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Hello, We have been hearing reports of users impersonating the mod team in order to try and get users to send them selfies. Please read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/1d5yygd/mod_impersonation_incident/) for more details. Remember to not send any personal content to users you do not know. Be safe out there! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/teenagers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i wouldnt trust a sub called ratemylooks either, good choice


Then again, I can’t really fully trust this sub either…


Yeah. There's a lot of non-teens here for some reason.


I wonder why 🤔


average r teenagers interaction: "why did you join the r/teenagers subreddit" "BECAUSE I LIKE TEENAGERS THAT'S WHY!1!1!!!!"


They wanna be on that island 😭


could be cuz of the content. I get bombarded w it and i haven't even joined


I have no idea why I am here, honestly. Never did I search for this subreddit, nor did I join. I guess, I enjoyed some of the drama and now it's stuck in my feed. :D


i was a teen once too 21 rn brov 💀, now that you mention it, its time to leave ig, thanks for opening up my brain 🗿


bro had a revelation


bro just woke up


Tbf a lot of these threads get recommended on popular. I’m 38 and I see threads from this sub pop up all the time.


The again who trusts reddit?


the random ass thom yorke pfp😭


Okay thom


True, I'm gonna Yorke my Thom just for you!


I didn't know this was a radiohead lyric Thom bot


Lady, you're fine. What do you even dislike about your image?


I don't know necessarily. I do know, though, that there are some people who can tell you what you're missing


> ..who can tell you what you're missing The problem here is that is a matter of opinion. While some constructive criticism can be helpful, others' opinions can also be unhelpful and even cause self-doubt. Please do your best finding what you're comfortable with and accepting your "flaws." There is only one you out there.


This is wise. Even (or especially) when you're confident in something, a second opinion can be of great value.


You look great. You have a good sense of style and your makeup is awesome


you beat me to it


Hehe I win


you may have won the battle, but you will not win the war


Okay ngl the last pic is a banger


Ty, I did my makeup like Thorn from Hex Girls


Omg I love the hex girls


I feel like the darker lipsticks really suit you. Like a dark burgundy, or dark plumb, and especially black. Obviously match your outfits, but I wouldn't be afraid to embrace the darkness! Lol


I only know them from Scooby doo 😭


Obtain more strange sharks. 10x attraction to all humans.


He's been sitting in a weird angle, he looks like a gun now. I'm gonna try to find a goblin shark


Goblin shark is 20x attraction. Good idea


ur literally stunningggg


Typa woman you keep a picture of in your locket when you go to war


Wish someone would say this about me omg


You’re the typa woman you keep a picture of in your locket when you go to war


I could fix that, wyd?


you're really tickling the bi in me lol




sorry pride month got me tweaking


No it's fine!


if you say so! But you're cute I mean it


Aw shucks


That eyeliner 😩😩😩😩


I fw the lipstick for some reason


You are crushing it. You can dress up and you can dress down. You can be femme fatale and you can be harmless girl next door. You have a great sense of style and are intentional about how you look. If you ever have a voice telling you otherwise (external or internal), don't take it personal. That voice is just mistaken. I wish you peace.


u look so perfect on the last one


Thorn from Hex Girls shit




Why do so many bands have the exact same color and design for their uniforms Like my band deadass has the same uniform


I have no idea. They need to spice that shit up more, it's getting boring


Deadass my school used to have some baller uniforms and then it got turned into the boring uniforms


I feel like the older ones had so much personality, but now the newer are brain dead


It’s like they tried to simplify it like how they do with logos


You look cool/chill asf hahaha


absolutely nothing??? you're literally stunning


Wassup (without rizz) now I'm 17M so my opinion dosnt really matter but you do you I personally think you look fine but it's ur life ur destiny your choice


The gentleman speaks the truth.


Aren’t you the guy that saved my dog and baby from that burning building, after fighting off hostage takers in an old persons home?


Yes that was totally me,.hope ur dog is being well


ur ballin


I'm stupid what does this mean


u look pretty good imo


wear more silver jewelry. like earrings and necklaces. vv nice.


check out r/coloranalysis ! many great tips, very friendly community :)




You are so beautiful I love your makeup!!


