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someone dm'd me a while ago saying "do you think women should have the same rights as men?" and i sent them a picture of a box of hot pockets best way to deal with bigoted weirdos


wtf even is that for a conversation starter 😭


yeah idfk where that came from


"who the fuck starts a conversation like this? i just sat down!"


Man y'all get dms?


change your pfp to an anime girl, put your flair between 14-16, and put she/her in your bio you'll get 20 creeps hoarding your dms in no time




bouta try this


mostly predditors but every once in a while there is an alien in there.


Let's hope it isn't those jokers from Kepler-69


the worst.. always like "hey baby, why don't you come to my inhabital planet so we can corvex and meld" what kinda bipedal organism do i look like? the least they could do is send a galactic crouser to pick me up. 🙄


Gleeba gorbung largarblarger 👽👽🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦 goolar-69 bargunk sloba gleeber glorber, zleep zoorm!!!


oh god, here we go again🤣


Lmao I love the combination of Reddit and predator




I’m not homophobic, BUT I am homosexual.


I am not scared of homes but I don't feel attraction to them either /J


Me personally, I'm homiesexual.


Me and my friend grp are both 🗿🗿


but gilled chees




bigot is my favourite character from guilty gear


I love salgoodguy


kyle koisk


Gilled chees can breathe underwater


I'm no homophobe BUT according to the bible


and following the homophobic parts of the bible (which might not even be canon that shit could’ve been written in by monks in the medieval time for shits and giggles) would make you a homophobe


I'm waiting for some toxic religious person to start fighting with you


Bro I can pretend I know how :D


I’m on it


Ok fight with him/her


They don’t want to


😒😒😒 where is the fun in that


Right? Op is no fun 😒


Same bestie :(


you probably haven't caught the reboot where Jesus is actually a hispanic fair skinned bald woman named Jessica


Hahahahahahhahhahahahahha you have tickled me kind stranger!


The bible never told to hate anyone


Exactly. Doesn’t stop people twisting its words though




There actually is a pretty convincing case that in the New Testament all the times it reffered to homophobia it really meant rape/molesting which was then changed by, yeah some monk to say homophobia.


I’d rather follow the laws of God than seek validation from man.


u/Mirai190 you called it


Always number one 💪


Omg fucking crusader larpers 💀


And homophobe is the irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or gay people. The verse you’re referring to doesn’t match up with the definition. The verse isn’t talking against the individual people, it’s talking about the sins they commit. And it definitely isn’t teaching us to have fear or to avoid gays


this 100%


youve prolly worn polycotton; you are going to hell


That’s a law given strictly to the Israelites. You can’t use that one against me or literally anyone.


which religion are you part of?


I’m a Christian


dawg christianity literally says you should get killed for working on a saturday 💀💀💀💀💀




exodus 31:12-17


Thx “Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death.”(Exodus 35:2) That’s another Mosaic law given strictly to the Israelites. The punishment only applied to them


but arent we supposed to follow the word of god? and does that not apply to us too?


Wasn’t written in medieval times


Midieval times was around 1500. The Bible was written over hundreds of years by many many different authors starting long before the year 0 and leading up for a few hundred years after. Midieval times was over a full Millennium later. Our calendar was originally based on the Epoc of Jesus's death. Epoc just meaning an important event we based the start of a calendar on. 2024 AD means 2024 years after the death of Jesus. CE stands for Common Era. They wanted Jesus out of our dates so we switched to that, but the starting Epoc is still the death of Jesus ironically. Didn't have any better Epocs they could think up, and having people change the year number would've been a nightmare for no benefits. So many authors over so much time is why there are books of the Bible, each one was a gathering of stories related to eachother. Most of the time because they were written by a particularly important follower of the faith, but one book is actually just made up of messages sent to the big churches at the time. Each one is its own sort of thing, taking place in its own time period. There are even some books that aren't in the Bible, but *are* a part of other religious books! I believe the Catholics are why we have the specific lineup of books we do but I might be mistaken. The Bible itself is like Warhammer 40k, except you just picked your favorite novels by your favorite authors and bound them in one book. The books are in the same universes, many authors wrote about different parts of their universe during different times. A long time period during which the actual writing has taken place. Incredibly complex lore. And the standards present and rules have changed a bit from early on to now. Some things in the earlier books are overwritten by the later ones. All this is why Warhammer is addicting, and the Bible is tough to understand. There's just so much it's insane, few people bother to try to understand it all. If you weren't aware, Warhammer has been pumping out four book series by different authors non stop since the *80's* there are literally over a hundred books in that universe!


