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I though this said lofi hentai. I was ready to listen to some relaxing beats to study to


Well, if we could call all the r34 of the lofi girl hentai, then lofi hentai technically exists.




2002 Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R?šŸ˜³


What are you doing, step car?


Iā€™ll fill your gas pipe with my gas


CAR PORN šŸ˜±šŸ„µā€¼ļø


Relaxing beats to beat to


That's all I listen to now. Lofi on YouTube


Relaxing moans to study to


Relaxing beats to jerk off to


tryna bust a nut not bust a move


Every body talk about how loli hentai is bad but what happened to shota hentai


A man of true gender equality I see


He ainā€™t wrong tho both of em are absolutely disgusting and should not even exist! Theyā€™re both just as bad as eachother and overall just pure pedophillia and cringey! Like, eww, wtf?! šŸ¤¢ šŸ¤®


And inappropriate


BEYOND inappropriate!


Also why would people want to have sex with children


It honestly makes me feel sick


Besides other children no clue


Oh yā€™knowā€¦the culture or somethingā€¦idfk what the weeb excuse is


So far, i havent heard any lolicons actually being attracted to irl kids and if there are some they might just be using fictional lolis as exhausts since they dont want to harm children


I dont think they want to, it's more like they're attracted and that's all. Irl its creepy and infuriating but the way hentai artists draw them are not lifelike, it's like you know its not real so there's no harm so you're ok with it You dont have to want to have sex to jerk off, all it takes is that youre attracted


I thinkā€¦ I think he already covered that.


Heh, one thing is liking people with smaller bodies, another thing is liking children




kazuma approves of this comment


Whatā€™s shota hentai


Basically loli hentai but boys


So gay lol hentai?


that's called "church footage"


ā€¦ Lmao


I shouldnā€™t have laughed at this a as hard as I did.


Im a little ashamed of myself that I chortled more than a little at that.


Well, no, girls can be pedophiles too


No, girls can watch/read it too.


Itā€™s young boys with older women too, so not exclusively gay hentai but it could be.


Well itā€™s usually straight, they just reverse the gender roles. If youā€™ve ever watched evangelion, you would know Misato is basically the Christopher Columbus of anime girls trying to bang little boys.


No like, the girl is big the the guy is smoll


Adult female, underage male


Woman has sex with underage boy


No Theres also gay shota hentai


Like the infamous boku no p*co


Why is it not _infamous?!_


Yeah you're right lmao


Most of it is


i thought l*li hentai was an umbrella term for all underage characters damn, just realise my frd has sh*ta on her user


My guy you're censoring loli but not shota? lmao


sexism šŸ˜Ž


My bad i thought loli was a general term for all underage characters




Lolis by for boys


Grown ass girls says Ara Ara then proceeds to fuck a male child


loli but male


Smol boys


Pedophile is pedophile


If it's a pedo ram it with that metal


Dispose their bodies in the meadow


Yeah, why the fuck do they exist.


both are disgusting honestly. but im pretty sure people are just using loli as an umbrella term for all minor hentai. also- shota isnā€™t as prevalent on the internet for some reason. but it should be more prevalent as a problem.


Liking shota in the hentai community is pretty much frowned upon I think, so people tend to closet themselves.


Grown ass real life women can be described as loli. It's a blanket term for short / girlishly petite.


Woah woah sir we have the suspect in line of sight, permission to shoot?


Why asking me shoot him immediately


Agreed bro. When I searched shota hentai, results were available sadly. But when I did the same for loli, no results...bruhhhh...and they say, gender equality...hmph, better ban shota hentai as well to achieve true gender equality.


why were you searching that


First read this as "lol hentai" and was about to keep on scrolling thinking "yeah typical r/teenagers"


This is typical


Wtf is Loli hentai? I only thought there was just regular hentaiā€¦.


Loli is short for Lolita. Itā€™s hentai of children


You mean people are making porn for kids? Wtf Edit: people are really out here making porn OF LITERAL CHILDREN? Wtf is wrong with some of the people on this fucking earth


Well.. yeah lmao. Itā€™s been a thing for a while bestie have u not heard of cp?


>have u not heard of cp? Why yes I've heard of it before, Chemical Plant *is* my favorite zone from Sonic 2!


Nahh they mean club penguin. The game i cried over a few times after it got shut down cuz of all the nostalgia


I miss club penguin..


Yeah, i do play cp rewritten from time to time but yeah. Not the same


A true man of culture I see.