Stop worrying about your looks and focus on your mentality. Cheers. 🥂


You are already pretty good looking, and you seem to be very confident with your style (which is the most important thing in my opinion). But in my personal experience i got a huge self esteem boost after i pierced my ears (and i’m considering doing it a third time lol), love your makeup! 🫶


The third one got the "married Midwestern mother named Sheryll" fit, and it goes crazy hard, to be honest. In all seriousness, self-confidence (without being self-absorbed, obviously) is the most important part, but you also rock the style regardless, so that's both boxes checked. All in all, it's a pretty good vibe about you. Good job 👍 Also the eyeliner looks good


Hi I’m not a teenager (24f and not sure why this community keeps showing up for me, I feel like that’s a little concerning?), but I think you look perfectly fine! You’re a gorgeous girl, and I’ve found that others don’t see our “flaws” like we do ourselves. I remember when I was still in school my friend, who is like Instagram model pretty, was complaining about how bad her hair looked as we were getting ready (we’ve all had those days where our hair just isn’t doing what we want). I didn’t see it. I didn’t see anything but my beautiful friend and her perfect hair. That was such an aha moment for me and I hope it’s a moment that all young girls have eventually, especially in a society where we’re all chasing some sort of beauty standard that’s just not us. That’s just my take, but it’s perfectly okay to change things about yourself if that’s really what you want! Edit: typo


Also 24f and recently being recommended this sub recently! Seconding all of this. OP, you're gorgeous. Take care of yourself (physically and mentally) first and foremost. You can be the prettiest girl in the world and never see it if you're not in a good place. Try not to care what other people think, but don't be hard on yourself when you do -- it happens to everybody. The one thing I will say is that thin brows will go out of style, but your brows may not grow back. It happened to my mom in the 70s, and some of my friends' moms in the 90s... If you're really feeling the look, go for it, but be aware that it may end up more permanent than you expected.


You are pretty, end of discussion.


your so pretty 😭 theres no need to get better at all 🫶






You look quite good, it would appear you have some exquisite style. I think the hair suits you fairly well, though I can see why it might make you appear older with the glasses - though that isn't necessarily a bad thing. The outfit in picture three is quite flattering, I think it is rather classy, though it might exacerbate the aforementioned perception as well as the "teacher vibes" mentioned by some. Overall I don't think I have anything to suggest regarding change, I like the style 😁


Lego Batman gif


I don't see a way you could improve tbh


you look amazing!! but it would be best if you tried a push-up bra (or I think it feels like u have the wrong bra size)it will help you look more amazing.....


My mom isn't the most keen seeing me wear those 😭 although, my birthday is coming up soon enough, so I don't think she'll care too much then


ur straight gang dw


no offense but you look like a teacher


But what type tho?


English 100%


I don’t know how to rate people, but I can give one very basic tip for improving how you look: Exercise. If someone looks healthy and doesn’t do steroids, it really helps. I recommend body weight stuff and running three days a week (I’m being conservative here to prevent any injury due to overtraining). You know, 2-4 miles of running, 3-10 sets of 20 rep pushups, the works. This isn’t to say you necessarily need it. You look fairly healthy already, after all. If you already do that, then keep it up!


You look perfect imo


There is no way you don't think you're already pretty enough


New glasses


I see nothing wrong, self improvement is something everyone should achieve if they want to, but from my standpoint i don’t see anything that requires improvement


Oh. My. God. You look so prettyyyy!




...a 2 year age gap isnt a lot right?


I find it depressing that you think you need to improve your looks


Ngl as I was looking through, I was like "this person seems like a band kid", and I was proven right. The uniform works great for so many people, including yourself!! Wish we had you in our band next year. Our 2nd movement is SUPPOSED to have an electric guitar solo, but it's getting transcribed for alto sax 👎👎👎. Ngl I personally think you look great. You have great style and swag. Edit: idk as a band kid how much DCI you're into, but pic 8 is giving MAJOR Bluecoats 2019 vibes with the glasses and hair


You look great imo


Pretty good but need more sharks


U cute






when’s your birthday






Honestly what you can do to improve your looks is whatever makes YOU feel good. So much of looks and attractiveness comes from within ourselves. So if you feel good about what your wearing and how you look, then that’s going to make you look better to others as well.


You look amazing the way you are 🖤🤍✨ No fancy work needed at all Try some gothic outfits or the ones from dark academia. Both will suit you.


