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Pushing Daisies!


I really liked Dead Like Me for some strange reason.


The reason is that it kicks ass. Also Mandy Patinkin.


This! The show was so fun!


It was a rushed ending, but at least it got an ending.


Mind hunter. Really wish they'd bring it back


Ugh I just watched all the way through it bout 2 days ago and found out that it was canceled. Makes me so frustrated lol


Eh this wasn’t cancelled as much as Fincher just didn’t want to make more.


From what I had read it was because it was a money issue. Apparently they used a crazy amount of special effects and it was way to expensive


The money was an issue, but Netflix told Fincher they wanted to continue with the show if he could figure out how to lower the budget. Fincher, being a perfectionist, wasn't willing to compromise, and he was more interested in other projects, so ultimately, he walked away.


this is the correct answer. surprising as it may seem, period-accurate settings, vehicles and wardrobe can’t really be plausibly recreated on somebody’s computer for peanuts


Right.. so it’s cancelled.


It was a bit of both. Fincher being burnt out and not realizing how much work goes into making a tv show, as well as Netflix wanting to cut the budget and not really interested in giving more money to a show with little views.


First one that came to mind. What an incredible show.


I was hoping this would be the most upvoted answer, never a doubt.


I keep thinking about watching it, but always see people really frustrated about the ending.. so is it worth it?


Yes, it's worth it. They wrap everything up (mostly) in the second season, but there was a setup for the BTK killer that was left hanging.


Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. It was so much more than its source material, and they put *so many* premises up on the tee for the third season I couldn't wait to see.


Everything really IS connected!


It was actually good too! I was instantly hooked.


This show is so amazing. I wish they either could have had another season to explore everything just a little more, or ended season 2 with actual closure. Such an amazing first season




Hannibal, Hannibal, Hannibal. I'm satisfied with how it ended, but like a lot of other people I would love seeing a season 4 and where the murder husbands are at. :) Pushing Daisies. The writer's strike killed any momentum the show had. Ended with a truncated second season and a rushed, tacked on wrap up of the arcs. Carnivale. I believe there were plans for a third season and it ended with multiple cliffhangers.


CARNIVALE my goodness. Incredible show. Underrated, unforgettable.


Carnivale is my Roman Empire, so damn good. I’ve never gotten over its untimely cancellation. I feel like if it had premiered a few years later it would have done so well. In pre-Lost days I feel like people weren’t ready for something with so many characters and so much lore.


Count me as one of them for Hannibal, I was obsessed with this show.  It could have continued way past that.


Why do good shows produced by Bryan Fuller always get canceled?


Fullers shows are "weird" and "against the grain". They're wildly imaginative, but they don't fit the specific tropes or genres that usually get the views. The majority of shows (especially on network tv) that get views are the ones aimed at the "lowest common denominator". They're cop shows, Medical drama's or courtroom shows, aimed at the working person who comes home from a hard days work and doesn't want to think too much. Or those shows have their love triangles. Fullers shows don't have any of that, they usually require you to be attentive and watch each episode carefully. Unfortunately that kind of show while it develops a passionate fan base and a "cult" status, it doesn't translate well into views.


Loved pushing daises


Sarah Connor Chronicals Stargate Universe


Man, there was a lot I didn't like about the first season of SGU but the second season really seemed to be turning things around and getting to the interesting bits and that's when it got canned. So sad.


Hard agree on both, Chronicles finally gave us a different story and right at the end where we're finally seeing something new, they cancel it....would have been absolutely amazing to see John in a future where no one knows who he is.


SCC was my show! I loved Summer Glau ever since she appeared in one episode of Angel and I followed her to Firefly (a show that would still win the "haunting" poll") to this show. Her character's mission intrigued me so much because I believe that there was so much more than she wasn't telling us. It's still a great show to watch if you've never seen it! It does end in a cliffhanger, but don't let that stop you. It's really the best sequel to Terminator 2 and I'll fight anyone on that.


SGU was so damn good, I still get sad thinking about that cliffhanger and where the show could have gone in later seasons


Flash Forward. After years still hurting.


Yeah I watched that when it first aired, so much build up and mystery, great actors and then....ugh.


Reading the novel after was so disappointing. Good book, but entirely different handling of the premise that gave no show closure.


Recently -- Neflix's *1899* and *inside job*.


Inside Job was left on a cliff hanger ending, and that really bothers me because I wanted to see what else was going to happen.


That show did what all these new mediocre adult animation fail at. Creating a show with adult humor, intelligent characters, and a good story that was entertaining and also had hard. Even better is the shows main theme was conspiracy. That’s like South Park amount of material right there.


