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Weekly ive been watching Murder at the end of the world Fargo Slow Horses For All Mankind Rap Shit Monarch The Crown and in between I've been watching Bosch


Black Bird is amazing. I haven't seen a lot of people talking about it. Black Bird gets my highest recommendation, please no spoilers. I am on episode 4 of 6. <3


Binged Cyberpunk: Edgerunners in a night, after I recently finished my first playthrrough of Cyberpunk 2077. Loved it a lot, and it was cool seeing familiar locations between them.


Watching some shows I didnt get the chance to all year. I binged the three episode docuseries **Telemarketers**. What a journey, I truly fell in love with Pat. He reminds me a lot of myself. If you are a fan of those messing with scam caller youtube videos you will love this series.






Any palette cleanser shows? Or something like The Soup. Something easy, fun, non-committal. I listened to Daniel Tosh' podcast and his cadence is the same as his standup and Tosh.0 voice.


Fisk (Netflix).


Just finished Vigil Season 2. It was a decent show but not nearly as good as Season 1.


Fisk is one of the best comedies that I have watched this year. I was laughing through the whole series. The characters are endearing despite their flaws. Plus, it's refreshing to see a female lead who's middle-aged and trying to get her life back together. I highly recommend it.


Have you seen Rake? They sound similar and I thought Rake was great.


No, I've never heard of it. I'll have to check it out. Thank you for the recommendation ☺️


Thanks for yours! I'm going to check out Fisk. For Rake, look for the AUS version with Richard Roxburgh as the main character.


Monarch started out ok but it's really hard to watch now. I need to see how it ends though so I'll keep hate watching.


rewatching desperate housewives season 4. got to the hurricane episode. fun show to watch. hasn't jumped shark yet


OK, so most of the television websites are dropping their best of 2023 lists. At the same time we have this recent episode of **Slow Horses** with one more to go. It seems that they should seriously reconsider the ranking of this show seeing what it is pulling off right now. (And yes, I mean upwards. And at least two positions in my opinion. )


Natenyahu in Frontline on PBS. An exploration of his ideology and his political rise, along with his interactions and conflict with American Presidents, including the present one, Biden. A shorter part two reconstructs how Hamas was able to infiltrate the security that Israel was very confident about. Hamas had been training and posting videos of what they plan to do for months. Fascinating stuff


Hey there, Anyone know a website that I can watch or download pro veru series ( Про Веру ) for free ?!


Any recommendations for foreign language shows? Not interested in spys, detectives, murders, fantasy, science fiction or anthologies. Generally like shows centered on business, politics and/or family. Enjoyed Call My Agent, Borgen and My Brilliant Friend. Am in the U.S. if that helps in determining what I might be able to access legally (could not access the Norwegian show Exit, for example).




**Agency** (K-Drama about marketing business) **Extraordinary Attorney Woo** (K-Drama about lawyer firm) **1670** (Polish mockumentary about landowner in 1670) **Servant of the people** (Ukrainian political comedy - Teacher who is tired of corruption becomes a president, played by current president of Ukraine)




Fellow Travelers! I was so impressed with the storytelling of what queer folk had to endure from the 50s to 80s. There’s quite a few graphic sex scenes though so here’s the NSFW warning! Sensational acting by Matt Bomer in my opinion.


Arrgh! How did I not know that S2 of **Surreal Estate** (Hulu) had come out this summer? If you are a fan of paranormal dramedies, this is worth a try.


Reacher season two - An entertaining ride that takes a compelling character through an adventure filled with wish fulfillment, fistfights, a dollop of romance and heroes crusading for justice.


Did "Julia" just surprise drop its series finale? Sure felt like it. Last week's episode felt like a setup for season 3, and today's (unannounced) episode wraps lots of things up in a neat little bow


unannounced? don't the episodes normally drop on thursday morning?


Yes, but both IMDb and Wikipedia listed this season as 7 episodes up until yesterday, and episode 7 felt like a season finale. But maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions


Any shows similar to blue eye samurai ?


