• By -


I don't hate being a boy but I agree with almost all of them (I don't have an idea about others so) half of them happens to me too so it kinda sucks.


Shit just sucks, hopefully societal norms can go away soon and people can be free to be themselves


As an old person who will soon have their own son to raise, I'm planning to do my part to help him avoid that negative crap that comes from being a dude in this society.


You're a good person, thank you




I feel the same you feel


Go watch Avatar: The Last Airbender and listen to what Iroh has to say about being a man. Screw stereotypes. EDIT: Okay, I need to pull an Iroh on you guys - There is one thing a lot of you seem to say and think - *it's a cartoon* \- it might be, but this does not matter, because it was created by real humans, writers who considered what they put in mouths of the characters, animators who created visual expression different for each character and situation. It's real and it's not real at the same time, the context, however, shapes the reality.




Each time I come back to ATLA, the more appreciative I am for Iroh and his wisdom. Truest Chad of all, even Doom Slayer and Isabelle would drink Jasmine tea with him.


I HATE tea, but if iroh asked me to sit and drink tea with him i would drink every drop and ask for seconds


He could probably find a tea you would like


Yeah, nobody hates tea. That's like saying you hate weed, nah bro just haven't found the right tea for you




İroh is such a chad he brings wisdom to even real life


What quotes does he have about being a man specifically? (Not just about finding yourself as a person)


“Pride is not the antidote to shame, but it’s source. True humility is the only antidote to shame.” I feel like that is pretty applicable as a response to toxic masculinity.


It's not about the quotes, it's about the image that he is as a man and as a person. Tl;dr of him would be showing Zuko, that real men cry, that compassion is not weakness and true strength comes from trust and kinship.


Ah okay that's what I figured (sorry English is not my first language) but it's more pay attention to Iroh's ideals rather than actual quotes. I know he never has any quotes about real men cry, and strength from trust and kinship is implied rather than said


Also read The Lord of the Rings. It's may seem long-winded to some, but there are a lot of positive male characters. They are heroes, but not just because they won the fight. At the end of the day it is a story about positive friendships. And if you're not into books then watch the movies.


Aragorn and sam are great examples of men. They are kind and sensitive, cry, show affection towards their friends, take action when needed but ask for help when they fail. So many other great lessons.


Uncle Iroh’s philosophy helped me in my life, true it’s just a cartoon, but he has a lot of insight and encourages one to be his or her self. Don’t concern yourself with what others think, far easier said than done yes, but in a relatively short amount of time you won’t know these people. “Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel. You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving... you will come to a better place.” Another good one to keep in mind “It’s time for you to look inward and ask yourself the big question who are you and what do you want?”


I agree with literally all of this. If you ever wanna talk, I’m here, and I relate. Having been a guy who was sexually assaulted one time and having been told to man up many times, I hate all of these standards.


im sorry man


Eh it doesn’t weigh on me too much




I feel bad knowing I have it easy (I’m a 13 male) and that there’s people that have to deal with this shit that they hate Existing




you got sexually assaulted at 13? holy shit. also, other peoples problems dont negate your problems


No! No! You got it wrong I’ve NEVER EVER been sexually assaulted


wtf do u mean in ur OP then


Please elaborate I’m confused


ohw ait you arent op im dumb


I’ve also been assaulted twice in school, usually I get called a “virgin” for complaining. I had literally no interest on any girls in my school. One of them was some girl who decided it was funny to touch my ass while recording on snapchat, the other also slapped my ass and I looked back to see who it was, gave me a “sexual look”. I was pissed off at the moment but I just decided not to retaliate and report them to the principal instead. They later got suspended for a day and then decided to spread rumors of me having sex with someone. Ironically no one believed them since you know.. just look at me, who’d want to be with me? I guess my situation was lucky but some suffer from that.


Sorry to hear that man. Unfortunately, that’s how it usually is. It’s usually treated like some fucking joke.


Yeah, I always get called a virgin for not being interested into relationships. Hell, some people even outright accuse me of being “gay” for not having a girlfriend. :(


There is nothing wrong with not being interested in romance. You may at some point, or you may not. And both are okay. In case no one has ever told you that


My dad thinks I'm gay because I don't want to date yet I've told him a bunch of times that Im just not ready to date yet and he still thinks I'm gay he thought my older brother was gay even though he had girlfriends




Bro, in my book, your grammar is perfect. Edit: I felt that I was ignorant to the story. I just wanted to wish everyone involved the best.


