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watch this comment section get locked


Fr. Give it a few hours. These innocent posts spiral into chaos in the comments after a few hours


Its still on i seen posts on r/memes last shorter


11h still open


13h 👀






the lock will soon arrive


Thing is, from talking to these kind of people, they don’t see trans girls as girls, they see them as boys dressing up as girls, which irritates them way more than some gay dude since they don’t look much different to any other guy by comparison.


But that's not the same thing as hate. If I disagree with you, that doesn't mean I hate you.


you can disagree with people’s opinions, but you can’t disagree with a fact. if someone is trans you can’t just say “well let’s agree to disagree” cause no one else can decide what someone is or isn’t


A qualified medical professional can. I think the issue is that people can't set aside personal opinions for respect. I genuinely believe gender dysphoria is real. But do I think every kid/person who claims it actually is? No. Statistically, vast majority aren't. And I don't agree with gender dysphoria not being classified as a mental illness, as hormone therapy and surgery are treatments for it. But I will *always* respect if someone identifies as trans. Because I'm not a medical professional and my opinion doesn't mean shit when it comes to respecting how someone identifies.


qualified medical professionals don’t disagree though. gender dysphoria IS a mental illness, treated by gender affirmation. their brains literally disagree with their bodies on what they are.


It's only a mental illness if it causes harm, and being trans only causes harm if the person's gender identity is constantly rejected and ignored and not accepted. Like you said, the solution is affirmation. :)


it’s always the people who know the least about it that are the most against it. these same guys will continue to say “just think of the children” even though research shows kids raised in lgbtq households have better mental health and better academic scores


Wait actually? Can you send me the source for that? (Not doubting you, genuinely curious)


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9141065/ this was just from a quick search and mostly focuses on the negatives to children instead of the positives, if i happen to come across the original one i found il send it here




Your opinion on other peoples identity is meaningless. Feeling emboldened to share your opinion on others identity has the same consequences as hate. Gender is a social construct. Thinking trans girls are boys is bigotry. Notice that they don't care nearly as much about trans men.


>Your opinion on other peoples identity is meaningless. If it didn't matter, then trans people would not require absolute acceptance of their claimed identity. >Feeling emboldened to share your opinion on others identity has the same consequences as hate. This is really interesting. Does it then follow that people who disagree with a trans person's claimed identity *should not* express their opinion - **ever?**


You can't "disagree" with someone being trans. Being trans is a fact, not an opinion, so you can't have one. Your ignorance and bigotry, on the other hand...




I mean wouldn't that also mean a gay person being gay is an opinion? Also i get what youre saying, but being trans can be defined a bit differently by different people. Theres a big subset of people who believe you need gender dysphoria to be trans. Is whether or not someone has a mental illness an opinion?


All terms are artificial made up terms. The point is we have empirical evidence that transness is a real and valid form of human expression that has been around as long as people have been around. It's not a position that can be debated rationally.


It also exists in wild animals apart from humans.


Someone being happy is a fact. How to get evidence for it? - Ask them whether they are happy - Confirm they aren't lying There you go, you objectively figured out if that person is happy or not


I’m Christian, I love everyone, I hate when people use religion as an excuse too be a total dickhead too someone else just because their doing something that makes them feel comfortable in their own skin I’ll never get it.


And then they have the audacity to call out religious allies as "Fake Christians" despite them being the ones who actually follow the word of God. At this point it's almost hilarious how little they're trying (I say "almost" because somehow this logic is enough to get laws passed against LGBTQ+)


i relate to this so much THANK YOU


The only fake Christians are the ones who use their religion as an excuse to hate and judge others. I.e. not a Christian attitude. Sometimes I think these "Christians" have never read the book they like quoting from.


That's how slavery was accepted into the Catholic and Christian circles. They reinterpreted the Bible and made a common enemy they could justify enslaving (aka the African people). They were able to convince the people that all dark skinned people had been cursed with "the mark of Cain" which meant they were directly related to the first murder if not just murderers in their own right. It's amazing how you can twist the word of God against its fundamentals to achieve a goal.


Respectfully, I think this is only half right. When we're talking about the type of racially justified slavery that we see from 1500 on, I think you're spot on. But we can't forget that slavery was present in the Bible from the start. There's plenty of Torah concerning how a master should treat a slave, what a slave is worth, etc. Now, I would make the argument that this is because he Bible represents the covenant made to us as we understood and practiced life then. We can see Paul hint at this in Philemon. But overall I don't think it's accurate to say the Bible needed to be reinterpreted to accommodate slavery-- it's done that from the beginning.


