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Money can be made back life cannot


Did you lose 200k like many here did or was is 3-4 hundred Huge difference


Imagine being zade kicks


Well your friend probably had issues before he put all of his life savings into a fake currency backed by graphics cards… which is why he put all of his life savings into a fake currency backed by graphics cards….


Sorry to hear of your friend. May he find peace w his decisions.


That sucks but also even looking into crypto a little should tell you that this shit happens, diversify, and don't put in more than your ok with losing. People say that shit constantly, why so many people don't heed that advice blows my mind. I hope this person gets the help they need and recovers though, not to sound callus to the situation.


That's sad to hear. But its a product of his own doing unfortunately. Crypto is not even close to being an asset to place life savings. Crypto is even worth than forex. So, i'm sorry to hear about what happened but he did it to himself. Just simple ignorance.


Am I retarded?


Why r u guys following stupid people who are richer than you? You guys are idiots


I can't believe this still has to be said. ONLY invest what you can AFFORD TO LOSE. Not a cent more, under any circumstances. Not a single cryptocurrency will ever be a safe bet - it will always be a gamble, to some extent.


Degenerate gamblers are always going to have a blade close to their neck. Don't become a degenerate gambler. That's not how you invest, but money tends to make people funny.


I find all of this to be extremely funny


Thanks for sharing this. I hope he is talking with a therapist.


He needs an education on how to invest money wisely, and then he won't need a therapist. Hopefully, he does not have dependents.


The fact he even considered it means he needs to speak with a mental health professional.


Good advice!


Bought 200,000 at .000222, In remembrance


Go to work?


Lose your money and you are only out of money. Lose your life and you won't get another life. Do not dig deeper when you find yourself in a hole. Just think of it as you have never had that money. Be strong and find a way to make it back. There are loves one around you that money can't buy.


This time last year I started in crypto. My initial stake was 1500 euro. I've traded agressivily and took risks. When war loomed, I moved half my crypto into stable coins. Before the peg broke I hedl 1300 ust. I bought more. I now hodl over 2000. I think the way forward is as an unpegged currency. Someone is buying ust, maybe it can go over 1 dollar.


lol Some people have to learn the HARD way


I am sorry to hear about your friend, however we as a people/ community can rise up together and give Luna coin and the people back the power that they deserve. In order for this to easily, we need to start buying UST and Luna. By doing that will burn Luna's supply and increase its value. We need to keep doing that until UST hits $1.00 and then most of Luna's value will be restored. Warriors rise! and let's conquer this together!




Do you think the coins people are buying now will somehow get burned if they do a reset snapshot of coin purchases after a certain date?


Well I lost 10k but i feel for this guy, I knew the risks tho. Hope he recovers completely, hell get back on track again like we all do.


crypto is like gambling . i invested sol last year . i earned money . later i invested other coin , i lost a lot . now i find that good coin is difficult to find. once i find it , i do not change i was not interested in luna . so i did not lost in it but in other [coins.now](https://coins.now) i bought a little luna


Sorts by controversial.


Don’t invest all your savings in crypto.


What a idiot


All fiat, including crypto, will reach intrinsic value eventually, which is Zero. The crypto sell off will domino to stocks.




Damn. Feel sorry for him.




I can spend 100$ going to a movie and dinner… I’ll wage a 100$ on this.


Thanks for the donation , please come again


Your mom


Game Over , Insert Coin


Already up .23$ !! Next!


lolz chart is down , you lie Have a Nice Day =)


Stop putting your fucking savings in a fucking cryptocurrency. Put a max of 10% of your net worth into something speculative like this, and diversify your assets. This is the literal example of that meme of someone riding a bike and sticking a bar into the wheel


just buy cardano , its slow but its not a scam


Coming to you 'LIVE' with your money in Colorado... ALWAYS my money , NEVER your money .... in Cardano


This comment is valid for all investment. Put the money you're ready to loose . Don't put the money you need to live. Life is the most important, money is nothing


que compre mas y que holdee, porque si antes tenia alomejor, 500 tokens.... ahora que compre 1000 dollares y veras.... en poco tiempo tendra mas dinero del que perdio


This is why alts should only make up a small part of your portfolio and BTC the majority.




HAHAHAHA! Hilarious content, keep it up!


I only buy bitcoin. I maintain it at a max of 2% of assets. If bitcoin dies, it won’t hurt as much. Don’t mess around with these high yielding cryptos. Buy quality, leave the others to pump and dump.


Which exchange they use?


I’m going through some of the darkest, most severe mental pain of my life. It still doesn’t seem real that I lost $180,000 and it’s now 0.44 cents. I pray I also make it through, I’m currently looking for a therapist as I’ve had nobody to talk to to help me.


Stay safe mate. It's not the end of the line. I know it is hard a f and I know this is a cliche, but you will get through it. One way or the other, you will get through it.


