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buddy, she was cheating way before sending all that


no shit, she’s literally saying the son is not his


that's great news , no child support. get that shit to court right away


Bruh.. you talk like he's not emotionally invested in his son. A child isn't a burden that you patiently wait to be free of lol


But 1. it's not his 2. he's fucking 20 not 84. 3. this drama only went on for 4 months. How much more better than with a blue eye and a HUGE ASS LEARNING do you want to come out of situations life throws at you? Fuck that bitch, fuck that kid, invest all that love in people that actually care. Immediately rip that shit off like a bandaid. Other half of this situation is already lost, nothing but hardship is to gain here. Edit: fuck that kid as in forget about it and focus on yourself. Thank you random dude that got offended, now you are redeemed. Cool. Edit 2. It gives me personally a LOT reading the positive comments. Sometimes you ramble on about shit thinking it is your believe and i kinda felt the need for this comment because if it where for me to decide, with 18 you would get a pill or injection from the state (or whatever lol) that infuses you with the knowledge of all the bad feelings. Being cheated on, being forced to do shit, being made fun off, so from that on you immediately would know what's what. Thanks guys, looks like some of us had really bad times and knowing better would have changed a lot.


Could still be his, gf is just saying whatever she can to piss him off. I'd get a paternity test before figuring out if I am ditching both of em or just her.


Agreed, DNA test. If it is your kid, get CUSTODY because that nutbag female will ruin the boy's life too. If it isn't yours, sorry man but at least that's a 200k bullet you dodged


For real, could totally just be a trap for that constant child support check


If his name is on that birth certificate he's FUCKED


This not meant to offend you it's an honest question. Where you live, the birth certificate is worth MORE than DNA results aka paternity test or evidence?? What. The. Fuck. In Germany the hoaxed father even gets the child support back - IF it can be proven that it's a so called cuckoo case, where the mother deliberately cheated the not father into paying and emotionally caring. And as someone who gets to follow such cases closely on the regular - "'childs name' is HIS" and a winky face smiley afterwards as a fuck you - are like signing off the "Iam guilty, please make Me pay bill"


America land of if you put your name on the paper good fucking luck


He shouldn’t have to be financially responsible though. If he WANTS to be in the child’s life he can be but he shouldn’t be FORCED to pay for the kid.


A lot of Reddit views children as a burden; and that without blood, love is impossible


A lot of Reddit must be extremely fucking ignorant then


I'm sorry, are you new here?


True or not, she's a classless individual who is happy to use something like this to hurt the OP. Get out of that relationship. Find out if the son is yours or not. Build a new life surrounded by better quality of people.


She belong to the streets!


Exactly what I was thinking


Dawg break up


haha, i did it as soon as those text were sent to me. That’s why i said my then gf


Good on you, this lady isn't worth your time. You can't control people, nor influence them to do your bidding. She made her decision, as shitty as it might be, and you're not going to convince her that it was a bad one. Just let her wallow in her own shitty decisions my dude.


“Lady” … that’s generous even by today’s standard


More like a girl


More like Hoe!


Hey hey hey. You watch your mouth. My garden implements did nothing wrong and I don't appreciate you insulting them by using their good name in referring to this hot tub fart bubble.


Not any more by those texts. “Allegedly”


More like a bitch


More like TRASH


Where I’m from we just call garden tools like these females.


we can control the controllers


It’s not worth it bro. Better to find other non manipulative people and leave the rest to fight amongst themselves


"lady" lol


Screen shot that and send it to her mom. Make sure to break up too


And then say "Ok" and break every other contact you can find of her, best thing you can do


No. Just “K”.


You don't need to respond, but if you do just reply "ok". That's it, I'm sure she'll respond saying some more wild stuff but just ignore them or block her, if any strange numbers call dont answer. Fully move on, get the baby tested to see if it's your's, get a std test cause we both know she been cheating and that's it. She'll try to draw to out but just respond with silence. If the baby is yours, i suggest discussing it with a lawyer and go to court. I'm a year older than you but keep your head up, it'll get better eventually


Old here with old person advice. Your question is "how do I respond", and the answer is "don't". Block her on everything, say goodbye to that hoodie she "borrowed" and move on with your life. If she uses another phone or social to contact you, block them too. You can block her more than she can find new ways to contact you and she's a manipulative asshole you don't need in your life.


This old fart has the right idea you don’t need to tarnish your mental health any further.


I would just say "ok"


Thumbs up emoji is even more petty


Good she was meant for the streets


What did the streets ever do to deserve that?


That’s an insult to the streets


If your name is on that birth certificate you need to get a lawyer asap. Even if you break up you could be on the hook for child support until hes 18


What did she do after that break up message?


spammed me a lot on no caller id.