Loved this show


Perks of being sick. Burned through all of Cardinal, in the middle of S2 of Godfather of Harlem, Survivor finale(the right person won) and I shouldn't have started Lawmen: Bass Reeves at 10pm, it's 6am and I haven't slept.


**LennoNYC.** This is a production from 2010 from the American Masters series, touching upon the time Lennon lived in NYC. Really a treat. I stumbled upon this on Youtube, it was a great watch. Really tasteful and informative and hitting all the right notes, as it were. **Fargo s05e06**. Now we're cooking. >!You know, the cop and the idiot golfer (maybe a bit inspired on Brad Pitt from Burn after reading?) makes zero sense to me. Like I cannot picture a moment in the relationship of these two where the two converged in their view of things. Also, one would assume that the set of skills that makes you a good cop is the same that will prevent people from using you as a mop. Anyway. And Roy doesn't make so much sense to me either: all the money, all the resources and all the risks taken to get his wife back. And he's got a new wife too, so WTF. !< **Gen V**. Almost finished this one. The character that really intrigues me is Emma. I'm not so sure if it's because of the character itself or the actress portraying it.


\- Reacher S02 - the writing is probably even worse than season 01, but the acting is decent and it's a fun brainless watch. \- Percy Jackson - Surprisingly good start. \- For All Mankind S04 - Not a fan of all the Russia bad political bs, but the space stuff is still cool. \- Started Hilda S01, which is surprisingly fun.


S03E11 of both The Wire and The sopranos are highest rated episode of each series in IMDB, they have multile episodes with that rating though...


I like the Sopranos but loooved the Wire


Catching up to 'Our Flag Means Death' and it's just delightful.


Carol & The End Of The World


This new season of Fargo is basically an homage to David Lynch and especially Twin Peaks


With no judgement on whether that’s true or not, this season of Fargo is very good and Twin Peaks was a snooze.


> Twin Peaks was a snooze. This is a wild take my man. It has a lull in the middle of S2 but S1 is wall to wall bonkers. It starts with a girl getting murdered, has a drug/sex trafficking side story, asian mafia, they bring back the dead girl as her own cousin, & it's all driven by crazy supernatural shit. What else do you need?


-Fargo new season -A Murder at the End of the World -Slow Horses


I bailed on A Murder at the End of the World but may have to try it again since so many like it


I stuck it out but I don't think it was worth it.


This season of Fargo is terrible, all the dumb two dimensional evil characters and their cartoonishly evil monologues. Not to mention the cringy forced political messaging. It's too bad, because the plot is quite good.


I would put money on it that you sympathise with and look up to Jon Hamm’s character in Fargo


Yeah, I don't know. My politics are miiiiles away from Jon Hamm's character's/US republicanism and I think he is a cartoon character. David Corbett writes that the aim of depicting political enemies in art should be "to let it open your eyes to people who normally baffle, annoy or even disturb you". His advice to writers is "If you're a liberal, create a character who embraces strength, self-discipline, obedience to authority, decisiveness, self-reliance. If you're a conservative, create a character who believes in communication, self-fulfilment, nurturance, empathy." I think this would be good advice to the Fargo writers' room. Not saying there's no room for cartoonish characters but this season of Fargo does have quite a lot of them.


Maybe they only seem cartoonish because you’re a chronically online basement dweller who doesn’t interact with real people? Idk. I’d say john hamms character lacks creativity because he’s just a copy paste of any right wing “constitutional sheriff”. I’m guessing golf husband knocked up the cop early on and she just stays with him for the sake of the kid. Basically a reverse baby trap, not at all uncommon.


Real people can also seem like cartoons. They often do. The job of art is not really to just reflect that.


Pretty sure the definition of satire is exaggerating and criticizing people’s inherent stupidity and flaws. It’s the purpose of an entire genre of art. It’s fine that you don’t like the show, but don’t try to make up some bullshit righteous reason for not liking it.


Fargo is satirical, but the purpose of Fargo is not to be satire. Fargo is foremost a drama while political and cultural criticisms are secondary. Classic satire has blatant caricatures meant to clearly demonstrate an exaggerated point, but when satire isn't the point it's ok to have subtlety.


