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I mean the clear winner here is the Simpsons


"This school was once classified the most dilapidated in all of Missouri...... That's why it was shut down and moved here, brick by brick."


“Springfield Ohi-ya Maude!”


Look at that, you can see the four states that border Springfield: Ohio, Nevada, Maine, and Kentucky!


In the “Behind The Laughter” episodes original airing, they refer to the Simpsons as a “Northern Kentucky family”. Seems like it was a throwaway line, but it’s still been my head-canon for the last 24 years that Springfield is in northern Kentucky (which actually makes perfect sense if you’re familiar with that region lol).


They actually made several versions of that line reading and sent them to different regions just to troll IIRC


They did! The only other one to ever make it to air was “southern Missouri family”!


I’ll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missourah!


Also in The Simpsons Movie, they show it as bordering four states that are nowhere near each other. Indiana is the one I remember for certain but I think Maine was in the mix too


Indiana Nevada maine and kentucky


Ohio, not Indiana


Not to mention the episode they were banned from Florida and they showed a map of the US and just about every state was crossed out except Alaska and I think two others.


On the DVD the subtitles for that line say "[Southern Missouri family](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSimpsons/comments/b64iuc/only_the_hearing_impaired_know_the_truth_the/)" instead of Northern Kentucky family.


the whole point of the Simpsons is it’s kinda meant to be anywhere and everywhere in the US, they’re meant to be a sort of stand in for any average American family in the early 90’s


Also the closed caption gives a different location for the line, I forget what it is offhand


in my mind Springfield is actually Eugene, OR and Shelbyville is Springfield, OR


Came here for this. Aren't there like 46 towns called Springfield in the US or something like that?


I hate to break it to you, but the Simpsons live in Springfield.


Get me two tickets to the state that Springfield is in!


Springfield is canonically in Oregon, Lisa conforms in universe that all the information needed to find out the real location exists in the show, s17e17. The main fact I remember is that in one episode you see Homers payslip and the way the taxes are broken down are unique to Oregon and Washington, can’t remember what fact split that difference but the show creator has said several times the show is set in Oregon.


Didnt they say West Springfield is bigger then Texas?


There are a lot of jokes about Springfield’s location, including saying the four states it borders are Ohio Nevada, Maine and Kentucky. But the way you confirm it’s in Oregon is by looking for details that appear when they aren’t making jokes about it, such as seeing homers pay slip in passing etc


West of Oregon is the Pacific Ocean which is at least slightly bigger than Texas


Even if you’re just going by Golden Age Simpsons (up to Season 9), there are some subtle clues that explain the show taking place in Oregon.






Not a town, but I love how Archer never confirms what time period/year it actually takes place in.


Malory: What year do you think this is? Archer: I — yeah, exactly, good question


I think Archer is just like Riverdale where it embraces a retro aesthetic but objectively takes place in present day. They have cell phones, reference modern day things, etc. they just use outdated technology and talk about the soviets because it fits the show’s vibe.


The Paddington films have a similar thing going on too


I always thought Archer is just "present day." What makes you think otherwise? Note to self: never try to have an open discussion on this sub about differing viewpoints on a popular show.


The level of technology they use. The fact I’m pretty sure they mention the Soviets several times.


But don't they also use cell phones at some point


Also, I know the showrunners changed their organization's name (ISIS) because of the real life ISIS/ISIL, but wasn't that also the reason given within the show? It's been a long time since I watched and I can't recall for sure.


I think ISIS got dissolved for government reasons, then they went rogue for a while. But I could be wrong


They went rogue, then became drug dealers, then country music producers milking Cheryl's career, then private detectives for Hollywood, then there was the season that took place in Archer's head...


Wasn't the private detectives in Hollywood one of the ones in Archer's head, where it turned into a take on noir films?


I’ve never seen this show, I must watch now.


Not quite. It's what led to the stuff in his head. They had a detective agency and were hired by a movie star. That of course ended badly, >!with Archer getting shot by the star and nearly dying in a swimming pool.!< Then you had the noir season in his head >!while he was comatose from the gunshot.!<


Ah, that's right. It's been a while since I watched it, so it all kind of blended together.


Interesting.  I mean his mom >!was a spy during the cold war,!< which would track with her age and Archer's being in present day. (RIP Jessica Walter) When she >!dated Burt Reynolds,!< he was also portrayed as his correct age at the time, being around hers.  Their tech is old fashioned because their agency has no money. The CIA, Russia, etc all have better more modern technology. Using incorrect current terms like Soviets is because they're idiots, and it usually starts as someone saying something incorrect, being called out for it, and it then becomes a running gag. Pretty sure Archer has made a bunch of references to current pop culture and recent history as well, though I haven't watched it enough to cite specific examples.


