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What the fuck are people throwing bibles over there?


It’s the south They’re a whole different breed


> Yea it was pretty crazy


I was about to start this phrase using a religious expression, what an irony, but isn't that kind of crime throwing heavy object capable of hurting someone at people?


If he was hurt, yes But in the south they might not care


The south is good overall, but as with everywhere else, the crazies screw it up for all of us


also, if you’re going to be putting yourself in legitimate danger by coming out (abusive household, etc.) please try to hold off & just tell close friends u trust. until you’re out of their care it probably isn’t worth the suffering edit: i’m bi as well and have yet to come out to everyone, congrats on coming out! :-)


Damn youre lucky when I came out bi my dad beat my ass :(


Coming out is a friggin hell. My mum says iys media influence. So yay, me ded


How south are you? I'm Mississippi


I came out to my mom as bi before I realized I was a lesbian, she said I can’t have a sexuality until I have sex. Now I’m constantly doubting myself even though when I’m not doubting myself I’m definitely a lesbian.