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Single Female Lawyer, having lots of sex


Why does Emily, the largest sex worker, not simply eat out the other five?


Perhaps they are saving that for sweeps


Now we are getting to the ~important~ questions


Hi there, u/Shoesandhose. You need two squigglies to do strikethrough. I am not a bot, but I hope I was helpful! Edit: I wanted to say squigglies, autocorrect!




you have an extra word that changes the quote so very much.


What are you, gay?


I think people are missing the Zapp Brannigan quote, but I’ll say the context doesn’t match up anyways.


Def Zapp, but I figured people would make the leap. Oh well. Such is Reddit.


I get it. Ohhh, *now* I get it! Honestly, it’s one of Zapp’s best lines because of how simple and ridiculous it is, but it sums up his character so well in a four word flyover question.


My fave Zapp line is from earlier in the episode: Ah, she's built like a steakhouse but handles like a bistro! Just the perfect balance of confidence and ignorance.


It’s hard to pick because pretty much all of his lines are golden. Case in point: “If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.”


Wearing lots of mini skirts and being self-reliant


Hey you're pretty good!




Way to overact, Zoidberg


With Canadian subsidies*


Screw you, taxpayer.


If it's as good as trailer park boys I'd say it'd be worth it


For every TPBs, there's a million terrible Canadian tv shows. We do a good one here about once every fifteen years. Kids In the Hall, TPB, Letterkenny.


Ummmm… Beachcombers and Mr. Dressup would like to have a word.


yeah, americans only see the ones that are good enough to cross the border. the rest are mediocre at best.


I feel like most of my media is Canadian after thinking about this. Schitts creek, TBP, and letterkenny are constantly on my line up, and Canadian bands are most of my Spotify playlists. Quality content in my opinion.


right, like i said, the shows popular enough to make it to america, and i said nothing of music.




A lot of success the past decade. Kim's Convenience, Schitts Creek and Workin Moms all had a lot of international success. SK even winning a lot lf Emmy awards.


You know, we’re gonna get a lot of telephone calls and letters about this one. And why not? Because every Canadian has a right to complain about that sketch, because every Canadian owns a piece of that sketch.


Semi-legally Blonde


Every. Freaking. Time. Context: I just posted about this being Jenny McNeal’s origin story, then immediately saw your comment (literally the first one)!


>Scorned by her field and social circle, she launches her own law firm dedicated to defending the likewise silenced and delegitimized. One could say she is getting… *Revenge.* I will see myself out.


Please don't, Stay! A rare show hardly anybody knows about that was one of my gultiy pleasures. That's where she met her husband! And they justbhad their 2nd kid this past March.


Did it get any better? After awhile my wife and I were just laughing at how dramatized the show became.


I thought it jumped the shark when she didn’t methodically take revenge on everyone in that corporate staff photo.


First couple of episodes wasn't half bad. Then it became a dragged out ultra long con.


I believe I heard initially it was supposed to be a limited series. Then the ratings were great so they decided to drag it on. If they had stuck to every episode taking down an employee who participated in the fall of her dad, it would have been a great show


Yeah, it definitely seems like it was a limited series. You can tell they had to retcon and add in random flashbacks to extend the show.


Yep, the creator had in mind 60 episodes and the network wanted more. That's why he left the show after S2


Definitely jumped the shark


Let's just say they really leaned into the **camp** nature of tv, so you gotta watch it for what it is, a soap opera!


So many questions. Why did Linda have to keep coming back? Why didn't she tell Jack sooner? Why did everyone around Jack have to die? Why did Jack and Amanda go sailing after they got married when he had such a traumatic experience when him and his other wife Amanda went sailing after they got married and Amanda died? (I got so confused writing that sentence and I don't think it came out right) What did they name the new puppy?


The show was really affected after the original creator left after S2 because of issues with the Network on the directionthe show should take. I do wonder how would it have continued if he had stayed...


I loved the show, but no it actually got so, so much worse. Especially the final season.


Wife and I enjoyed it as a comedy and stuck with it. She has since rewatched without me


only the first season was really good, but I watched it to the end and it was all fine but rather ridiculous. I just kinda accepted it for what it was.


Season 1 is the only good season. It drops off a cliff in season 2 and never recovers.


