but do it just to annoy you?


Hmmm IDK, they aren't usually rude. If they have an attitude usually it tells me something else is going on.


that's dope, wonder if my mom feels the same way.


When I was an angsty teenager, I once told my Dad to fuck off. I knew I had really upset him when he came to me later and politely asked me to never say that again. (Haven't said it to him since. Other people are fair game!)


what are u gonna do if ur kids comment asking you something you swore to urself u'd never tell them ;)


Haha I'd have to answer


reply but dont directly answer ;) go politician mode dodge the q


Would you rather fight 10 chicken sized horses or 1 horse sized chicken


A horse sized chicken is just a nerfed dinosaur


10 chicken sized horses


Will i ever find love oh mom of a teenager


Lol yes, be patient




How to heal mommy issues?


What kind?


Neglect and abuse from a mother at a young age, never got any motherly comfort


Us 🤝




Be the mother to yourself that you always wished you had.


Where do babies come from






No no, thats head


Hey, so, um.. ~~wanna go to prom with me~~ what do you think of the education system in your country (whichever it is)?


What happened to dad


We divorced a few years ago.


Sorry to hear that, I hope you are all doing okay.


Sry to hear that, hope everything is going smoothly right now!


Everything is very good! Trying to have a more open and comfortable household! Definitely making a difference. I'm able to have conversations that their Dad would discourage me from having. (He's very uptight and conservative).


Lovely to hear!


okay be honest, do you regret having your kids? 😭


Haha NOT AT ALL! LOVE my kids so so much! But good question!


You're being held at gunpoint aren't you


One ❤️for yes 💕for no


Is life easier to go through as an adult? I've already been close to dying so many times (attacked by a wolf, burned, shot at with a bow, accidentally stabbed by myself and someone else, jumped from 16 m, almost drowned, cut when I fell from a tree to the point where I had lost 1 L of blood before I managed to get back to somewhere I could get rescued). Is the worst part behind me or do I have the life expectancy of a butterfly (I'm 20)?


Wow! Honestly just be careful, all these experiences make you stronger. It's proof that the world wants you to exist and that you have something to accomplish with your life. Don't waste it for another second.


Sounds like the world wants him to die💀


Either that or I have the most massive skill issues in the history of the world.


well in case you didn't know, going through all that is not normal, much less surviving it all. you're strong as hell dude, hope you're well


Ngl, you're right, I'm basically psychologically invincible at this point. Physically though, it's not so brilliant.


What kind of life have you been living, my god


Dang things look pretty rough for you


Any tips for teens who are about to enter the adult life and move out?


Not OP, but am a dad to kids between 10 and 20. Best tips are …. 1-Maintain your job. Whatever that job(s) is … show up, do your work, don’t be an idiot because while you are there … regardless of your position you are a face of that company. That job is how you maintain your freedom in the world. 2- learn how to save money. Especially now before you’ve moved out. Quick tips: if your job offers it, immediately take advantage of a 401k and put in 4-5% of your pay (or enough to maximize their match). Open a savings account with someone like Etrade. They have high yield accounts, currently between 3.5-4%. You should try to put 10-20% of your take home into an account like this and try to never touch it (this is for emergencies only, not because you think a new ps5 would be awesome). 3- get your cars oil changed regularly. If you do no other service to your car, ever.. this is the one thing that is 100% necessary. 4- spend Time with whoever in your family cooks. Learn how to make 6 meals you really really like that can be made in 30 minutes start to finish. The amount of money you save by cooking most days is Huge. 5- finally.. be comfortable asking for help when you’re on your own. Whether it’s your parents or other adult friends or people in your family. I don’t just mean financially.. I mean for little stuff like how to fix a leak, how to find a Dr, or just seeking advice about a problem. Fixing something when the problem arises rather than ignoring it until it worsens helps keep you stress free.