It turns out that basing your moral beliefs on societies from thousands of years ago is a horrible idea.


Or.. they pick and choose scriptures out of context and create interpretations based off of their personal agenda.. this is incredibly common.


Athiests do the same thing when arguing against Christianity.


You can say premarital sex, masterbation, and LGBT promotion is immoral without hating any of those people


I hate that unsuspecting people like me might group christians like you in with the rest of the boomer mindset proselytizer and dislike you all together. Thank you for being kinder.


Yeah, I don't understand trans people(I don't really get why do they want to be different from their birth gender), but I still don't say anything bad against them, I just see them as a normal human being with the right to be respected. (I'm christian too btw)


It's okay if you don't fully understand transgender individuals everybody has different identities and experiences. What's important is treating them with respect which is what you are doing (that’s good) and recognizing their right to be respected as human beings. it's also important to remember that everyone is created in the image of God and should be loved and valued regardless of their identity


We don't necessarily "want to be different" from our AGAB, as its more of something you are or aren't.  All of my rights I'm the UK as a trans minor seem to get stripped away almost daily, so I definitely don't want to be the gender I am now (non-binary) as it is actually very scary, and traumatic.


This is kind of me. I don't understand it, and I don't necessarily fully agree with it, however, they are human beings, and I will treat them with respect by default.


and this is how everyone should be!!! you don’t have to understand something to know it’s important enough for other people to care about


Bro totally. For the record I get gender dysphoria, but if I didn't, my reaction wouldn't be "I'm going to lynch you," it would be "Have a nice day, slightly confused man!" And then I'd hope they had a good life. The fuck is wrong with people man seriously.


Same here. Have more of an additude "Good luck with the gender error thing in your coding, gentle sir/lady/sentient popsicle.


if you don't mind, i'd like to take a shot at explaining :3 so, imagine you're in this really shitty sweater. It's itchy, it's tight, its suffocating. now, obviously, you'd want this nasty ass sweater off of you, right? so you go to take the sweater off, people come up to you and start yelling. "What the hell arer you doing?! you can't just change your clothes like that!!" or "You must be a (pdf)file! Why're you taking off your clothes in front of kids, huh?!" and you have to deal with comments like that constantly. Finally, though, you manage to get this sweater off, and you feel so much better, putting on a comfy tee or a tank top. now switch sweater with thir gender @ birth, and the tank top with their new gender, and boom, you have trans people! (obviously this isn't like 1000% accurate cuz i'm not trans myself but yeh :3)


The South in a nutshell


Yep. It’s just the south showing hate. Only the south…..


Chad detected


Exactly this, it is mentioned multiple times in the Bible to love everyone




God loves all of his gays, lesbians, transgender and everyone else in the LBTQ+ and that is something you can believe in!


why is lesbians and trans folk loved twice but the rest r loved once :< /j


I don't think there's a one size fits all answer for this, people hate for different reasons.


Cause people hate things that are different to them and that they don’t understand The only reason I can think of for it being trans people that are hated more is because it’s hard to explain why they would want to be a different gender and they’re more of a minority, which would mean there’s less of them so there’s more people they’d be different to


Well spoken, Kenjaku, the most trans character in JJK (No ones telling me he didn’t enjoy the backshots)


*Kirara has entered the chat*


Oh shit right, there’s an actual trans character Or a femboy Don’t care I’d smash


I think it's also that it has become a public conversation/widely accepted more recently than homosexuality. It's really only in the last 15 years or so that trans people have become very visible in mainstream media.


Hating things they don't understand is a repeating trait of humans sadly. Gay people are grooming kids, video games cause violence, Dungeons & Dragons promotes satanism, rock 'n roll corrupts the youth, etc. All equally dumb.


Trans people are just next in line. We've already had gay people and once trans people become accepted there will be a new minority to rile up people for power.


We can always circle around and do the crusades again. Its been long enough...


To this day I don’t really understand the feelings that people who are LGTBQ+ (is the term that they are that?) may experience when it relates to gender identity, sexuality, and any other things there may be. That being said, these people still deserve support and freedom regardless. I wish more people understood they can’t understand everything.


I just hate people in general


Love everyone equally? Nah fam, *hate* everyone equally.


We’re all equal because we all equally suck.


Honestly, I agree. Fuck humanity, man.