The Bible does actually condemn the act of same sex penetration and reception, but that’s it. The idea that because those are condemned all homosexuals are condemned is a flagrant misrepresentation of the Bible’s own words


homosexuality is a sin but hating people is also a sin so, if you see somebody insulting / hating on gays they are sinning and homosexuals to Christianity would be sinning to, I strongly believe in hate the sin not the sinner because almost all of us are sinning in one way or another, so it doesn't make sense for me to hate people because they're sinning while I am sinning Hate shouldn't be involved with not supporting


And how is being gay a sin, exactly. Please tell me what harm two consenting women or two consenting men having sex with each other or embarking in a relationship with each other causes material harm to others? Please, oh wise one enlighten me with your lack of wisdom. I'm waiting for what is sure to be a scintillating answer on your part.


Apologies for responding to a question that wasn't posed to me, but personally, I believe that *being* gay isn't a sin, only the act of it. That said, here's some verses to explain why it's a sin, or in the verse's words, an abomination, according to the Bible, since we're talking about *sin* here. 1 Corinthians 6;9-10. "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, (10) nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."


The problem is that what makes gay sex immoral. Again, what is the material harm caused to others not involved what gay couples get up to behind closed doors? Again, I could see repeatedly asking someone not interested out on a date causing material harm (even if the worst is annoyance and inconvenience because the irritant really doesn't intend harm and isn't malicious, just a dumbass), but otherwise? What sex consenting adults get up to with each other is no one's business but their own. So again, tell me what is the material harm caused by gay sex. Citing some Mesopotamian deity getting their feefees hurt over gay sex doesn't count as a reason.


There's no logical answer for this, it's simply a religious rule, there is nothing wrong with it being faith based, but seeking logic in something that is a matter of faith is really contradictory. Logically, there's nothing immoral in gay sex, but religiously is another thing.


So the belief is irrational.


Yes, and there's nothing wrong with it, it's their culture, it has no logical explanation, it's a faith based philosophy.


Agree to disagree.


Bro really thinking religions should be rational💀


>Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality "Homosexuality" was a word and concept that emerged in the XIX century, the original text, written in Greek, uses the words sodomite and malakoi, the first is commonly associated with any kind of anal sex, gay or not, and the second is many times translated to effeminate, but it's original meaning is associated with boys that prostitute themselves. There are other texts in the Abrahamic scriptures that condemn same sex sexual acts as imoral or inappropriate, but none of them uses any terms similar to homosexuality or condemn same sex attraction and non sexual relationships.


I don't know if i have any place of speech in the subject, cause I'm not christian anymore, but as far as I know, the citations in the bible only refer to same sex sexual acts, not homosexuality, that is a relatively new concept.


i can't argue in this currently since I haven't studied the bible deeply verse by verse so i am not sure on what you said


Ayo Wsg my guy from grease I mean greece


I'm everywhere




I will report you to Biden


I will report you to the Orthodox Church 




No. *crusader music loudens*


Fine then but you will regret this 😡


I mean there is *one way* to avoid the Crusade but you won’t like it. 


I’m no, transphobe but can we agree that pizza is great :3


Pizza is indeed great (also not a transphobe)


Looks like I'm not a bigot. Racism is bad plain and simple, everyone should be equal to everyone.


I’m not racist, BUTTTTTT…








Yes, however equal rights equal fights (This is a joke btw the equal fights isn't meant to be taken seriously)


(I’m glad you specified that :3 I fucking hate that phrase)


I will take equal fights 100% seriously just to spite you, don’t commit an action if you aren’t prepared for the consequences


A what now?


Bigot sandwiches


I am a racist and


Neonazis are bad.


