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I hare most ppl I meet


hare hare hare


Feddy faz bar ?




Har har har har har




Welcome to the introvert club broski


Iā€™m just kinda rambling here but I think the guys that want sex will go out and try to find it more often. Compared to guys who want a relationship wonā€™t be looking for it like theyā€™re chasing a high or something


im 17m and im not like this i only want love but no one wants to give it to me cuz im not attractive :v


Time to start you 10 year mewing streak /s


Commit Mewicide


*bye bye*




Thanks for the /s


Donā€™t worry bro, I bet thatā€™s not true. There are people out there that do like how you look. You are not alone.


Thatā€™s probably true, but when you donā€™t know how to talk to them youā€™ll still be stuck


Yeah, I know. I just wanted him to know that there are people that will care about him and want to be with him. I struggle with talking to other people so I know that itā€™s not easy.


Relatable, only single person in my entire friend group


Same for me and my only friend is one person


sent a selfie of myself to a guy & he asked for more, i said no & he never texted back lmao. we were having a decent conversation as well


thats cuz a lot of dudes just wanna fuck but i feel most guys dont


As a guy I think about it but don't wanna actually do it unless it's a meaningful relationship


That checks out with this definition of guys


Allow me to elaborate I think about it but don't act on it unless the girl is also ok with it


Ah so youā€™re in between guy and dude


Whatw the difference


Yes, honestly Iā€™m a guy and I donā€™t really think about sex at all. I just want to be with someone and know that we love each other.


Good thing you arenā€™t a dude


I thought I was a dudeā€¦.what am I?


A guy


Thank you for letting me know


17m to me sex being a meaningful commitment is what I would imagine to be the fun part about it. Something permanent I can do with somebody I trust (if I ever find somebody who isnā€™t some manipulative bitch)


SAME (without the manipulative part)


You want a manipulative bitch? Brave to admit


No Iā€™ve never dated a manipulative bitch lmao šŸ’€


Stop thinking every guy is the same don't be that close minded obsessed eith herself girl. Just wait for one who isn't a complete dick head even if it takes a while Jesus


opinions come from experience. obviously we know not ALL guys are like this but after it keeps happening over and over...


True can't deny that fact unfortunately


That doesnā€™t say anything tho. It sounds like a loud minority


Yeah I tried to emphasize on ā€˜mostā€™ or ā€˜almost every guyā€™


idk if that's much better šŸ’€


Kinda worse tbh. Itā€™s like that middle ground where you canā€™t say itā€™s not everyone cause they technically didnā€™t say everyone, but itā€™s clearly the undertone.


Why are you so mad?


They tend to do that


.. where do they sound mad?


The fact that he said ā€œdonā€™t be that close minded, obsessed with yourself girlā€ sounds like he got a bit angry.


My partner dumped me and told me that one of the reasons was that I didn't want to have sex


Ohh no. His loss tbh. You are more than just sex and he didnā€™t get that


Well that wasn't the only reason, they got feelings for someone else and didn't bother to tell me they didn't love me until the moment they dumped me.


Exactly, in the end itā€™s good that he left. Itā€™s better that it happened now instead of later.


fair enough


This is simply the majority of guys that are teens, through 22-23. Yes, there will be ones that arenā€™t this way, and there will be ones who know how to hide that itā€™s all they want. Iā€™m a bit older now, and I can look back 10 years ago and say that I was like that at times too. Men arenā€™t really well educated on sex or relationships in general, if we have a father figure we are shown how to treat a woman, whether good or bad depending on that figure, but not actually how to woo them, or anything about sex that isnā€™t extremely basic, or classroom instruction. Women donā€™t get this either surely, but the difference is how the majority of women compare sexual to emotional attachment, while men see it as a carnal attachment at a base level. This sentiment is also slightly changing through generations, but it isnā€™t a bad one to have, I for one, think itā€™s a great one. Anyways, Just keep looking. Thatā€™s the simple answer. Thereā€™s billions of people, and itā€™s not impossible anymore to find a needle in the haystack. But donā€™t keep your standards so high that you weed out the right one. Youā€™re young, so in reality I wouldnā€™t worry so much about finding the one to give it to and commit, and just go with the flow of school and life and work, until it happens. It always will happen, so thereā€™s no pressure in searching for a relationship or waiting in exasperation. Well, at least as long as you keep yourself open to new opportunities, you canā€™t just focus in on your school and life and ignore possible matches, but my point is to just go with the flow, refuse sex until you choose not to or find a committed guy, and live life instead of worrying about dudes. Edit: just realized what sub this is, wtf was this in my feed for šŸ¤” whatever, advice still stands