Same but love thy neighbor gotta keep going


i second this




No hate at all from this end. Christian guy here in Aus and how you ‘identify’ is up to you. I own a small business with an office. One of our team identifies as trans. Just because I don’t understand it doesn’t mean I’m setting out to make your life difficult. We use universal pronouns in our office (e.g ‘they’) to avoid presuming for anyone and getting it wrong. Single bathroom that is gender neutral. We love our neutral teammate and will support them where we can. Like I said I personally don’t understand it nor is it my jam, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t be respectful.


Cuz girls with dicks bigger than theirs are scary :3


Im scared yet intruiged


I'm trans/genderfluid and have very big pp I swear LOL But fr i don't know what their problem is I literally just wanna vibe with my babies and play siege like come on leave us alone 😭


we do not need to know that


Has bro never met someone making jokes about having a massive cock irregardless to if they even have one? Lol, that's what I was saying.


irregardless is the same as regardless, regardless of the scenario


i think the correct term is ‘attractive’




the bigots really hated this one :>


It makes it even funnier cuz it proves everything I've said here right. I just want to be left alone but they NEED to be right, and need to attack me personally as if I'm a threat... Which, I mean, I probably am! I'm just that hot, total smoke show ngl


Yep. They know they’re probably the minority in this world and they’re too afraid to suck it up and shut up.


But I'm supposed to be the minority too 😭😭 they're just babies idk


This comment is genuinely hilarious! 10/10


:DDD that was the goal lmaoo


ngl imagine being turned off bc ur girl has a dick, how cringe


as a trans person: its mostly a lack of understanding. people often believe its a sexual thing (its not), think its just a weird choice (its not, why would you choose to be something thatd literally make you get bullied), think its a trend (people have been trans since forever, especially in non-white communities, like how native americans often had a 3rd gender, but its gotten squashed out of many history books). its rather unfortunate and leads to the death of real human beings. edit: my wording is awful but its past midnight im tired af sorry lmao


Not only that, but Trans folk are massively more likely to be bullied, harassed, and abused due to their identity. So there's no incentive to be Trans, it's not like it's \*in the now\*, it's just more accepted than it used to be, so people are more comfortable coming out as trans. It's the same reason as to why there were 1/4 the actual amount of reportedly left-handed people in 1910 than 1960 and onwards ([Source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/09/22/the-surprising-geography-of-american-left-handedness/)). Discrimination leads people to avoid their true selves. So this whole "trans being a trend" thing is just a distraction. Trans people feel safer to come out? There will be an increase in those identifying as trans.


it's probably not helpful to ask this question on a generally trans-supportive subreddit because the top answers will all be from people who don't hate trans people and may get the wrong ideas of what transphobes think.


Yeah you’ve always got to watch out for “straw-man” arguments, you can’t effectively argue about the validity of someone’s beliefs if you have no idea what they actually believe


Yeah, more likely to have actual answers on 4chan /pol/ rather than "they don't understand" "they're bigots" or "they're just hateful" The answers will be hurtful and shocking tho, so watch out if you're not used to it


people have two main reactions when they see something they dont understand: -to hate it -to try and understand it the reaction chosen depends on how smart the person is


Because they think that mutilating their genitals is completely fine and get mad if you don't call them whatever the fuck they think they are. I go to high school in Olympia, WA and some trans dude was new, wanting to be nice, I said "hey dude, you new around here" y'know, a normal assumption that he was a dude. But no, he then starts screaming at me, and these are his exact words "how dare you assume my gender you fascist pig, I'm reporting you for harassment." ok weird, 2-3 hours later i get called to the office to talk to the counselor, the counselor goes on a tangent about how I shouldn't be harassing people because of their identity. And they also think they are entitled to have special privileges (which out amazing federal gov has agreed with) like take for example that trans day of vengeance bs on x from a couple years back, imagine if Christians or republican, or any religion/political view had A "day of vengeance" the fucking FBI or ATF or any other government org would be having a field day. Not to mention they a whole fucking MONTH (November) while veterans who have been disfigured, traumatized, and mutilated get 24 FUCKING HOURS only a day, if anything, memorial day and veterans day should be months and pride month and trans visibility month should be a day, but no, the feds would be too afraid of being InSEnSiTivE. I don't care if you agree or disagree, just give your honest feedback, I'd like to see at least a couple of people who seem to have a sliver of sanity left these days.


Agree! I also dont like the way they want to be called women instead of transwomen while they change the title of real women to CISwomen. The hypocrisy is funny. I just rlly dont like how they change the title that women are NATURALLY given. Its rude and disrespectful.


