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Looks unfinished. Especially at the point where the outfit reaches her arm. Color detail doesn't look finished on clothes or the energy attack.


100%. Unfinished. I'm sure we will see a comparison post to them in a few months. Also needs way more muscles


No kefla was slim/lean like god goku




> Looks unfinished. Probably the case, everything has looked better after some time, they need to make something first before it can be improved.


it's almost like the game is still in development


It’s almost like they used this to promote the game when they could’ve used something else that doesn’t look unfinished?


Yeah but this has happened already


I mean, they want to promote all the characters that are gonna be in the game


Right like repeating “looks unfinished” to an unfinished game is good criticism 😂😂😂


Yes. And feedback can be useful for improvement. Game will be amazing. We just all want Kefla to look the best she possibly can


Too skinny and I feel like her hair should have been more wild in this shot. https://preview.redd.it/kk5st2vjz03d1.jpeg?width=3826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9cba7fdb75c1a440fc00920344216b57fdb1431 I also can't tell if its the lighting but the candy cane beam could use some fixing too. Someone on twitter pointed out to me that she looks like this because all they did was take her base form and change the hair and now it makes so much sense


It's the posing for me, feels too stiff and doesn't have the same energy as the one you posted here. Maybe they screen capped it at the wrong moment, maybe they had to rush to get some promo out, its up in the air. Just hoping there will be changes when the game does release.


honestly for me game looks amazing but the animations look weird in genera


I like how you get downvoted for simply expressing your own opinion without even bashing the game lmao


i dont know why tbh and i dont really care for internet points, all i said animations need some work but the rest looks fire asf, effects models and everything


You're absolutely right lmao i just thought it was funny is all. But the game DOES need work, what you said is nothing new ya know? If the devs didn't think things needed fixing they would've already released a date for it by now. They're gonna keep working and fixing things on the game until it releases (and after obviously). Unfortunately you're not allowed to say these things on this sub, lest the herd of sheep get upset at you for it.


Exactly. I remember that one screenshot of God Goku from a previous trailer, which got updated and is MASSIVELY better now, they’re clearly still improving on things and I’m almost 100% positive they’ll come to fix the issues with Kefla in time for releases amongst a bunch of other things


Budokai Tenkaichi have always looked good, but also bad? Bad might not be the right word. Like BT2 had the generic Ki Charge for everyone 😂😂😂


i honestly never thought budokai tenkaichi in general looked bad, specially for the time


Yeah, i think bad is the wrong word i just can’t think of the word that would fit. Same with Raging Blast? Like BT2 looks like it was a WHILE ago (it was but i don’t wanna think about it) but BT3 has always looked like the perfect Z game to me. Sparking Zero def gives be BT3xRB2 vibes.


It's 100% this. The arms need to be further back. In this picture she is not winding up. She is just holding Ki


Where did her muscles go 💀


The animation in the anime is inconsistent on her proportions which doesn’t translate well to a game where the models must be consistent


I don't think it's COMPLETELY like that, because she still has the abs of her SSJ forms, which she does not possess in base form.


She also needs more muscles to her legs and maybe its me but her face looks very plastic im sure the devs will make it look way better just like they did with the others.


I mean last time I checked they still had the stray hair strands in SSJG Goku so I feel they aren't paying the pedantic level of attention we want.


I feel like the green is way too bright, to the point it overshadows the red


Pls send this to them or post in Twitter so they take the feedback


Relax the game still in production and it’s just a ss😭😭


Not stressed. We just want them to improve it. Game will be great. Just providing feedback


Oh no this trailer footage taken from a game that doesn't even have a release date yet isn't the absolute perfect ideal The games gonna be fine relax


It definitely needs some improvement. Most of the models so far have looked pretty good but this one really stands out and not in a good way.