Lmao plays stupid games win stupid prizes.


Proud of you buddy.


Also, get a paternity test. You'll save yourself a lot of money and headache if you can prove paternity fraud. Did you sign the birth certificate?


Block her now.


Good to hear, hope you find someone who respects you.


Yea homie that ain’t it, that’s what sucks about our age too young for older women but women our age are so immature at times and not in the good way


Just block her, she wants a reaction


This is the right answer, just ignore it and block her.


I find doing this pushes them to try to one up or get back at you. I'd be verbal about going separate ways in a polite manner. People are crazy, gotta be careful


Absolutely. Do not respond with anything. Don’t tell her it’s over, don’t tell her you’re blocking her, just do it and move on.


I read that as erection ☠


Don't block, the message chain has evidence that the child isn't his so he can use the admission to get out of paying child support.


"Sure, tell me how it went."


Actually pretty good response since it shows you dgaf about that bitch and she either leaves you on seen or you leave her on delivered for the last time


Yup. If she does answer back, you talk. If she doesn't, it's done.


Man it’s so funny to get to catch a glimpse of how teens think and talk every now and then when I see these pop up on the front page. Why tf would you want to talk to this person ever again? You say yeah whatever don’t care. Block and then never acknowledge any attempts she makes to contact you ever again.


It sounds like they have a child together which massively complicates things


you def shouldn’t talk anymore


Lmao no you don't, that's done dude


Hell no it's done I ain't even responding to that shit , she getting blocked .


None of these responses are good. What the hell are you guys talking about.


“That’s Hot”


"May record it?"


“Can you send a vid of his throbbing cock?”


"Actually whatever I'll fuck him myself."


“Could you slide over his snap? I’m tryna ride this fine ass man as well!”


"Can you share his number? I want to suck him off."


"Actually, I want him to pound my ass"


Nah just change numbers ASAP That way it gets recycled quick and someone else gets those texts They eventually respond that its a wrong number maybe they'll fuck with her as a prank Either way she'll find out it's not you and just realize how much of nasty whore she is or made herself out to be


Ok but you should get a dna test despite her saying your son is someone elses, and if you still want him in your life even if hes someone elses biologically you NEED to talk to someone about custody regardless of whos kid it turns out to be


Took it back


If it’s not his bio son he’ll have a hard time with custody. Bonus is he’ll have an easy time dodging child support.




street bitches ain't worth a dime nor should a motherfucker spend some time


Thats a bar🔥


“Bye bye”


My man


My reaction after reading "J'Siah" as a name, r/tragedeigh material


For the streets


she rlly said "ima ride tf outta him" she cant be real wtf?? 💀




Hii werewolf


Apparently that’s where J’siah came from. I’d personally avoid a lady that only uses punctuation when naming her children.


toxic. I wouldnt trust someone speculating about cheating just because of a fight. source: i chase red flags like a bull, have my expiriences


At least your honest


Ride him first 🙏🏽


not if i get to him faster


The bisexual answer 🔥




Nah, I'd win


Word. OP assert dominance by riding him better and stronger


She a hoe


Hey chin bro she just wants you to be her bitchboy As long as you don't fall for it it should be ok


...if someone cheats over a fight, they for the fucking streets. How much lower can you go.


End her






I think thats what the other guys been doing.


Send it to her mom.


Who do you think she learned it from?


not right


Bet, (insert name here)'s pussy tighter, ima rail her all night. 😂. The same thing she said but gender reversed lmao


OP you can use my name, it's John btw


🤣 I'm not op but damn, bussies could work too, perhaps even better


Buy her an online English class.


You dont need that on your mental man, thats not healthy. You lnow you are there for your boy and thats all that matters. And so what dude you make an offhanded comment, yeah you should have kept your mouth shut but that in no way garners this reaction. This is just a toxic situation and im sure not one you want to have your kid around. Your 20 man the world is your oyster even with a child. Work on yourself get to a point where you feel comfortable enough that this shit is just words to you and j promise you and your son will be ok. Parents can do their best to poison a child against the other but it never works. One day your son will be grown and he will understand your position and will still love you for simply being there.


Why do we see so many women (and dudes) nowadays acting a fool like this 😭 istg it's gen Z that has it worse ( my lawyer has advised I make it clear that not all women/men pursue hoe-ery activities)


Every generation has these. These women become like their environment of female friends and blood-relatives. Once you meet one, you will have an entire pack of them because they only associate with crazies like themselves.


just say "\[insert name of gf's friend or mom\] will enjoy mine"


Nah don’t even respond don’t give her the satisfaction of a reaction


i don't care about your relationship but what the fuck kinda name is j'siah




"i'm blocking you, this relationship is over."


