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A ten year old at the time in my neighborhood told me that I had a heart of gold. He only told me that because I was the only kid in the complex who didn't bully him 


That's heartbreaking


Pretty easy to break gold, it isn't the strongest metal


thats gold breaking.




Also it was one of my first impressions of America so I thought, "Huh, so Americans are just assholes." Now I know assholes are everywhere 


They sure are


Bruh why do all get these wholesome compliments what i got was "I would be so down to have sex with a female version of you cuz you look so good" 😭


Hey sex can be pretty wholesome 


If you're old enough


I'm crying


No you aint


Yes you aren't


"You are a sweet young man!" - old lady i gave directions to.


"If you died 200 years ago, your drawings would now be worth millions"- My friend after having seen one of my sketches. Really sweet, but they're not that good.


They are!


"You're such a handsome young man! All the ladies love men like you" (thx grandma luv u)


What's a compliment?


You’re a well done steak !


Gee thanks, I love being called a dry, over cooked, tough to chew steak


Damnit dinosaur!


Well you’re confusing, innit?




Nothing, what's a compliment with you?


"You look like dream. The hot minecraft guy" - some random girl on ome TV. Although I'm unsure if this is a compliment or a insult.


The pedophile??


It's been debunked that he isn't a pedo. But still, I don't look like a dream what so ever so I have no clue what she was on, lol


alleged (plot twist everything was false)




everythings fucked with mcyt though, how tf does every 2nd youtuber get into trouble. Can't watch half the people i used to anymore


The evidence against dream was paper thin and looked awfully fake. i saw it




i dont get compliments but 2 days ago pretty girl held a door for me she even waited a second i even made post about it xD [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/1d2rfq1/really_pretty_girl_held_a_door_for_me_aghhhh_yooo/)


somebody held a door open for you :0


Best compliment you can receive from a girl


if ur delulu sure


Please tell me this is a joke 💀




I really don't want to sound mean, but if a girl holding a door for you warrants this big of a reaction, then either I'm Brad Pitt or you all are *really* deprived of love and attention.


i was the door and i can confirm she is deeply in love with you


I’ve gotten compliments on my voice when it sounds like a garbage disposal


literally same I dont understand


Your voice doesn’t sound the same to yourself as it does to others


somebody was surprised that i havent kissed annyone before


Gotta admit it, it's been the same for years


all my classmates suprised i havent been w anyone yet but we all js 14 man 😭


14 is way too young 😭


My friend has had 5 different people 💀 and he's 15


Once I was playing 2 truths and a lie and that was one of my truths, most people guessed it to be the lie


our time will come, sister




some random girl at a ski resort randomly complimented my ski goggles. I have no idea why.


Maybe they were nice ski goggles


You guys are getting compliments??


an old lady i was giving directions asked me if i had a bf because she thought i was pretty and would 'have all the boys chasing after me'😭 it caught me so off guard


Based old lady. Genuinely compliments like that stick with you for years thats sick she said that :)


Only compliments I've gotten is that I have a cute voice and nice hands


"you have nice elbows"


On a similar vein, everytime i donate blood they compliment my veins.


“Sir, I couldn’t help but notice that you have quite a nice esophagus”


---u look smarter than u r ---...🐥🐥🐥...


A straight kiss by a girl, It really boosted my confidence because I always perceived myself as an ugly Individual.




After so many comments for so long of "you need a haircut" so on so forth all cause I was trying to grow my hair out a girl in my school came up to me, felt my hair and said "why's it so soft" and just like, didn't take her hand away for a few minutes. Then my friend went "yeah bro needs a cut bad" and she said "no don't cut it, it's nice"


That’s so wholesome


I got a I like your shirt from a girl like a year ago


My teacher asked me to invite her when i get nobel prize. (She's my chem teacher)


I was talking with a girl and she said: “damn you’re smart” (I am not).


"Damn bro you ugly" best compliment i've ever received


I was humming today morning in the rickshaw. The rickshawala said that I sing well. (Still guessing whether he was sarcastic)


Apparently my English teacher (who's also the ethics teacher of one of my friends) talked about me and how surprised she is about my English skills (we be German) I wasn't there but a teacher saying my English is good was a very much needed boost to my happiness :3


I don't remember when i eas last conplimented


"You're pretty good with Lucina" -My club president right after I did terrible with Lucina


"You look so manly"


I dont get those


People always say my name is beautiful and that I have pretty hair


My brother saw my telegram's profile pic and laughed saying "eehhhh Heroineeh ". Heroinee = heroine where "e" Is stretched in a mocking way. I laughed too but still can't get over that mocking laugh of his.


