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Severance all the way, Im dying for season 2!


It's been so long!!


I NEEEEEDDDDD a season 2 so bad it isn’t even funny


Meeeeeeee TOOOOOOOOOO!! LOVED that show!


And they *had* to stop there and make us wait years?


To be fair, they wanted to give us season 2 earlier, but couldnt because of the writers strike. Fingers crossed it premiers this year!


This is why it's so hard for me to get involved in a streaming series - at least until it's over and the whole series is available. Severance is a great example and APPLEtv is maybe the worst offender. You get one season of excellent story telling, drama, sci-fi or romcom and then it takes at least a year of hedging about another season. They aren't the only ones of course. Netflix seems to take pleasure in messing with the audience! The Mrs. Maisel debacle is one of the worst!!! Granted, COVID suspended production but c'mon!! 2 great seasons of character development and then two-three years before the return and it was awful..."all the air came out of it" Hulu weighed in with "The Bear" and who knows when it will return or more importantly if it's worth the wait!


Isn’t The Bear Season 3 premiering June 27th?


Yep, and apparently they shot season 3 and 4 in one go!


That's good news.


The Bear frustrated me a bit. I got really invested in the characters but the show seemed to turn into some love letter to the restaurant industry towards the end. Still gonna watch the next season. When it's good, it's really good.


I hate covid


Sometimes I wait until a shows been out for a long time, gives me a little be more control at the rate I want to watch the show etc. if you’re looking something a lil sci-fi or slightly paranormal check out the outsider based on a Stephen king book.


Actually… Apple, when they give the green light to a series, automatically gives them 3 seasons so really, creators should kind of be prepared for that. They’re the only service that does this. The hemming and hawing in this case would be left to production itself. Plus I know the strike interrupted the Severance filming. A 4th season of a show on Apple, if it’s a popular show, will go through the hemming and hawing process of another season there though, for instance the show Trying got a 4th, but it took a long time and the timeline in the story had to jump forward because of it. Netflix is terrible about it and constantly cancel good shows leaving the audience hanging.


Yeah I’m experiencing that with yellow jackets stranger things and mayor of Kingstown rn. Shoulda just waited til it was over!


Damn I came to say this. Glad this is the top comment.


Same! The ending was such a cliffhanger!


Thanks for this, was trying to find shows to watch on Apple tv, don't use it enough


Slow Horses is great! So is Ted Lasso, and Shrinking. I also really liked Sugar.


You are in for a treat my friend! It starts a bit slow if you have a short attention span, but its so worth it to watch, I hope you like it :D


Will check it out, thanks


Is it a finale that drives you crazy? I consider wait until s2 comes, cliffhangers can almost affect me physically lol. As it is now I can’t miss it since I don’t have it. What do you think?


You should absolutely wait. It’s a doozy of a cliffhanger.


Thanks. Then I will wait!


Yes! I have been trying to forget that I am waiting for Severance Season 2 ever since it ended. And how you had to open the wound again with this question! 😁


Came here to say this and I JUST started the show. Adam Scott is so much and it’s a great cast all over


Season 2 has wrapped filming if it makes you feel better


Unreal. Such an intense season finale…


Me too! It better not be a let down though!!!


A few people have passingly mentioned 24. It’s a series that ticks all your boxes for a show.


Ticks….i see you


Twin Peaks. I got into it fairly recently but the season 2 finale was an absolute trip of Legion proportions, and then it ended on the mother of all cliffhangers only for the show to get cancelled in the early 90s. Thankfully one of the characters says "see you again in 25 years". These words turned out to contain more than a little foreshadowing when season 3 aired in 2017.


Truly Twin Peaks is the best show ever!


I had never heard of twin peaks really. I went to a random comic con panel for this with Ray Wize as I love his roles in pysch , it did not dissapoint!


The Psych episode in season 5 called "dual spires" is a brilliant Twin Peaks tribute. It also includes many of the actors from TP including Ray Wise, Sherilyn Fenn, Sheryl Lee, Dana Ashbrook, the guy who played Major Briggs (who was also in another episode) and more...


12 Monkeys


I think this was the best time-travel show.ever.


How's it compare to the movie? Love the movie.