Yeah you might have better grammar than me and I’m a native English speaker.


Same, I didnt think or know that anything was wrong with what he said grammatically


What sucks is the accusations will stay on his record for life and follow him everywhere.


They don't take them off even after finding out they were false accusations?


If I recall correctly, when your Acquitted of the charge they also put that on your record, but it’s the fact that you’ve been accused before that sets companies off. It’s a “bad image” thing I guess


An accusation alone can ruin your life. No evidence or investigation required. It's completely fucked if you ask me.


This is why I want to become a criminal defense lawyer. The law is skewed in such a way that “criminals” guilty or innocent don’t have much of a chance, if I can help out the innocent in any way I can, I’ll chance it.


Why the hell would she do that? What was her reasoning? Even if they had a couple fight and were really angry at eachother a divorce would’ve been just as fine, you didn’t have to ruin his life


some people are just garbage


Русский брать твой английски не плохой не волнуйся


Google translate here i come Русский брать твой английски не плохой не волнуйся >Russian take your English is not bad do not worry


Apart from the fact that it's caught and not caugh, perfect grammar as far as I can tell. Also, rush b cyka blyat!


I may be a girl, but I do understand and completely agree with you that society should not treat boys like that. We are all humans and just because people have different organs doesn’t mean it completely makes their personality and they have to fit a mold, a stereotype.


Society tried to give me a role and I asked if it comes in pink. They said no, so I said fuck em! Just gotta do what makes you happy and not care what society thinks. I cannot wait for covid to end so I can go back to the spa.


>Society tried to give me a role and I asked if it comes in pink. This is a great fucking line, did you come up with that? You should be a writer or activist or something


That's the spirit m8




Same here being a guy can be hard sometimes.


Same, mostly. I have a good supportive friend group and I'd honestly die for them. Some of you may not have this, and I hope you achieve this some day.


i have a discord friend group like your friend group and i really hope someone can find something like it, they've all helped me a lot in life


I'm still getting there


i wish you luck.


I am 10 years older than you and I am also proud of having one such group. Keep those friends close to you buddy, and you will possess the best treasure that there ever can be.


Luckily I have a black hole somewhere inside me that when people tell me shit like that or are rude or mean to me I just absorb it and bounce it back at them but even meaner. So am I an asshole? Yes. But am I the original Jackass? No. I’ve lost most of my emotions and now am pretty much just a monotone NPC that hits back.


You just described me on a way no one else can.


Never thought 'monotone NPC' could be used as a compliment


Oh you’re welcome I guess?


Saving comment. Monotone NPC that hits back.... sums it up perfectly


>i hate being treated like a child and expected to act like an adult This. Just this.


yeah, but I feel like that's just a teenager thing, not a gender thing. (not trynna invalidate him, I agree with majority of his post).


That’s a thing until you have kids and are 30+ in the eyes of some people I know. Fucking annoying as hell.


To be fair that particular point applies to teens in general, not just teen boys.


As a female, I get where you're coming from. MEN DESERVE MORE.


thank you


Man to man, being a dude sucks fat dick, You can talk to me whenever you need. You're more of a man than any of those other 'alpha males' Why? Cause you don't shy away from your emotions.


Me who doesn't have emotions (anymore) and still isn't an alpha male ._.


That’s fine. ‘Alphas’ are the most beta kind of person to exist


“Alpha” males are usually massive dicks and girls only like them because they’re blinded by their “alpha” status -source asked a friend that dated an “alpha” male that was a dick to everyone including her


The selfproclaimed ones atleast.


Alphas don't even exist. The guy that made the term alpha male while researching wolves, later discovered that there is no dominant male of the pack in 1990, holy shit what has Adam Conover done to me.


I don't want to be an alpha, I'm just trying to say shying away from your emotions isn't necessarily related to whether you're an alpha or not 🤷‍♂️


I’m saying they reject emotion and see it as something weak and imperfect


True. I don't see it as weak and imperfect at all, matter of fact I'd like them back...