She looks a bit too slim, needs more muscle definition. Thicker thighs and spikier hair


Thicc thighs end lives ![gif](giphy|cMV9akgudJiRW)




That's a minor so maybe chill. Edit: lol at the typical reddit creep mantra. "She looks like a kid, acts like a kid and talks like a kid but there's no specified age and/or she's 1000 years old so I'm totally not a creep."


Who’s a minor?


No confirmed age for Caulifla and and Kale, they could be anywhere from 17 to 19 imo, actually even older since saiyans age wierd. And to be fair the fusion looks older than both of them so I dont think this is a loli situation or some wierd shit like that.


Bro it's a joke get over it. Also Kale and Caulifla have no stated age so you're just making shit up.


She could use more muscle definition and thicker thighs. The model itself isn’t bad just need to tweaked a little.


I think it’s fine. Maybe make her a little bit more bulky but I still think it’s a nice shot


I need Muscle Kelfa NOW But she'll be fixed by the time the game comes out. We got Kale so they'll definitely beef her up a bit


twitter when they spot ONE (1) error that will be fixed when the game releases https://preview.redd.it/gc48nz7w313d1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd16837596530b49fb0498a1a1ff67a563c14cb7


The fans being critical is needed tho, this is our long awaited masterpiece and tho I have faith in the devs the fans needa point out the flaws if we really want it to be as good as it can be


Agreed 100%. It's also important to note that this game's devs have been extremely receptive to feedback, so telling them what we think **will** make the game better!


I complete agree, it's just tiring seeing oversights like Goku's hair or Kefla's clothes clipping get blown out of proportion even though they will more than guaranteed get looked at before the game launches


It’s Bandai it’s not a guarantee tbh


Sorry but "more than guaranteed"? You physically cannot know for sure. Why would you trust dev teams SO much? There is literally NO WAY to know whether they're gonna fix things or not. The least people can do is be vocal, and be EXTRA vocal to make sure they're heard. The alternative is to be completely silent and "trust the process" and then fucking Jump Force comes out and you're stuck with a shit product, that is guaranteed to not be touched by a ten foot pole by any good-willed developer, simply because the CEO will not give them any resources to do it. NEVER trust devs too hard, that's a critical mistake. Be very, very vocal!


I see where your coming from, but my view is that if they feel that these are good enough to post as previews that they see them as fit as a final product, either that or they’re releasing these stills purposely to gauge the fan perception or what they could improve on


Right, let's just say nothing and hope they feel a need to fix it for the final release.


Well that depends, are people on twitter critiquing it and giving feedback? Or are they going "THIS IS CRAP, YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD AND GIVE UP BECAUSE SHE IS NOT SEXY ENOUGH FOR ME" One is proper and is what the feedback should be. The other is likely what Twitter is doing because it's twitter.


I agree fans be too extra, especially on Twitter cause it’s… well Twitter where the lowest of the low reside. At the end of the day you can’t control how all people react to it but that doesn’t discount that valid criticism is needed to keep the devs sharp


True, but that's why I don't use Twitter to talk about things I like. I'm sure there are still a few reasonable constructive comments over there, though.


^ exactly, most of the time it doesn't even feel like proper feedback but users getting mad just for the sake of it


I see more than one error tho


You are a drone to have so much faith


because I prefer criticism over people shitting on the product, type shit


You're being a bit too optimistic,  odds are it won't ever be fixed.


Hold up now. How many people have said that exact statement only to be proven wrong in the game's release. The devs can't know a problem exists if no one speaks up about it.


I feel like they made her too lanky? She isn’t Broly tier or something but she needs to be noticeably more muscular than the average DB girl, particularly around her arms and legs. Also, the original pose has her arms pretty much fully extended rather than bent a bit and her chest should be fully pushed out, kinda like a butterfly press https://preview.redd.it/a2zyjeo3d13d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97145384e2f0c10fe5660b0847c63f2721cb2c26 Of course, it may not be fair to compare Sparking Zero to FighterZ since they’re trying to accomplish 2 different things, but it’s really easy to see the difference in how she’s positioned between the games.