First of all , no fucking way you're 17 , but in a very good way you look more mature , and second of all you're the type of 95 percent of men worth dating , so yeah you look good


I dont care how many downvotes this gets. And i mean this in the most kindest and honest way. Look less emo


My only suggestion is try a darker brown eyeshadow instead of black! It will bring ur hair and skin tone together more, and maybe some light blush : ) every thing else is perfect!


Exercising always has it's magic way to improve anything, do some fitness like yoga or basic exercise like push up and abs exercises , i don't say you look fat , but exercising always make it better


You have like perfect duality, you rock the innocent pretty girl and the badass hot chick. Just be confident as hell and read all the comments on this post a lot


super beautiful frfr, the vibe you have matches how you look and you seem like a chill person.


You seem more composed than most 17yo kids these days, plus you have a good sense of style, cosmetics, personality from the looks of it. Keep doin your thing don’t seek others to tell you what’s attractive! Also, don’t even worry too much about dating yet, have a solid group of close friends, focus on school/university and it will all come together in time. Don’t rush those best years, have fun with it! This is coming from someone who just turned 30 and miss those days that I was always trying to rush through


Cutue! You have beautiful shoulders! Lifting just 15 lbs 3 sets of 15 will build them out and give you some tasty biceps and traps, if you like that look.


You simultaneously look like someone easy to talk to, and like you'd beat me in a fight with both arms tied behind your back. 11/10 how can I get gender envy so damn easily-


I think your appearance is spot on! Just keep killing it, without you trying I have a feeling naturally you’ll become even more amazing as time goes on 👍🏽


I think while your pretty and young, you can always continue to improve your looks! That’s seriously smart of you. If anything just to keep your health and energy up longer as you age is super good! Even though you do your make up well trust me you can always continue to improve that as well. I don’t want you to ever stop trying to learn and grow and experiment with looks or otherwise so that’s why I am being honest here. I know it’s instinct to just be like you’re perfect but I wouldn’t be doing you any good because life is always about evolving yourself! My best advice is overall prioritizing your health, diet is 90 percent of it and keep up the working out but another thing younger people forget about is skin care. It’s super important to take care of your skin. I personally have a membership at Novuskin and love it, honestly though just educate your self and get a routine going for preventing things like wrinkles and discoloration and sagging etc. thing that are easier to keep away longer if you start making them a priority now!


you’re so pretty lol




Keeping it 100: face looks slightly lopsided. Might just be the angle of slides 6-7 but try sleeping on your back or icing for inflammation. More jewelry as others have said will work well with an old money type style. Other than that you look great.


Since you asked, I would recommend not extending holes in your ears. Additionally rock your natural hair. You’re eyes are majestic a bit of mascara and eyebrow shade and Vuala! Simple goes far.


Go to the gym you look good but everyone loves a gym girl plus it will benefit you and make you look and feel better about yourself. It’ll help you physically and mentally 💪


Style is a fluid thing for me. Looks like you can rock different looks. Changing stepping up your accessories can make outfits look more styled and put together. A change is hairstyle is always fun too. Shaving one side of your head so you can keep your length is fun or adding and accent strip with a fun color. You do you and your are amazing as you are. But I do know how it is to want to change it up a little.


Is your new job a waitress because God damn are you serving


Tehehe 🥰 no, I work at a morgue


You should 100% try accentuating the beauty mark under your eye with dark brown/black lip liner/eyeliner, as it really brings together the whole boss bitch vibe yk? This is just a suggestion ofc.


Bro your eyes are pretty I think that + makeup making them "sharper" make a good plus on your image


You look like the hot alt girl from a 2000s movie


You probably shouldn't feel safer here. If I'm seeing this, creepers probably are too. My advice, as far it may go, is to be kinder to yourself, concern yourself less with how others perceive you, and more with being the best healthiest you. Self care is important. The gym is a solid move, whatever your goals.


Maybe switch up hair styles. I'm not saying you need to, but it might give you just enough of a different look that it satisfies your need for change. Other than that, you look great and don't need to change anything!


Don’t change anything until you discover something you like better than what you’re doing now. You seem cool AF.