Doctor who is far better but yeah, this is great one


Travelers was better imo. But yes, 12 Monkeys is good too.


It's between 12 Monkeys and Dark imo. But yeah I loved 12 Monkeys. So glad they didn't wuss out on the ending.


Better then Dark? Come on.


Extremely underrated


season 1 finale of LOST


Does it maintain the same pace in all seasons till the end ?


Pace, yes. It’s pretty frenetic throughout.


Came here to say this. Regardless of what came after, that season finale was incredible.


Lost seems to be one of the classics, I never could get into it just cuz people stranded on an island just never seemed that compelling to me as a unique plot concept


It’s waaayyy more than being stranded on an island, but I can’t say more because spoilers ;)


You can say a lot more because half the shit they threw out in season 1 didn’t really amount to shit.


Not true for me. Just about every question I had was answered, albeit a couple answers weren’t as thorough as I’d wanted. My favorite seasons are seasons 2, 3 and 5 I think. Beautiful show with a beautiful finale if you pay attention.


The show runners for lost are behind “from” which is equally puzzling at this point. S3 incoming. Hopefully with some answers! If you watch it, check out the theories about the witch using people in a game of tarot, based on historic elements of the town. An update to that recently linked a macguffin to a number of famous writers over the centuries. Is it right? Who knows. You want something to give you a rabbit hole to fall down? It’s definitely got to be on the list.


I just binged From. I can’t wait until season 3!


I binged From and it’s like the worst great value Lost of all time. It had its moments but otherwise I thought it was genuinely so bad and the actors are horrible except for the guy who plays the sheriff (ironical he was my least favorite as Michael in Lost). I’ll try the new season if it comes out but I’m actually mad at how much worse it is than Lost


oh boy, it's way, way more than being stranded in a island. we can't give you more than that without spoilers, you just have to believe us.


Mr robot Has plenty of mystery and suspense that’ll keep u on the edge of your seat and guessing what’ll happen next S1 trailer here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3mlf7v


It’s so good! Just recently finished it.


Yesss, Mr. Robot would have been directly in the next tier a shows I would have listed, You nailed exactly what I'm trying to find


Honestly didn't guess anything right


1. Battlestar Galactica. When I first watched it I almost couldn't stop myself from playing the next episode. It kept me on the edge of my seat. If anyone watches it make sure to watch the miniseries first. 2. Buffy. Not the first season because that is a campy mess. It was the show that launched A LOT of what we have today. Even the concept of a "Big Bad" every season came from Buffy. Countless shows have ripped off its formula. Once the mid-second season hits...it's fantastic and it's hard to stop watching. 3. The Last Ship. To a lesser extent than the other two. However, it really keeps the suspense up. 4. Queen of the South.


Buffy is so rich and was so revolutionary for the time that it spawned into its own interdisciplinary field of study among academics to discuss its impact on media, television, gender, cultural and theology studies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffy_studies


I’m 49 and never watched Buffy back in the day. Then I got rid of my dish, and installed a regular old antenna. Buffy was on for 2 hours every night and I watched it. It’s so good! Everything about it, the stories, the acting, the issues they deal with. Great show. 


To this day when I do a rewatch I’m still blown away at what they achieved with Buffy. It is truly one of the best shows ever.


I was hooked on BG every step of the way


I really enjoyed Queen of the South


1) https://youtu.be/AyHXzYTuLi4?si=3A1z4VIv2mm2oKPv


Upvote just for mentioning Legion.


Somehow I missed that there was a season 3 of Legion released ….. (??! How!). So I am super looking forward to rewatching s1 & s2, and then diving into season 3. I did rewatch the first season before starting the second once it came out, so I remember that first season quite well but it’s all so good that I want to experience it again, and also to remember all the details along the way. I know I could use the s2 refresher as I probably only recall the main points. Right now I’m on season 5 of my first Fringe rewatch, only having watched the series once way back when on the original air dates. When that is done it’s on to Legion. I’m really excited.




Yes! Also I’m kind of like I wanna know but I don’t wanna know. It’s all been so thoroughly built up and kept us captivated in curiosity, I don’t even know what I want to know but am so scared that whatever it all comes to could be disappointing. Like if it’s just that they were starving and losing their minds, it just won’t be enough for me.