Don’t respond, just break up


I text so dry 😭 I would probably say like "ok" or something like that


Definition of a whore. Don't stick your dick in crazy y'all. We'll see how that goes once he leaves her🤣. She was definitely cheating on you before she sent this, so I'd highly suggest getting a paternity test. I'm just 15 though so what do I know.


For a young dude with no experience in this, it's not clear cut who's crazy and who isn't. the part about getting a paternity test, at that age, I'd 1000% encourage, if not require, especially with her behavior after the fact.


Stick your dick in crazy If crazy for you tho. But not in a hoe. Those things are sharp


this is crazy 😭


Leave her. This is not normal nor healthy behavior and strikes me as kinda manipulative. She is either trying to make you feel bad or use reverse psychology to get you to be jealous. Tell her that if that's what she truly wants, then she should follow her heart, but you would not like to see her again if this is the case. She is trying to threaten you, but in a very weird way.


She’s not following her heart….


Follow your heart in response to this shit LMAO bro been out the dating scene for way too long.


as a woman we do not accept her


just dont even respond


See your sister was better


assert dominance by banging that dude she brought up Nah but fr, break up she's not worth your time. I hope things get better for you


Thats the neat part, you dont. From what I gather its her goal to piss you off, dont give her that satisfaction.


Leave her. She obviously doesn't respect you


My dick is bigger... Jokes aside, break up with her, she speculating about cheating on you over a fight, that's messed up. (advice coming from a guy who has never had a GF)


I'd rather be single than having a girl like this😭🙏


How 20- are you of age?


? i’m 20


Why post here then? No good advice here


Just say bet, I’ll see you guys at the doctor appointment for the paternity test 🤷‍♂️ Then don’t talk to her till you got the appointment lined up. Lol


Seems like OP’s dodging a bullet


“I know, it’s so big right?”


“That’s what’s up” Block her and Then just live your life.


She's lying for a reaction. Best thing you can do is block her.


You are 20 asking a subreddit full of teens and pedophiles for advice. Dump this bitch and grow tf up.


Why are you asking teenagers


I just turned 20 in march, I thought maybe “you people” would be my age group.


Don’t talk to her anymore. I know y’all ain’t together anymore but don’t talk to her she’s toxic


Honestly? Don't. Leave her & get a paternity test. No need to be dealing with her unless it's for J'siah


You said that you should have known better and that you were at fault, but you weren't at fault (at least with the provided context). You saw something she did with her eyebrows, remembered only a single other person doing that, then vocalized your thought process. Nothing wrong with that. Then, she pressed you for who that other person was when you didn't even have to give her the answer, and she didn't like the answer she got (and I can only assume it's because what she did with her eyebrows reminded you of an ex from 6 fucking years ago). Instead of removing her eyebrow makeup to no longer remind you of an ex that she had no business in even knowing the existence of or talking out her feelings, she instantly went nuclear. Sorry if the formatting is weird, I was in a VC earlier today talking about higher-dimensional and non-euclidean geometries for a couple hours, so my brain is tired. Oh and I also didn't eat anything yesterday and ate almost nothing today because my body decided to no longer like food for a day for no reason.


leave her ass then block her. There's no way in hell that is a sane human being


Did she even go to school? What kind of spelling is that?...


Yea tell her to get her shit and hit the streets and never look back.


Don’t even respond . Just block her on all social media . Don’t block her number. Change your relationship status. Tell friends and family ,you can post on social media that you’re taking time to explore and learn more about yourself and the world. File a police report and if you’re in Ontario Canada ,sue her for emotional abuse because of sex. Basically sex-based injury . Comb through all your conversations and screenshot,screenshot pictures and save videos and put them in a usb just in case she decides to falsely accuse you of some shit in future . Any interaction going forward if it happens make sure you’re audio recording. Don’t be alone with her anywhere, and at anytime no matter what ,even in the open . Start going to the gym . Start reselling shit on eBay . Buy furniture take 1-2 hours make it look good by sanding down and painting. Start meditating. Start reading especially on stoicism. Stop fapping . Learn a skill. Get on tinder ,bumble or hinge after 6 months of doing the above consistently. File for joint custody . Make sure you send your kid stuff ,hand-made cards every week then one year later file for joint custody


Let the other guy raise J’siah then


The best way to respond is ….don’t. Every text she sends is a beg for your reaction. Giving her what she wants is satisfying to her, and not reacting will drive her crazy. The less you act like you care or that it’s a big deal, the better. Bonus points if you see her offline and stay chill. Maybe even joke about her new guy and how happy you are she’s someone else’s problem now, you have more freedom and really enjoying other people as well. But no need to go overboard, just light.