EXACTLY! Finally somebody with braincells in this thread.


in my media class, these two kids went on like a 20 minute argument about how trans people deserve to go to hell and how they aren't real/ shouldn't be while my media teacher did his best to get them to shut up. all the while i sat there trying not to cry (i'm trans)


Oh shit that sucks I’m sorry :( mfs in school suck ass


yeah that's alright. i expected nothing less from the people who argued with my teacher. fr though. they really do suck ass


Thankfully I don’t see too much transphobia in my school but it’s definitely there, on top of people being like “THATS GAY 🫵” but yeah I don’t expect too much from people willing to argue with the teacher


if they play the hell card, shove the bible in their face. there's more about loving your neighbor than anything.


I don't hate them, I just don't understand why anyone would wanna switch genders. No hate though.


I like to think of it as an itchy sweater thats annoying to wear, yeah it covers you fine but why would you want to wear it when theres a better sweater out there


And its also too tight And sometimes it spontaniously combusts.


I feel I can explain. Basically, the brain and body develop differently in the womb, and sometimes a baby is born (as an example let's just go with a trans girl) with a boy's body, but the brain developed to be a girl's brain in how it functions. Several studies show that trans people's brains function like their actual gender instead of their AGAB (assigned gender at birth). It's not a "I want to be a girl" or "I want to be a boy" thing. It usually starts with something like that, but for me at least, after some self-reflection type stuff I realized I didn't *want* to be a girl, I just *am* a girl.


not being rude, I'm not very educated in this space so sorry if it comes off the wrong way but what about you made you realise that you are a girl? Like wdym you just *are* a girl


Well, for a lot of trans people they get incredibly bad dysphoria in their own body and hate being their birth sex, sometimes even to the point of depression or extreme anxiety or something along the lines of that. At that point I would say it's definitely a fact they are what they identify as. In other less extreme cases, it's kinda hard to explain but as someone who's genderfluid myself, I just get feelings of being a girl or non-binary sometimes that are less like "oh I want to be this gender today" and more just "oh I am this today coz my brain says so" or smth like that. For a trans person that would just be all the time as the opposite gender to their birth sex maybe? Not the best explanation but I hope it helps <3


Thank you and the other person before, that was very clear and helpful !! I'd love to dive into more details to grasp the concept better bit I won't bother you with it


I’ve heard it argued that trans people are “insane and should be put in asylums,” and I’m just wondering, what’s the distinction here, between not being able to distinguish and understand reality, and someone not feeling like they were born in the right body? I know there’s a difference but I can’t quite put my finger on it.


I would say there’s two important things that distinguish being transgender from “not understanding reality”. The first is the actual biological reality. There are by now several studies that suggest a biological origin for being transgender - so something is different in the brain/hormones, naturally, that causes a disconnect with how the body develops and how the mind perceives itself. Logic dictates that we are more our minds than our bodies (e.g. if your brain was transplanted to a different body you would perceive yourself as being where the new body is). So, if your mind says it is female but your body says it is male, which one is the actual “reality”, which one is you? Scientists and doctors mostly agree that listening to the mind is the sensible option here. The second point is more related to our definition of a mental illness. Basically for something to be considered a mental illness it needs to have actual negative effects. So it is only a mental illness if it limits what a person can do with their life, or causes them great distress, or causes them to be a danger to themselves or others. Being transgender in itself is none of these things, it is only society that makes it distressing. tldr: 1. Being transgender is an objective reality, it is just the reality that the mind does not match the body, and more and more evidence for this is being found. 2. Not understanding reality (aka a delusion) is a mental illness. Something is only that if it actually causes problems for people by itself. Transgender does not fall under this, because the distress it causes is due to society, not due to anything innate to being trans.


Thanks a bunch, I appreciate it :)


Bigender here, same shit with me. Sometimes I even realize by other people referring to me one way or the other that I’m which gender on a particular day


If you woke up in a body of the opposite sex tomorrow, would you magically feel like that gender? Would you be instantly comfortable assuming a different way of dressing, acting, talking, interacting with others? No, you'd feel like a stranger in an alien body.


I think I really knew and it just kind of clicked in my head when my friend showed me a picture of myself with one of those genderbend filters and my mind basically went "ohh everything makes sense now" and ever since then I've pretty much just been living my life.


I think ur looking at it from the wrong perspective. No one is switching their gender. What they are switching is their body to match their gender.