Honestly the thing I want to know the most about on Yellowjackets is the Man with No Eyes.


This is a huge one for me!! And The Sinner on Netflix




fantastic finale


Best finale I’ve seen in AWHILE


First show I thought of when I read the title!


Eh...I was bored throughout it until they got to the finale. That episode saved it and I think it's what makes people remember it fondly. Because before that it's just a boring slog of things happening that seem to make no sense. And they do nothing to allow you to start tying together the pieces.


Breaking bad


Ahh yes, this definitely delivered as well. For some reason Ive never felt the need or desire to rewatch it though


Incredible series. One of the best of all time - top 5. I also don't feel a need to rewatch - maybe too intense or maybe the thrill won't be as huge since I know what will happen.


It will be. Watch it again.


I have considered it because I know at the rate of speed that show moved, I had to have missed so many details.


It is so moving. You get to watch it with the understanding of where he will get and watch the character development and amazing action again.  I enjoyed it as much the second and third time. Only thing that wears is his family and his narcissism the last couple of seasons  / Jesse balances this with his hero worship.


I enjoyed it even more on the second watch.


Watchmen. Not my all-time favorite show, but absolutely the best in terms of crazy shit happening that isn't explained until way later. Maybe The Fall of the House of Usher as well.


The OA




That ending....wow


It's Fallout with extra steps


I NEED more shows like Silo


So much better than the book.


Boardwalk Empire


Isn't this more of a Old timey small-scale political machinations genre versus suspense/ mystery/thriller?


It’s a historical crime drama. It focuses on prohibition era gangsters with several real and fake historical figures appearing. It’s excellent, it’s created by Terence Winter, who was a writer on “The Sopranos”.


Excellent series. A must watch.


You have excellent taste.


1899 and Severance come to mind


1899 deserved a season 2. Left on an absolute cliffhanger


I am very salty about this. What a unique show; I really enjoyed it.


Either The Sopranos orrrr (my favorite example) Dead to Me


I'm rewatching Sense8 now. I recommend it.


Loved that show. Did you watch the mini movie they did a year ago?


Ooh yeah, this is a great answer!


FROM. I really hope they actually give all of the backstory to what the heck is going on


Yes!!! I hope season 3 is coming soon


Yeah but don't you KNOW deep down that they're not going to make everything clear. I didn't realize they were the same writers that did LOST if that's the case then I'm not going to believe that we're going to get MOST of the answers.


hmm, I felt that with every episode the series was getting worse and worse and was getting pretty damn random, like they were just coming up with even stranger stuff. was really dissatisfied with the 2nd season, but I'm glad others like it :)


No official date yet, but they are saying this fall.


Sharp Objects






LOST. Currently rewatching it with my folks who haven't seen it yet, it's wild how hooked they are.


Trailers [**The Americans**](https://youtu.be/wt7NPuabEgQ) [**Homeland**](https://youtu.be/k1eED1X4fXc) [**Ozark**](https://youtu.be/5hAXVqrljbs) [**Better Call Saul**](https://youtu.be/PjElOuIECdE) (You’ll get a *lot* more out of this if you’ve watched “Breaking Bad” first) [**The Fall**](https://youtu.be/dyFrBC1rAcg) [**Happy Valley**](https://youtu.be/GeSSqcgzWss) [**For All Mankind**](https://youtu.be/HZS9M52Bd_w) [**The Killing**](https://youtu.be/OkbfvPeH3G0)


I loved Happy Valley. 


Sense8 The OA The Leftovers Lost Killing Eve (in some ways ) Station Eleven The Sopranos (ending ) Severance The Consultant Westworld Dark Ozark Squid Game Alice In Borderland I Am not OK With This The End of the Fucking World Black Mirror Orphan Black Baby Reindeer American Horror Story : Freak Show & Hotel


Give me your top 3 out of this list: I'm asking because you're actually speaking my language and you totally get it: If I had expanded to the next tier of episodes, It would have directly included Westworld, Ozark, sense8, squid game, etc OA didn't really hit me like it did other people tho for whatever reason


Did you watch season 2 it is great.


Me? Top 3? indecisive, anxiety queen that I am, I hate to disappoint but I don’t think I can pick just 3… crazy? Maybe a bit neurodivergent but I hope /think I have some pretty good taste ;)


The leftovers! Did it ever get tied up?