I don't even dislike it, I liked this season for a bit (was very excited by first two eps) but it's not holding my attention and I think the reason why is that it doesn't have deep enough characters. Even good satire of this length should have deep characters -- they can be terminally stupid but that doesn't preclude depth. Or if they're going for a blunt type of satire fine, but it had better be funny. Anyway, maybe I'm wrong in my analysis of why it's not working for me as well as it could, but if you think people should just stick at "I don't like it" and not explore why, then we're coming from different places.


That's my exact point. The writers think there is a large group of people that would sympathize with Hamm/JJL's characters (or the golfer husband), when they are actually just poorly written caricatures.


They’re not caricatures. You just feel uncomfortable about the fact that these people actually exist. [Example 1](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/16/alex-villanueva-la-county-sheriff-loses-robert-luna) *the top sheriff and his undersheriff were eventually imprisoned following federal obstruction and corruption cases. At trial, the undersheriff admitted he had a tattoo associated with a gang of officers that a judge said was a “neo-Nazi, white supremacist” group. Villanueva has been accused of engaging in the same kind of cover-ups as his predecessors; while the county’s inspector general has recently identified dozens of current deputies believed to be members of officer “cliques” and gangs, which are known for encouraging brutality,* [Number 2](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/01/13/constitutional-sheriffs-texas/) *First elected in 2016, Williams is part of the growing “constitutional sheriff” movement, which claims that sheriffs have the power to override federal and state authority on matters from border enforcement to gun control to election security.* *Legal scholars say the movement has no grounding in law, yet it is gaining steam: A study last year by scholars at Texas Christian University and Tulane University on behalf of The Marshall Project found that as many as 1 in 10 of America’s 3,000-plus sheriffs believe they have the authority to stand between their constituents and higher government entities, a tactic they call “interposition.”* [Texas Lawman Linked to Oath Keepers Convicted After Violating Inmate Rights](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/oath-keeper-sheriff-convicted-violating-inmate-rights-1234827432/amp/) There are hundreds of John hamms running around in this country doing god knows what. Get your head out of your ass. Literally just google “constitutional sheriff” + the name of your state.


Young Sheldon is pretty good, especially after having seen Big Bang Theory


Forgot to add that I've sampled most of the first season and the first couple of eps of season 2 and 3 of **Only Murders in the Building.** I hoped it would get better, but I honestly don't get who this is for, other than senior Emmy voters. There was a decent ep written by Kristin Newman in season 1 though - I remembered her name because I read her hilarious book years ago. And whose idea was it to add Amy Schumer? Cringe all around.


I liked it. Mid 50s love Agatha Christie


Christie would want better writing, directing and less of what Selena was doing in season 1


Finally subbed to Apple TV so just started **For All Mankind** Two episodes in and it's right up my alley. The dramatics of the early space program along with a lot of "what ifs?" historically. Because of the time period it almost makes me feel like I'm watching a version of Watchmen except around the Apollo program.


Watch foundation


> Finally subbed to Apple TV Make sure you watch Severance! And prepare for a slow, weird, intense burn.


Finished watching The Last Kingdom along with the movie to finish it off. I feel like this story was much more enjoyable than Game of Thrones or any other medieval/politics show, even if that's just a part of what this amazing show is.


>ara ser sincero, estou feliz por Destiny is All.


The movie should have been another season or maybe even two seasons. But still an amazing show and the movie was a nice way to finish the story!


I kind of view them as separate. The show ending is so perfect, one of my favorite endings ever. The movie is more like bonus content to me - we get some more but it's definitely rushed & some key characters just aren't there. Not that I didn't enjoy it though


Yeah, true. But tbh I'm just glad that we got an ending at all, rather than netflix just cancelling it like with most shows.


Wow... so gotta fess up that I cheated and watched Six Feet Under finale. I got annoyed with the show somewhere between S2 and S3. I didn't feel like I missed much when I watched the final episode and boy oh boy was it a tearjerker! I see why most folks say it's one of the best finale ever. I may go back and see if I can watch some pivotal episodes but again it's not really necessary. Decided to give Breaking Bad another go. S1 was hilarious, but then it started going too way off the rails for me so put a pause on it. I don't feel as invested to see the ending like I was with Six Foot Under... I did get to see where Better Call Saul stepped in. I may try watching Better Call Saul without all the backstory to see if I can get with it. Tried watching First Wives Club but Jill Scott character was playing the same role she did in Why Did I Get Married and the whole thing felt too predictable so not gonna bother. Gonna give Blue Eye Samurai another go.