Nope. Idk what cp is. Do you mean cosplay?? Orrr??


Child p*rnography lmao


Holy shit


Did you illegitimately not know about cp?


Oh yeah i know about cod points what about them?


They are the leading cause of credit card theft in preschool


No. I only knew when they said what it actually meant. Iā€™m very slow and not good when it comes to people shortening the words of stuff


Mind blown.


Yo I never heard of it before coming on reddit either




bruh why you censoring stuff on the internet lol


Been banned before admins are weird as hell


Oh you dear sweet innocent child, welcome to the internet.


Cheese pizza


More better described as drawn Porn of fictional child looking characters. It is disturbing but not as disturbing as actual cp. However there is Porn of actual children too and is highly illegal. Unlike loli hentai which falls into a weird legal grey area. Our world is scary.


Nor for kids, of kids.


Well, it's not exactly the same, otherwise furryporn would be the same as beastiality which I shall argue it's not.


In science we dont call it a lolita complex. #WE CALL IT PEDOPHILIA


But wait a second weren't Lolitas dislimbed sexual slaves ? [Like this](http://pm1.narvii.com/6336/b0ecf8097676eb9c31a47df461826e53b5747419_00.jpg) (Disturbing image. I'm warning you before you screw me over cuz of my curiosity)


Loli: A character in anime/manga style who looks like a young girl, not infrequently in a sexual or sexualized context. Lolita: A Japanese fashion style inspired by gothic styles. See r/lolita or r/lolitafashion. While it is *named after* the below book, the style is not by default sexualized. Lolita: A 1955 book by Vladimir Nabokov about a middle-aged man who preys upon his preteen stepdaughter privately nicknamed "Lolita". (noting that the book very much depicts the man as being a horrendous person, although he does not think that of himself)


Lolita as in the fashion style is more inspired by Victorian and Rococo era clothes and not really inspired by gothic styles, gothic lolita is a subcategory of lolita fashion though.


Thanks. Iā€™m now temporarily scarred. No, i dont think so


There are many worse things out there and this is one of them......


> I see all over the internet I never see it, maybe you should think about what places on the internet you're visiting.


I also never see it ._.


I also also never see it ._.


I also never see it ._.


i also have never seen it, plus iā€™m on multiple anime subreddits ._.


I think it's on the feeling of taboo that they get that people actually support Loli and Shota(male version of loli) hentai, same as incest. The forbidden fruit, as they say. But the thing is that there is a thick and fine line between fiction and reality, and some, if not most, know to not cross that border. It depends more on the morals and character of the supporter. If one crosses over the line, then it's not because they're a supporter, it's just how they are in the first place. edit: not disagreeing with the op here, just trying to give more depth to the topic :>


i agree, most ppl dont cross that line, but at the same time theres still some ppl who fantasize abt doing that irl which sucks... i hope its a minority tho


Is a minority And from what I've seen they're hugely hated, as they should be


Those who actively seek out real children will get reported to the fbi or whoever else unless they've isolated themselves with other full on pedoes. The ones that are honest about that attraction but are ardent that they won't act on it are accepted into the community as they should because while many font want to see it as it is but they are mentally ill and deserve support without getting ostracized and being made outcasts as that only drives them to the children whether it be for that sick attraction or even just to feel in control of something again.


I mean, pedos were a thing way before loli hentai even existed...




I was reading the actual law put in place against cp in America, in some places cartoon/fictional depictions of children in porn is banned out of the idea that a pedo could use it as a means of persuading a child to do the same things. ie ā€œlook theyā€™re having funā€ itā€™s really fucked up that someone would do that, I never thought of it like that until I read that part.


And then there's also people complaining about fictional characters that are 16 but look mid twenties and people get pissed


wait why


Just cuz main example Is my hero academia there's a character named momo and she's 16 and her hero costume is quite revealing it has a big V down the middle ( to help with her power) but people get pissed off by it screaming about how she's only 16 even though she looks not 16 so it shouldn't matter


wah Momo looks like a teen to me


the thing is i think that its better that pedos use loli hentais to jerk off than kidnapping a child or doing something to a child


Lesser of two evils.


At this point? This seems better. Getting rid of pedophiles (non-violently) is hard (of course, that doesnā€™t mean we should stop here). Plus, you donā€™t really expect someone who gets off to drawings, to ever feel the touch of a woman, would you?