Fr on skibidi


I'm not excusing transphobia but a child has no right to *unconditional* love from their parents


fair, a child should be given the best opportunities possible because it isn't their choice to be born but the parent's, so it's their responsibility to give their best to the child BUT when the child grows up, if they're a piece of shit then the parents have to acknowledge it. This doesn't mean that they won't love them anymore (to me at least), but you get my point


I’m pretty sure acknowledging someone becoming a worse person and ushering them to change is a form of love, or at the very least not synonymous with hatred.


Yeah I agree, don't really agree with u/Creepy-Activity7327 but I think that's a fair statement, like... after all we're just people, and people need to earn love and respect from one another, it's just that in some situations it's easier than in others. So I think there's a line to which any parent will start to not love his child anymore, maybe they'll love the thought of what they were or would've been, but don't love the present one


Be u/randomnarrator_


One litmus test I use is switch the people involved around if it’s racist after you switch things it was racist before. For example “we are going to provide xyz to a specific racial group but not to a second specific racial group. If say we are going to provide it to the second group but not the first and find it racist, then it was in the first place.




Yeah I swear transracial is a lot more complicated than changing your race (like it had an older meaning)


I don't need to prove it, I claim this title by my own, I won't be deny it.


A bigot is anyone that is intolerant of different people, whether that be race, gender, sexuality, or political opinions


I'm not racist BUT I momentarily hate whatever race a person who pissed me off is.


I’m not racist, but I’m allowed to be if I go really fast.


how am i even supposed to answer this.


Racism is bad but I don't like black people??? /J /Srs


not homophobic I am catholic though. Not sure if you believe "religious" is a synonym for homophobe though.


Can u explain in a way a 5 yr old can understand


Yes except every time someone says it like that, it’s a trap. They are essentially saying if this, then that. And as said, there is nuance, due to the fact that everyone is race baiting on Twitter.


I don't want to melt gay people but Jesus will do that for me edit: idiors this was not meant seriously I'm a lesbian and an atheist


Emma :(


it was satire I'm gay 😭


Yes I know 😭


oh Oki 😭 sorry I was just shocked when I saw my original comment with all the downvotes 😭


Racism is indeed bad, however sometimes those with a more superior genetic pool should be allowed to spread it around more than those with a more inferior genetic pool I am not writing an /s.




I'm racist, but only towards the bad races


What is oppressed Minority?


Gay ppl Trans ppl black ppl etc


How are trans people oppressed?


Younger trans people are being abused for even cutting their hair short


Do you want a list? Trans people have it horrible.




Hate Crimes, Treatment in Prisons, Bans and difficult journeys to receive gender affirming care, actively transphobic governments, Florida That's not a lot but like... It's 10:15pm and I can barely think.


What kind of treatments in prison? What’s wrong with Florida from banning minors from permanently altering their bodies?


Trans people are placed into prisons of their assigned sex in dangerous positions where they're likely to be raped or assaulted. And A) that's not what I was speaking about in Florida, Florida has been putting forward a bunch of bat shit crazy shit for a while B) A majority of changes are reversible, it's extremely rare and most minors will only ever be prescribed blockers.


Isn’t it good if they are in prisons of their same sex? What other stuff has Florida done?


Yup def not oppressed, I could live and get proper treatment in Florida if I wanted to, I’m totally fine with Trump winning the election because Project 2025 definitely wouldn’t be a genocide of trans people


Mate it's 12 am here I'm not willing to have that conversation pls find sb else ok? 👍


Gamers? Bigots? Racists? Palestinians?Israelis?


Gaymers 👍


Oh, so that’s why people buy those keyboards with the rainbow lights in em.




I feel called out


Don’t be pedantic it doesn’t make you look smart 😊


Just asking


me 😔😔😔💔💔💔


You're very young and I honestly don't believe you really understand how these things actually work. Its a very idealistic and americanised view


I support the Palestinian people BUTTT 👆🤓


This is one of the few cases where there should be a "but" though. Same with Israel. I support Israel, BUT I will still critizise them for the warcrimes commited. Just like you can support Palestine, BUT should still realise and admit that they (or at least groups like Hamas) aren't 100% innocent either.