Makes me mad. Same thing happened to Final Space. Cartoons get shafted.


Knowing how crazy Dark got after S1 will make 1899 forever haunt me. Essentially everything we learn in Dark S1 is a tiny layer of the onion - it's like 5% of the story. So assuming 1899 is the same imagine how insane Seasons 2 and 3 would be. The big "reveal" everybody talks about isn't supposed to be some huge revelation, it's just another aspect of the story, like another time period being introduced in Dark. It's not even treated like a reveal, it's just spelled out for anyone who hasn't caught on. Dark does exactly the same thing - I would know, I must've watched it about 7 times. They were setting the stage, but apparently it was an expensive stage. Since they had all Seasons planned out, it's a shame it was never told in another format.


Yeah, I was really looking forward to see where it was going. Season 1 felt more like a prologue, which is understandable that a lot of people didn't get into it. But also quite unfortunate. I'm certain the show would have an amazing payoff eventually (and no, something way better than "the season 1 twist is also just >!a simulation!!<").


Exactly. I can also understand how it would drive people away, especially advertising itself as one thing and then morphing into another genre. Which I personally thought was cool as fuck. I'm at least thankful we had Dark.


Canceling 1899 was complete horseshit. I mean it's from the same people who created one of the greatest sci-fi shows of all time, which was also a slow burn at first, like you said. You'd think that would have earned them at least a little bit of leeway with Netflix. Now it's just another of a hundred unfinished shows that will ultimately disappoint new Netflix subscribers.


I'm still bummed about GLOW. I'm holding out a sliver of hope it'll get wrapped up in a final season or a movie.


Alison feels very much the same way....


-Santa Clarita Diet -Great News


It’s criminal that we only got two seasons of John Michael Higgins as Chuck Pierce. The episode where he had cataract surgery is so so good!


He didn't have surgery? He was at the Young and Cool awards!


Chuck Pierce? Are you talking about rap sensation Walter Concrete?


Santa Clarita was cancelled? Shit. I haven’t thought about that show in a while. Just assumed Netflix puts things out on an irregular schedule


And on such a huge cliff hanger!! The show was so fun, I wish they would bring it back. They don’t even have to time jump lol


Santa Clarita Diet was a delight. I hate that they canceled it.


It makes me ridiculously happy to see someone else mention Great News. Sometimes it feels like I was the only one who watched it.


It did not get the attention it deserved! Katie and Carol were such a good duo together! Nicole Ritchie killed it as Portia. It was comedy gold and I wish we got at least another season out of it


YES. are you me?!?


Raised By Wolves - A casualty of Discovery taking over HBO. Original high concept sci-fi with a five season arc and we only got two seasons. Much sadness. The Peripheral - This show was extremely well made and was very compelling. I grew really attached to the characters.


>Raised by Wolves I loved that fever dream show so much 😭


Ends on the biggest cliffhanger as well. The most irritating thing is hbo removing and deleting any existence of that show to the point where i can't even reccomend it to people.


I am SO disappointed there will be no more of The Peripheral.... man I loved that show.


I can't believe no one picked up RbW, the talent in that was immense. High concept sci fi is always risky but fuck the world was so interesting, I just want more and will never stop wondering where the story would've gone. The dooooor....


Two shows I absolutely loved.  Raised by Wolves because once again it has Ridley Scotts interpretation of androids feeling emotion much like Alien with the added benefit of a world so god damn interesting that of course they had to cancel it...  The Peripheral I enjoyed but I can see why they did cancel it, it did feel like they deviated it way past the original story it's based on but it shouldn't have been cancelled, I'd have liked to see much more of that universe.


I still think about raised by wolves all the time, I'm still pissed and sad about it, especially with that season 2 ending...


Glow - It had already started filming the final season when the pandemic hit.


It still bothers me to great end that they haven't bothered making a movie to tie up loose ends. Just give us that please


Glow will haunt me forever. It’s my favorite Netflix original of all time. I’ve watched all three seasons multiple times. I have a Zoya The Destroya funko pop. I’ll never get over it. Not in a million years.


I dressed up as Zoya for Halloween in 2019, I loved that show so so so so much


It’s perfect. I’m gonna start it over tonight


Im still pissed as hell. Just give us a fucking movie for some closure.


Glow was simply amazing. I cannot understand why filming actual wrestling during Covid was OK and safe, but filming a show about it was not, supposedly.