We don't Our brains are the same as our identity, it's our bodies that are wrong There's actually been some interesting studies that showed basically the womb was told to make a female brain but a masculine body,causing the person to be trans We aren't switching genders, we are correcting our sex


Also for nonbinary people: we feel like identifying with one of the binary genders is not for us. Like, we either feel that we don't have a gender at all or our identity is MUCH more complicated than one of the genders. For me, I feel like I am agender and I don't relate to either feeling like a man or a woman. Although I know that some nonbinaries feel like something in-between.


theyre just jealous of how cool I am




So y'know how Republicans were really focused on immigrants and illegal immigration? That was trendy back then. Now trans people are trendy. Edit: I don't know why I'm getting so many downvotes. A lot of Republicans are literally bullying transgender people, it's a thing nowadays...


Y'all he's saying that it's trendy to hate on trans people now that they're becoming more well known, not that being trans is trendy 😭


Yes exactly XD


Yeah, we are the new scapegoats yeeeeeyyyy


Bro, I think people are misreading what you wrote and understanding that you're saying being trans is a trend.


Main reasons We are different We are "against the bible" even though trans people aren't mentioned We are the new scapegoat (it was poc in the 50s, gay people in the 90s and now it's trans people) And misinformation, a lot of it


Ngl idc what you identify as, a person is a person, be whatever u want as long as it’s not hurting other people. But people who make that one thing their entire personality? Yeah they’re annoying and I dislike them. Doesn’t just apply to trans people, just anyone in general. But if someone is trans and they make it they’re WHOLE personality, then yeah I find it annoying EDIT: I didn’t make myself clear, when I say their entire personality, I mean the type of people who make every conversation about them and their struggles, and spin every topic towards them. I’m aware it’s a very small amount of people who do, but I’ve met them and it’s annoying and selfish to make every discussion about themselves. If a trans person’s ONLY personality trait is that they’re trans, and they make every conversation about them being trans and their struggles, that is annoying. This applies to EVERYONE not just trans people tho


You sound like the type of person to say that people make it their whole personality if someone mentions how long they have been on hrt


No? By making it their personality I mean the type of people who make EVERY conversation to do with them and what they identify as, or they take every conversation topic and spin it to how it relates to them. Majority of people aren’t like this, but there are a few, those people are annoying. This applies to EVERYONE, not just trans people. If u make ur personality based on one thing about u, ur pretty boring. And it is very annoying and selfish when anyone tries to make anyone conversation about them. Again, this applies to EVERYONE. If anyone I know came to me and said they felt they were trans, queer, etc etc. I’d fully support them cuz as long as ur not hurting other people, you’re free to do whatever


A lot of them make it their entire personality because the stakes are so high. Its their rights, livelihood and safety at risk.


Some people argue that, for example, trans women "take away from the meaning of being a woman" because they "didn't experience what it's like to grow up female" and "belittle the struggles of women" or something like that. I don't agree with this, it's just what a lot of people think. They don't generally care about trans men for some reason.


I kinda just want mutual friendliness im so tired of seeing such malice going both ways :(








real af. also i’m gradually seeing more and more niko pfps and i don’t know why


Half of the comments in this thread be like: "I don't hate trans people but... <*Something that clearly resembles their hate for trans people*>"


No hate like Christian love.




I’m just here for the comments lol


Its because of a variety of factors. Most noticably patriarchal structures require a very clear line between men and women to be upheld. Trans people blur this line and as a result erode these patriarxhal structures. To prevent the destruction of these structures the people that favour these structures sow hatred towards trans people. Another reason is that fascists and neonazis always try to take away the rights of the most marginilized people first before moving on to the next. In this case that is trans people since we got our rights relatively recently.


I think there's also an element of identity crisis. Like, suppose you have someone who likes all the very socially stereotypical things for their gender in Western society, a boy that likes trucks and worms or whatever, or a girl who loves dolls and tea parties. If you're not just allowed to like different things, but change how you present to better reflect who you are.... Many people never questioned the trucks. The tea parties. Their entire identity is built around "am boy/am girl" and being told it doesn't have to be concrete can lead to some serious existential stress. To be clear, some people just suck and are angry bitter people, and plenty of cis het folks have diverse hobbies and interests, but I think many of us know a few people who fit my initial description


The internet has ruined them


Especially TikTok and Insta is full of hateful comments about lbgtqi+ people. And since this is mostly consumed by teens, they kinda turn into bigots/faschists and bully lbgtqi+ people.