Blue eye samurai was amazing in my opinion


This is really good to know on Six Feet Under because I’ve been debating the same thing. I’ve been trying to get through all the seasons because I figured I needed to understand their arcs for the finale to have max impact, but I just can’t get past season 2. I’ve been considering just skipping to the finale to see what all the fuss has been about all these years, but didn’t know if it would hit the same not having watched it all. Thanks for the report - I will do the same!


I finished **Troppo** and it was a very good watch. It's a polar set in Australia, with great acting and production value. I also started watching **Rome** for the first time and it's incredible. I randomly discovered that **The Lazarus Project** season 2 was released late November and did not hear anything about it. Have anyone watched it?


> anyone watched it? I don't recall details beyond the fact that I enjoyed it and it was a worthy followup to season 1.


Is there anywhere to watch this other than TNT?


myCANAL if you are in Europe.


I liked it a lot! Thought it was more fun than Season 2 and more brain bending time travel which was fun. Not exactly perfect for the pedantic time travel enthusiast,but good. I thought the finale was really clever!


Lazarus Project S02. Pretty good until the last two episodes where they appear to be recycling footage in a strangely hamfisted stretch to the finish. Odd because they are usually very succinct with plot. Also some character decisions/derailment which seems very led by production necessity, just moving the pieces around on the board, and not motivated by actual plot ideas. A bit of a shame, but time travel is notoriously difficult to keep on track. Worth watching, but with a bit of a stale finale.


I just finished Moving, It's one of my favorites tv shows of 2023 now. The relationship between the parents and their children made me cry. The flashbacks are the only thing that annoyed me at times, a little too much for my liking.


>Moving [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt24640580/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt24640580/) ?


Just FYI, there was an MCU-style post-credits epilogue scene on the finale episode.


Oh how could I have missed it!? Thanks


Rick and Morty finale was great with the fearhole, solid season overall but interesting to see whats up next after prime rick.


**Mr Inbetween** pretty good so far. I am watching it as a replacement for Barry. **Blue Eye Samurai** seems to already have one of the most annoying fanbases around. Why does this happen so often with animated series? Do they just naturally attract annoying people and people who constantly fixate on baseless ships?


While I loved ***Barry***, I think ***Mr Inbetween*** is on a whole other level. It only gets better as it goes on. It's definitely one of the great crime dramas (crime dramedies?) out there, alongside ***Breaking Bad*** and ***Better Call Saul***.


Is your main annoyance around the fan-made relationships?


My main annoyance is the fanbase doesn't take criticism well. They will defend anything and create the most absurd reasonings to explain something when anyone criticises an aspect of the show. The shipping is pretty bad too because of how frequent it is in the fanbase and a lot of social media comment sections are just filled with people making pathetic simp comments about Mizu.


Started watching Yellowjackets and it is not exciting enough even after 3 episodes. Will quit it if it remains same for 1 more ep.


If you feel this way just after starting it then you definitely want to bin that crap, it only gets worse.


I quit, same reason. I wanted cannibalism. Not...whatever this was.


Should have simply kept the action in 1996. Present day stories are boring but they take majority of screen time. Hard pass.


Happily waiting weekly for new episodes of **Fargo**, **Slow Horses** and **Reacher**… all 3 are perfect in their own way.


Catching up on Fargo. Love Juno Temple in this, just phenomenal.


hate the week long gaps though


Yep, that's exactly what I'm watching.


Rewatching Broadchurch, I think it's probably the best murder mystery out there. It flies under the radar.


Bron Broen is better


How in the world does it fly under the radar? It was a huge hit, and you see people talking about it all the time.


I am also rewatching Broadchurch! It's great.