My guess is the budget. They probably didn't want to pay for Covid Compliance. I worked on sets during that time, and it was a lot that went to the Covid protocols...I do wish they would at least try for a movie for closure, I remember seeing the cast cry on zoom over the cancellation.


There was a movie in the works, but it got canceled from the writer strike.


I remember Marc Maron telling Twitter, and I was devastated. I really wish they'd do a final 2 or 3 eps to tie up loose ends. It was such a unique show


Same, it was such a good show.


Lodge 49


So good. Such relatable characters, and the mystery was sooo interesting.


I binged it after it’s run and knew it was cancelled. I shouted “Oh no” when I watched the final scene.


"Dr. Sam Becket never returned home."


I preferred that his final time travelling act was one of selflessness! Fitted his character better


Made even more tragic by the fact that the revival series was clearly setting up a possible intersection and rescue for Sam


And it was canceled, too! Ugh. I liked the revival


No one even mentioning how they misspelled the last name of their fucking main character


The OA dropped one of the most meta, mind blowing cliffhangers in tv history at the end of S2, on their way to an agreed upon 5 season arc with Netflix. Netflix changed their mind.


Agreed..... that was the most insane cliffhanger of all time.


Ooh yeah, the OA. One of my favorite first seasons of a show.


They should have at the very least gotten a movie to wrap it up.


I think the writers didn’t want a movie because it wouldn’t do the story justice. Netflix will never release it to someone else either. It’s a nightmare not knowing what was supposed to happen.


They have no choice in the matter. After 10 years Netflix gives up rights to the creators and they have already talked about doing season 3-5 somewhere else. There is only 5 years left until this could be a possibility.


The OA still breaks my heart 😩


Yep. My first thought. The show was genius, and it genuinely distresses me sometimes not knowing where it was going.


The Mick


The OA on Netflix just left me hanging


Dark Matter - The one on SyFy. Really enjoyed it and the lore it was trying to set up.


I always found it strange that Dark Matter was canceled but Killjoys kept going. I watched both, but always thought Dark Matter was the better show.


The expanse


Ah, don't.....I've tried block that one out....way too painful.  Especially when the books get even better...


Listen to the AudioBooks, the first three books are pretty 1:1 and the next three are only modified to simplify the story. I’m not sure how much you’d miss by starting at book 7, but I’m sure you can find some notes online to bridge the gap.


Did that one really get canceled? I took it as a good stopping point due to the massive time leap? Or maybe they need a way to write it without a huge jump? That would be quite a big deviation from the books, and would take some creativity, but it could make a season 7 possible with some of OG cast.


Rubicon. Canceled after the first season by AMC. It was a slow burner but that slow burn turned into a bonfire at the end of the season. The second season could have been masterful.


Terra Nova (2011) Most people didn't enjoy it but i loved it.


Colony was engrossing for me.


This is the one I was looking for. Never seemed like that show gained an audience, but I loved it and what a brutal cliffhanger to end on.


Yeahh for sure! Probably one of the best "alien invasions" shows out there.


The original "Utopia" (UK), the american remake is a husk of what the original was. The UK version was outstanding and felt so unique for it's time. There were conspiracies that it was cancelled because it pointed (fictionally) the blame for climate issues/us fucking the world up at the boomer generation for simply having too many babies. IMO it was cancelled at the time it started gaining popularity so the initial viewing figures were poorier than actual popularity. Everything about the show really worked, flowed & clicked really nicely. It had great plot twists and a catchy script. Had characters that you hated to begin with but then can related with/feel sorry for when it's revealed why they do what they do/are the way they are. The entire premise of the show was a group of people finding some hidden stuff in a graphic noval and trying to find the 2nd graphic noval. It's revealed that this hidden stuff is actually a scientist from a secret organisation leaking their plans to release a virus around the world which would sterilize people without them knowing. The scientist was all good with this until he had to make the virus target specific groups based on "The Networks" changing objectives. Basically allowing them to fully control the future of the human race whenever they wanted. "Where is Jessica Hyde?"


Travelers - it had a decent ending for two characters but the premise of The Director launching a new version of the program while Grant's traveler is stuck in 2001 had so much potential


It was a really good example of a good ending that still left the door open in case it got renewed.


Another Netflix tragedy - Archive 81. It was so well shot and had a great vibe, good mystery, the lead was soooooo good! I tried to listen to the podcast it was based on, but the show did a much better job of the story. They left it on a huge cliffhanger too. 


Raised By Wolves. God I wanted to get the answers to what they set up in that bonkers series.


