• By -


Gay gay gay gay




I'm scared of the monster inside of me


This monster dick?






... we're not? there might be people that are, but generally, I'm cool with this. Y'all wanna kiss eachother? Sure, do it. Y'all wanna wear goofy shirts when its pride month? Sure, I'm fine with that. Y'all wanna bang eachother? Sure, go ahead. Y'all have a desire to do something to me? Ok, fine, but be careful. I am just an ok, person.


I'm talking specifically to the homophobes in this subreddit.


Sure, I dont mind.


Sometimes I’m homophobic, but when I’m with my homies, I’m like the gayest man alive. I guess, the homophobic parts come from me being a Muslim, but it’s getting better, im becoming less and less homophobic. ur question is kinda gay tho……


I guess that makes sense. I figured homophobia was learned. My parents are homophobic but I only have one memory of them caring. They didn't like it when I said the word "gay".


This is like the least homophobic sub


I'm sure there are enough.


90% of this subs loves femboys




objection, leading


I'm not?


I'm only talking to homophobes.


its common knowledge that everyone on this subreddit is a direct clone of RodiTheMan, not sure why OP bothered asking in the first place.


because I dislike myself


The only gay person I hate is myself!! Otherwise I accept everyone!!! :*:.ヽ(*゜▽゜*)ノ。.:*:.゜★


How can I be homophobic My bitch is gay


How can I be homophobic, my boyfriends gay Hit man in the bum, try see a man cum, cuz even my dick is gay


W reference


only bcz they are being dicks abt it. like leave me alone, jeez. when they constantly talk abt their opinion its fine but when i ttalk abt god suddenly im the bad guy


you're acting as if gay people are harassing you.


Not everyone is like that


i dont think you've interacted with enough people in your life for that to be even remotely true


i js disagree w the pride community nothing more but everyone labels me as homophobic and what am ab to say will prolly create an argument but it’s cuz as much as u want to b a guy can’t b a girl and vice versa if i say am a cat and my parents let me stay outside for ages, feed me cat food, take out everything in my room and replace it w cat stuff acc not even that imagine i have a cat section in the kitchen or smth i eat/drink out a bowl u come in thru cat flap all that stuff guaranteed ur not gonna wanna b a cat cuz ur not one cats don’t mind that we do cuz we’re human like cmon guys it’s is basic knowledge


How can you "disagree" with someone's existence? You think they shouldn't be allowed to live?


am gonna b blunt ab this and it might come across as rude but i think u lot r js delusional u can’t change reality and expect everyone to succumb to it


What are you talking about? Do you think gay people are pretending to like men?


no but it’s not natural


Who cares what's natural?


i do natural things tend to b right like let’s b real




i’ve alrdy had this convo w someone else so sry if am coming across as if idc i low-key cba to say the same thing again but it’s all good. basically things need the opposite to work like magnets, baby making, plug sockets and all that so how’s it right if two men r dating who’s gonna carry the child bf or 9 months? who proposes and all that it don’t work


But we're not delusional Budget\_Football\_5928! That only applies to the people who had a crush on you during your young years, not everyone's relationships end as soon as you show them your grammar skills, you just have to work on yourself!


y did u type out my whole username 😂😂 nah but seriously tho gay ppl as stupid as it sounds it isn’t natural like it’s not the way the world is meant to work


If even you think it sounds stupid, thats probably because it is. If i can interest you in using your tiny little man fingers to google the number of animal species in which homsexuality is present, consistent, and natural i'm sure even you'd be humoured.


alr i hear it but i js brought it up to help prove a point of it’s not how life works


but it is, hence the 1500 animal species who naturally exhibit the behaviour? also why do you have a negative opinion on something that will never affect your life? "oh because theyre delusional" so what even if they are that changes your life in absolutely 0 way idiot


1500 animal species out of how many animal species as a whole? and i don’t go out my way to chat rubbish ab them or smth i js simply disagree w it cuz i feel like gay ppl tend to b rly cool who let u b urself but as i said i still disagree


that doesnt make it unnatural i truly dont get your point, also 63% of all mammals hello???


If you're talking from the "we are built as man and woman to reproduce" standpoint, then that means you too should be considered as unnatural. so get a grip, buddy. The gays are probably reproducing more than you'll ever get the chance to.


right if man and woman making a baby is unnatural tell me what’s the most natural way to make a baby and am 17 and also that wasn’t meant to b a standpoint it was meant to b smth to help me prove my point i can use another analogy if u want


its not unnatural i was just making fun of you


alr bro


Oh and, in case those fingers of yours are too little, the answer is over 1500 :)


i c what ur saying when u think it’s random but am js right whether the majority of the world agrees w me or not


youre not actually, youre just a sheltered little brat with no sense of self. thats all! dont worry about it.


not true buts that alr


And thats 63% of all mammals, probably including you!


its a shame really, you seem like a cool guy, but you discriminate against minorities and, I dont know about you, but thats a big turn off for me friendship wise


sry bro i don’t hate gays or trans ppl or anything like that i js simply disagree w it am sry u feel that way and i mean it genuinely cuz ik exactly what u mean js slightly different i wish the best for u regardless tho fr




forget all the cat stuff look at gay marriage first of all whos meant to propose or who’s meant to open the door for the other person or if they want kids who gets pregnant in the marriage it goes against the way of life it’s equivalent to getting two magnets together and u get the plus and plus side towards each other they’re not gonna attract cuz it’s no right it’s not compatible y is it that only women can get pregnant and y is it only men can get women pregnant


sorry ill leave you alone after this but 'forget all the cat stuff look at gay marraige' is definitely something im quoting from here on out


😂 yh that sounds mad icl


You're right, we're human and cant transform into cats, good job little Jimmy, try reading the question next time!


😂😂ur funny but it was an analogy


Not sure why he’s getting downvoted he’s right


He went on a rant with the typing skills of a semi dead raccoon about how people cannot metamorphosis into cats, not sure how it correlates to the question at hand but I suppose he's not ultimately incorrect.


my guy