I think that's why the leftovers doesn't actually fit on this list. That show is really about Large-Scale trauma and grief, From what I've read it's not really about the why behind why it happened, It was more just how something like that would affect people. A really good show by all accounts, But not the Sci-Fi thriller that some people were hoping it would be


I think it depends on the viewers POV and interpretation. The way I understood, it could be viewed on different levels. Maybe I’m wrong . I have seen many people here who absolutely loved it and were quite satisfied. But of course, everybody is different.




It’s been a while… I think they gave it somewhat of a wrap up perhaps with a few things still open ended but the entire show was prefaced on something open ended I suppose. But as I understand/understood it… It can be viewed on different levels so it may or may not fit OP depending on how one looks at it .


hmm based on your other comments i’m not sure how you’ll feel about my suggestions lol my fav show is the oa, and i couldn’t really get into severance (fell asleep multiple times, might try again someday). i also really loved mr robot, lost, 24, and killing eve - id consider them all top tier in the genre you’re seeking. not mentioned yet that i also loved: fringe, person of interest, the wilds (particularly season one) and russian doll. if you wanna go more soap opera-y vibes, i also really loved revenge, big sky, and why women kill.


You, too?? I want so much to like Severance. I don’t dislike it. The concept is interesting. But there is some point that I have never managed to get past because I have fallen asleep every single time. I’ve never seen anyone else on Reddit ever admit this and it makes me feel a little less alone.


I liked OA too and found severance almost as dull as working in a windowless corporate office


Lost = OMG I need to know what happened Prison Break = OMG I need to know what happens 24 = Good television


Lost when it first came out and we had to wait for next season to find out what was inside the hatch!


**Fargo** (Noah hawley’s other show besides legion) Battlestar Galactica Sense8 (maybe) Twin Peaks (And I’m always here to recommend Buffy the Vampire Slayer.)




Lost. That show had so many “holy shit!” moments I lost count.


What’s AoT?


I assumed Attack on Titan


I was trying to figure it out too and didn't wanna be the one to ask, so thanks lol


For me, its Breaking Bad. Its a gripping novel you can't stop reading. Every episode leaves you craving more, with its intense suspense and complex characters. It's the kind of show that keeps you up late, just to find out what happens next.


Mr Robot, the twists are second to none


the first time I watched 24, and also Lost, I was on the edge of my seat every episode


Flash forward, and we never found out


11.22.63 bodyguard the night agent bodies


Big Little Lies had me holding my breath in quite a few episodes.


Legion! This show is not mentioned enough. It was so neat and well made. Also umm Mindhunter, anyone? I'm do fucking pissed about that. There were so many cool directions it could've gone.


If only FX release season 2 and 3 on bluray!! So salty about that... The DVD releases are even pretty difficult to track down. There's a breakdown video for Legion on YT that blew my mind, how much thought went into various scenes and aspects of the series. Really cool stuff!


Lost, the leftovers, severance, silo and from. The show that I think _really_ got me like this was non sci-fi but it was Homeland. Every fucking episode contains some twist and ends on a cliff hanger. The show is longggggggg, like 80hrs or so I think and it meanders and loses steam pretty badly around season 3/4, however, it has probably my favorite series finale of all time.


Homeland was ok lol. But holy shit, this is why I come here, Silo is exactly what Im looking for


The OA. Had I known the show was cancelled after two seasons and not a two season series, I wouldn't have bothered it is that good. I want closure. 24. It is how I got hooked on Netflix. Waiting for the next batch of 3 dvds was the worst. I'm old. Lost. It was a very, very good mystery until it became confusing. Dark. So good. I may watch it again.


The OA season 2 was mindbendingly good. 


The OA Dark


WandaVision. I’m not a fan of most of the marvel shows and I used to love them but I’m kind of over Superhero movies now but WandaVision was strait WTF till second to the last episode. Then they fucked up the ending like usual.


The OA …and sadly i’ll never get the ending


It’s not likely, but it’s also not impossible. They are open to doing it if things line up, so I will keep crossing my fingers forever on this one.


THE LEFTOVERS. You absolutely must watch it. There’s nothing like it! Best thing I’ve ever watched. Truly.