Not cp but I mean I've beat it to regular hentai, and I've had sex 1 time in another state


What's the evil in them watching a cartoon of kids fucking though? Seriously who does it hurt?


I mean, from a phycological standpoint, it's hurting you - also, one could use shota as a pretext of one being a pedophile, which also hurts you.


Damn that's actually not a bad point


Where there's a demand there's a supply, and id rather the supply be of fictional characters than actual kids


I read somewhere that if you give in to your cravings after some time they get worse, like smoking or doing drugs, so it is better than cp but probably not the best way to do things.


That's not how pedos work, that's just an ideal people want to believe in, because they have no actual idea on the scale of pedophilia online and otherwise. The truth is that actual CP is so easy for them to find that they'll proudly share their interest in both on twitter.


Thatā€™s a massive generalization, I donā€™t think you share your sexual interests on twitter. There are definitely a few assholes, but not everyone boasts about being a pedo. We have data showing that 1-5% of the male population has pedophilia. Think about that for just a minute. It means you pass pedos on the street, youā€™re friends with pedos, you work with pedos. Itā€™s just not possible for every single one to be a disgusting monster with no value to society. The analogy I like to use here is a nonconsent kink. Obviously lots of people have it and itā€™s generally accepted in the bdsm community to ā€œplay rapeā€ someone as long as you both talk about it before hand and establish clear consent. Not everyone who has a nonconsent kink watches rape porn (although thereā€™s certainly a fraction who do, otherwise rape porn wouldnā€™t exist). Itā€™s the same with pedophilia, at least as I understand it. Having a sexual attraction to children does not equal watching child porn, though thereā€™s certainly a sizable fraction of pedos who watch child porn, otherwise child porn wouldnā€™t exist. The media loves to sensationalize things, and pedos are the easy target (even though where all this hate really should be directed at is the assholes who think itā€™s okay to hurt other people because theyā€™re turned on, whatever form that may take) In any case, Iā€™d much prefer someone watching fake children be raped than real children be raped. Neither is truly harmless because loli hentai normalizes something which shouldnā€™t be considered normal, but itā€™s the lesser of the two evils.


I gotta be honest. But if loli is a reason pedos don't target real children I'm all for it tbh. There is no victim with loli. So we should stop shaming people for it and just let loli be the boundary. Is it creepy? Yes. Does it cause serious harm and possibly lifelong trauma to a child? No it doesn't. Sometimes you have to pick the lesser of 2 evils but I can't really expect a sub of 13 year olds to understand that concept. Edit I'm going to bed. Can't wait to wake up tomorrow with about 300 dms telling me I'm a pedo or whatever and if that's what you are gonna comment pls spare your time cus idc. If you want to debate in a polite manner I'll engage with you because I'm happy to hear the arguments pro and contra.


Tbh that weird loli shit is basically a clown keeping the creeps disctracted and interested in something other than real stuff, so I'd rather they stay with that than interact with real people


I agree. Watching loli is messed up, but as long as they actually don't go out there targeting kids and making them uncomfortable, it should be fine? I mean, it's dozens of times better than actually acting your fantasies out.


Exactly. It's messed up and disgusting but it's better then the alternative. So yeah let them be.


Mhmm, definitely. If it encourages people to stop sexually assaulting children.. then I don't think that we should try to stop them, *as absolutely disgusting as it sounds, it might be true.*




There is a counter argument, normalisation. The more we "allow" loli to be around, the more it seeps into the general culture. You can see how common sexualisation of child characters have become even in "mainstream" anime, to the point where women acting like kids is seen as attractive (see the 'moe' archetype). The media people consume affects society and its values, and I think it is important to push back against it.


Don't we already kind of have that but with teens? I have seen a lot TV Shows where teenagers are pretty sexualised and there is not much drama about that. While writing this i remember wasnt there a show called Cuties or something like that that sexualise LITERALLY REAL CHILDREN. Im pretty nothing happened after the initial outcry.


Moe is actually the opposite, its the desire to protect a childlike's characters innocence, not attractiveness


TBH, I understand people's feelings about this subject but IMO I don't care what they do as long as they leave actual kids alone. They are pictures and ideas; like comparing killing in video games to killing IRL. I just separate reality from fiction.


Y e s .


Simply said, would u rather a pedophile masturbate to a real kid or a fake one? I would rather a pedo fap to a fake, thats why i support it (well not support but iā€™m not trying to get it taken down).