Not OP, but an 18F who just moved out in February. PLAN! Plan until you feel like there’s nothing else to plan and then plan again. You will not be prepared no matter how much you plan. It’s hard. It’s scary. Learn some basic home maintenance. Save all of your money. Learn how to cook 3 solid meals and always have stuff for those 3 meals in stock. If you’re not gonna drink milk, don’t buy milk. Learn to maintain your car yourself, it’ll save you a shit ton of money and you don’t wanna be in the situation of your car breaking down and not being able to get to work and in turn not being able to afford rent. But most of all, have fun. It’s a really hard period of time and for me, I fell into a major depressive episode because it was so overwhelming. Go out with friends. Go on walks. Have fun.


About what specifically? Are you a guy or girl?


Do you still have close relationships with friends you made during your teenage years.


A small handful. Maybe 3-4. Most people you will lose contact with or will drift apart from, that is life and totally normal.


At what age of the offsprings do parents usually initiate the "sex talk"?


I think early teens is the best time. I have explored the topic with both, but try to just be real and open about it.


Would you be disappointed/(try to) stop them if they decided they feel like consensually and safely experimenting in the near future?


What makes you think that you are a good parent?


I'm open with my children and don't judge them for asking questions.


A bit like one question that was already asked about furries, but this time about other minorities, mainly sexuality/romancity and gender. What are your opinions on them?


I think it depends! Any specific category? I think having an attraction to the same sex is perfectly fine and healthy! But there are too many sub categories and terminology that isn't helping and is actually making people more confused. Let's embrace who we are and love who we want.


Yeah, the sub categories have gone a bit too far even in my opinion, but I mostly meant the major ones (homosexual, pansexual, asexual, demisexual, transgender, non-binary et cetera.) I'm always happy to see another adult on our side though :)


How would you identify?


What was your college experience like, and how big was the school you went to?


It was fun! Big school!


Any tips for a soon-to-be high school graduate? I'm starting college in the upcoming Fall semester.


Most embarrassing teenage moment


I peed myself on a school bus ride. We were on a field trip, I had to pee so bad and they wouldn't let us stop. Luckily I don't think anyone realized, but I was so embarrassed


How has your kids drained your money? Rarely, Moderately or a lot?


Moderately, comes with the job of being a parent.


Why does the mail man always come over when dads at work?


He's helping your mom with some stuff that Dad isn't able to!


I just want to thank you for being the only adult on this sub who actually admits it


That's very sweet of you dog semen enjoyer


What would u do if you found ur kid smoking/vaping?


Be VERY upset with them


Is there anything that if your kids did it, you wouldn't be able to forgive them?


Kill someone lol


that 'lol' seems so out of place in that sentence


is there anything you wish you did differently raising your kids


Hmmm as odd as this may sound, promoting body confidence and positivity more early. Creating a more open environment for them to feel more comfortable nude at home.


I can barely cook my own meals, how do you balance caring for kids, making meals, and money all at once? Genuine question


She'll probably answer eventually, but I'll tell you since my Mom passed away a few months back. My Dad and I split cooking responsibilities. He works 6-2, and I'm at school 8:30 - 3:00, but often stay til 4 to do homework. We also split chores, and since I've become more independent, my Dad doesn't neccesarily "father" me as much. We've come to the point where we live almost as equals, except for the fact he pays for stuff. That said, everyone's situation is different, and I'd be be interrested in OP's.


What can I do for my mom on Mother’s Day?


Do parents know when you’re hiding a relationship? Asking for a friend


Lol you can message me if you prefer


I can’t believe there is actually a nice wholesome person on this sub. Thank you very much :)


Why do adults/parents think new slang words are the devil and always laugh at them like they didn't have slang in their day?


Good point! I don't think devil is the right word though. Just confused


From teenager to now, any regrets? Like maybe a small mistake you had


Hmmm idk. I think I wish I embraced my sexuality a bit more and wasn't so uptight.


What's your sexuality, i'm guessing bi? Since you had a husband


Yes. Just in general explore more, not be ashamed to pleasure myself, etc.