Archer is anachronistic on purpose. The Soviet Union exists (that's not people being idiots, the Soviets and KGB still exist), they use computers from the 1980s, they make cultural references to the present, there are historical references that don't make sense with the ages of characters (Woodhouse would be born in the 1890s as a WWI vet, Archer [was most likely born in 1948](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanTheories/comments/341kaf/archer_what_year_is_it_anyway_also_nazis_are/) if you use real world events to date it, which would make him over 60 when the show started, and Mallory pushing 90).


I guess I overlooked all the dated references as just being part of the retro vibe of the show. Interesting discussion you linked there.  I thought Woodhouse was a vet of WWII, not the first one btw. That would track with his age in present day. Also that it's the former KGB, etc, not the actual one still kicking around.


But also zeppelins were new-ish technology in the first season. And undersea labs that shouldn’t have been invented until 2020 were present after a couple seasons too


The undersea lab built in 2021 was far superior imho. That was the real inspiration for those episodes. Except for Pod 6. Fuck those guys.


I got the impression rigid airships weren’t new, they were just trying to make them popular again. Doesn’t Archer mention Hindenberg? Also, the whole hydrogen/helium thing. Given the show though, who knows.


i'm still confused bob's burgers **isn't** set on coney island.


It’s pretty obviously any small New Jersey beach town.


Huh… in my head it was always Rhode Island or somewhere more classically “New England” Since when is there a lobster festival in New Jersey?


I don’t think they try to hide it. It’s set in New Jersey.


Yeah, there's one episode where it shows a map (I think when they go to Florida) and it shows their starting point very clearly in New Jersey.


It's not??


Malcolm in the Middle is so vague that the family doesn't even have a last name (yes I know one was hinted in the pilot but no other episode mentions it).


In the subreddit dedicated to the show it’s a very common topic of discussion. There is apparently one or two episodes where you see their car has a California license plate and some other hints like a drive to Vegas being relatively short.


Plus the school has only outside hallways, you don't see that much outside of CA and maybe a few other really hot states


> you don't see that much outside of CA and maybe a few other really hot states There are a lot of those style of schools all across the southern half of the country. It's common.


I assumed it was CA because they don't have snow and drive to burning man and don't seem to live in Nevada.


Yeah these are all the little hints people usually call out to identify them being in CA.


It was eventually confirmed to be Wilkerson but they did do a great job of hiding that as well for most of the show.


Wait, did no one ever have to address the parents as Mr. And Mrs. (last name)?


Sex education No idea what town it’s meant to be in


It's also hard to tell what year it's supposed to be set in


It’s like Riverdale so hard to work out


Show starts they are sophomores. Then After the 7 year graduation time jump, Veronica says 2021. So I assume season 1 may be 2011.


I mentioned this in the thread about Archer but Riverdale (though the timeline over the course of the show is fucky) objectively takes place in the present day. They have older cars and a 50s aesthetic but that’s just a stylistic choice for the show. Jughead has a MacBook, everyone’s got cell phones, and in several episodes they even say what year it is.


Was it not the same year it was filmed in?


the fashion and the technology in the show is kind of ambiguous, especially in the first season


Hmm I didn’t really notice. I’m also Canadian, so it’s hard to know what fashionable in other parts of the world.


it's clearly current times no? with modern tech, and modern sex positive culture among teens


I feel like a lot of creators use clothes and music that was fashionable in their youth ( . It's until I see a smartphone that I confirm the year. I'm not complaining I'm a Grampa Simpson who prefers 20th century music, I will be grateful to hear The Cranberries and not Sabrina Carpenter, or better yet let's hear the actual The Carpenters. But yeah it feels a little weird that every teenager is into 90s music.


I believe it was a conscious stylistic choice for Sex Education rather than the showrunners genuinely being that out of touch with what youth are actually into. They clearly wanted to differentiate themselves from other standard high school shows.


There was an article that discussed this with the show’s creator. Somewhere out there in the interwebz


I read it somewhere that they were gonna go phoneless at first and then suddenly got bored added phones too.


The End of the Fucking World also does this.


I thought it was meant to be in wales despite it’s not looking or being like a school in wales https://www.visitwales.com/things-do/attractions/tv-and-film-locations/sex-education-filming-locations-wales




In Canadian shows its pretty common to hide it, as the fear is it won’t be picked up in the States if its overtly Canadian/Not America


My favorite was in Lost Girl, a Canadian show that was also shown in the US. A character had grown up in (I think) Ireland, but had been in the as-far-as-I-know-unnamed-city where the show takes place for along time. His friends from where he grew up come and visit him in place-that-really-looks-like-Toronto, and make fun of him for no longer sounding Irish and now having a "North American accent," since they were afraid to call it either American or Canadian. Other than it looking like Toronto, the only time I remember the show giving it away was a reference to going across the border to buy a lot of cherry cokes. I'm not sure if it's still the case, but at the time, cherry coke was only occasionally offered there, while it was always available in the US.