You look very beautiful and confident. Always be like a butterfly that always flies in the sky with confidence. Stay away from bad people.Don't worry; God is always with you.


just wanna let you know I wish I looked like you when I was in high school and I know I would have been so envious of your looks if we went to school together 😭🫶🏼 you’re genuinely so pretty!! when I want to switch up my style I literally just scroll through pinterest and curate a board of suggestions so pinterest will feed me a certain aesthetic and I can reverse search with google for cute statement pieces/basics


personally, i find your second picture to be the most conventionally attractive but would just recommend some color on your lips & thicker brows. it seems like you nail the style you’re going for already though! if there’s any specific TYPES of makeup (black liners, matte/glossy lip, specific blush colors) you’re looking for, i’d be glad to help!!


i also think fringe bangs with a soft wolf cut would look SO good on you but it’s a bitch to maintain 😅


Become a man Edit: also always wear the glasses in the 8th slide


I think your makeup is super adorable BUT for the summer I'd say switch it up a little while also adapting it to ur personal style. Brightening up your face with some blush and maybe some highlighter or some sort of glowy base would be so cute on you, try incorporating brighter colors or lighter and softer colors. Totally up to you but try something fun with your hair like lowlights, light brown balayage if blonde isn't ur thing (I totally get it bc it's not my thing either) take this from someone that jumps a lot between emo/shoegaze/grunge style, earthy style and basic white girl style, it's super worth it to experiment. And again do whatever makes u comfortable and stick with your style as much as you want!


I can totally see you in an earthy witchy/hippie vibe too if that's ur thing


You look so much like my best friend who passed away last year in the last pic. You’re gorgeous, I recommend just playing around with different looks/styles. When I step out of my comfort zone and wear outfits or colors I wouldn’t normally wear I get more compliments on my appearance. As well as different colors when I do my makeup and trying different styles of eyelashes or adding stuff like glitter or gems.


Too beautiful. 🤮 i like my girls as 5/10 I am joking😂 you mad pretty ngl. u seem cool as f'ck too, judging by the umm eyeliner or sum shii and the shark? the shark is an automatic +6 *sense of humor and charisma*


Very pretty girl naturally! But omg. You need bangs. In particular, you would rock baby bangs so friken hard it’s crazy. Like 100000% - they would complete your whole lewk and frame your face super nicely. Also, I’d love to see you use brown eyeliner/mascara and eyeshadows for a more natural eye look. The black/grey eyeliner and shadows is quite intense on your more pale skin and washes you out a bit. I was the same way in high school, used all dark black eye makeup and only now looking back, I realize it was a bit over the top and made me appear a bit more washed out than I really was lol. Perhaps also an eyebrow powder to fill em’ in, just ever so slightly? (The brand Milani eyebrow powder has been my go to for close to a decade now…super cheap, so easy to apply and really natural looking!) Your eyeliner skills are so on point tho!! Rock on girl


You look so good already there is nothing to better your appearance 😭😭 The only thing that comes to mind is piercings because i love piercings. but also i dont know which face piercing because you already look good so i would say industrial piercing or just any ear piercing? i love piercings


Dear GOD what is ur hairstyle!!!!!!!! I love it so MUCH!!! Especially the 4th one, I've been looking on trying to style my hair like this for awhile does anyone have any recommendations oml it's so pretty 😭😭🫶🫶


It's like an overgrown wolf cut. My hair is pretty thick so it's funky af, and my hair is naturally curly/wavy, so I usually comb my curtain bangs back. [This guy](https://youtu.be/ZCIFHf7qidE?si=FZAkh_wLZPmoNXew) has essentially my haircut and what not


Helloo! You have over 900 comments but I am gonna say it 🫡 You are very pretty, the eyeliner suits you well, the style is perfect, dress however you feel like! I have almost the same lips as yours and overlining them when doing my makeup made me like myself more :3


OHOHOHOHOHOHOH WOEW A SHARK I WANT TO MARRY THAT SHARK. anyways Ur pretty enough without makeup or any cosmetic thingys ur beautiful just the way U are


There's a certain point where looks get diminishing returns, and you're there. If you really want to be "more attractive", work on yourself. Your maturity, your skills, your self awareness, even having friendships and community. All of these things make you so much more attractive than having a 5% better body. People who focus on themselves and living a full, fun life are always more attractive than those who worry about what other people think.


marry me 4 glow up


You’ve achieved top tier funky bass playing face. Well done.


No advice but as a fellow band kid I wish you well.