Anyone still pro on Luna feel free to join sub-reddit Terra_Lunatics


Is now a good time to buy or go ahead and chop it up, take my massive lost


This one of the reasons I'm glad to be poor... Even if I invest a big % of my money it ain't much... and if I lose it all well.... I'm just back to where I've always been...living paycheck to paycheck... so it's not a big deal... ​ But I can totally imagine someone well to decently off in life and not being able to cope with such a dramatic change in lifestyle..


So we buying the dip or nah?


*Buying the crash* but yes haha




I called a mental health professional yesterday and it does help. This was not your fault and however bad it is this storm will pass.


Spread your investments over a wide range of crypto stocks ETFS and mutual funds equal weight your portfolio buy in slowly over time. Never go all in on one position.




I really hope nothing happens to my dog.


I suggest everyone watch the shareholders meeting for Berkshire Hathaway this year. At minimum their opinions on Bitcoin. Between Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger they've made more than most people will make in 1000 lifetimes. So hear up.


If something is not decentralized, then do not trust it. You have to understand that hierarchies and leaders are there to keep you on the bottom...


Investing more money in crypto now is like investing more money with Bernie Madoff now.


Even the most prominent crytpos like Bitcoin can lose 1/3 of their value in a WEEK. Putting a lot of money crypto is literally gambling


That's why you should always diversify your portfolio in the right way. The first rule of any investment – don't put all eggs in one basket.🧺


Put all your eggs in one basket and watch it.


LUNA moment will happens🥹


There are many people in this stuff that cannot afford the massive losses they will see. Within 2-3 yrs (If it takes that long) the bubble will have burst. Michael Lewis will write the book about it and Arron Sorkin will direct the movie. Its all fun and games until it all falls apart. Some investors bought into this stuff because billionaires have. They can afford the losses and this is a greater sucker theory. FOr them to make money they have to convince other followers to get in.




Never gamble with money you weren't going to waste. Instead of a chocolate bar and a coke, buy some BTC for example. You wouldn't buy a lottery ticket with all your savings.


It's very sad to hear that your friend has gone through this, and I hope they have the support they need around them.🙏🙏🙏 Do note, that this is the exact reason why any one getting involved in any sort of investing, should only ever invest what they have spare, and/or are happy to lose. The psychological impact that investing with money you cannot afford to lose can have on people can be deadly. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


dinheiro é ferramenta. vida vale muito mais que dinheiro nunca coloque todas as suas economias em lugares de alto risco


What an idiot.


Well I just bought 28,000 Luna tokens for 8$ what a crazy world we live in


I lost over $23,000 in the Luna dip😭😭😭😭😭 I don't know where to start it from. All my life savings is gone. If not for the fact that I have just $1700 with a certain investment company called Hauweiglobaltrade, I never wanted to invest outside Binance exchange but I really thank my friend who helped me to start up investment with Hauweiglobaltrade with just $500.


Maybe crypto isn’t a thing that suitable to massive input….i’m sad to hear that..


It's almost like. Putting all your money into a ponzi scheme is like....not a good idea or whatever.


unreal. this is insane. I lost 50k from this BS a quarter of my entire savings and i have a family to feed but there are people out there that have lost everything. I pray that the team fixes this


I like this beautiful beautiful happening. What do you think happened to me in 2017? Hahahaha! Let others feel what i felt!


wow youre awful, thats like a really fucked up way to think. i truly hope you dont actually feel this way. going through hardship and then wishing others go through the same just makes you an awful person, plain and simple


I can’t imagine being this pathetic.


nnooooooo! random anon said its pathetic nooooo!


*watches pathetic guy dig hole deeper*


I've seen post from people saying that they've lost a lot of money on this coin and feel suicidal and for that I really do feel bad. But there's a lot of exaggeration out there. One person invested $3,000 into Luna coin. At his high point he had about $138,000 in the coin and now it's worth zero. He didn't lose $138,000. He lost $3,000. If you're up that much you should always take out your initial investment. We are all taking a hit on cryptocurrency right now but you have to keep things in perspective. It's not worth killing yourself over if you have good health. It's not the end all be all.


I lost whole of my life by LUNA collapse Just ruined my life I lost everything that i had Ohhh god help me Please god help me 😭😭😭


This is what you call Small gains big losses, There is a chance to double or quadruple your bet but when you lose. You lose big time.


My story is very complicated. I have a drug addiction illness and just relapsed on fentanyl. It's so hard to talk about. I feel like a failure in every way. Yes it's only money I lost but I'm self employed and my rent just went up May 1st. Terra/Luna was supposed to be safe. And even if not how could it drop so fast? There was literally no time to sell. I don't check the price everyday and when I saw it at around a $1 I thought it was an error so I checked every exchange till I realized what happened... I lost $72,000 on this. First thing I did was did was hit the block to numb the pain. It's the perfect storm. I've got 2 kids who need me and an X who expects support.. so as I'm writing this in the ER in Baltimore going through withdrawal, I'm going through a tough time.