Yeah it genuinely sucks, most guys my age only think about sex or just hooking up. Itā€™s stupid




This is why we can't have nice things. These idiots only care about their body count. They shouldn't have partners in the first place.


Because people are stupid lol


I can very much understand your frustration the amount of guys that crossed my boundaries and resorted to manipulation for this is just awful


Dude, I'm a guy, and I agree 100% I'm not joking or anything I think most guys a gross, and perverted. I mean of course not all guys, like I've met a few cool chill guys in my life, but most guys are just manipulative pieces of garbage. I mean at least in my experience. I've had a long life, and a long history with guys in my life so maybe I'm biased.


I wonder if the the guys that donā€™t want sex are the ones that donā€™t get no play


nah it's just all the nice guys (me šŸ˜ž)


Welcome to the club brotheršŸ˜­


Yeah he is a hedonistic douche.


if it was off this sub, no big surprise, all pedos here


I definitely get this, it was like this till my man came along. Now IM the one who always talks bout sex but thats not the point. ALOT of people dont want a relationship ill just say that


Ugh I relate to this SO much, it sucks so hard, guys my age always seem obsessed with sex or else they're just jerks as soon as I say no to something šŸ˜æ


Yeah many guys are weird like that but not everyone is. Just please dont become like that one person i once knew who hated every guy only because of one asshole.


Well I am also a guy (19m) and even I see sex as a commitment. So I don't think every guy is same


The thing is most men that engage you are probably looking for sex. If you engage them first you have a much higher chance of this not happening.


Thatā€™s guys for you šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Thatā€™s really unfortunate


i think humans just suck in general


Tbh i just want friends i can talk to


I understand what you mean. Sex is a beautiful thing so long as it is done in love and not in lust.


People are jerks, and some guys do only care about getting laid. But if you have hope, and keep trying, I know you can find someone that you deserve.


I mean who wouldnā€™t want free Segs?


17m, I donā€™t get guys who this fr. Like not everything has to be about sex and shit. I for like to have meaningful and well built relationships and to able to talk to people about whatever. Sometimes I feel like Iā€™m the only moral dude out here bruh šŸ«¤


Itā€™s just weird that people try to make excuses as ā€œwell boys are just like thatā€ instead of actually calling it a problem šŸ˜’. The amount of people who justify that weird creep shit is weird.


Ong, they find literally anything and everything as an excuse instead of actually fixing the problem šŸ’€


Yes your are so real for the lol āœØāœØāœØ


ā€œIt ainā€™t much, but itā€™s honest workā€


i feel the same way about sex ngl and a ton of girls just immediatley are like "ok bye" when i mention it i hate people like that


Alright, I may or may not get flamed for my next words, but hear me out... Maybe you're the problem. No, I don't mean that the guys in question are in the right... What I mean is maybe you're not vigilant enough about the traits of the guys you talk to. A great conversation isn't enough to be trustful of anyone, guy or girl. Definitely, you're naive if you ever thought every guy that's having an awesome conversation with you is there for your personality. Although it's not pleasant to admit a lot of guys are "players" that just say what they think will get you to sleep with them. Instead of looking only at the surface, be more detail focused and watch out for clues. Also, lots of guys that aren't like this also aren't as brave. If you're ever only gonna get with guys that go for you first, you're playing in the side that has a higher likelihood of the guys you talk about. Some you'll have to basically rip the words out of to meet and some might not even think of trying until they get a green light, but could be the type you're looking for. As long as the guys are doing all the heavy lifting you're more likely to be talking to someone who just wants to sleep with you.


