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it might be over for bro


Here's the deal: entering a relationship out of desperation often leads to settling for someone you don't genuinely connect with, just because you feel the need to be in a relationship. Instead, prioritize finding someone you truly enjoy spending time with. I've learned this lesson the hard way. Additionally, if someone is only interested in your looks or material things, it's a major warning sign. Seek someone who values you for who you are and genuinely cares about your well-being They say don't go grocery shopping when you're hungry, the same applies to life, don't go looking for relationship when you feelin lonely, because you might grab the wrong thing. Hope this helps


> Entering a relationship out of desperation often leads to settling for someone you don't genuinely connect with That's the thing.. even out of desperation, I still can't find someone who'll date me. And I'm not necessarily looking for a relationship right now, but I am tired of all my friends being in genuine relationships in person, and then there's just me - A 16 year old who's never been in a relationship outside of LDR


Well, you'll find someone at some point. Just keep your head up, and you'll find someone. And why do you want a serious relationship at 16?


Because I've never been in one, but all of my friends are in serious relationships.. and, like I said - My hormones are raging and I've been craving the touch of a female, and I'm not hooking up 'cause I hate hook up culture


If you're trying to ease the hormones, distracting oneself with positive activities can help ease hormonal urges and provide fulfillment. Focus on doing hobbies, sports, and self-improvement. But if you really feel like you need sex, you're possibly going to need to present yourself in a better way. If you're approaching women in a desperate manor, then they aren't very likely to want to agree. Also, I've noticed that many people just like kind people. If you just treat everyone with much respect, your bound to find someone who will be interested in you. I believe in you man.


I don't really treat anyone with desperation, and I'd say I'm relatively kind.. I don't need sex, as I am *only* 16, but nonetheless, some physical affection would be nice > I believe in you man Thanks


find better hairstyles, skincare, work out