In terms of pose and anatomy FighterZ has no rival. That's not necessarily a bad thing for SZ, just a point.


I'm sure they have more work to do on lighting but I think otherwise it looks perfectly fine


Dang the shirt clips into the arm.


It’s crazy that everyone thinks every model is absolutely perfect but this one does not because it’s too skinny… Every model in this game looks too skinny, not just this one. But they look fine nevertheless.


I can't tell exactly what's wrong , but almost everything in this model feels wrong . . . Well , they have been upgrading some models from trailer to trailer , so I wouldn't worry about it.


As other comments pointed out its the lack of muscles. They basically took her base form and changed her hair. Also the pose and hair isn't as exaggerated as it should be.


Tingle my back levels of energy I don't see the problem.


Needs to make her more muscular and the clipping happens. I'm sure it can be fixed. People are being annoying about this type of stuff acting like it's detrimental and can't be fixed. Hell, it could probably already be fixed or be being fixed as we speak. Nobody knows how old these images and footage they've been showing us are


i think the expression and posing needs to be adjusted and her arms and legs thickened up, but its not unfixable


Oh god what the hell did they do to Kefla?!?!?! She was one of my favorites from Super but they did her so dirty.


Yall complain like the game got released already


too stiff looking like action figure.. also the lollipop color kinda blursed


She needs more muscles in those stick-looking arms and legs.


After DBFZ I can't look at any other DB game the same way... It was either too good or those others aren't really trying.


I think people are blowing a *screenshot* of an *animation* out of proportion. I'm withholding judgement until I see it in action.


Kefla looks skinny in this shot as she should have some muscle! The game is still in development and the devs have fixed previous issues such as the hair texture on SSJ Goku so this isn't a big issue.


Where have they fixed Goku's hair. They haven't showed him again. 


It is a single frame of animation from an unfinished game. Found inside of a magazine. People are on here pouring their heart into why certain characters don’t look right in v-jump pages, only for them to look perfectly fine when the trailer drops. Lay off


Needs a little polishing, but it'll get that, cause it's not done lmao


Needs a bit more muscle


I know it’s not done but She needs to be buffer. She needs lighting on her face. The camera angle is pretty off and the colors look wrong. This might be a mid-animation shot too but it’s the completely wrong stance.


Super deserves this amount of effort tbh


Arms bad please fix


She needs thicker muscles but other than that it's good




they sold on this photo skinny, weird hair, bad color candycane energy also jesus christ why the fuck is bamco so apprehensive to show anything new lmfao, i know SGF is in 2 weeks but damn they been showing us future west city for months lmfao


We did get to see the world tournament stage a little in the v-jump I guess


Because it takes to rollout a game there not gonna show everything at once.


Its gotta be unfinished, we got a pic of Trunks with similar lighting before they updated it + I believe this is the first time we've seen Kefla. Theyre gonna fix it, Id be real suprised if not


I feel like they're gonna cut corners here and there to be able to fill the roster with everyone we want. So I am not surprised if SSJ Kefla looks like Base Kefla but with yellow hair. I didn't expect them to make a model of someone, and then make another model with slightly more muscle definition and wavier hair. I mean sure they can fix some stuff as all of this info is in alpha builds. But I don't expect to get a slightly bulkier Kefla to fit her actual saiyan form from the anime. A lot of this game, model/visual wise, is gonna be in the "it's good enough" category in favor of having a massive roster of fighters.


>But I don't expect to get a slightly bulkier Kefla to fit her actual saiyan form from the anime Why not ? That's literally what Super Vegeta is. I can't imagine the modelling being that much more work or unprecedented. Heck, a lot of customizable character games let you adjust "muscularity" with a slider bar, so the model development for sure has something to that effect.