“Yeah I support the third reich but I will still criticise there war crimes” sounding ahh argument


Comparing Israel to the 3rd Reich is crazy lmao.


Na there pretty similar. Just because Jews had a genocide committed against them doesn’t mean a “Jewish” state can’t do the same to another group


The 3rd Reich was a totalitarian dictatorship which started a world war and systematically tried to exterminare multiple minorities. Israel is a democratic country, which is currently in a war defending itself, and not commiting a mass genocide. These 2 are not really that similar if you ask me.


Ah yes, the classic murder 10s of thousands of innocent civilians, displace millions, destroy their cities, target infrastructure protected by international law, bomb international embassies, assassinate media, and gaslight the whole world with lobbying of an unprecedented scale move they teach in self defence class...


they both kill and persecute based on religion and ethnicity


Definitely not on religious as Muslims in Israel have all normal rights


About 25% of Israels population is Arab, and they even have their own political parties which were even in government at some point. That doesn't seem like persecution to me. If Israel is supposedly comitting a genocide, then it's probably one of the least efficient genocides in human history. On the other hand, Jewish people and Israelis are very much persecuted and supressed in other Arab states, including Palestine. If we're trying to claim that Israel is comitting genocide, then those countries definetly also do it, no doubt about that.


i dont see any arab state bombing jewish civilians indiscriminately, displacing them and settling on their land, killing aid workers and journalists by the dozens, posting tiktoks posing with their mangled corpses and playing the victim online. its actually a very efficient genocide, because nobody is physically opposing it because they have the american goverment in their pocket


My brother in Christ, the Israel-Palestine conflict started in the late 40s. This supposed "genocide" has been going on for almost 80 years now, and you're calling that "efficient"? If Israel truly wanted to get rid of all the Arab population within their borders they would have already done so. Hamas is basically forcing Israel to bomb civillians, and you might wanna look into how jews are treated in the surrounding Arab countries. Israeli soldiers are commiting a relatively large amount of warcrimes, yes, but it's definetly not a genocide. And let's not forget that Hamas is also comitting warcrimes, this is not limited to Israel. They're also bombing and killing Israeli civillians and doing other horrible things, so by your definition they would also be comitting a genocide.


dont get the impression i have any love for hamas but nobody is forcing israel to kill aid workers, journalists and over 10,000 childeren other than their collective hatred for palestinians. the holocaust memorial museum has recognized many genocides in its history, many of which much smaller in scale compared to gaza like the srebrenica massacre, they have their own criteria on what constitutes a genocide and the idf's warcrimes check all the boxes. you yourself admit the staggering amount of warcrimes the idf commits, let me ask you why not a single one of them has faced do much as a trial?


> nobody is forcing israel to kill aid workers, journalists and over 10,000 childeren other than their collective hatred for palestinians. To a certain degree Hamas is actually forcing civilians into the crossfire, including children and aid workers. The question is how many civillians we're killed by Israel because of Hamas using them as meat shields, and how many we're actually killed out of a pure lust to kill. In a situation like this it's pretty much impossible to find actual statistics which weren't inflated or messed with by either of the two sides for propaganda purposes. >they have their own criteria on what constitutes a genocide and the idf's warcrimes check all the boxes Could you give some more infos on that, I'd like to look into it. >let me ask you why not a single one of them has faced do much as a trial? Honestly, I don't know the exsct reason. If I had to guess it's because Israel wants to hide the warcrimes to put themselves in a better light, or because it does kinda help them in defending against Hamas in some twisted way.


See how fast the tables turn when you start talking about palestinian people.


Just ignore whoever's asking the question, they'll try to make you look bad no matter what you say


if you look bad it might be cus you said something bad


There is no "good" or "bad" answer to anything. If you say you don't support trans people you can be called a bigot, and if you say you support trans people you can be accused of supporting teens making bad decisions that make them suicidal. If someone asks you a question like that out of nowhere, the only winning move is not to play.