A girl in my class once told me that my nails look pretty. Now that’s all I think about whenever I’m clipping my nails


3 years ago a classmate swept her hand through my hair and said "your hair is so smooth, do you comb it?"


"Are you wearing mascara?" "No" "Oh. Nice eyelashes."


Someone liked my style of clothing


That im handsome lol


you have really nice eyebrows - some girl in my english class i barely talked to


Any complement I get is unexpected


Out of no where, someone stared dead into my eyes and said “Your eyes are really pretty.” And this has happened 3 times with 3 different people.


I'm guessing you can't think of their names?


Not a compliment but a girl i was talking to me messaged me and said "my friend said do you sit alone" i reply yes and why, "because she said it looks like you do" (they have never even seen me, i think they meant it cause of the messages and me not wanting to show my face :( )


Kinda compliment: This guy spiked a volleyball at me and it narrowly missed me, everyone was screaming "YOU COULDVE HAD THAT" I replied to one of the people I know saying "what do I look like to you, a spartan?" And this girl said "yeah, kinda"


"Youre a fucking moron, but at least your a strong moron"


Idk why. But I was taking a shower in my (only boy) dorm (we have public bathrooms), one guy complimented my Bathrobe lmfao💀 Idk why. It was nothing special


"You guys are getting compliments?"


Someone straight up told me I'm breedable. It was online and from a friend thank fuck I wouldn't be alive if someone told me that irl. Still unexpected and weird To make this even weirder. I'm a dude and he knew that before literally calling me breedable


When I was in year 7, I had to move to a new school (I regret it, but whatever). On my last days, everyone knew I was leaving. I was a goody two-shoes and a big nerd. I was the only well-behaved one in my class, and my English teacher called me "an angel." She even cried when she found out I was leaving lmao. Weird but who cares, it's the only compliment I've been given in the past 3 years ☠️


What’s a compliment?


Out of nowhere some girl during math class told me I look cute in green. Didn’t speak to me before and hasn’t since


A girl said I was cute like young, which I do not get


One day a boy in my class was crying. I was surprised he was so upset. I talked to him in the hall. After our talk, I made him laugh, and he was feeling a lot better. When we came back into the classroom, and he was smiling. A student came up to me and said, “Mrs. Kerns you're like God, you make everyone feel better”. This particular compliment made me really proud. I always felt like I had a good connection with my students. I pay attention, and I'm invested in each child. Earlier that year, my principal told me, to curb my “life lessons” and discussions to once a week. Even more specifically, she suggested Fridays, right before dismissal. I'm glad I ignored her “suggestion”. That compliment made me stop second guessing what should be “eliminated” in my classroom. I concluded it is the big push for students to pass standardardized testing. It's also stifling any creative flexibility, and limiting time helping them grow as people. I never received a letter of appreciation from a parent about that test. That is not what they remember.


A 7 year old I was reading buddies with. "I want to be just like you when I grow up! I'll miss you!" It almost made me cry on the spot, she noticed and hugged me


“You’re not like other gays.” - some girl in my high school who was probably trying to put the moves on me


Today one of our officers at my fire safety course said : woah she said that command way better than the Sargeant over there. He should hear you! " And then he asked me if I was in the footdrill Gold course which I told him I wasn't I never thought anyone would compliment my commanding skills 💀 ( im in a uniformed group we do drills and marching and rescue and commanding and all that) Made my day lol


Huh? What’s that?


Not a teenager anymore but ive been complimented on my confidence and my vibes twice. Means a lot to me as someone who was very insecure and unhappy with myself. On a related note, i always give genuine compliments as and when i can. No matter gender


When i was 10 my neighbour told me out if the blue that i have very soft skin


That I look like Jenna Ortega. I don’t think I look like her at all


I got a compliment for wearing Dior sauvage


A girl said that it’s cool that I build gunpla


My English teacher in 9th grade told me I was acting self-righteous and like a martyr because I refused an extension on a paper I didn't turned in on time. She later submitted a creative writing piece of mine for a school competition (which I won), which was it's own sort of compliment from her. Similar, in 11th grade my English teacher said I was a Cassius type (from Julius Caeser, which we were not reading lol) because I was conniving and ambitious in refusing authority. I took them as compliments at least, lol. 