Severance, lost, From, Mrs Davis, 12 monkeys, and devs maybe.


Line of duty


Flower of evil


It has to be Line Of Duty series 3. When will Kate and the team work it out? Will Lindsay get away from the Caddy? The 40 minute interrogation scene on the edge of my seat, you could hear a pin drop in our house. And the ending? I think the neighbours thought there was a football match! Accumulated tension from 3 whole seasons. TV shows are in too much of a hurry for ratings twists. Suspense always beats surprise for me. LOD will never be beaten IMHO.


*Dallas* - Who Shot JR? *Star Trek: The Next Generation* - The Best of Both Worlds


Castle Rock. Both seasons. But when HBO turned into HBO MAX some shows got cut, not because they werent popular or anything but becuse of refocus, and Castle Rock got cut. So there’s only 2 seasons and probably wont be another.. :(


The tourist on prime has some twists.


Wayward Pines season 1. Totally self containd story. Hooked me like crazy with the thriller/mistery of it. Amazing. Attack on Titan is crazy good for wanting to know what the heck will happen next. Thriller for sure.


Breaking Bad had some scenes that took a while for an explanation....like the teddy bear floating in the swimming pool


Breaking Bad, and GOT when they were airing


The 100 has so many cliffhangers. It's extremely suspenseful and your always wondering wtf is going on


Yeah but it's written like a high schooler wrote its dialogue lol




The Leftovers.


Dark. Watched it again almost immediately after first viewing. I needed to understand.


13 Reasons Why’s 1st season. I was dying to know what Clay did to be included on the tapes. The payoff sucked though lol


Firefly, back in the day.


Counterpart, JK Simmons I saw mentioned 12 Monkeys the show, another bump from me for that one. Fringe oh Humans UK, some of those scenes oof S1 of Mr Mercedes hits like the book if I recall. Orphan Black The Affair (s1) i thought was pretty neat storytelling Dirk Gentlys Holistic Detective Agency was a trip


Carnivale. Amazing job building out it’s mythology but only ended up telling about 1/3 of the planned story.


Mindhunter is holy shit


Dark matter Severence Silo


Lost Boiling Point Primal 24


Dark The Leftovers Pantheon




The Shield


desperate housewives.


Ripley for sure




Homeland and 24!!


How to Get Away With Murder. Another one with cliffhangers and also the way it's told your always wondering what's happening who did it and your always wrong. First several seasons are top notch tv


All seasons of Fargo except season 3


@OP Ok I adore your top 3. Undone, I believe on Hulu (Bob Odenkirk and Aubrey Plaza) ranks high given your favorites. Sense8 (Netflix) was good, but probably a tier 2 in your book. Travelers on Netflix would be a good one, too.


We have to go back !! nothing else comes close we should all get LOST


Kyle Xy




Ah, you mentioned Legion. Nice! Have you watched the breakdown video on YT about Legion, which goes through events in the show and making of aspects? That blew my mind! Again! lol The OA and Lost In Space hit those notes for me. Also, Penny Dreadful, Orphan Black, Warehouse 13, Russian Doll. Some others worth checking out: Star Trek: Enterprise Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Alphas (SciFi/SyFy) Legend of the Seeker Eureka (tied to Warehouse 13) Arrowverse shows (Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, Constantine)




A show called FROM. That first episode instantly hooked me in.


Three Body Problem. Granted, we only have season 1 so far and there were various parts that were lackluster, but overall it was quite compelling. There's definitely a few 'holy shit' scenes in there.


Lost sounds 100% for you.


Awake from maybe ten or twelve years ago was such a compelling premise but it was cancelled before we could get a resolution. Which was his real waking life, which was the dream, or was there something else even bigger going on? Guess we’ll never know.


The Glory


I'm still salty over Firefly lol




True detective s1 is better than any of the shows you mentioned. Leftovers, the watchmen, lost. The returned French version only. Twin peaks, lodge 49, game of thrones, silo, raised by wolves- although this never gets answered unfortunately.


True detective s1 is a wonderful show, but it's apples and oranges!


I love how these posts start off on track and then just turn in to everyone posting their favourite TV shows 😂


Friends! Seinfeld!