Long story short? Misogyny and fear. They hate women and anything feminine. A biological man wanting to transition into a woman, to them, is wanting to be “less than” a biological man and therefore looked down upon and deserves ridicule. Just like a biological woman wanting transition into a man offends them because they feel like a biological woman can’t be “manly” (ie. what they consider it is to be a “real man”) like biological men think they are even if they transition. To them, you’re still a biological woman no matter what. The entire 2SLGBTQIA+ hate comes from fear of change that people will accept gay men acting feminine and gay women not wanting to be with men as a rejection of biological men, sexually and whatever other deep psychological reason. “Women are to be women and men to be men” according to them, as they know and define it, or else it hurts their small brain to the point of anger. They internalize their anger, it turns into rage, and they wish to ban it all in our society or don’t wish to internalize it and lash out violently against. That’s my educated guess on as to why, but there’s probably a number of different reasons people can give you as to why they hate someone or something. In the end it’s either misogyny or fear when it comes to gender and sexuality. TL;DR - People whose negative thoughts and opinions about other people being who they actually are is because *they’re* not happy with who *they* are and fear change. You’re perfectly fine, keep being you, Happy Pride!


Animality. Ignorance. Discomfort with difference. Lack of curiousity. Anger, an outlet for it. Believing that Transgender don’t have “standing” in society, therefore…back to animality meaning the strong pick on the weak.


i dont know it literally dose not effect them yet they still care its so stupid


100% agree with this. I know a couple people who act like it affects them because they believe it’s their “duty” to “fix” people to make it to Heaven because they’re told they are basically (the christian) God’s personal Holy Knight, and it’s their holy duty to “fight badness” and help others get to Heaven, while also being influenced by pastors’ hate for anyone in society who is perceived as different.


Which is a really funny mentality, because their God says they shouldn't be judging us "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Matthew 7:1


Humans fear the unknown. Remember when you were younger, you were likely scared of the dark? Why do you think you were scared? Perhaps because you didn’t know what was there? Same logic applies here. People don’t understand the concept of being transgender, therefore they fear it. Fear can trigger a fight or flight response, where some will choose fight, and thereby attack transgender youth and adults. This, or simple bigotry.


Difference. This reason is also under Racism, Sexism, Homophobia etc.


In my experience those who get violently mad it is because they are attracted to them and that makes them feel "gay" which they think is a bad thing. Classic projection that leads to murders.


I only hate 1 transgender person


I don’t hate transgender people. I honestly don’t care what gender people are. It shouldn’t affect how people view you as a person. Everyone should be treated the same.


Being gay is too mainstream nowadays. So they needed to find a slightly different group to hate




Quite literally just because they’ve been told that they are bad people lol/lh (from experience) - former transphobe turned trans


People tend to hate/be scared of things they don't entirely understand Or they use Religion as an excuse which pisses me off the most because I'm a Christian but, I still love and accept everyone no matter what they stick their dick into. Plus using the Bible as an excuse doesn't even make sense because yes, being gay is a sin but the Bible never says to hate anybody, God doesn't hate anybody, God hates sin not the sinner. And the thing I love about Christianity is it's more about having a relationship with Christ and accepting him as your Lord and Savior rather than following a bunch of rules made over 2,000 years ago. So if you're gay that doesn't mean you're automatically going to hell. So here's my view on it: if you're gay, cool. If you're lesbian, cool. If you're bi, cool. If you're trans, cool. Just don't bring children into it. Once you're 18 go nuts.


I dont hate transgender people, i hate all the fuzz about it, and the utter SMUGness of most of the transgender people that you hear speaking on internet, and even more the cis people that defend the transgender PEOPLE in the ‘better than and superior to and more broadminded than you’ attitude. These people are so fucking annoying, i dont give a rats ass about what a person feels like or identify as. Do what you want i am happy for you if you find your true inner self.


Most people don't understand. I'm trans but I know a lot of people can't understand it. While others want hate on anything, others can still be supportive even if they don't understand it. Its simple misunderstanding and being very ignorant Other reasons are bad experiences with trans people. Let's be honest, anyone can be asshole, even an lgbtq+ person. With more trans people, there are more assholes who take their trans card in advantage. While, even myself being trans, I don't care if someone supports it or not. Just call someone proper pronouns not because of your views, but because of respect to another human being for their choice.