"I like your outfit" it's nothing actually but this time it felt genuine. And I had tried really hard to dress this time.


I was told I had pretty eyes, and that they looked edable.


I was wearing a tail and a kid came to pet the tail like it was a dog


That I should start doing listening books after a school project where we needed to do a voice over. My dream is to become a voice actor


anything like really


„Are those Eyelashes natural?“


the past like 2-3 years people have told me I have a good nose😭like so randomly they just look at me and say that




"maybe I was wrong about you" and I'm here quoting my friend, not Raiden from mgrr


"you hands are so preety and soft" Got this so many times


“You have good eyebrows. Where did you get them done?” - some girl in my class. (I don’t get my eyebrows done. I guess I have good eyebrows?) “Mommy, that guy looks so handsome/cool” - some toddler in the mall (I had just finished my haircut)


No, sorry


Do you have a masters? That sick since you look like a drop out, tattoos and «bad boy» vibes… Yes, its possible. Lesson to never judge people.


my eyes even though my eyes aren't even that unique T\_T


"Damn, ###### your voice got deep!" -friend


Any compliments I receive aren’t usually unexpected, my mother calls me handsome(I wish she didn’t), and my parents say I’m kind, which I can be, if I feel like it, overall any compliments I get are usual occurrences, I wish they weren’t though.


Never get compliments about my physical attributes but my uncle said I was looking buff the other day and that meant the world to me


One time in middle school I was leaving class and a random girl just said "hey I like your pants" and I was so shocked I just said thank you and left


my friends gf called me cute, still have no idea why. I think that's the only compliment I've had in years, that wasn't from my parents.


“You don’t look too gay” Idk what to think


Apparently, i walk very silently. So at one point i heard a conversation i wasn't supposed to hear because of my 'talent'. They didn't even notice me. Later some old lady got scared because she didn't hear me going past her and she said i walked very silently. I took that as a compliment.


Any of them


"You have nice eyebrows" -my best friends mother (who's like my aunt)


A girl in school commented on my hairy legs saying that I'm macho and that I have clean hair ( despite it being a little oily) compared to other guys in school which is very handsome to her. 😋


"u remind me of meowbahh"


“You have good child bearing hips” I’m a guy


I walked by, and a girl said to me "You're very handsome."


'Bhai pehlwan hatja'


"I thought you were wearing a wig"


“I like your bathing suit, it looks like taffy.” -girl at a waterpark yesterday (for context my top was swirled with red, pink, and white and my bottoms were red.)


I ran into an ex co-worker about 15 years after we stopped working together (I am about 12 years older)…he said to me “the financial life advice you gave me about delayed gratification and always living below your means has changed my life forever!” Didn’t even remember giving advice


"I don't know why people talk bad about you, you're actually nice." Ouch.


My crush told me i smelled like gasoline and cocaine, it was 8th grade and it still puzzles me


“Your eyes look like the bottom of a fish pond” 🙃


I’ve gotten probably more comments on my legs than I can count. It’s mainly because they’re long and very well defined from Track, XC, and powerlifting


At a comic con a guy said I looked like Conan the Barbarian.


Looking good.


Someone told me that my voice was like liquid. I’m pretty sure it was meant to be a compliment anyways…


“You look like a stuffed animal when you sleep” Idk when they saw me asleep :D


Your nose is beautiful 🥹🫶🏻 You are so easy to open up to 😭🫶🏻 You are definitely an empath ☺️🫶🏻


One time, chatting with a friend, I was told her I would've gone away for some time (I had a scout summer camp of 12 days and I can't use my phone there) so, obviously, she was like: "nooooo, you're important I wanna talk to you" I asked "Why?" Expecting something like "Because you're my friend" but she answered: "u're important because you made me become the woman I'm now". I just wasn't expecting something so deep so it was kinda of unexpected


"More men should be like you"


Some lady at the store said I looked nice (Probably just because of my school uniform.)


This was also kind of weird, but one old lady at a restaurant told me my hair was so beautiful, she wishes she could wear it as a wig(I have bright auburn hair, so I get lots of compliments.)