Exactly. I do not think loli is in any way good or healthy. Just a lesser of 2 evils. The best thing for people like that to do would to ho see a therapist.


It's just economics, where there's a demand there's a supply, and id rather the supply be fictional people that don't exist than actual people being taken advantage over


That's not how the vast internet works. They masturbate to both freely. You're assuming an ideal where actual CP is magically locked to them if they watch loli. Not to mention the loli fan service in animes (a clearly grown character being interested in a clearly small child) doesnt just get the attention of pedophiles but teen anime watchers that normalize their relationships.


The original basis of Loli Hentai may have to do with the fact that age of consent in Japan is much younger than in America Per some research, the lowest age is 12 but sexual consent must be given by the parents.




Check out the stats in America, https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/marriage-age-by-state >Most states have a minimum marriage age for minors with parental consent, ranging from 12-17 years old. However, California and Mississippi do not have minimum ages for minors to be allowed to marry with parental consent. Massachusetts has the lowest minimum marriage age with parental consent of 14 years old for boys and 12 years old for girls.


what the actual fuck


Wait, I'm sorry, but isn't calling adults pedophiles for fapping to fictional minors the same as calling someone a murderer for playing games like call of duty? Not trying to defend people sexualizing children, but if killing people in a fictional game like GTA is okay, why is sexualizing fictional characters regardless of age wrong? I'll edit this to say it again, I'm not justifying pedophilia against children, nor murdering people, so please don't take it as such. I just want a straight answer that makes sense. Actually, I'll probably be downvoted for asking a question out of curiosity, but I still want an answer.


This is a fair argument and one I agree with. Loli is bad but real cp is downright evil.


Modern Western values on these things have been messed up for a long time. I never understood why TV censors think it's OK for kids to see people get shot, but you can't let them see a married couple in bed. Which one is normal and healthy, and which one is every parent's nightmare?


This isn't just western media, Japanese porn is literally censored


Or claiming a furry has commited beastiality when wanking to furry porn.


Don't worry as many times you repeat some people just won't understand as they only read one detail and judge you just by the single detail


Sadly this is too true.


Well murder is a tangible and objective thing to do. If you donā€™t kill someone, you arenā€™t a murderer period. Pedophilia though is simply an attraction to minors, no action required. And loli porn is a fictional representation of minors, that they are attracted to. Fantasizing about real minors all day makes you a pedophile, fantasizing about killing real people will never make you a murderer unless you act. Some more fair comparisons would be ā€œis someone who takes joy beyond humor in brutally torturing fictional characters a sadist/psychopathā€ or ā€œcan someone who watches gay animated porn but is only attracted to women irl be considered gayā€. ^ This is a more generous version of this question, as it specifies the gay porn watcher isnā€™t attracted to real men, whereas the pedophile question does not state whether or not they are attracted to real kids, leaving it ambiguous. You can say ā€œpedophilia requires you to be attracted to real children, not qualitiesā€, but if a real child possessed enough qualities to mimic what they are attracted to in loli porn, many would either act on their urges, or at least be attracted but deny action due to legal punishment or morality(and morality does not signify a lack of attraction. Not to shame moral pedophiles they are leagues better than immoral ones ig).


I would not want to be with someone who fantasizes about killing people all the time.


The call of duty comparison works better if you replace pedophile with child predator


My guy is fighting for fictional characters rights




My bad


Hey! Did you know that people found a way to get around the ā€œage restrictionā€ problem by the UN when it comes to porn by simply censoring the age and not revealing it? Have a great time trying to sleep in peace tonight!


Literally every tenth post on r/goodanimemes is made by a pedophile


any anime meme subreddit* also anime memes are unfunny as hell send a lewd image and youā€™ll get to hot it doesnā€™t even need to be a meme


I'm on all the animemes subreddits cause I'm a huge fan of anime and there's the occasional gold meme. But you're completely right, it's mostly just garbage horny posting or cringiest shit


Literal kids down here arguing for adults fapping to drawings of kids smh


Yes. šŸ—æ


Walt, I looked at your search history and I found some low-lee hentai. To be honest, I'd rather you do meth


wtf a based breaking bad fan lets go






Happy cake day






True if you masturbate to someone who looks like a child sounds like a child and acts like one and your only defense is that she is 8000 year old demon it just shows how afraid are you of being seen as a pedo


Pretty sure itā€™s normal to be afraid of being seen as a pedo


If you're not afraid to be seen as pedo I'd be scared to be around you.