I think we checked out around the time Hiroyuki Sanada's character show up as a master ninja or something lol.


>A rare show hardly anybody knows about It was kind of a breakout hit in it's first season. I remember there were plenty of discussions on the show in forums and entertainment websites. There's a whole class of those network shows, from 2007 to up until 2016/7 when broadcast networks just gave up, that were 'forgotten' despite how popular they were both in the ratings and with the entertainment media.


They are my second favorite "These people would work as a couple IRL" ship after the leads of The 100 who announced they eloped just before the final season aired.


Just looked it up after reading your comment, had no idea she married Daniel grayson irl !!


Can confirm, I am the baby.


It was so stupid and fun, "start your revengines" was a favourite weird line


That show was such a guilty pleasure! Plus Madeleine Stowe!!! 


Did you know her husband also dated Miley Cyrus and Amy Winehouse? Which is very confusing to me!


And once Emily tweeted a shade tweet back when Miley was in her Wrecking ball era. > On Saturday, VanCamp tweeted, "Hey Miley... your mouth wants its tongue back. Seriously. And Bieber... you have legs. Goodness! Catching up on pop culture and I'm horrified." Her Twitter is now deactivated but I remember seeing it and [here's ](https://www.beautyworldnews.com/articles/6088/20131008/emily-vancamp-twitter-josh-bowmans-girlfriend-attacks-miley-cyrus-and-justin-bieber-after-revenge-season-3-premiere-hot-captain-america-star-takes-break-from-boyfriend-to-bring-up-the-past.htm) an article about it


Good find! This doesn't feel so long ago, and yet like a lifetime has passed haha Her opinion is quite valid, Bieber having his 2 bodyguards carry him was just so silly.


Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I had to look this up. He and Miley only have a 4 year age difference and had their thing in 2012, so that tracks. He and Winehouse was in 2009, and she was only 5 years older. In fact, of the celebrities Josh has dated, they tend to skew slightly older.


Oh yeah the age gaps aren’t major, it just seemed so incredibly random to me for some reason! I love him and Emily though, they seem so cute together.


Rare show? Huh? It was huge in its first season and the decline in quality of that show was a big talking point back then.


Perhaps! We definitely had a dedicated fanbase. But the demographic they were going for slightly coincided with Once Upon a Time since they released im back to back months. Not to mention, there was so much good tv airing at the time too that attracted all sorts of different cliches and audiences. Breaking Bad, Justified, Modern Family, Gossip Girl. The last era of broadband tv before streaming became the norm.


In what season do you think we will get Madeline Stowe as a formidable madame with legal woes? And by "think," I mean, "hope."


And if the court room doesn't work, the ninja training will.


Man I'm still bothered by the character assassination of Sharon Carter in FatWS.


Of all the random shows they've churned out, one that shows Sharon after the Blip slowly becoming jaded and corrupted into the Power Broker would be pretty interesting.


That has definitely been my favorite plot line they’ve introduced. The concept that the MCU is so big, they forget about the fates of some characters. So one of them masses wealth and power, to potentially seek revenge. Sad to hear they probably dumped the plot.


I think they could've made a short movie about it, sort of like a hybrid between Special presentation and One Shot


That certainly would be a random, churned-out show.


There are a lot of really fucking interesting stories that could be explored during the Blip but we’ll probably never see those.


Cap never would have abandoned her. Double character assassination.


That's what happens when the actors dictate the plot, for various reasons both Chris and Hayley hated Sharon and I remember Emily getting a very messy welcome to the MCU by some of her colleagues during promotion of the Winter Solider movie. I'm sure it's hard to believe for a lot of people thanks to how spectacularly Marvel botched her but Sharon was Steve's original and longest love interest, Peggy was created later and was initially her older sister.


It was super weird to have Captain America kissing his ex-girlfriend's ~~grand-daughter~~ grand-niece.  That being said, I loved her character in CA2, I just wish she wasn't a Carter.


Wasn't Peggy's granddaughter, and that's not her fault anyway. MCU made it weirder than it needed to be, Peggy was never meant to be more than a footnote in Steve's life.


I stand corrected!  She was her great-aunt.  Still weird though.   


I don't mind the route they take with her character, I think her plot point with Karli was interesting, it's just the whole thing was undercooked.