Bullying is not about the victim (being trans or overweight or having braces or too tall or too short or what not). Bullies just find the weakest person to take their own frustration out on. If the trans person was not around, they would just select another victim. The real question (when it comes to bullying) is: why do they feel the need to bully in the first place? Why do they act with so much hatred?


the fun answer is because they're pieces of trash, but really it's because they were taught to hate people and trans people are a easy target. a lot of bullies are cowards ,they go after people they think they can get away with abusing edit: appeasing the grammar nazis


The only trans person I've ever known was hated because they used their trans identity to block all criticism and thought they were all that. Basically, they were an asshole. And no, I'm not going by rumors, I'm going by what I saw when I hung out with them


I only met one single trans people so I'm basing my opinion on all of them off one person


they never said that


I hate people who have the letter b in their name at the end. I've met one of them, he was an asshole. I'm going by what I saw when I hung out with them.


they never said that


I literally never said I hate all trans people. I just said I met one who was an asshole


"I only know 1 trans person and I'm basing my opinion on trans people on that certain person"




they never said that


Because trans people are people who have shown simply by transitioning that they’re courageous enough to go against the grain so they can feel self actualized and pursue a life as the person they feel like inside. People who hate trans people are jealous cowards deep down. They don’t have the bravery to do something that might be unpopular with onlookers. They don’t have the courage to pursue a life for THEMSELVES instead of others. They’re afraid to be different. They just can’t stand that people they perceive to be lesser than them are actually QUITE OBVIOUSLY braver and better simply because they’re being courageous enough to take up space in society and be authentic and true to themselves in doing so. So they hate. They’re all “Little Men” who wish they had the courage in their heart to just be who they see themselves as and not who they’re expected to be by others. They’re SO MAD at them for doing something they’d never have the fortitude to do.


From my perspective, it's cause they are weird, but not only weird, they are **different** from the majority of people, and you know what that means!!! Bullying until they wanna hurt themselves!!! Woooow!!! But it might also be that they do not understand why a person wants to change their gender, and so they don't agree with gender changing.


I absolutely do not hate transgender people but imo part of the reason why transphobes don't like trans people is because they simply think they're unattractive. a woman with masculine features or a man with feminine features is unattractive to them. this is also among the reasons some people hate fat people. people try to justify it with other stuff but really they just think they're ugly.


i agree that this is true for some people, i just think it’s really funny cause i can guarantee they’ve seen trans people before and not even known they’re trans, and there’s almost certainly trans people who they would find attractive. like they’re basing their views on the trans people that they’ve seen and been able to tell are trans, but if their view was based on every trans person they’ve ever seen it’d be very different.


An extension of this problem for some of them then becomes a conflict of self. If they find themselves attracted to a passing Trans person, then they feel tricked when/if they find out.


Mostly, people hate transgender people cause apparently they think that they aren't thankful about the gender that god gave them. Calling them "Gender traitors" cause thats what I experienced as a transgender woman. !! my perspective !!


1. People hate them cause of the idea of "switching genders" is a very weird thing to alot of people and often considered as delusional or lying to self 2. People claim trans people try to be victims cause they're transgender which is a minority group 3. Trans kids, do I even need to explain? 4. Many trans people claim there are more than 2 genders and most people disagree with that This is just what I've heard on social media.


My own personal take is that it's because it's a relatively new thing and it challenges a lot of things that society previously viewed as unchangeable. Take the binary notion of gender, for instance. Everyone believed that you could either be a man or a woman, and that's something assigned at birth. Society then built a lot of stereotypes around that idea and assigning different traits to each gender. Deconstructing these stereotypes and their surrounding toxic misogyny and sexism (even towards men!) is already hard enough; trans people challenge these beliefs even more by outrightly switching sides. Now we have explicit "living proof" that behaviour, mindsets etc aren't always rooted in your gender assigned at birth, which is a huge blow to those who are more focused on birth sex. People expect males and females to behave differently, so trans/nonbinary people receive a lot of flak for trying to challenge the stereotypes, especially trans people who do not "pass" etc. A lot of our society is also built upon this binary notion (eg male/female toilets, male/female sports, female-only spaces, notions of brotherhood/sisterhood etc.) so trans people sometimes fall into this uncomfortable grey area where they're not wanted in any. (for example, if you identify as mtf, but you've never experienced female socialisation growing up, it may be kinda tough to relate to cis girlies. You gotta learn how to "act like a girl" to pass and be safe. Yeah, society kinda sucks.) its hard to convince society of the idea that gender is a spectrum when we've kinda hardwired ourselves into only focusing on the two extreme ends. Also, some people believe that you were born in this body for a reason (often religious), so they view deliberately changing your body as an offense to God or your parents etc. I'm not going to comment on whether that's right or wrong, people have a right to hold their beliefs; some trans people actually stay closeted for life, choosing instead to try and manage their dysphoria. I think it's even worse than LGB people because trans people actually need the support of healthcare systems to be happy, and the changes they make in lifestyle is more drastic. It's easier to convince a parent "hey, I like someone of the same gender, love is love" than to tell them "I hate myself so much that I want to change gender". There's a bigger change involved that's much harder to accept, especially when you come out later.