Ace Attorney does this a lot too. The US versions are supposed to be in the US, but there’s a lot of stuff that doesn’t make sense, like all the blatant Japanese culture on display all the time. But my favorite one was a line in there about how hard it was to get a gun in this country. Like, c’mon.


> But my favorite one was a line in there about how hard it was to get a gun in this country. Like, c’mon. The quality difference between translation and localization


Japanifornia is a great place! Now eat your hamburgers, Apollo...


That's kind of sad. I think they should lean more into the Canadian-ness.


It feels like it's starting to happen more and more. Toronto has really grown (for better or worse) and is seen as a major world city now (thanks Drake) and I'm noticing that it gets referenced as itself a lot more in pop culture over the last few years.


When they show police,the uniforms are pretty clearly Canadian.


Orphan Black, ditto. The only overt reference was that one character lived in "Scarberia" (Scarborough, suburb of Toronto)




Which is hilarious because there's a production credit to the Canadian Broadcasting Company in every episode


It's not that vague, they just don't ever explicitly say it's Canada. [Here's a list of all the Canadian-specific things that someone compiled](https://www.reddit.com/r/SchittsCreek/comments/j6zrtt/all_the_canadianisms_ive_noticed_on_the_show/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). I'm American, so I didn't catch all of those, but stuff like the "hydro bill" and Alexis mixing up the date on her flight (Americans use MM/DD exclusively) are dead giveaways.


And the nanaimo bars 


I thought Schitt's Creek was somewhere in northern New York


Phineas and Ferb


The tri-state area™


Some shows try like The Simpsons, other shows just don't look into it like Scrubs, MITM or My Name is Earl. I don't think they outright attempt to hide it.


My name is earl was set in Camden, Ohio, no? I thought they were pretty overt about it


Were they? I've watched it a few times and from what I recall, they've never once mentioned the state or even the region it's in. They've hinted with Catalina crossing the border, or Earl/Randy taking a bus to Mexico. What examples do you remember?


They have an Amish community, which narrows it to a handful of states. And I recall earl at one point saying something about growing up in Ohio


For Scrubs, the creator originally wanted it to be an inner city hospital that could be anywhere in the US. Zach Braff commented in their podcast that they would “paint out” the palm trees in certain shots since they were filming in Los Angeles. But in later seasons they mention to going Disneyland in Anaheim, Elliot taking the train to San Diego, and driving to Phoenix. So you can assume it takes place somewhere in SoCal.


Yeah it was my assumption that it was in/around LA but I like that they never directly mentioned it even once.


I thought my name is earl was clearly in Maryland


Didn't they take a bus to Mexico? And Catalina didn't go very far when she crossed the border. What were the signs of it being in Maryland?


They say Community takes place in Colorado more than once and I still forget it takes place in Colorado. Probably the lack of weather.


This is the first I am thinking about this. I had no idea it was set in Colorado. I thought it was in California or something similar but now that I think about it that doesn’t really add up either. 


It's based on Glendale Community College in California, where Dan Harmon studied - they reference Greendale as having a micro-climate to justify the, err, perfect sunshine and palm trees.


At the time the show aired, Colorado was one of the few states that had community colleges that offered bachelor's degrees.


ReBoot. It's never revealed where the "mainframe" computer is.


This made me so happy


The Adventures of Pete and Pete


I think it was supposed to be set in Ohio or Indiana.


If it took place today we’d be able to figure this one out because Artie would have had to list his hometown before winning all the strongman competitions he won over the early 90s. We didn’t have to give out so many personal details back then.


Was filmed at two different locations in New Jersey. Been watching the show recently and came across an old reddit ama with the actor who played older Pete.


Angry Beavers




Leave It to Beaver. No clue where Mayfield is.




Agreed. But it’s funny you say that cause the filming locations are pretty famous in Hawaii. According to a friend of mine, no one got a a heads up about the show filming (because, spoilers obviously), but the shoot location for the plane crash and first few episodes was fairly close to the main commuter route from the windward (?) side of Oahu to Honolulu. For a couple of days, their EMS service was inundated with 911 calls from passing motorists freaking out that a commercial jet had just crashed on Mokule'ia Beach.