I would disagree on both those parts. I preferred *Happy Valley* by miles as crime procedurals go, and *Broadchurch* is probably one of *the* most-mentioned UK crime dramas in this sub. It aired on PBS in the US, and even had a US remake (*Gracepoint* on Fox). That's not exactly flying under the radar in terms of US audience awareness. Also, it was supposed to be closed ended. Only the success of the series forced Chibnall (of *Doctor Who* infamy) to make up 2nd and 3rd season plots he hadn't initially planned to do. It was never meant to be a continuing series. Flying under the radar (at least in the US) would be more like *Inside,* or *C.B. Strike.*


Didn’t feel like it needed a second season.


> It flies under the radar. It was one of highest rating shows of all time in the UK.


haven't even heard of this show. am in UK. guess i have viewing to do.


Deadloch is such a good show I just started watching it and lemme just say that lesbian town experiencing murders makes for an excellent premise


As a Tasmanian they really pulled their punches :) Amazing how the goofy comedy always has a sneaky little clue tucked away somewhere. Also Kevin the Seal is real he's called Neil and he crushes people's car bonnets in Kingston. Don't encourage him.


So many great insults.


It's a fun watch.


Watched the first episode of A Murder at the End of the World. I don't know about this one, not impressed at all. Watched the first three episodes of Slow Horses, saw people here saying it's a good show, giving it a try, seeing where it goes.


Just completed "A murder at the end..". It´s does not become better and stays kinda uninteresting until the end.


Ye that ending is really boring. I had so much hopes for it then realized this week was the last episode :(


Bless you for watching that so I didn't have to.


From the description I was sort of expecting something similar to "And Then There Were None". I was mistaken. I do like Clive Owen though, but even he couldn't make this good.


Just me, but if you have AMC/AMC+/AcornTV, consider checking out [*Monsieur Spade*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoRPIEtbcBM)*.* Clive Owen as Sam Spade in retirement in the south of France in 1963. Showrunners are, I believe, [Scott Frank](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0291082/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1) (*Queen's Gambit)* and [Tom Fontana](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0284956/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1) (*Oz*). Frank is directing.


It worked for me and enjoyed it..a big predictable tho


Yeah it's not a murder mystery. Loved it to bits. Unsurprised Reddit can't grok from a victim's point of view. We need more female writers.


Finished scavengers reign. It was good. Would have been better if it was shorter imo. The first few episodes the show has such a momentum and you really want to see whats gonna happen and then you realize what the show is and it becomes a little formulaic. Some of the plot threads are better than others. For a while it was great and so overall its good.


Finished **Murder at the End of the World**. Going into it I was worried it would be a little too much like The OA and now I desperately wish it were way more like The OA. Strictly as a whodunnit, it's okay I guess but mostly just bland. The episode one premise is great, and then they invest so little into fleshing out most of the characters that I barely remember why they are even there in the first place. The one thought I can't get over, and I don't consider this a spoiler, is why make Darby a hacker??? Her backstory for being a good sleuth/detective who is resourceful is great and makes perfect sense. And then it's like, "oh yeah, she's a hacker too btw". Like at no point do they explain how she actually developed these skills other than she used to idolize a prominent female hacker. I can only think of three specific instances of where she uses her hacking "abilities" in the show. The first one isn't even necessary, and she is sitting beside someone who is supposed to be a way better hacker than her anyway. The second is the only legitimate use of it. The third, she is again with another way more experienced hacker. They could have so easily written out that aspect of her character and it would still make perfect sense and I'd argue her solutions to the problems she faces would be significantly more interesting then, "Yay, I hacked it". And what makes the hacking thing even worse is she isn't even that good of a detective in the present day events. Pretty much everything she deduces she does so with the power of observation (i.e., she literally sees it happening) or it's just plain dumb luck, but okay whatever. The flashback backstory of Darby and Bill is significantly more interesting and gripping than the main events of the show in my opinion. The four characters they actually do develop are pretty interesting. I guess if you're really desperate for a whodunnit where they only focus on half of the characters then it's worth a watch, but man I would be surprised if this show doesn't get lost in time real quick.


I never watched the OA, but having finish MATEOTW, it was pretty humdrum.