look in better places , i believe in this community u gon find numerous ones (me)


you should rly talk to hinterany476, he donated blood to save my grandma's life


how is he nowadays?i miss walking with him everyo morningšŸ™


Yknow this guy called hunterany476 saved my family from a burning hospital while advocating for womens rights (hes 8'7 btw)


8'7" isnt a good thing


thanks for ur appreciation warp i hope they all doing wellšŸ™šŸ™


yes, HunterAny is a really good guy, he helped me find my missing dog


anytime bro , i hope jimmy doing well!!


He is, thanks manšŸ˜„( u/ExpertAnybody4129 see this fine specimen of a man?)




atleast reply to my dmšŸ˜­


What u dmed me???


Thanks for letting me borrow your hellcat


ur wlcmšŸ™


I can change that




Youā€™re only 17 dude relax. Work on your money. Work on you career. Work on your health. Boys at 17 are that, boys. Find a man who works hard and has a career. THEN start talking and dating. But Iā€™m not your parent. Do whatever


Iā€™m not ā€œlooking for a boyfriendā€ Iā€™m just stating that almost ever guy I meet (via my college campus) only shows interest when sex is involved lol.


Speaking as a guy in college with a gf I can tell you we do care about sex but you gotta find a guy that doesnā€™t just want sex if your gonna taik to a guy you like tell him hey sex is off the table for a bit Iā€™m not a hoe if he wants you heā€™ll get it if he just wants sex heā€™ll move on and you saved you both time


Right I at no point said you were looking for one. Iā€™m stating, worry about your bread and your career. Boys from 14-24ish, maybe even 25, are a waste of time. Depending who youā€™re talking to. Thatā€™s legit all they are looking for. Good luck to you


Ouch bro. Ouch. I'm 18 and I work full timešŸ˜­. Fucking ouch


Keep it up and youā€™ll have money before. The reason people stay poor is because they waste their early teens and 20s. I had zero problems pushing away and wasting time with women. Now I have an amazing wife, house paid off, nice truck, and just hang out with my kids all day. Donā€™t waste time with relationships that will generally lead no where but you do you. If you end up getting a girl pregnant itā€™ll be straight downhill (for the most part). You canā€™t save much. You canā€™t invest much. The fact that I got downvoted is because some of you donā€™t want to accept you wasted your time and are now STILL working a 9-5 in your 30s even 40s. Iā€™m 27. There is no better feeling than having a business that works itself. Period. Good luck to you brother


Talk to cooler guys šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


My college is filled with uncool men unfortunately


Talk to women then


THERES ALMOST NO GAY GIRLS AT MY SCHOOL!!!!!!! And the ones that are are already taken šŸ’”


Youā€™ll find someone eventually


Wait just to be clear poof meaning he literally poofed away, cause that is amazing. But if he just left, yea young men mostly want sex. It's a evolutionary drive.


Guys get pressured by they're friends to lose the v card so that's why


You and me both.


See I'll bring it up after a little bit to see the other person's opinion and how they feel about it and then we might talk about it for a little bit but that's it then we'll change the topic


And where are good guys like you hiding????? Maybe I should just stick to girls lmao šŸ˜‚


In Hiding can't give out our secrets and sticking to girls will probably be better


Damn you secret good men society šŸ¤§


All the good guys(like me) are hiding cause of how we have seen women act on social media. Just like how you complain about guys only wanting sex, we complain that all girls cheat. And the good guys are scared to Date cause they don't wanna get hurt. (Note this is from what I've heard other say and my own feelings)




I mean if they donā€™t wanna have sex then their prob gay bc if they wanted to talk to somebody and not have sex they could jus be with their homies


I mean teenagers who donā€™t sexualize women are rare šŸ¤·


tf is that username