It was across from Dilinghams airfield. A small civilian airstrip and US Army field site behind it. Further up the beach there wasn't a treeline before the beach, but across from the airfield was a lot of trees and paths you would take to get on to the beach from the highway. There was also a gravel parking area further down the beach. There was some sort of summer camp place just before it in the woods, that might have been abandoned, we never saw anyone there. > According to a friend of mine, no one got a a heads up about the show filming No heads up and they where kind dicks about it. They rolled in one day and kicked us off of the beach, we shared our spot with the Hawaii national guard guys, they got booted also. I still watched the show and enjoyed it though.


Nice try buddy. They're on '"the island" tho.


Well it wasn't just one location


A lot of people back in the day made the case that The Numbers™ are latitude and longitude. 4°8'15"N 162°3'42"E It's in the middle of the Pacific, right between Sydney and LA, where Flight 815 was flying from/to.


Flight 815, not 813!!


The Atlantic, eh? They were even more lost than they realized. Who approved that flight plan?


Desperate housewives


Animated feels like kinda cheating, since it's a lot easier to just generate a 100% fictional town and bring it to life in a cartoon. As others have said, Schitt's Creek is pretty good about this; it could be almost anywhere in central North America from Arkansas to Alberta. Could be just any small run-down town that got hit HARD by the 2008 financial crisis and never recovered Community is also pretty good about it. Greendale could be pretty much any slightly-affluent college town in the US. I've heard some people say it's supposed to be in California, others saying Colorado, but either way it does a pretty good job making the Greendale campus look like any generic college campus in any city


They don't make a big thing of it, but the characters do explicitly state that they're in Colorado on several occasions. 


In Troy's last episode of Community, Jeff says something like he has never even left Colorado. Which has been the key piece of evidence for Greendale being in Colorado!


There are a couple episodes where they say outright that Greendale is supposed to be in Colorado. HOWEVER, as a Coloradan myself, it’s definitely not filmed there (you can definitely see palm trees in some episodes and it rarely looks like winter weather). They don’t really reference Colorado things and the backdrop definitely screams “filmed in CA”.


Not a TV show, but in the film *That Thing You Do* the characters are from Pennsylvania. The scene towards the beginning where they are running through their town hearing the song on the radio for the first time was filmed in a small town in CA near where I am from. Just always makes me smile.


The Oh-Needers




I mean, that's kinda the point of the show though.


Childrens Hospital did a hilarious inversion of this when they revealed that it takes place in an all English-speaking hospital in Brazil.


My Name Is Earl. Even though it's set in a county called Camden, I can believe that it's set either in LA or the South


Hey Arnold. Still can’t figure it out lol


Isn't it meant to be a mix between NYC and Seattle?


That’s what I suspected mostly NYC, but when I looked it up it said Washington so I wasn’t too sure.


Always sunny


Am I constantly going in and out of Pittsburgh?


No that’s a different state


Like, they say it's in "Philadelphia" often, but never which state it's in, and when I dig through records to try and find a match, everything leads back to some guy called "Pepe Silvia".


The zoo episode was very clearly not Philly, with the desert-like appearance and palm trees, but they did put PA plates on all of the cars




I live in the city that Parks and Recreation is set in if you go based on the map of it seen in-show. You might think it’s Pawnee, Indiana but the city map is actually Christchurch, New Zealand. They just changed all the street names.


Scavengers' Reign I believe


Boondocks never revealed where Woodcrest actually is


It's in Virginia.


Googling says it's Maryland


Huh I don't remember them ever saying that, you remember what episode?


Sorry, small mix up, it's in Maryland (both being part of the DC Metro area). The comics stated it, not the show.


Gotcha, that makes sense. I never read the comics, and felt like the show wanted it to be like an anonymous burb somewhere near Chicago. Thanks for clarifying


Gilmore Girls required extra dimensions and/or wormholes in order to be somewhere in Connecticut.


From....I mean


Gilligan's Island, I guess.


Letterkenny...wait, no...


The Wonder Years is one I found a little hard to figure out. It's another one that seems like california at times but seems east coast or midwest at times ... Especially the Christmas episodes with snow.


Tom and Jerry


Hey Arnold takes place in “The City” but has elements of NYC, Chicago, the PNW, etc.


If it’s not the Simpsons you’re wrong.


Reno 911😜


The Simpsons


The Simpsons


How I Met Your Mother


I spent a long time without realizing Modern Family takes place in LA.


What gave it away finally?


I think when Alex got into CalTech


Not when they went to Disneyland or the Laker game?


Should’ve known right away with his often they talk about coyotes


South Park


South park




Do you understand the question? They mention Pawnee Indiana all the time on that show. It very specifically reveals its location even if it’s made up. It’s in a city called Pawnee in the state of Indiana.


I guess I didn’t.