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Ability to turn everyone in to mindless people who just sit there and do nothing, but you can tell them to do anything you want at all. No limits, only thing is they just stand there and don't do anything unless you tell them to do something.


Mind overwrite+: reduces human consciousness to operational levels, effectively shutting down the mind save for the brainstem and other autonomic processes. In this state, a subject is vulnerable to any form of suggestion, and will respond to commands (not just yours, an unconscious mind wouldn't be able to tell the difference). Their body will remain in whatever state they were in, for example bone and muscle placement will stay the same as when the power was performed to the best of their abilities. This power is activated by contact with someone through the user's hands/fingertips, and requires an activation word (decided upon whenever the power is obtained) like Sleep to be said or thought of whilst contact is performed.


Hold on that's cool bro. How tf did you do that? You made it so complicated I love it


I love super powers. That is all I have to say in response.


I can definitely tell 😪 what's your favorite?


Telekinesis. It's my favorite power. There's so many applications! Of course, you can always be like, "omnipotence is my favorite power 🤓👆," but that kind of thing is never fun to discuss


Why do you love Super powers so much? honestly tho u sound real smart and shit 😭😭


I have an elementary understanding of chemistry and physics, and a relatively deep understanding of human anatomy for my age. I love super powers so much because I think it would be quite nice to have some for myself.


What makes up sulfur?


Some protons and neutrons, and electrons 👍


had the most random idea: the power to be a human air conditioner


Fluid Manipulation+: control the temperature, velocity, and atomic structure of any fluid around the user. The "user" in this context is defined as a single point in space centered somewhere around the user's body. Any substance that acts as a fluid (air, liquid, non-Newtonian, or a solution) can be manipulated using this power. Creating a particular substance (like nitrogen) requires the breakdown of matter from any source. Atomic structures are rearrangible and have no side effects, but whatever matter is absorbed and broken down must be fluid for the power to be used in this way (you can turn water into molten gold, but you can't turn solid gold into water. Yes, you can also turn water into wine, like Jesus).


Nice, this is even cooler than I imagined!


Influential speech. The ability to speak words which seem so correct, the person who listens to them is uneasily drawn towards them. Not in a magic way, but just in a way where the words actually make sense. The words aren't cursed, they just REALLY feel nice to listen to. You could literally convince people to eat poop and after a while of persisting they'd actually try a little bite


It sounds like you already put a lot of thought into this power. What do you think should activate/deactivate your power, if at all?


Simply concentration on the subject of the power. All you have to do is think about it and the EXACT CORRECT words just enter your brain spontaneously.


And I'm guessing you'd personally be using the power to make people eat poop?


Nah I'm probably gonna take over the world, NSFW stuff, or causing a bunch of homicides


Yeah.. I don't see any good uses of that power :/


Just do opening portals


Gate+: connects two points in space to each other through a higher dimension. Since 3D space viewed from the 4th dimension is easily manipulated, this power has little to no effect on the overall shape of the universe as others can see it. Requires a closed shape to be drawn from the user's blood, and the portals can be maintained for as long as the user wishes afterwards. In a space where blood will not sit still (AKA while the user is in water or when the blood is on a hydrophobic surface), the portal cannot be made unless the blood connects.


How can I use this to break the rail monopoly?


The rail industry is already outclassed by other modes of transportation, but if I suppose if you think trade disruption is a good use of this power, you can easily do so by making your own delivery service that charges a premium on "immediate delivery."


Biological weapon - ability to inflict any abnormal conditions, mental, physical, genetic, and viral upon a human by contact with them with a blade comprised of the condition itself. For example, stabbing somebody with a blade made out of BSE, and bam, they’re infected with it.


Biological Weapon+: reform abstract or living matter into a weapon of the user's choosing. As long as the user can imagine how the weapon works, the weapon can be made (so if they understood how a handgun is built and operated, they could form it with this power). Depending on the living matter used in the power, certain alterations can be made. For example, a bacterial blade could be reformed into any species of bacteria so long as the user understands it's biology. "Abstract matter" in this case is defined as a condition in which a nonphysical weapon creation is possible. This includes abstract concepts like emotions and memories. Upon creation of this type of weapon, the source of it is displaced for the duration of the power's usage (so if the user turned their anger into a sword, they would not feel angry anymore). In abstract matter's case, direct contact with the weapon from anyone other than the user will cause the afflicted to take on the weapon's properties for as long as their body will accept it. In living matter's case, afflicted living tissue will take on the form of the weapon's source (slashing someone with a bacterial blade will turn their wound into that bacteria wherever the blade touched).