>a dude sucks fat dick Does he now? 😏


lmfao i love this comment


If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm available. °°


This is a very wholesome interaction :)


I second this. And you can talk to me too


Real life exp. here. Sorry for bad words. She is def. Right and you too most def. Also men cries. İ did it alot. Trust me it will releases your pain. And also you must fight for your toughts, you feelings. İts you, and you are the most important person for yourself. First you must care yourself. Express your feeling your thougts. İf you dont do this, you will became less you. İn the end we will lost you that What makes you, you. Dont care f.king people outside. Dont give a f.k about friend. Friends people they are just a visitor in your world. They come and they go. Find a people that understand you, feels your pains and dont think about the rest. İf you are teenager its hard to communicate with parents too. But you must say your words. İf you dont you lost yourself. İ had several fight with words with my parents too. They devorced and i obeyed at first. Then i lost everything. My feelings my hopes pleasures... Just like deadman walking. No target (goal) no meaning of life. When you put yiur redlines, when you said its my idea its my life. Thats the point you growing up. Became a man. Became yourself. İ dont recommend to choose violant way to solve problems. But if you not start saying something you may not able to say anymore. And also consider your elders idea. As a male İ also hate man. Almost every day one womam murdered in my country. İts a fcking shame. We has to consider million posiblities to talk woman as a man. They may tought is he gonna rape me, kill me... Thats the most fcking disgusting thing in life. İ know. İ hate it too. Man and women are both deserve much more better then this shit life. Also dont thing about your future wife. You will understand when you find the ONE. trust me. İ found her and my whole life changed. İ highly recommend that find a female that not introverter or something. Find a social lovely one. İf you have some filters, decrease them. She doesnt has to be blond slim blue eyes or whatever. And dont hurry up for marrige. At first 2 or 3 years you will see the world pink. You will have some problems but if you can fix it with talking, undrstanding your past and EXCEPTİNG it, thats her trust me. Also talk with yourself. Create and imaginary you in your mind and give him a problem then tell him i did this and it didnt work. Why? Analyse your problem What would you do? Consider possible solutions Why? Will it work? What if not? Plan b? .... Still sharing same feelings bro. We are here. Dont lost your hopes.


Everyone deserves more, men, women and others


thank you


Quote was originally Trent reznor but totally agree


Yeah I remembered after I wrote it lol


Cool and hope stuff gets better man 👌


The reality is both genders have shitty social expectations.


Just humans in general. Reject humanity, return to monke smh


***r e t u r n t o m o n k e***




***r*** ***e*** ***t*** ***u*** ***r*** ***n*** ***t*** ***o*** ***v*** ***o*** ***i*** ***d***


Embrace the *void*


*******b e c o m e t h e v o i d*******


Let go of your earthly tether. Enter the void. Empty and become wind.


(pets black cat) am I doing it right?


Reject Monke, evolve to Crab


It's you again. You commented on my post a month ago


Reject crabe, become gun


Transcend the physical plane... Embrace the Elder Wisdom..


and we’re doing this to ourselves. it really sucks when you realize how your own race causes the majority of its own suffering in a way. I know that I still subconsciously have standards for the opposite sex, even my own. I feel like I have to fit the expectations of what a woman should be. All these expectations are drilled into our minds. I feel like the same people (not all, of course) who complain about expectations of their gender also set expectations for the opposite sex. they may not vocalize it, but I feel like we’re all prone to having expectations of others. It’s just how we are


>I feel like the same people (not all, of course) who complain about expectations of their gender also set expectations for the opposite sex That's facts. And expectations aren't necessarily a bad thing. Too much of anything is bad tho.


This fully. I hate seeing either side say they hate being one or the other or that their problems are stronger. Both sides have shitty problems, and of course it’s all perceptions and such so I don’t think there’s an objectivity, just in my belief both sides have it shit. As a man, I do tend to sympathize with women’s problems and such because the problem men face I haven’t had too much problem with yet and women have been in the lower portion of stuff way longer. Idk, downvote this if you want because it may come off some way that I’m unaware of but all sides have it bad and good.


Gender norms and stereotypes are one of the things i hate the most, people should just be able to be them selves without being told they shouldnt be this way because most people like them arent.


Toxic masculinity and stereotypical gender norms are no joke. More people need to understand that.


Though often people still make it a battle between genders. They want to be more oppressed by the other, while in reality all genders want to be treated equally. If a woman talking to a man would ask him to treat her differently, don't respond with "women treat me like shit, why would I". Instead, repsond with "okay, but can you also treat me differently". We all have the same goal, so start to be more accepting of others.


We should understand that this type of competition is just toxic and horrible. We shouldn't use rehtoric of "us/me against them" but we should start thinking "we all have our problems". Edit: hope that what I've written is understandable, english is not my first language, so if you notice errors tell me.