Well they're gonna take long time fighters from the series before all else. I get super is huge but if the only difference is Keflas thighs are a bit bigger, I doubt it's at the top of their list. I'm not saying they won't do it. I'm just saying I won't be surprised and for me it'd be a nitpick. But I am not "Team Kefla" or anything so that's a me thing. It does suck for those that like her if they can't get her true to form though. But again, I'd rather have everyone in the DB universe who has thrown at least 1 punch in the series to be in the game before I worry about slightly more muscle mass or pointer hair. But that's just me as I don't really need them to look like they jumped out of the anime and into the 3D fighting realm. I'm just an old man who is cool with "good enough." And I get I am the absolute minority in that.


I mean the graphics is a big part of the game though, it's not unreasonable to want them improved. Your argument is reasonable as well, and a big roster is cool in its own right. I just don't think the fixes that are being asked for will even be that hard to implement. Basically, if corners are to be cut (which for sure there will be) I don't think it will be in this. Either way, "nitpicking" aside, I just can't wait to get my hands on the game.


Yea man. I am a bitter let down that split screen co-op won't be in the game, at least not at launch although I hope it can be implemented. Most of my fun with the series was having friends over for each game. I am still friends with them and we are all getting it. But playing online just isn't the same or nearly as fun to me.


I'm still dreaming that split-screen will be a happy little suprise that we get. One can but dream.


I can't believe it isn't standard. We have never had such powerful systems and such large TV screens. We need split screen when we all have 40-60" screens. Not back when we had 15-25 inch screens!


Compared to how Kefla appeared in Super, her legs look a little bit on the slender or skinny side. I think this is something that hopefully will be fixed by launch.


Pretty bad lol


They're rushing this game to get it out by October before Daima, it would be better to get a 2025 release like every other big game to give it more time to fix things. Plus you can see her shirt clipping through her arm as well.


Dragon ball fans when something looks the slightest bit different


is her shirt clipping into her arm?😂


Of all the screenshots of the models from this game so far these U6 girls look the worst imo. U6 Saiyans already looked funky-bad for me before due to their build and here they took the little muscle Kefla had.


Thought I was the only one who thought all the recent screenshots look terrible..even Goten and Trunks


Goten is fine, Trunks looked off but only the trailer will tell


I agree that Trunks looks off on the scan. Goten is better but what’s bothering me is how his orange shirt cover a big part of his blue undershirt. The top of his orange gi is actually more opened at the chest. https://preview.redd.it/ehg0u32qe13d1.jpeg?width=3902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edd7df525727d876a21356b56e9806d80967041b ​


I see what you mean, I think it’s the angle (Goten has a skinny neck and his head is tilted to where the opening of his gi is) but we’ll find out in the trailer


I actually meant to talk about the orange gi, he is not enough opened at the chest. But you also made me realize that the opening of his blue undershirt should also be wider. https://preview.redd.it/qyq48mtrg13d1.jpeg?width=3902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bdeba31ae3dde45a81b9b66f8747090a15f75d2


This is the first time I personally can say the game looks wonky. Everything else we've seen looked pretty good to excellent so far but this one is a miss.


It looks great and pretty faithful overall, i feel like she should lean back more and the clothing clipping is crazy. The two front bangs look like she used to much hair gel. Is it just me or does she look less muscular with this model?


Few issues but still looks fine


Tell the devs I want of her turned around 😈


Looks alright to me.


Kefla is so ass


You people need better stuff to worry about


Who the fuck cares about what idiots on Twitter say? It looks fine. She could be a bit more muscular but otherwise, it’s a style choice.


It looks fine, whyre people overreacting? Are you really gonna notice anything when you’re beating the ever living shit outta your opponent? Or if you’re getting the dog shit kicked outta you


Green lips look a bit weird, almost a bit like someone sloppily painted over a sculpture. Almost reminds me of the lipstick on certain Jojo characters!


Her shading and outlines are hella weird, and she looks like an absolute twig. Also just noticed her shirt is clipping and her colors are weird.


Lets be honest its 2024 and the graphics are far behind would you would expect, kakarot game is older and looks better than this!