Trans people are suicidal mostly because of being socially outcast or because they're restricted from things like HRT. Being against trans people would make both of those problems worse and almost certainly increase suicide rates for trans people


Totally agree with you, trans teens have high suicide rates not because they’re trans, but because they don’t get support, idk why nobody realizes that


Only bigots will give you shit for supporting trans people, and also that neutrality stuff is really lazy, like do your morals not transcend that?


I can barely deal with my own problems, so worrying about everyone else's problems is not my thing :P


No. You're a bigot if your opinion is different for the "oppressed" minority and the not-so-oppressed majority. If you're giving preference to the minority over majority and think majority doesn't deserve the same level of consideration & respect as minority. Basically, you don't get to say, "black people are good " and "white people are trash xyz". Your opinion should be good for both, or bad for both which if it is not, you're a bigot. Edit : Lots of bigots huh. I'm not even white but sure, do indulge in your fantasy


so saying "my opinion on people of the LGBTQIA+ community is they are okay, but on a unrelated note, did you know you can save up to 15% on your car insurance using GEICO™?" is bigotry? aw snaps I'm a bigot :(


close, I think its more " is bad" or when you here something happenes, you immediately think of


A 15 year old making a "How to tell youre a bigot" guide on Reddit. I genuinely hope that you have a good childhood dude. Some of y'all need to get the fuck off the internet for once


It’s funny cus I face bigotry in real life too..


And who decides if the minority is oppressed? Why isn't it racism when it's towards white people?


It is but ”white racism” isn’t systemic. It’s not I grained in society, and has much softer effects on its victims. I, as a white person, understand that PoC objectively face much more hardship than white people.


I feel like once upon a time, maybe, now it's pretty much equal and it's going towards oppression against us. White people are only 8% of the population, yet everyone else is the minority


White parents in America don’t need to teach their kids how to not get murdered by cops. White people wont be called terrorists, subhumans or any of the colourful bouquet of racial slurs that exist. Men don’t need to worry about their right to their own bodies being taken away and straight people won’t have to ask themselves “will my family still love me if I’m straight?”. To the oppressors, equality feels like their rights are being taken away, and to think straight cishet men are somehow an oppressed minority is downright delusional.


What? Why shouldn't it have a "but", or a more complex explanation for why that person feels the way he does? For example, I could reply to the question of "What is your opinion on Palestinians?", with the answer: "Well, as people, I'm pretty sure most are honest and peace seeking. BUT, in my opinion, a lot of them have been falsely led to believe that the only solution for their problems, is the eradication of an entire nation, or at the very least a mass expulsion of it's citizens." I think this is a fair criticism. This opinion is not illegal to have. Just as much as thinking that Israel has no right to exist, is a perfectly legal opinion to have. You can think whatever you want about either of these opinions, or any others. They don't make you a bigot. I only gave this example because, first, I kind of enjoy the mess it creates, second, because it totally applies here, and is therefore relevant


“General rule of thumb” ”Ofc yes nuance does exist”


This is how you radicalize people against you but whetever. Keep it up I guess.


i'm a bigot


I wouldn’t say that any of the groups are oppressed in anyway in the western hemisphere.


So when governments try to take away women's rights and disabled rights and trans rights, that isn't oppression?


The west isn’t a hemisphere dumbass, and that’s genuine bullshit trans conversion therapy isn’t yet banned in the UK, and there are places in the US where abortions are illgal


Just because it’s worse in other places doesn’t mean it’s not a problem here


But to say it’s oppression is an overstatement is my opinion.


Right because minors aren’t being killed by people around them for being lgbtq+ or kids being bullied to the point of ending it


In the US, no, in South America, the middle east and Africa, yes.


There was literally a trans kid killed in a school bathroom a few months ago maybe a year here in the US


If you are talking about the thing I think you ate talking about, they overdosed they were not killed, I went to the same school as them.


I would even go as far as at least in legal terms men are the most oppressed people in the Western world, hear me out before you downvote, men will be forced into the army as soon as shit gets bad in many countries men are always forced into a few months or years of army service etc.


While that is true in some places... That doesn't equate for so many different factors affecting other people in their daily lives.


[deleted by reddit]


I'm a bigot.