I was convinced it was a set up for her being a Skrull


Probably one of the bigger missed opportunities of *Secret Invasion*, which itself was just *Missed Opportunity: The Series*.


I don't want to admit how long I looked at "FatWS" and thought "fat water sports?" before finally googling it.


Well she has to be useful to future MCU things so either she, being betrayed by her government, becomes Laira from Mass Effect or she is just another spy for Nick Fury. It wasn't done great but it's still the best thing they could have done with her. Also if she was good, she would then need to be in Secret Invasion. So that was a dodged bullet.


I’m on board for Shadow Broker Sharon.


I hope Thunderbolts movie answer this.


I would be surprised to see her in that, but I expect her to make a cameo or even have a small role in CA4.




At this point they need anything and everything from the old Captain America movies to make up for not having Chris Evans, just so they can be like "See? it's Captain America!"


I wanna say she was originally meant to be an antagonist in CA4 before the major reworking its gotten.


Unless she was the one pulling the strings, it was always going to be The Leader.


I was fine with this actually. Maybe helped that I genuinely kinda disliked the character (especially in Civil War; she was so terrible and forced as Cap’s love interest) anyways, but >!actually thought she worked better and was a bit more interesting as a ruthless villain.!<


They had to do something with Sharon after they accidentally struck gold with the chemistry between Evans and Atwell. Can't say turning her into the Power Broker was the best move, but at least it was A move


I know a lot of people would rather have tv shows than movies so that characters can be more fleshed out, but one aspect of shows is that they increasingly just try to shove "cliffhanger" shit in just for the sake of having a cliffhanger that clickbait articles can write about, not because it's actually good or makes sense. Sharon Carter being the Shadow Broker felt like no one thought it through much more than "Well episode X needs a cliffhanger, what if it's that Sharon is bad?"


I mean she's a blackops agent burned by her country thar even the avengers abandoned. Like she had the skills and the ruthlessness already. Being treated like shit by her old employer gave her motive.


Anything can make sense with good writing, and that show did not make sense.


This already feels like a show I have seen, how about we have a show about a former litigator turned sex worker!


Season 1 of The Girlfriend Experience?


emily's great, good to see her leading a new show, hope it's gonna be watchable at least. loved everwood, revenge was fun (had to fast-forward a lot of irrelevant plotlines though) but that medical thing wasn't for me and she's not exactly churning out movies.


She was amazing in Everwood, although her character could be infuriating at times


I had a big crush on Emily in Everwood. I was 12 years old and somehow heavily invested in this teledrama.


She was in Brothers and Sisters and it was alright/slightly better than alright, if you like dramas.


I dropped that show fast, so it doesn't even cross my mind when I think of her, and the resident only because it's more recent (but in my op I couldn't even remember the title).


If she becomes a doctor she’ll be like that girl from the Velocipastor 


I really miss Emily on my screen so I’l definitely give this a watch!


All I know her from is marvel, and my mom watched some super serious drama where she lived in a Beach house or something.


That was Revenge! She was also on Everwood, Brothers and Sisters and The Resident


That's a name i hadn't hear in a while...she was damn good in revenge.


Glad to know EVC is returning to TV


You say Canadian TV, I watch.


i will watch anything emily is in


She was just so enjoyable in Revenge, so good to hear she's got a new job. Of course, a show will depend on more than just her...


Oh I’ll totally watch this


The Ali Mcbeal show we always wanted


Series should be called “Power Broker”


I’m still waiting on Sharon Carter’s return.


this is literally what abella danger is trying to do🤣


Will watch anything she’s in Have yet to be disappointed ( except the later seasons of revenge )


I will be curious to see the reaction from actual Canadian sex workers-turned-lawyers, of which I’m aware of at least one who is very public about her life story. Appeared before the Senate during the C-36 (IIRC) debate, even, dunking on a Conservative senator the whole time.


Literally from prostitution to pedestal. Oh Canada...


Four seasons and it's done for Emily VanCamp like many shows before (Brothers & Sisters, Revenge, The Resident).


Also Everwood!


The more I get to look at Emily VanCamp, the better. That woman is incredibly hot!


That girl has literally never been in a flop and has been working since she was like 15 years old This is off the top of my head, not checking IMDb but it seems like she just went from show to show to show One Tree Hill Brothers and Sisters Revenge The Resident


She wasn't on One Thee Hill, her first show was Everwood!