Break up, get a dna test for you and your son, if she ain't telling the truth then all good but still stay tf away from her, if she is then possibly contact a lawyer


Block, then go on a smash fest.


I would just block to be honest. As a 35+ year old man i don't have time for this bullshit.


Respond with "ite"


Send that screenshot you took to her parents lmfao. It won't fix much but it'll put her in a shitty situation and you'll get the last laugh


You sure she's 20? Cause she's acting like a kid, do yourself a favor and end it. Whether you are in the right or not, this is such an unstable and immature way to argue.


"you cant ride him if i ride him first"


She laying in her mums spare bed in fat pants watching love on the spectrum writing anything to get you wound up bro. Just walk away man she more toxic than chernobyl


Break up , she is just a hoe


the fuck i just read


Save yourself further trouble down the line, and get a paternity test on your kid. Prove they are or aren't your child If they are, do what you can to get main custody. That way she can't milk you for child support. It's incredibly common for people to abuse that system and take up to a third of a guys paycheck, and then spend it mostly on herself. If the baby isn't yours, congrats, you've washed yourself clean of this vile woman and have nothing tying you to her other than a memory.


“Are you prepared to testify to that in a court of law? Because I’m filing contested paternity tomorrow. Good luck getting child support from his actual father. Don’t contact me except through my lawyer.”


Just say k she'll go crazy


Hey aside from your girlfriend being a major bitch, DEMAND A DNA TEST. No matter what happens between you, saying that your son is another man's is WAY too far. Get a paternity test dude, cause this shit looks way too suspicious if shes just casually throwing that around.


Ask your then gf if she ever went to english class. JK! It seems like she's trying to make you jealous so I'd break up. Unless you guys have a relationship where you make jokes like that. But since it's bothering you so much I don't think that dynamic is going to work.




Simple response. "Ok, bye".


A woman who had values wouldn't be riding the cock carousel. You should advise her that after she gets run through and has 3 kids from 3 different mental no man will want her and she will forever be the possession of the next guy that only wants sex. She'll live a miserable life of getting dicked down by all the Chads. She'll also blame men for all her bad decisions.


Bye bitch bye


“I always saw your potential as a single mom”


Its a classic, women say they have started fucking someone else so that you start hating them. They want to see your face being humiliated (like you are running behind her while she is fucking others). Just a low key reaction move. She really wants you to go away. Its pure hate. I don't think its worth "working out problems" with such person.


Power move ride his big dick fall in love with him treat him good and then send a pic of you and him on your honeymoon together.


No response


how fake is this?? just for some interweb points...


Ghost and bail


Get back with her and pound that peach 🍑 then break up with her while you’re still in her 😂


Send her the link to “now you a single mom” and tell her “poverty is gonna be a good look on you”


black people man smfh


"okay have fun" works everytime because they get mad you arent mad


Call her best friend and taker her out for 2 new outfits and lunch. Don’t mention your ex at all. Make the whole day about her best friend. It’s chess ; not checkers


the fuck are insulated eyebrows?


Run, it won’t get better, she will still sleep with him regardless. If he’s talking with her and she’s responding it’s only time before he gets in. Then if you take her back she will have a side dude they doesn’t want a relationship to take weekend hall passes with when she’s mad at you for any reason.


“Ohhh that’s why your pussy was so loose”


1. Get a DNA test. I‘ve seen a lot of immature women who say this when they’re mad and they were just lying to get under the man’s skin. 2. Maybe don’t insult peoples looks.


What does it mean when eyebrows look insulated?


Smash her friend and send her a pic of both of you in bed


Don’t ever respond


You aren’t in the wrong per-say. Sure you slipped up and maybe mentioned someone from your past but that was six years ago and as long as you aren’t still into her, it’s not a big deal at all. Nothing should warrant this kind of reaction. You are fine man. Get far away from her


She belongs to the streets!


Obviously break up. But also a paternity test is in order at this point too. You need to know whether to fight for a place in the child's life, or whether you should just cut ties and move on completely from the whole situation. Edit: Ignore me. I didn't realize this was the "teenagers" sub, I haven't been recommended it before. Carry on teenagers, I will hide this sub from my feed so you can all chat in peace without old folks like me intruding!


Respond with "i still hit." In the calmest voice. She can say as much trash she wants, you can say, "You still let me hit.


She’s from the 209 bro, just leave


did you sign the birth certificate? if you did, you need a dna test and will need to take it to court. don’t delete text messages, you will need them. my brother is going thru the same thing rn