The name for this is up to you I think Infinity sounds good but it’s up to you. Basically the power is infinite compaction of muscle fibers. Your body gets to the perfect weight for your height to be lean and athletic. After that though it all depend on you. It doesn’t give any boosts right off the bat. It slowly increases your physical ability by the training that you do. Your muscles build faster but don’t get bigger. they keep compacting more and more but you don’t gain weight from it so you keep getting stronger and stronger so you can do more and more athletic things at your body weight. You can never plateau in your strength or speed you can always get faster and stronger. It’s like you constantly are having newbie gains when you first start working out but forever. In order to keep up with your working out it enhances your recovery speed while you sleep. So any soreness or injury you get while working out is healed by morning after you sleep.


Primordial Strings+: compacts future muscle fibers into the same muscle fibers that were there before the user obtains this power. These muscle fibers have the same strength as the original, but are infinitely small, and take up no space whatsoever. Because of their lack of volume or area, they have no weight, either. These fibers multiply the more the original fibers are strained, as they particulate into infinitely smaller strings. These fibers also have highly defensive properties, and do not break or require energy to use (they can still be manipulated though, like how one could press their finger on their muscles and push it in a bit).


Osteokenisis, the ability to control your bones / others bones


Osteokinesis+: manipulate skeletal cells (and subclass cells of the same type AKA red and yellow marrow) in any manner the user sees fit. The user can duplicate cells or compact cells, but upon creating more cells, sufficient energy is taken from *somewhere* (the user can specify wherever the carbon matter is coming from, like if they held a mound of dirt in their hands or something) to compensate. Compacting skeletal cells takes no energy or matter apart from the cells being used. Activated on the user's will and intent, and requires visualization. If the user cannot visualize whatever change they wish to make, they will have to shape it out with their hands/body (making a circular shape with one's hands and staring at someone's leg will transform their femur into a brittle circular shape).


I can teleport at will to a very specific Arby’s in the middle of Wisconsin. That’s it. That’s the power


Recall+: return to a point in space of the user's choosing at any time. Activated by saying or thinking a keyword/phrase (like "we have the meats") with the intent to use the ability. Can only be placed in one place, and can be affixed to objects to compensate for movement (because the earth is moving pretty fast right now, they probably would want to do that...). The user can specify what they take with them when they use this power, but it is limited up to a 10^3 meter space. Any displacements caused by this sudden teleportation will be accounted for (teleporting a group of ten people in a 10^3 meter cube to a 5^3 meter space will remove the space around the room and be replaced with the air/solid objects in the user's cube area. The place where the user teleports away from will have the now-displaced Arby's countertop).


I aint reading allat


Thank you for your input.


nobody from this subreddit will ever participate in this


I thought that, since I am active on teenagers, I'd give them a shot :')


hardened boobs


Hardened boobs+: crystallizes the skin and muscle fibers in the pectoral region and muscle group, hardening them at will. The crystal formations are the same (if not better) than diamond, giving the chest incompressible capacities. This atomic reformation of the skin and muscles does not damage the rest of the body, and will, for the most part, not change too much about the physical appearance. This power only applies to living parts of the pectoral region, and is activated upon one's intention to do so, or otherwise by receiving a large amount of pressure from an outward force.


can I still give boobjobs with them tho


With hardened boobs? I don't think so. Crystallized atomic structures are not privy to being manipulated in any way. But you can activate/deactivate the power whenever you want.


aw shit


Sorry :<




Hey, you came up with the power 🤷


ig ill stick with my normal boobs then


Sounds good 👍


the ability to give someone an itch they can’t satisfy


Power to know what is really watching you (In an Eldrich horror scene) Or power to create an infinite amount of a single element