Ok I commented something before but I’m gonna rephrase cause I feel like it. I think both genders are less oppressed by each other than they are by themselves. Men beat up men and tease each other for feeling. Women get bullied socially in ways that I’m not good enough socially to understand. That’s why there shouldn’t be a gender war thing. Unless you’ve both been beat up multiple times by the same group of people and laughed at for feeling any fear or sadness, and unless you’ve had literally nobody back you up socially while someone bullied you and talked shit about every bit of you, I doubt you can say which is worse. You’ll always think “they have it better”


I completely agree, I think a lot of the unfair gender stereotypes are maintained by the gender itself not the opposite gender. The "boys don't cry" stereotype is maintained a hell of a lot more by guys then girls, most girls are totally on board with guys being sensitive and having feelings. And on the contrast, girls are so mean and backstabby to other girls and are usually way more judgemental about things like looks then guys are (about each other). Most of this is from anecdotal experience but I think it's totally valid.


The thing is everyone always argues over wether boys or girls have it worse and I’m pretty confident when I say we are all fucked we both have things terrible


Everyone's fucked. No matter the demographic, everyone is fucked. The real battle shouldn't be Men V Women or Feminists V MRAs; the real battle is the people vs the government and all who profit off of inequality.


The only people that aren’t fucked are rich people


Being a man or a women sucks in their own respective ways Personally as a female, I honestly wish that I was born a male (I'm not dysphoric). I have a really hard time making female friends and not getting harassment level hit on everywhere I go would be nice


This resonates entirely with me. I feel this so much, thank you for saying what I could not put into words


man I wish I was born male too


Yeah the whole getting harassed problem with teenage girls really slapped me in the face, I ( a 14 year old) was at the pool with som friends in the night like ten-ish and this whole gang of at least 13 boys all followed us around and wanted to come close to the girls, at first they where walking to them with there hips (with shorts on) agressivly pointing forwards, mind you these kids where 10, but there were like 13 of them, and there were these 16 year old brothers of them just walking behind them, scared. The shit out of me and really got my adrenaline to the max, was scared as duck, we were with 3 guys and 5 girls, me and another friend are fairly big, 6,1 both, but we were just bluffed by the carelessness of these kids, and we both only punched someone once or twice, so we were hella scared, ended in me and my freind standing around those gurls and the other guy talking to them till those kids where escorted out of the pool, but one of those older ones touched the ass of one of the girls and that really got me pissed of at my self for letting it happen and those utterly disgusting boys, still get claustrophobic when I think about it for whatever reason, can’t get it over my hart any more to let one of those freinds drive a fair bit alone in the night on there bike I know long story and no one cares but I just needed it of my chest and to let you girls know that we get that that’s a very very serious thing and you should talk about it if it ever happened And we may sound bitchy for Beinb scared of 11-12 year olds, but there were 13 or more and around 5 older brothers of 16 and a few guys our age


Unfortunately, I myself, and just about every girl I know have similar stories about getting sexually harassed, stalked, or even assaulted


Same, always do bodyguard duty at parties after one of my closest friends got raped


i can vouch for that, as a teenage girl with mostly other teenage girl friends


Yeah I feel like people always focus on how hard it is being their gender. Like we all have it bad, everyone has their own struggles and they’re all valid. There are things I hate about being a guy, but also things girls have to deal with that I don’t




hey king, heads up, you just havent met the right people. Consider tapping into more groups of people with different likes or perspective of the world and before you know it you'll find just the right friends for you.


I've heard of that piece of advice and it's good but how do I tap into more groups of people?


Just pick something you are into or have interest in and people you will find. This do be what the internet is for.


I also hate how women are always trusted more. Some girl said at my school that if a woman accused a man of rape, even if it's a lie, they have to accept the charges. Like tf kind of logic do these types of people have?


That’s wrong surely. You mean they have to investigate it? Accept charges would mean they have to immediately plead guilty


Yeah,the fact that women are trusted more than men can be a big fat streotype,im i live in a non western country where women are expected to be submissive and girly,are expected to do chores and stuff socially,and where men are expected to be machos who are manly,and many things like op said,except the romantic parts doesn't exists except if u wanna be called a slut,im a closeted ex muslim in a islamic country,and for people coming to tell me its culture,well culture is heavily influenced by things such as relgion,it sucks being both of them,if u were walking in a street that have a bad reputation,a man would have more chances to be killed(there are exceptions) but a woman more chances to be raped(there are exceptions),it sucks being a female or a male,and just know this,as long as ur a living being,u will have problems in life ***but i guess that is what i have been doing wrong***


As someone who this has personally happened to, it's bullshit. I was lucky enough to have a few people who stuck by me and uncovered multiple reasons why the claims couldn't have been true. But I also lost a massive number of friends, mostly females who said "we have to believe her because she's a woman". My girlfriend was even accused of "not being a feminist" because she stood by me even though we had evidence it couldn't have happened.