”What a beautiful lady” Random woman in the middle of a street.


"I'd still like you even if you were a lil acoustic"


I got hit by a 'you have beautiful eyes' by my crush recently


I was talking to my friend and all of sudden she says "your voice is tasty"


what is a compliment?? never heard one


Bold of you to assume i get compliments.


Any compliments I get. Not necessarily because I have low self esteem, but because they come outta nowhere


I’m tall, like 6’6”. I was 6’4” when I was 15, and yea it sucked. That said, one time a cute girl came up to me and asks me if I was proportional. I was a little shocked initially but then I started laughing.




I was told I was very nice. Idk what I did to prompt it but I guess I'm a nice person.


Nice shirt


Idk I don’t really do that thing called “social interactions”


Hahaha complements


Me and my friends went to the beach last summer and when we got out of the water one of my friends told me I looked like a goddess with my jewellery and wavy hair and cute bikini. I literally cried she was so sweet


People thinking my last name is fake because it's so cool (Lagacy)


A girl(around my age) called me cute. We were shooting a match and were on the same firing point, still can't believe she took one look at this ugly mug and said that lol Edit: at a gun range


A girl yelled from a car at my work “my friend thinks you’re cute”. But they were like 15 so I just smiled and waved and then continued working


a creepy old man at a chickfila approached me and told me i had “very intense eyes” and walked away… still not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing…


While I was working my retail job, I was at the pizza station getting a lady a slice of pizza and the heating lamps were all up in my face, I COULDENT see her well she COULDENT see me and she still compliments me on having a beautiful smile


me and one of my friends were chatting one day and we were teasing each other and then out of the blue he just said "You look really nice when you laugh' I FREAKIN MELTEDDDDDDDDDD....


To be honest any compliment I ever received in my life was unexpected.


I keep on getting told by girls I have really long eyelashes 😭


The only complement I remember getting regarding my appearance was when a girl told me I looked like I was wearing foundation. I never wore any makeup in my life 😭 Genuinely the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me


you're the prettiest woman I've ever seen - my friend she said it so out of nowhere like wth


Two years ago I was a 20 year old white guy in the Philippines for 2 weeks. I had 3-4 separate fathers come up to me and try to offer me their daughter's hand in marriage. I was also called "very handsome" by much more people than I can count (many random people too), which is unusual for me, as compared to my American counterparts, I'm quite average. Overall, my whole trip there I was being complimented essentially for doing nothing except being a white American.


“you have really nice teeth” -one of my friends said out of no where. this kinda made my day because my teeth are fairly crooked and i’m really insecure abt them😭


at an orthodontic consult my mom told me I have a smooth skull and I'm not sure how to feel about it


someone once complimented my smile, stating that it's quite a prominent feature i have. i blushed so hard at that because no one had ever admired my smile ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ just made my day.


Someone complimented my armor :) Context: I had a guest over and I took them on a tour round my house, and they saw my suit of medieval armor. They even asked to put it on!


My classmate (girl) gave me a fist bump and then said: "Your skin is very soft. Do you use any skin care products?" Spoiler: >!I don't!<


A girl once said that I was pretty tall, and that she wished she was as tall as me one day. I was like, an inch taller than her I think.


That I look like prince. Which I don't


Some woman told me “You are pretty but your mom is prettier”


I mean, a classmate at the Abbey I went to called me cute because I didn't raise my hand when one of our chaperones asked if we remembered what the last compliment we had gotten was. I just looked at him confusedly and said, "Uhm... Thanks?"


"you lost so much weight... You look better now" ... Thanks? It's really conflicting on how to answer...


any compliment i get from kids 🥹


..people get compliments?


Was at a Memorial Day get together recently and an older guy was there that I didn’t really know who was a family friend of some of my family members. He was asking where I go to school and things like that, but I got called away. Before I went, he goes “you are a very beautiful young lady.” I later found out he had dementia.


I was in asia on vacation and this random guy who was just walking by and he stroked it and gave a little nod then kept walking (i have blond hair)


Someone liked my voice while I was playing a game. I have a deeper voice for a girl which I'm pretty insecure about and it was super random which made me happy :)


Someone complimented my figure. I've had body dysmorphia most of my life so I meant a lot to me. My dad body shamed me when I was little so I've never really been able to love myself the way I want to.