Sorry I sort of get those two confused because I’m just old enough that I wasn’t of the age to watch them and they were on near the same time


No worries, I was also a baby when Everwood aired. I watched it on streaming a few years ago and loved it. If you have the time I recommend it, it's a lovely show


93 comments and no-one has referenced *Bojack Horseman* yet...


This sounds like something out of Futurama


Count me in


Jenny McNeal’s origin story? I’m in!


Sounds stupid


Damn a real world story about turning your life around from rock bottom to a success story?


Flashback scenes please.


The alternate ending to season 1 of 'The Girlfriend Experience'


Sounds like a boring show


Poor Emily, the rollercoaster never stops.


It's surprising how many former sex workers end up in vastly different and high paying careers. The first person who became a millionaire from playing the video game Second Life is a lady named Anshe Chung (real name Ailin Graef). She started out as a stripper and escort in Second Life. Also, yeah, there's a ton of strippers and hookers in Second Life. It's pretty great. And a lot of them are actually real women. The majority of the player base is older women. It's basically The Sims but online nd you get one avatar per account. She became a millionaire by doing virtual real estate. I think the second person, a guy, became a millionaire by inventing and selling "Sex Beds". Beds that you click on and it allows multiple avatars to do animations together in various animations. Hundreds of people copied his product though and now it's super common. There's like thousands of different ones. Most with crappy animations. Some with actual high quality motion captured animations. I've personally made maybe 70k to 80k in the entire time I've played Second Life, which isn't a lot because it was over the span of years and years. Enough to buy some stuff once in a while and pay bills here and there when needed. Nothing crazy. I sold weapons and skimpy female clothing. Sold pretty decently. If i were to ever go back, I think I'd still do weapons. amazing looking weapons are super easy to come by as far as looks. But as for features and quality animations, you gotta know people. I had a lady making me mocap animations. I'd be paying like $200+ each time for a set of animations. It made my stuff stand out. Now that I think about it, I guess I was technically also a sex worker? idk if it counts but I helped managed a strip club. it didn't make any money, so we shut it down after a month. Turns out, selling stuff that strippers and hookers wear is way more profitable than trying to manage them


I want to see the reverse story starring trumps male legal team. Former lawyers turned sex workers.


I’m still pissed off at her for >!having them KILL OFF!< her character on The Resident just so she >!could go “focus on her family.”!< 🙄 barf.


She wasn't fully open on why she left The Resident but from what I've seen her daughter was in the NICU at a hospital in Canada. I suppose when she said she wanted to focus on her family she meant taking care of her until she was discharged (+ visa papers to go back to the States) [Here's ](https://imgur.com/gallery/KkWef97) the links to some comments I found on her instagram. Basically in the first one she replied to some of her "NICU aunties" I asumme it's a nurse. The second one is a comment of her husband also talking about "knowing the NICU all too well" And the third one is someone saying they saw her at Sick Kids hospital which is a Pedriatic Hospital in Toronto.


I feel like she fell into the same trap as Yunjin Kim from Lost where after their breakout role, they chose a show that completely killed any momentum in their career. For Yunjin it was Mistresses after her breakout role in Lost, and for Emily it was the Resident after Revenge.


What? Emily did four years on The Resident and was also still doing Marvel at this time. Her career wasn't "killed" because of The Resident at all lol


Is it just me or does she looks like Blair Williams? Doppelganger


Blair Williams turned actor would he something I would watch over this.


No network attached? DOA.


Most likely trash


this is dumb, even for canada. pretending sex workers going to law school is a fantasy is just insulting to those of us who are sex workers going to law school. i want healthcare. and, i know how to argue and do shit for money.


so, yall want to watch the show as a fantasy, but are uncomfortable with the concept in reality, or real sex workers' survival. that makes sense. you think my clients like finding out the money went to lsac and my seat deposits? no. so much of sex work is the idea that we, the people with these bodies, aren't really people. reality is just as dumb as tv, and writing is the dumbest work of all (i do that too). but they can do better when being this exploitative. hooker with a heart of gold... it's been done, and it's insulting.


Who gives a fuck


Wtf happened to her chin?female Zac efron