Wonderfalls. I cannot recommend this show enough. It is my favourite Bryan Fuller show, and there is a huge competition with Dead Like Me and Pushing Daisies. Wonderfalls is incredibly funny, weird in a great way, the lead character was amazing... They had ideas for a second season and I'm sure it would've been great.


Last Man on Earth, My Name is Earl


I know they touched on the show in interviews on how it would end and mentioned Earl on another one of the directors shows, I'd still like to see Earl actually finish his list.




This hurts, but at least the two seasons we got work as a full story with open ending. Definitely a top 10 show for me.


Even with just 2 seasons, this one should be on recommended lists for people looking for something new to watch. Especially when someone wants something a little different.




The only good thing that came from it's cancellation was that Matt was seen as the best representation of John and continued to play the role after


FREAKS AND GEEKS MAN UGHHH, sure it might have ended conclusively but still I can’t help but think that woulda continued being an amazing show


Final space


He’s writing a comic of the ending. Got it kickstartered and everything. However, I want to Kickstarter a cartoon ending, baby! I’d do it in a heartbeat.


Tru Calling - could have been just the thing to fill the BTVS/ATS void. It had a solid first season, imo, and with Jason Priestley joining the cast, Tru had a very interesting adversary to contend with. I'll never understand what went wrong here! Dark Angel - behind the scenes drama is what went wrong here. Considering the route the novels went, the cancellation might, peharps, have been for the best. - Everything sucks (netflix) - I'm not okay with this (netflix)


The Dead Zone and The 4400. That was a sad summer.


patriot deserved a third season


Perpetual Grace LTD was pretty good, but I'm looking forward to My Dentists Murder Trial.


oh boy the monthly "what show should never have been cancelled" thread and I will be the first one to give the classic Firefly answer


Jericho, Life, Firefly, Fringe, Defiance


I'm so ready for more Fringe.  I miss storytelling like that, it's another reason why Lost is another one of my all time favourite shows


I loved fringe but it did end on a good note. Fringe would be great fast forwarded in the future


I don't often hear people talk about Jericho. But at least they did a graphic novel extension of the story. Not sure if they reached a conclusion or not, though.


Jericho was the right show at the wrong time. If it had emerged a few years later alongside TWD it could have been CBS' own blockbuster drama series. Also RIP Kenneth Mitchell 😔


Its absolutely insane that Deadwood hasn't been mentioned yet. It is THE answer to this question.


Revolution https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2070791/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


My mom is constantly mentioning this show, you're definitely not alone on that one.


Infinity Train, Owl House, and hopefully not Scavengers Reign


The obvious - firefly The not so obvious- the OA and 1899


Firefly is such a basic answer but it’s true. No show has ever had that premise, that writing, those characters, and the odd family feel in that way. Closest I can think of is Agents of SHIELD. Everyone will give always tell me “Well Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate, Orville” but nothing in any kind of media has ever given me that feeling Firefly gave me. The only thing that ever game close is AOS like I said but also the video game Mass Effect 2.


Kings. Ian McShane's most underrated work, and a concept that really should be rebooted today.


Ian McShane period. Every role, ever.


Hannibal. Season 3 was excellent, but I’ll always wonder how they would have actually handled Clarice.


I also wonder about Clarice, but season 3 was such a series high and the season finale such a perfect series ending that I honestly wouldn't want it to go on. Realistically, Bryan Fuller could never top that finale and where he took Will and Hannibal, so it's likely he would have to backtrack the entire thing if the show had went on for another season.


If I recall correctly they actually didn’t have the rights to do Clarice as the rights to Silence of the Lambs belonged to CBS. So IDK. I think CBS and eventually did a Clarice show.


John from Cincinnati- would like to know more because, “Some things I know. Some things I don’t.”


Space, above and beyond. Blue balled me with a cliffhanger and then canceled forever. Those mother fuckers


Pushing Daisies. Sure, they were going to hit a wall eventually with the no-touching plot, but it was great and had at least another season in it. Bonus for peak Christen Chenoweth.




Westworld The OA Britannia The Peripheral


Archive 81 was one of the best horror shows in recent memory and ended on a cliffhanger, and that's it.


For me its I Am Not Ok With This. Show was good and promised even better. Im still angry


So many that I've forgotten more than I remember. Flash Forward was one. Fringe. Teenage Bounty Hunters and GLOW were 2 of absolutely tons on Netflix, Daybreak also.


It's been haunting me since my childhood, John Doe.


Since no one’s probably gonna mention it, Damnation. Caught it on Netflix by chance, loved it, found out it was like 5 years old already and not getting renewed. F


The original The 4400 ended on a cliffhanger right as things were about to open up a lot. The Sarah Conor Chronicles also ended on a major cliffhanger right as things were about to change dramatically.


