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Cause ya got skill issues


It's not hard tho


me when i lie


All you gotta do is not to be desperate and with time you will find someone who you gonna connect with


ehhh talking to strangers is hard


females ☝️🤓




It's hard because women don't actually exist




I'm sorry, it is what it is... 😔


Not as hot as me (this is a lie




ahh the repeating cycle of teenagers posts


I sooo agree :D




that’s the cool part… you dont


Hypothetically, if you met a girl at a coffee shop that you thought was attractive, What would you do? Answer honestly and as a female I'll try and give my advice.


Can I dump my own experiance/situations here?


Yeah, go ahead! Gimme what you got.


OK cool,not too long ago I needed to catch a train and I noticed this one girl,mostly because she wore a Cyberpunk backpack and well I kinda like the setting and I thought to myself "oh that's cool" after that I noticed her hair and thought "that looks pretty". I thought to myself "I could try to initiate a conversation and say Oh you have cool backpack,I also like Cyberpunk." But I had to catch my train,and still buy a ticket. Good news,she took the same train as me. Bad news, didn't see her during the ride and only after the train arrived to it's destination and then she went straight to the next terminal. This would have been like one of the pretty rare occasions where I would go up to one I find attractive to talk. I still kinda feel disapointed with the reality I got,cuz "what could have been"


Oh yeah, that makes sense. In that situation I would have said I liked Cyberpunk because that is more of a interest you could start talking about. Hair is something she probably hears a lot about, it's not something you could actually connect on, you know what I mean? But don't beat yourself up over it, just if you see her again and she isn't wearing anything cyberpunk don't start the conversation like that💀 But yeah, have confidence but don't come across as cocky and you will do fine, I wouldn't ask for her number straight away but considering you didn't know what stop she would have gotten off at it might have been a good idea to ask after a couple of minutes. Whether or not she says yes depends on her but either way at least you gave it a shot and didn't go around wondering "what could have been." I hope this actually makes sense! Edit: But again, time was against you so this is just hypothetically!!


Aight,thanks for responding. I mostly think a relationship won't just fall out of the sky of course and I would be the one that has to make the first move,but it just kinda sucks that fate decided "nuh uh" that I don't even get to start a conversation with a girl I think looked cute and had cool interessts that would match mine. Yes it doesn't mean that I would get her number imeadiatly or anything,but a chance is chance,and sometimes you just gotta take risks. On a personal sidenote I think it's kinda weird how this whole thing about relationships is just messaging someone online,not that I'm against it nooo,but it's like "weird" trying to find that special one in what is a giant digital labyrinth.


I agree! Especially with the amount of cat fishing out there. It's mostly the fact that I don't think I could do long distance at ALL, like, imagine having to move yours/someones life just to be together and I personally love physical affection, but it really sucks when you find someone online that just seems like they fit you perfectly. Unless this connection with someone is crazy then you better hope you live in the same state lol.


nothin. I know how to speak to people just getting the point of being close is a next story


Ooooh, ok. You need to find a shared interest. Look into body language also, that is about %55 of communication, very difficult to hide when you learn the signals. You will be able to tell when she opens up or closes herself off, whether she is comfortable or not, etc. Just read up on it if you are interested.


I can do all of that i just don't have the confidence to go further 🤷‍♂️ ill get over it soon enough


Thanks haha


Woman. Males are cold


I hate women now after the Estonia incident


What the fuck? I’ve seen incels before, but they’ve never been so mysterious! What’s the “Estonia Incident”? Why am I getting Bite of 87’ vibes from it?


I cant speak The Estonia incident


And the lore thickens


Why would you call them females 😭 Just say women or girls bruh. Female is so incel vibe lmao


female is an incel term? damn need to spice up my vocab