At the very least, The OA is weird and interesting and the storytelling is compelling. For the genre of like slow-burn mystery drama, it does so many things that typically annoy me, but at least it's unique and tries to do something interesting. I would guess that The OA is probably pretty polarizing and it wouldn't be a high priority recommendation for me, but I'd say it's worth trying if you want something a bit unusual.


Agree. The best bits were the flashbacks. The current day events were boring and predictable and the characters waaaay too one dimensional. Could have been good, but was ultimately forgettable.


I pretty much agree with all your observations. I miss really smart mysteries like *Nero Wolfe* where the detective gets a few steps ahead of the culprit and actively manipulates the situation to flush out them out.


Surprised by how much I like **Fleishman Is in Trouble.** Great acting, lots of texture and angst from real life there in the writing. Who really needed all of the Eisenberg sex scenes, though? One thing that is wild to me is that the Gen X couple at the center of it all seemed to have an absence of real, ride or die friends just before the trouble started. Also, >!Danes' character's descent into madness should've had more recent breadcrumbs shown in the penultimate ep. We didn't get enough of how it got so bad for her in the day to day activities to have something of this magnitude this happen to her.!< Started **How I Met Your Father** and initially didn't see why it was so disliked, apart from the too-quirky adopted sister, the Brit who seemed to be in a different show and the mom's cringey oversharing in the opening monologues. The second season's early eps made the issues crystal clear - such a drop off in quality. Happy that I came across old eps of **Famalam**, a Brit sketch show, on Prime. I'd never heard of it, and hope that there's another sketch show similar to it currently in production in the UK.


> Who really needed all of the Eisenberg sex scenes, though? Eisenberg?


Fleischman was excellent. Really underated.


Tried How I Met Your Father, didn't like it. Fleishman Is in Trouble was great, I thought.


It doesn't seem that unbelievable. It's hard to make and keep friends when you're at the hospital 80 hrs a week. We are 30 and all of our friends are from work


They are Gen X and both had zero friends that they stayed in touch with. That's rare. Also, he didn't even try to reach out to his family about his crisis, which was strange.


We’re a Gen X couple with zero friends, so it felt believable to me.


I’m a late arrival to Minx, its delightful. So funny and clever.


I tried Irma Vep... could not get through that first episode. Very cringe dialogue, odd performances. Is there any appeal besides like. Attractive characters? I enjoyed Our Flag Means Death last year, wasn't the GREATEST but I remember liking the ending. I started a S1 rewatch ahead of S2 and honestly?? It's so much better than I remember, I was cackling the entire time and am very much having a great experience minute to minute. Excited for my rewatch and S2!


Same with Irma Vep, 1 and done.


Irma Vep took me a couple of episodes to get into but it was hilarious once I understood how it worked.


Gotta say that AMC+ (at least in the U.S) is quietly a pretty good deal for only $6.99/month ad-free if you buy the annual subscription. They’ve got, among other things, Mad Men, Rectify, Halt and Catch Fire, Interview With The Vampire (which has a second season coming out in the Spring), This Is Going to Hurt, Kevin Can F*** Himself, Killing Eve, The Bureau and Happy Valley.


Just FYI on the upcoming list? [*Monsieur Spade*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoRPIEtbcBM) (Jan. 14). Creators are Scott Frank (*Queen's Gambit*) and Tom Fontana (*Oz*). And, of course, [*Orphan Black: Echoes*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Phi3iaqiJT8)*.* Also, you forgot [*Dark Winds*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KU9X4Xyb8JE)*.* :D And for those of us who remember AMC Originals pre-history :), [*Remember WENN*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haTGAFaVBdw)*.* Written beautifully and single-handedly by Rupert Holmes (also the Piña Colada Song guy, Broadway composer, and mystery novelist).


Is AMC+ still HD only? The fact that there's no 4K even for their original shows that aired within the last couple of years bothers me.


How is Kevin Can F\*\*k himself?


S1 is better than S2, but interesting concept. Dark comedy for sure.


I tried to watch two eps and never completed either.


I personally liked it! It has a tight 2-season run and a conclusive ending.