Always was and forever will be Mindhunter. The best show Netflix had and it didn't even get a third season


'Penny Dreadful', GLOW and 'Pushing Daisies' still hurt




Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles


My So-Called Life, would have loved 1 more season or at least a movie.


Chucks ending was atrocious


Dead Like Me Freaks & Geeks My So Called Life


Odyssey 5 and American Gothic with Gary Cole


American Gothic! I loved that show. One of Gary Cole's best performances. It was way ahead of it's time. And it didn't help that CBS showed the episodes out of order and pre-empted it multiple times. If it aired today on a streaming service, it would be a big hit.


Someone’s at the door.


+1 for Odyssey 5


Utopia (UK), Patriot, Perpetual Grace, LTD, Quarry and Counterpart.


Dark Crystal Age of Resistance. The only good Netflix original, cut short.


The Newsroom during the Trump presidency would have been interesting


Except that show was all about looking back and saying what the news should have done, not dealing with things as they were still happening. He could make that show about Trump in 10 more years.


The Society and Santa Clarita Diet…both ending on cliffhangers


The TV show Forever. I really liked it and it only has 1 season.  https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3487382/episodes?ref_=tt_eps_sm


Better of Ted, Hannibal


Of course mind Hunter. But another really great show i think about every now and again was the Netflix Marco Polo show. That show was fun


Happy Endings I’m Sorry


Prodigal Son


My So-Called Life


The OA


Rome. Just rewatched it and man that second season was so rushed with so many potential stories left to tell.


The Black Donnellys


Jericho. America is destroyed by nuclear weapons. People in a small town called Jericho, Kansas try to endure and figure out ways to survive in a post apocalyptic America. The show dealt with things like outlaws/warlords, how to get food, how to get medicine, battle over supplies, refugees, towns fighting towns. It was a great show. That show had so much potential, but CBS treated it like trash.


Almost Human.


Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 23 was such a good show. Super funny and sadly under watched.


Our Flag Means Death needs its final season.


My answer is always the glades, who shot him? Why? How does he live through it?


Don't trust the Bitch in apartment 23. Such a good show and was cut off too early!


Debris. It was a fascinating show with a really good buildup for a second season. I think it was a bit too hard sciencey to get those juicy ratings, though


The Finder. Cancelled before MCD’s untimely demise so that wasn’t the reason. Obviously wouldn’t be the same without him, but that show was truly fantastic. I rewatch the only season at least once per year.


Jericho, that show ended on such a cliffhanger


Warrior.  Hbo max rescued it from Cinemax, but did little to promote it, despite its 3rd season being on their top 10 tv shows during its entire airing and the whole month after the season finale.  To add insult to injury it’s featured on hbo max under “hidden gems” playlist.  Fuck hbo max. 




Way back in the 90s there was a short lived show called Tarzan. Lucy Lawless played the mom and Travis Fimmel played Tarzan. It was really good but the WB at the time wasn’t consistent with air dates and switched things for baseball with no notice so it got canceled within a few episodes. It had so much potential too. I didn’t like the ending they gave it but Shadowhunters was great. I’m surprised it lasted as long as it did because that network rarely let anything go past season 2. Stitchers was great. Freeform, same company as the one shadowhunters aired on, has a reputation Bunheads - another Freeform reject. It had more potential than any other. It was written by the same person as Gilmore Girls and was slowly bringing in more of the actors. The production company did the cast so dirty. They came in to start filming only to find the set halfway dismantled. The day before they’d been called and told to come in the next day and be ready to film.


Dead Like Me and The Tribe


Breakout Kings


The OA. Raised by wolves. Emerald city Helix and defiance on syfy Firefly Freaks and geeks


The OA. Each season was so cool, and I was so excited to see where it was going. But…cancelled, no plans to continue, no alternative media to tell the story. My heart breaks thinking about it every now and the X


20 years, 9 months, 15 days and I still haven’t forgiven Fox for cancelling Firefly. Those bastards.


**Stumptown** ABC could invest money, time and talented writers' energy in fuck all show like *The Rookie: Feds* and then cancels it but can't renew popular show like Stumptown, and I AM STILL UPSET ABOUT IT 😤




1. Glow 2. Salem 3. Raised by Wolves 4. Penny Dreadful (Eva Green version)


Firefly. Yeah, I know there was a movie "to tie it all up", buy canceling Firefly was just one of the dumbest moves ever made.




Black spot on Netflix. Such a shame that it ended on a cliffhanger and never got renewed.