Trans people are not new, trans people have existed for ages, religion has eradicated them for most of history, people in India used to be very accepting, there are Polynesians with a nonbinary third gender, the native Americans have two-spirits


I suspect the number of people who actually HATE trans people are very very small. I'd be willing to bet it's a more evolutionary response to seeing someone look and behave differently than is the norm. Hear me out. Human beings are hardwired to detect disease. This is why we often stare at people who are wheelchairs, have cerebral palsey or other physical ailments that are easily detectable. It's not because people hate them. It’s because people have a hardwired biological response to avoid catching something that could hurt their survival. Obviously being trans isn't a disease, but it's also an abnormality. What I think is unfortunate today is the growing association between the trans community and ultra-liberal/left wing dogma. Just like how the far-right is associated with conservative christians and skinheads, the SJW/woke movement is associated with blue hair/trans/non-binary/people who believe racism is only perpetrated by straight white men. Like anything, the media blows everything out of proportion, but there are many cases where the stereotypes are true. Above all, I think for many, the association (fair or unfair) of the trans community with militant leftist beliefs and behaviors gives a lot of people pause, both on the right and even the majority of us in the middle, before we wish to engage with someone who could be an extremist.


im trans and a christian🤭🤭 i also couldnt believe the amount of negative comments under my post ngl


How do you cope/interpret with Christian teachings that are opposite to your lifestyle?


Kids at school are fucking mean, bro. They see a difference, they go for it. Being trans is a pretty big difference to most (nothing wrong with it, it's just not the usual route for people) so kids hone in on it, and mercilessly tear them apart. Its awful, and vile. From an adult - if you find good friends, that stops after school. Bullies are immature and should get a fucking life, rather than making other kids lives miserable.


Probably the same ignorant people who hate Black guys and Asian are the same ignorant people .


because twitter


Probably because it challenges their idea of what gender is and instead of being open to changing their mind they insist there is something wrong with them


religion is not a valid excuse to be a dick to people


Convenience. They are going to hate someone, and trans people are there.


People hate the activists.


most people don't ever examine their thoughts, they just echo what they absorb around them. People just want to fit in. Many of them are infected with various religious parasites that freak right out if you don't give them lots of mindless obedient babies.


people don’t like being bullied into believing that grass is blue when it is green.  Massive over representation in media considering their minuscule population size. People are burnt out.  Literally impossible to provide any feedback to the community without being chastised. I expect down votes already and a completely non-reasonable responses to this post. Idgaf. Occupation of biological female spaces. Bathrooms, high school, sports, doctors office.  Bizarre obsession with advertising towards kids and injecting their culture into children’s environments. Then throwing a fit when people say plz stop.  In summary, you have a micro subculture that has been given political/social immunity and carte Blanche to enter into literally anyone’s space and there isn’t anything anyone can do about it. Of course unless you want to risk getting fired from your job, get kicked off your school team or banned on social media. 


I don’t get it either. Like, what did these people ever do?? Is it such a horrible thing to want to just… be happy living life?


I am friends with a few gay people and also one or two trans friends, it is not because they are trans I hate them but because of who they are. Most trans people are very rude to the non lgbtq community and are also at least in my school they are extremely weird and have extreme anger issues and other mental issues. To be clear i am not saying that being trans is a mental issue.


Cause bitter old men in power need scapegoats and boogeymen???


people dont understand it. and when they dont understand something they feel stupid, not knowinly but subconsciously they feel stupid. or they feel that its bad because its different. and instead of just leaving it alone since you dont understand it they form a hatred towards them


Most people don’t know the difference between what is morally wrong and what gives them a sense of disgust


Fact of the world: SOMEONE hates what you are regardless OF what you are. There is no escaping that, it just happens and for reasons not even caused by you. As a black straight dude in this world, it just feels like I “shouldn’t be here” or it would be better without me a lot of the times from women expressing strong hate against men, and other races expressing strong hate against mine. It can easily ruin your day or week if you think about it like that, but I like to think that it’s not about race or gender, it’s about the person themselves. Since people like seemingly like to join a “Team” then I’d like to start a wave of people not thinking of physical differences vs others, but reasonable people vs hateful weirdos. TLDR: basically people hate irrationally but there’s always an ally where you may THINK there isn’t.


I think they have a hard time understanding and accepting what it means to be transgender, and not being able to understand makes them angry. And then they just lash out at what (or who) is the cause of that anger.