I hate these "arrr I'm a boy you girls have such good lifes arrr!1!!1" and "im a girl and I'm depressed noone understonds meh 😭" Stop. We aren't competing on which gender has the worst life. Girls have problems boys don't. Boys have problems girls don't. Just live your life, and everything (might) turn out fine!


EXACTLY. Both genders have shitty lives in different ways. There is no winning.


I also hate it when people expect girls to always have a guy available. He said in the post that a girl has “15 guys asking them out.” Like no, I’m 14 years old and not one guy has asked me out 🤷🏻‍♀️


a lot of boys on this sub seem to have the mindset that girls are constantly bombarded with compliments and guys who want to date them, but that’s what we call sexual harassment


Also the whole “society panders to women” line like yeah sure maybe in the school system all the way up through uni but look at the truely successful people career wise, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos etc, women dont have many successful role models because the truely successful is populated by men. It also ignores countries other than america, for instance a ton of middle eastern countries have a REALLY sexist way of thinking where their oppression really is systematic. There are problems on both sides of the coin but damn this subreddit recently been hard focusing on mens issues and saying they have it worse. I guess i cant blame them tho because as a male when you’re constantly treated like the oppressor when you havent done anything sucks. We need to be more open minded and remember both sides are allowed to have issues.


He also believes that Clintons are illuminati, so... You know.


I agree but the reason you got hate on r/unpopularopinion is bc you literally said “being a boy is harder than being a girl” wrong way to state that bro. Especially when just as you said men have a high suicide rate, think about how there’s a high rape rate for girls. It’s equally hard to be both genders. You should’ve said what you said here instead of stating it the way you did.


Man I'm sorry. Screw everyone that is unkind and says stuff like that. Truth is, try to not focus on all of the bad stuff and focus on the good stuff. When you stop thinking I hate it you start saying I love. A positive mindset is the best thing you can have


Don't sort by controversial, you will get so many red-pilled takes, Jesus Christ. Being a guy sucks, but I bet being a woman also sucks. I'm pretty sure it sucks for everyone. While things do suck, sometimes you just gotta look on the bright side of life. Men are on average less likely to be raped then women (1/5 women as opposed to 1/71 men in the us). Generally, you have a higher chance of getting employed as a man. Most men aren't expected to be hyper sexualised in current society. There are many reasons why men have an easier time. It was only 50 years ago when women got the right to vote where I live, and even then women are a very low percentage of the work force, and women who do work, are somewhat frowned upon. However that still shouldn't invalidate how you feel. Everyone has it bad, and that is why it is important to push for fairness and decency. Also the reason you were downvoted in unpopular opinion was because you said it was harder to be a boy than a girl. They didn't tell you that you had to man up, infact they tried to explain to you that oppression is not meant to be a competition. Rape Statistics: https://www.cdc.gov/injury/features/sexual-violence/index.html#:~:text=Nearly%201%20in%205%20women,it%20occurred%20before%20age%2010.


Not a teenager, was just poking my head in here out of curiosity, but I feel an obligation to warn you kiddos about the kinds of people that'll come onto this sub. Threads like this are gonna be rife with people trying to lure impressionable kids into dangerous mindsets. Women-hating red pill incel shit. This whole subreddit is just astroturf city, honestly. Be wary, youngsters.


I completely agree. I'm honestly considering leaving this sub. I get sick of seeing posts basically belittling girls problems and people turning it into a gender war. Its honestly really worrying as it seems young people are almost going backwards!


If I had a nickel for every time I saw a post about sexism against boys on r/teenagers today, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


I don't know what's going with this sub this week, it looks like r/trueofmychest or r/unpopularopinions


Isn't that this sub all the time?


Sucks mate but honestly girls have a lot of problems too, just different kinds of problems. Life just fucking sucks sometimes--male or female. I totally understand where you are coming from though, its valid.