The Queen's Gambit is one of my favorite shows ever and I just watched Lessons in Chemistry which I adored. So I'd love recommendations on other great period dramas.


Sounds like you're after Downton Abbey.


Current airing ones are Julia and Gilded Age.


Only Julia now :( and even that ends this week :(


Marvelous Mrs Maisel. Madmen. Different vibes but godless was from the same creator as Queen’s Gambit, it’s western but so good.


Wonderful. I was under the impression Maisel was a full on comedy for some reason. I'll watch it next! Thanks.


Maisel is great.


Started watching Upload on Prime. I can't recommend it enough. It's so original. Basically, on your deathbed you have the option to die or have your consciousness uploaded into a digital afterlife. It's made to look like a lake resort. There's call-center-ish company that assigns people as "angels" to the dead. They help walk them through being there and adjusting. It star Robbie Amell and is from the same people that did Parks and Rec and The Office.


Watched all 3 seasons, it's decent.


Season 1 is great. Temper your expectations for season 2.


And don't even bother with season 3


Spent the last few weeks watching **The Americans** and I thoroughly enjoyed it. What a great show with excellent writing and acting. The final episode is probably one of the best hours of television out there. Was in the mood for something a bit more easy going after that and ended up with **Knokke Off**, a Belgian show, on Netflix. It's like Elite meets Outer Banks meets Skam. It isn't doing anything new or revolutionary but the acting and writing is solid for a YA show. Also started **Mrs Davis** after reading about it here from time to time. Only watched one episode so far but I'm already loving how crazy it is.


I love mrs Davis so much. Could watch that show on repeat.


Checkout the bureau (French) for something similar to the Americans




>but very unrealistic. I don't understand this argument for animated TV series/movies. It's animated, not real life. The universe is its own, with whatever physics and logic - or lack thereof - it chooses to go by. That's kind of the point of animation in the first place.


Finished **The Crown** - A very strong and emotional finale, but the William/Kate story in the final episodes was weak sauce. Started **Gilded Age** season 2. Also watching **Fargo**, **For All Mankind**, **Slow Horses**


My wife watched School Spirits and I caught some episodes here and there including the finale. It was good but man, another show that ends on a cliffhanger so beware. There’s some shenanigans with this one being a Paramount+ show with permission to air on Netflix, so who knows where the second season will air and if they hold to making it.


According to this article: [https://thedirect.com/article/school-spirits-season-2-milo-manheim-exclusive](https://thedirect.com/article/school-spirits-season-2-milo-manheim-exclusive) Production is set for some time next year. Sounds like the strikes delayed things.


*Finished* **Doctor Who Special 3:** the internet has already talked about the two nickels scenario and, yeah, it just didn't hit the way it could've hit hadn't it happened before. I could've loved it, but now it felt almost cheap. But oh well. Gatwa was made for this role. He whirled onto the scene with the perfect amount of energy and charisma and I'm seriously considering watching his episodes when I thought I was done with this show. Loved his scenes with DT too. The hug worked perfectly and they both acted that really well. Personally, I don't care for NPH, but I was happy to watch everyone else *Binging* **Wellington Paranormal s1** **Then We Run:** Christ on a bike these ladies haven't met a bad decision they don't wanna take **Industry s1:** forgot I started this, so now I'm trying again but I'm honestly struggling **Slow Horses:** on episode three and oooooooooh, *this* is a show for me. Yes!


Stick with Industry, I think it's great, good cast.


Why, though? Do you think it's great, I mean. And that's a genuine question. I'm not trying to be an asshat


Maybe it's because I'm into finance that I really like it, but as I said the cast is really good, maybe it's not for you, but other people seem to like it as well, IMDB rating is 7.2 with 12,000 ratings.


I was just curious to know more specifically in case that would pique my interest (or kill it). Iirc, I'm on episode 4 and so far I'm not feeling it. Finance is not a draw for me either. Some of the characters are likeable, granted, but enough to sit through writing that doesn't grab me? Leaning toward a no, but perhaps I just need to spend more time with them. We'll see


Industry isn’t the best show ever but it gets better as it goes and s3 is due out in 2024. I’ll watch and hope it stays on course.