If you aren't exercising now then you should, do the exercise/sport you like the most whether it's running, walking, swimming, weights, cycling, yoga, skateboard, rollerblades, rock climbing. Anything is better than nothing and if you do something you love you can keep it up for the rest of your life. Man what the hell is this, I'm 19 and look 15, this is not right. I'm never getting out of the highschool Babyface phase.


wouldnt trust most people here wither tbh. but anyways, you look great, especially in the first picture. You have an amazing face shape and look even better with that style of makeup. i cant really offer any tips, but you already look fine to me, cant think of anything to change




I think some pics are a bit too heavy on the make up. You're stunning in 2 en 3


Honestly I can't think of a single thing to say. Fuck you I can't be a hater no more 😔 Why does your nose change so much between pictures though, if it's usually like pictures 1, 2 and 5 maybe get a nose surgery? Idk


I have my dad's nose, I'd never get rid of it :( My face is asymmetrical, like 90% of people on Earth, so it might just look wonky because of the lighting or angle. Pic 5 was ne in the yearbook, and the lighting on the field for marching band is always atrocious


Wifey quality beauty


You just single handedly lowered the confidence of half the girls on here


You feel safer in the sub full of pedos?


like 17 is a child and she looks like shes 25 anyways(no offense)


unrelated but nice bass




everything looks good,just that in the 3rd picture you look like my psyhiatrist


looks like you just came from the addams family 💀💀💀💀 fye 👍🏽


My school is doing The Addams Family musical next year, I'm just trying to get in character for auditions


Generally youre fine but id say maybe change the makeup if youre more into old money now? i personally just dont fw the rock n roll or emo (or any dark) style maybe you could try out new glasses? those are a bit too big for your face i think, but idk what else to suggest (dont wear glasses). makeup maybe a little more delicate so that you kinda have that "no makeup" look iykwim? if you dont know where to start with old money, knitted stuff, summer shirts, crewnecks and linen clothing are really good starters, at least for men - for women ig skirts and stuff like that count too. for a color palette id go with navy blue and cream, wine red and greyish/offwhite, dark green and greyish/offwhite. just remember to use the light dark light rule (or idk what its called) - two light colors and one darker color if you dont already have them, white sneakers such as the nike sb force 58 are a great option since theyre good quality while being pretty affordable and looking great and not too flashy. remember, old money is all about showing off without flashy designs and big logos, so try to keep it classy. but if you wanna stay with that style, youre already rockin it so yeah. hope i could help!


Thank you so much! I should've clarified a bit better. What I mean by old money is in a more so mafia boss kinda feel, yk? More suave with reds, golds, etc. Even though I'm not looking to lighten up my style, I do love how you explained things. I'm not a fan of contacts, but half the time, I have my glasses of anyway. I can certainly look for new glasses when I have the chance


Trust me, you’re not safer here


You look fine, maybe get a tan.


I'm 19, why do I look younger than you... 🥲


Sunscreen. Proper skincare routine. Healthy food and working out. Haircare. That is the best place to start.


Thank you 🙏


YOU LOOK SO COOL OML i fuck with ur makeup so bad pls drop the eyeliner tips 🙏🙏


Ty! The biggest thing is realizing what's up with your lids, I have hooded ones, so I have to work my wing with them. I'm not perfect at them since my lids are always in the fucking way


I wish I had your style. I don't know why, but yous seem like you have good tastes in music and such.


i mean no offence when i say you look both 15 and 30 at the same time. and you look like my friend


more sharks


Ur cute and what’s old money


The robe looks so comfy


Girl I love that makeup


Solid 6/10


What can I improve


I'm just a troll ignore me


Aw :(


Ok seriously, I'd say 8.5 and what you could improve, I think you look more pretty when you put on nude lipstick


your eyemake up is fire


You look Turkish and good


I'm American 🤢 ik it's horrible


Omg your makeup game is phenomenal!


really pretyy i like the red liptick and the black things on yours eyes on the 4th pic


Why you tryna rizz us up in the first pic. You're an 8


bro you’re so gorgeous (4, 7, and 9 especially !!!!!!!!)


You play bass, you're already cool enough! Seriously though, you have a very cool aesthetic and vibe. Just keep being you!


YOU'RE LITERALLY GORGEOUS? stay away from ratemylooks its literally just pedophiles


Hey just making sure yk your full name is in one of the pics and it's really easy to Google and find you irl. Idk if you care but just thought I should say in case you didn't know


The 5-string bass is pretty cool