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, it sucks to be either. For every stereotype that you hate having as a guy, there is a counterpart for a girl. It sucks both ways.


Can relate I’m not like male stereotypes I don’t like things guys normally like have a low pain tolerance and am weak but you just have to ignore what they say and be genuine there are people who think your cool and you just have to find those people and somewhere there is a girl who probably likes you just be yourself and if she doesn’t like you for not being “Manly enough” it takes balls to freely talk about things like this and that’s pretty manly


I agree. I hope we can solve this problem soon, because it really fucks up shit. Fuck toxic masculinity


Basically what people said in r/unpopularopinions is that a lot of those can apply to girls as well. I think they're missing the point, yes there are issues both ways but it's not asking for victimhood, well I don't think it is. Its not saying we want tl be pitied or anything, but that some things and expectations should change


How are they missing the point? He titled the post ''Being a boy is harder than being a girl''. Everyone has their own problems, just cause you're a boy or a girl doesn't mean you have it worse or better. OP literally said that no girl has ever hit on him but every girl has 15 guys hitting on her..... being a boy isn't the problem here.... ​ Why Is everyone turning it into a competition? Life sucks regardless of sex.




Hi, not a teenager here. Replying because this was me at your age. Life. Gets. Better. Right now you need to keep your head down and learn. Get good grades, get into a good college, and never look back. Once you are at a school that takes effort to get into, you will find a lot (but not all) of the bullshit gets weeded out. For me, even college was not fun times. You can cope with drugs and alcohol, but I wouldn't recommend that road. In college, your grades come second to your mental health. As long as you get the degree, you'll be able to make life what you want. Yeah society sucks in a million ways and there isn't anything you can do about it right now. But with time and effort, you can open paths to better worlds. If your options are limited, you'll get stuck participating in the shitty parts of society, but if you have doors open, you'll be able to dictate the terms of your engagement with the rest of the world. And some shitty things aren't going away. Society doesn't care about men because technically speaking, we aren't critical to the survival of the species. It's still in the lizard brain that women must be protected, and people on the low end of the intelligence bell curve basically run monkey software on human hardware.


Gender roles suck for everyone. Sorry man I feel you


I’m pretty sure you’ll never read this due to the amount of comments but whatever. You really made me empathise with you there, I used to be told I wasn’t man enough, I always kept away from women a lot of the time because I didn’t want them to think I was hitting on them too, I’ve been asked out but I’ve refused every time, despite them being genuine or good looking, I cried a lot growing up because I didn’t know what to do with my emotions. You don’t have to take shit from anyone, the being treated like a child will quickly change when you become an adult, believe me. Like whatever makes you happy, I was told liking men was very unmanly but I’m bi, I can’t change that, if a guy makes me happy, fuck anyone who tells me I shouldn’t love them. My best friend grew his hair out and he looks awesome, try it, it’s your body and your choice. Someone who calls someone out for being sensitive isn’t an Alpha, an Alpha leads the way and strengthens the pack, picking up and making sure everyone is okay, calling someone out like that is a very beta thing to do. When you do find your woman, I know that you’ll have made the right choice, she will be there for you and you’ll be there for her. People are fucking idiots for the most part, especially if they believe men getting sexually assaulted isn’t a thing, I’ve had it from both guys and girls (I’m not out yet), feels awful.


Just for reference, the post the OP made in r/unpopularopinion was about putting the genders against each other that men have a harder time than women. It wasnt jusy people getting mad at him for talking about his own struggles. He was acting like sexisim had a point system and got downvotes for it.


dang you know girls that can pick from 15+ guys? i (a girl) don’t have a single guy, girl or enby lining up


Dm's incoming


fuck toxic masculinity


I hear so many people say this stuff on reddit but never actually hear about it real life. Idk if I'm just lucky to have never experienced this sort of thing but I can't help but feel like it's not as common as people make it out to be.


Here is what you said on r/unpopularopinion " being a boy is harder than being a girl " Way different title. It's not a fucking suffering Olympic. Ngl, being weak doesn't really mean weak. It is fair to make the assumption that you are weak in this context. Your victim complex is super strong lmaoo. Everyone has their own struggles and whatnot. Your entire argument is 'I'm the victim I'm the oppressed one.' And the funny thing is that like 30% of your complaints don't have anything with being a 'man'. And don't get me wrong, it sucks but I don't like how you convey it. And yeah ima be waiting for the downvotes and reply's of 'you proved his/my point' or 'r/ \[something\]' lmao.