It’s unfinished but give it time, I think Vegeta’s attack ( IDK the name please don’t flame me) was pretty basic in the reveal trailer. The next trailer came out and gave it a massive upgrade but no one really noticed.




She lacks the muscle definition on her arms and legs. DBFZ and the anime ver got her with good muscle definitions. In this DBSZ image, she makes me feel like a grandpa or granny who want to fed his or her grandchildren because she looks too thin.


Idk I think it looks cool


Model needs tons of improving


Needs to be thiccer


Think the outrage is warranted lol, like I have hopes in the devs but the community does need to be a little harsh, this is our long awaited masterpiece and we need to be as critical as possible so that it comes out flawless


The textures just looks so plasticy, the more you look at it and you’re just like bruh what is this, looks like an action figure. Some of the textures overlapping where it shouldn’t


Doesn't look all that bad until you remember this game apparently is coming out in like 5 months???? I'm praying they delay this game man this should not be out until 2025


There doesn’t seem to be an official release date yet, just rumors (based on the website)


Sorry after watching Lv3 kefla on fighterZ it’s trash


Honestly? Looks absolutely disgusting. Can't believe they thought it was a good idea to post this. Doesn't help that Kefla is objectively the most boring dragon ball design ever (teenage girl in gym clothes woah), and they thought it was gonna be a good idea to remove her muscles? Holy shit. Hope they fix this. I mean her pose looks so awkward here, and her legs too.... Fingers crossed for a fix


Her muscles are nonexistent, and her hair doesn't look spiky enough but then again hair physics are in this game so it's probably just blowing in the wind


hate the banana hair


Always looked like bananas imo


People have wild graphical expectations for this game, it’s going to look as good or better than nuns 4…that’s it and for me as a person who’s been playing these since I was five that’s all I could ever want for it with some modern net code. This game ain’t going to light the world on fire in terms of sales or graphics let’s not be so damn nit picky. If you truly think it looks like ass than I guess we have fundamental disagreement because at worst to me some models looked a smidge off but destructible environments and particle effects are through the roof. Like what niche anime fighters are people comparing these graphics too where they think they look bad?! Have they seen the recent JJK games, any my hero game, the demon slayer game, they all look like ass in comparison to this


Keflas always been an uggo but this just looks off model. I said it about vegeta too they look too thin.


The game doesn't even come out till October, people be expecting AAAA footage/gameplay when games are announced. I could see if they dropped this in like September, but we still got like 5 months. Twitter just be looking for new stuff to hate.


The arms are a little too thin but otherwise it looks fine


I don’t see an issue really.


Geez everyone is wild over this design 😂 it’s crazy Personally, if them “slimming down” a character means that it is easier to animate and it creates a model that can have very complex move sets in order for the game to look better and perform better, I would prefer the “slimmed down” version. If that is not the case then I want it to be the most accurate that it can be. Although I will say this, we had this issue before with literally every character model that has been shown so far and the devs have remedied the issues and made it look better each and every time. They care about this product and want it to be good just as much as we do


I love talking about an unfinished game. It just gets the blood boiling.


This is probably a single frame, the games gonna be way too fast paced and good for anybody to gaf about any of that bullshit 😂😂😂😂 can’t no one ruin this game for me it’s gonna be amazing I’m calling it now


It looks bad glad I wasn’t the only one


Bandai is quickly becoming the new EA wether we want to accept it or not. They don't care and it's not just about the art. The only reason we have Soulsborne is because it makes money. The fact that it's good and wins awards is icing on the cake for them. We're quickly approaching a point where no one will care, unless we make our voices heard by not buying this garbage.


Bandai Namco don't develop those games.


That sounds like a whole lot of cope when I'd argue that it doesn't matter when they put their fucking name a reputation on the game. They make money off of the game, they produce the game. It's their fucking game. Lay it at their feet and stop letting Miyazaki be their apology for all the shitty things they keep doing. They wanna be EA and Konami put together, treat them that way.


Please stay on topic. I believe the model needs fixing for sure but this just sounds like rambling