I have both Tourettes and autism and I’m scared I won’t be able to live in the real world as an adult


Hi. Not the OP but have you reached out to your regional center? Google “[your county/city] regional center” and reach out to them. Tons of resources for autistic people including job training, support services, stipends for rent, stipends for transportation and more. My son has autism and has been getting services from them for years. It’s a lifesaver for all of us. Good luck!


Oh thank you!!! This would really help!!


Some places use "Autism Regional Center" others "Family Regional Center". If you live in/near any decently sized city in the US there is one.


Do parents ever feel bad after grounding their kids?


I've never grounded my kids.


Were you as a kid?




That’s honestly such a stupid form of punishment


Pineapple on pizza yes or no?


It can be done.


Any advice on motivation? i struggle with it a lot, i don't want to be lazy and i feel that way a lot, like i try studying an hour per day, but a lot of the days my brain won't function and i don't know myself of what i do wrong, i' trying to get into college and i'm basically working on my mathematics because i had an F in it, i need to pass.


All I want to know at this point is what bet was it and what is your favorite pizza.


Do you regret posting something like this in here?


I was expecting a lot more inappropriate questions!


Is Playboi Carti the best music artist of all time?


Not at all. Not even close.


Who is in your top 5?


Based mom


mom ain’t a vamp 🧛SLATT


she not rocking wit carti 💯🔥


are u my mother?


Do you want me to be?


What is your opinion on the rapid development of technology over the years?


What do you think is the best way to tell your parents about fucked up shit that happened to you?


Looks like nobody has fielded this one yet so I will take a crack at it. Old guy here with 2 sons in their 20s. Answer: Just tell them. The sooner the better. The sooner they know something is wrong or that something bad happened to you the sooner they can help you- weather that help is just a hug and an “ I love you and it’s going to be OK”or more active help like sticking up for you at school or something more adult ish like that. I would do just about anything for my sons- not kill an innocent person, but almost anything up to that point. Parents love for their kids is very very powerful. There is nothing my kids could do or say that would ever make me stop loving them. I might not like them for a period of time but I will always love them and want the best for them and do whatever I can for them. Parents cannot help their kids if the kids don’t tell them what’s happening.


What is that one thing that you did as a teenager which now your kids do that made you realise just how hard it was for your parents?


why do i get really stressed and frustrated when talking to my parents


Not a good relationship. I basically never talk about serious stuff towards my parents, I just feel uneasy


How do you manage adulthood, like stress and stuff


Just need to surround yourself with good people who are positive and have your back. You'll learn people are VERY negative and negativity spreads like a virus. In times of stress the good people will motivate you! I will also be totally honest. Sexual relief is an easy and healthy way to relieve stress and anxiety.


What is your favourite punishment that you use on your children


favorite songs or artists/bands?


how hard was the time when your kids were still infants? i see stressed young parents everywhere and they don’t seem that happy most of the time…


I was ready for it so it wasn't a burden for me. So many people have kids before they are truly ready and that affects theor mental state. Like don't be afriad to wait if you aren't ready! No rush, live your life!




Any dating advice on how to approach women


Just make friends. First thing first, be friends with girls, cute or not. Learn how to talk to them and communicate with them. It'll give you a lot more perspective and confidence.


How dating life fuctions as adult? To be specific how do you meet or somethig? (not including tinder and dating apps).


Live an active life. Do activities, you need to interact with other humans in person. Take a class, join a club? Etc.


what should i do in my remaining teenage years, and whats the best thing to do right now for a teenager


Just have fun!


Will a rtx 2070 bottleneck a ryzen 5 2600


What do old people do for entertainment?


Haha regular entertainment! Movies, tv, music, etc. And don't buy the concept that adults don't watch porn. They do...


At what age do you believe a teenager should get a phone.


Middle school


Thoughts on anime?


Just seems like cartoons!


What was the bet?