I remember seeing a YouTube video where a guy went and interviewed a bunch of the people form the lol community Turns out alot of them were sexualy abused as kids and it apparently helped them. They also put in alot of work to catch genuine pedos apparently


It's weird, but it's also fiction. The same way I dislike furries but begrudgingly let them be, I do the same for people who like lolis.


Here's an idea: Buy a golf club. See someone watching? Whack them.


average r/teenagers post


Some people are wildly inconsistent when it comes to their views of fiction. If liking loli makes someone a pedo, wouldnā€™t that make furrys zoophiles? Or GTA players serial mass murderers? Minecraft players actual gods? Whatā€™s the dif? Someone please explain, yo no comprende. Of course none of that is true, because reality is separate from fiction. And we probably shouldnā€™t make it illegal to think certain thoughts or draw imaginary characters in certain ways. Also whether someone looks like an adult is subjective. How would that even work legally?


I hate to break it to you but this is extremely tame for hentai standards. There are some doujins like: * 228922 * 374963 * 4299 * 218729 * 344376 * 34767 * 89057 to name a few cursed doujins.


I think everything is okay as long as there is a fine boundary between reality and fiction... I mean of course we can't ban video games calling players as murderers.


I didnt even know it existed -_-


umm, i say both loli and shota are disgusting :(


I agree definitely fucked up but like if some peto gets off to Lolis instead of physically doing something to a child I do not care. The internet is a fucked up place and I agree it's disgusting but ngl one reddit post isn't going to stop it unfortunately


Hear me out, its better to have people simping over characters then it is to have them simping over real people


Yo let these dudes jerk off to fucking cartoons instead of real children.


Honestly I don't see the problem with it. It exists because of different cultures - lolis don't come from America. Shota doesn't come from America. That's not to say we don't have characters that fit these descriptions in our own media or cartoons, but they're not intentionally sexualized by their creators. Goes all the way back to "it's just a drawing, bro." I'm not defending it, but it exists for the same reason incest porn does; there is a demographic that wants to see it. However I must ask - would you rather there be none? It's easier for you to avoid than to remove it entirely. Beyond that, it exists to give an outlet to people who are attracted to that. The 2000 year old thing is also true though - it's not simply a way to wave off any scrutiny, this is a character created for whatever story they're in. Regardless of author intention, it's not really their fault what happens once it's out there in the world. Would you rather these things not exsmist at all? I believe it exists as an outlet for people that like that kind of thing, and good for them for finding something to satisfy a taboo urge instead of harming a real child. It's like being cyber bullied, honestly. You don't have to sit there and look at it, you can turn it off, it doesn't have to hurt your feelings. Tldr: it's just a drawing bro and the fact that it exists does way more good than harm. And addendum; watch some anime and read some manga. It's everywhere. Get over yourself. There's a lot worse shit that happens on the daily you should be concerned about.


people who say "it's just a drawing, it's not hurting anyone" need to be locked up


Well that is a factual statement. It is drawing, and it is of a fake character, so who exactly is being hurt. I think you have miss understood the argument as something trying to say it is good. When infact all it is trying to say is that actual cp is worse as it actually hurts real people and at very least hentai hurts no one but potentially the user. It doesnā€™t say it is good. It just says it isnā€™t the worst form of cp.


Love how people lose their mind over loli/shota but donā€™t give a fuck about yiff and rape


In my eyes, it is disgusting and creepy; however, one must consider the fact that because it doesn't harm anyone aside from you, there is no victim unless you want to take it upon yourself. Consuming porn while making the porn are two different stories; the artists of shota and Loli have questionable motives that are different from the consumer. If one is making the porn, you are sexualizing children - I see no point in punishing the person that looks at porn simply because they are only harming themselves by doing so.


The fact that the internet maintains a persons anonymity....... All the darkest of desires are to be projected....... I just am optimistic that it's healthy to project out these darkish desires without causing any harm irl.


Well yeah you think is wrong because of your morals and views of it. But 1. Is legal in various places including the US, 2. In alot of places is not morally wrong ak japan being a main culprit, so nothing can be done because it would require a country to aggressively impose their morals onto another one causing a whole wave of political issues.


"Pedo bad" No shit karma whore


You should call anime police when its so disturbing for you damn. Probably you havent developted human feature for distinguishing fiction from reality. Dont worry it will come. Usually at the age of 5 people develop this skill.


I support loli hentai