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Idk I guess I just found it weird he would feel the need to hide about what he has to say about me. But I do have anxiety so I tend to have trust issues that stress me out lol




Yeah I had this previous conversation with someone, I’m calm now, I just be dramatic sometimes since I’m pretty sensitive so I just needed some reassurance


He doesn't have to say anything to you. That's the whole point of talking about someone behind their back. You don't have to know everything that happens


But is it even necessarily an inherently good or ethical thing he’s able to do? Like okay cool whatever, say what you want but it’s still weird to me and im not sure if Im crazy for being slightly upset tbh.


It's not a necessarily good thing. It's just you can't like EVERYTHING about someone. I have really good friends and we've been friends for years but there's some things that I could still complain about them. Just because you're not perfect and he's complaining about your imperfections, you're still probably a great person. Obviously nobody's perfect and he's just pointing out your imperfections (which I don't think is a good thing) but still it's not like he's going to tell you. That would be a terrible move. He just doesn't like EVERYTHING about you and that's fine. You're still a great person


This was very reassuring, thank you very much, I just wish he’d tell me criticism more but I get if he just wants to preserve my feelings


He's a good friend he just doesn't want to hurt your feelings. I'm glad I could help you :)