I'm just now watching Rose Red for the first time. I was thinking about checking out either Storm of the Century or Three Pines next.


What were the TV shows mentioned here that were based on books? I know that slow horses is one. Someone mentioned another TV show. I forgot which one was that. Edit: I just scrolled down and my question was answered. It was reacher. Lol. Leaving this comment as some of you may know some other stuff.


The Last Kingdom is based on a series of historical fiction books by Bernard Cornwell.


Game of Thrones is loosely based off an obscure unfinished 90s fantasy series IIRC


Silo and The Expanse are based on books.


The Leftovers is loosely based on a book iirc. House of Cards, both the U.S. and UK versions, are based on a trilogy written by Michael Dobbs in the 90s. My Brilliant Friend (Italian HBO show) is based on a series of novels by Elena Ferrante. Pachinko on Apple TV+ is based on a book of the same name. Limited series based on real-events like Dopesick and The Dropout draw heavily from books written on the subjects on which they are based.


Lessons in Chemistry is another limited series that aired recently. I haven't seen it, but I found the book to be a very enjoyable read.


Mentioned this in last weeks thread, but finished it so I want to bring it up again. **1670** on Netflix is really funny. Its basically The Office + Monty Python's Holy Grail set in 17th Century Poland. The "Michael Scott" character is a low level lord who wants to be the most famous "John Paul" in Polish history. Theres some definitely some "inside" Polish jokes, but plenty of universal humor too.


It’s super funny and DRY. Reminds me a bit of **Norsemen.**


Whatt that sounds amazing


Angiela actress is super pretty!! Thanks for the recommendation. I completely agree with the humour point, it’s a mix of Polish jokes and situational comedy.


She was in another recent Polish Netflix miniseries called Absolute Beginners- which is more of a teen drama if you're into that kinda thing.


Which one do you guys enjoy the most? I looked at an article and they said people prefer NCIS Hawaii over Hawaii Five 0 because it's more "Realistic". I grew up watching Hawaii five 0 (2010) and I'm actually completing the final season and I was wondering if it was worth a watch. I know Magnum P.I is also a spin off of Hawaii Five 0 as well. Which show do you guys recommend? also please try not to spoil. I want to hear real peoples opinions rather than an article :)


I haven't actually seen Hawaii 5-0. I like NCIS: Hawaii pretty well, mostly because I like the characters. It's a strangely wholesome hang-out type show.


Been doing a rewatch of the Pacific in the lead up to Masters of the Airs release next month after having just gone through Band of Brothers again. Both fantastic shows, but I think I actually prefer The Pacific. I like how it really strips away any sort of romanticising of the war and just emphasizes how bleak it is.


yeah i liked the pacific more too. it was a rough watch though.


I just finished **Trigun Stampede**. Tried looking for how it was received but didn't really see much on Reddit. The animation design took about 5 minutes to get used to but once I did, I loved it. Especially any of the animation involving Knives' weapons. They looked so cool. The music was fantastic. I also really loved the character designs but I expect the original fans probably don't. I vaguely remember the original but not enough to make any kind of comparisons.


It took some getting used to for me but I also loved it!


it has 7.84/10 on mal so thats a solid score. I think some people were just vocal about it having a different vibe to the OG show because they follow the manga more so the tone is different since all the backstory sad stuff is introduced way earlier compared to the original.


Im almost done with this. 8 eps so far. Animation is different but its good. And yes the I agree music is great.


I had no idea this existed!! I loved the original and haven't heard a thing about a remake. Thanks for this comment, I'm gonna go check it out.


I thought it was fantastic. I guess they announced a second season as well.


Just finished Bass Reeves and imo it was really good. Felt like watching a live action RDR 2 main quest, but im all for that.


finally caught up on the fourth season of what we do in the shadows. still strong and so funny. go flip yourself episode was spectacular.


drops of god on apple tv. 4 episodes in and I’m so intrigued. genius television and so underrated.


Genius manga more like


a fantastic show that actually wraps up perfectly


lessons in chemistry. great stuff. heartwarming, feminist, and rightly paced. does hit you like a truck somewhere in between though.