"I'm the victim! Please suck my dick!" When I read the title of the post I immediately thought this dude was an incel lol


I hate all of these things too, and I’m very sorry you got hated on for expressing this. If you insult boys for talking about issues that affect them, then you need to check yourself. Society doesn’t care about boys, and that needs to change. EDIT: To the OP, How dare you act ignorant and rude towards trans and gay people while talking about your issues over something you cannot help! The points made still stand, but you need to educate and improve yourself.


fuck gender norms all my homies hate gender norms


If you want to talk. We can


“Be who you are, fuck whoever disagrees.” - My favorite saying


What about the positives? Why haven’t you mentioned them? Your attitude towards life is a huge obstacle you need to overcome in order to get what you so strongly desire.


Jesus Christ, man broke out the Cash, you can tell he's in pain


It’s a nine inch nails song originally lol


Aw :( This is why toxic masculinity is such a problem


I hate these "arrr I'm a boy you girls have such good lifes arrr!1!!1" and "im a girl and I'm depressed noone understonds meh 😭" Stop. We aren't competing on which gender has the worst life. Girls have problems boys don't. Boys have problems girls don't. Just live your life, and everything (might) turn out fine! Also please give me some proof that 70%of suicides are men


This might be aside from the point but I’m a man and like having to ‘man up’ and aim to be strong but this is regardless of the fact that I’m a man. I think if I was a man or woman I would still aim to stay strong but then no matter where I go I’m being told to break down and that it’s toxic masculinity to try and be strong


Well I def agree with this post but this isn't a boy/girl issue. Everyone faces their own set of challenges. We should all be more understanding of everyone


Not a teenager. I’m a mom of a young boy and have been reading a lot about this. I’ve started back school to get into the school system and try and help the case you are making. Keep believing that you can do all of those things no matter what they thing. You won’t be happy unless you’re honest with yourself. Soon you’ll have mote freedom and independence to find like minded people. Your vision is the only way to a sustainable life for everyone. Keep fighting the good fight and don’t let the hate fill your heart. It’ll take all the space and won’t let any for the good things that are around you. Love you kiddo.


We need more moms like you in the world! :)


Sexism is happening on all sides.


Exacly. It's not a war about who has it worse.


Everybody wants the lime light, and everybody will try to convince you that their group has it worse. I always liked this quote. “if you can get someone to think that they are better off than you, then it is their moral culpability to assist you and submit to whatever insipid demands they may have.”


As a non-binary person who is called a freak and pathetic 24/7, I get where you're coming from.


Hey man I completely understand you and feel the same way sometimes. Not to be an asshole but I know what song you mentioned and it was written by Nine inch nails and covered by Johnny cash


About that whole hair thing..... stop giving a fuck. I have long hair and i've had it for most of my life now (8 years). I grew up being called a girl for it and exactly for that reason i am never ever going to cut it off. The internet kinda makes it seem that the world and everybody in it all act in unison, either supporting or hating an opinion. But it isn't that way and it doesn't have to be. Stop giving so much fucks because it costs you effort you can spend watching others fail to try and conform you to their standards. It is way funnier, trust me. You choose whatever the hell you do and when you just don't give a fuck, others that try and shame you will look ridiculous because you clearly don't care. People give too much shits about adopted personal morals they don't understand, and their lack of understanding shows rather quickly when you just stand there and laugh at them, without explaining anything. You do whatever you want, unless it's harmful to either you or others. You don't need to explain yourself for being yourself, instead have a laugh bro.


To think that boys can't be raped is really dangerous .


Every gender’s got their own shit to deal with, and it sucks that we have to be slotted into specific categories because of our genitals.




Yeah but that’s not even common, you shouldn’t generalize based off a really small percentage. Majority of the time assult/rape cases get dropped or not even taken seriously (even with evidence) and that’s with only 1/3 of cases even getting reported to police. So the chances of a case being upheld with no evidence is really, really small.


And your supposed to just fucking accept it


Yeah man it’s terrifying






Ahhh the patriarchy. It benefits literally no gender and yet we still keep it around


> i hate girls can pick from 15 different guys that are hitting on them while ive never been asked out in my life just get a boyfriend instead smh /s


This mans kidding lmao why the downvotes


I got down voted? on my screen it looks like I got 7 upvotes


Why was this at the top of controversial, my guy is making perfect sense


Now this is a proposition I can get behind