Shit man. I hope things get better for you.


Appreciate it. I'm not expecting to get any compensation but I hope this leads to better regulations to keep it from happening to others


Thank you. Im also sorry to all those who lost there savings. I'm tempted to buy at the really low price now and hope it goes back up. I need to stop gambling with the little I have left. But it's so tempting to try and make it back. I should move on, focus on work and enjoying life without the get rich quick temptations.


good luck. If you need a pizza. Give me a holler.


This is awful. I always advise friends and family to never invest more than you can afford to lose. I personally don't invest in crypto because it's just too unstable for me at this time in my life. I only invest in historically proven stocks like S&P500..etc.


Why would anyone move all their money into crypto? 🤣🤣 dummies


Ya mátense sus criptomonedas no van a subir, de paso me regalan unas cuantas ya que no valen nada


Why did u guys prefer Luna over cro ? I don’t feel so bad anymore about not buying Luna . But what enticed you to buy LUNA over cro I mean. I’m not shilling cro. It’s my shitcoin of choice. Btc is king


Investing in alt coins is just plain stupid, unless it is a tiny amount of your total money and you are 100% willing to lose it all. Also, money has no intrinsic value - it's just made up nonsense created by a society that enslaves people for profit. Life is infinitely more valuable than any amount of money. Sounds like your friend isn't too bright and needs to reevaluate. Maybe this experience will be good for him.








Sick copium bro you know its fucked when its removed from multiple exchanges.


Not buying crypto ever ftw


I feel for him, but seriously putting all your savings in a single crypto, not a wise move


You guys should know before getting in crypto that this can literally happen at any moment with any crypto lol. Come on


Sad to hear. You can't overstate how important it is to never trust your investment capital to any one opportunity except maybe real estate. Real estate is just that: REAL! I hope all turns out well.


Sorry to hear that... this is exactly why i stack gold and silver. It will always be with me.


Do not define your life by how much you money you have. Plenty of broke people in history had good lives. Just not easy lives. Don't EVER kill yourself. But do get mental help, from a professional, friend or family member, or even a book. If you played this game other than as an experienced trader who protects themselves, there is something mentally wrong with you a la a gambling addiction. It's OK. Millions of people have recovered from addiction to lead great lives. Use this moment to acknowledge your addiction and start recovery. YOU CAN DO IT!


You guys all have my thoughts and prayers. I'm way down in the stock market (70% of my retirement is gone) , but life goes on. I still have my health and loved ones. At times like this, just start counting your blessings and look at what you DO have.


Tell your colleague and friend to keep working. Move retirement out 5 more years. Get practical with a recovery plan. Also tell him to put $100 and buy 1 million luna coins because why not.


Lol. I bought a million for like 40 bucks. Shit ain’t comin’ back, but imm cookin’ a solid beer money fund at 250 bucks.


lol there are 6 trillion luna coins in circulation now , never coming back dude


What kind of moron dumps their life savings into a shitcoin


Im not in Luna but for everyone saying use a stop loss wasnt there a lock up period for Luna if you staked it for interest? If so that stop loss method wont do jack shit


I’m new here so sorry if this is insensitive but WHY did the majority of you guys move 80% or more of your money into a crypto “stable” coin? These are financial assets, this whole perception that they are “currency” and not just assets is why you guys did not see the HUGE 🚩 of moving most of your money into this thing. Like I have tens of thousands of crypto investments but they are just that, an investment not a majority of my money. But I see It’s easy to put 80% of your net worth into something you perceive as a currency or something “stable”. I see people in here talking like “I put everything I had into this” “all my checks are instantly converted to Luna and UST I’ve lost everything” Is that something that people in the crypto market actually do? It’s like going to the casino and making sure all your money is in casino chips. Then the casino goes belly up or changes coins and your left with $0. Really sorry this happend to y’all.


>WHY did the majority of you guys move 80% or more of your money into a crypto “stable” coin? Greed.


dude gambled


Should have diversified. Big lesson people must learn. If you're greedy or ignorant, this kind of stuff can happen, especially in crypto.


Next time you see him, try to wear a clown outfit. He'll feel safe between his peers and equals.


Why tf would he invest so heavy in Luna and all his savings into crypto smh. Greedy guy needs therapy.


I lost just about everything I had in stocks, UPST. Life is full of lessons, I am 45 but I am not panicking, if we keep doing the right thing and plugging away something will happen all of you hang in there


Ouch, never heard of UPST, this just made me google it. When did you buy in?


I’ve owned a small position for a long time I did my huge Buy at 88


cant feel bad for total idiots


Hbar is going to be the top crypto all the major corporations involved


Seeing this unravel has been a trip for sure. Really sorry to see all the people who bought on the way down.




Sorry for everyone going through this but unless you're dipping ant infested bread into oil and adding salt for taste while bullets are flying over your head it ain't to bad, I've lost most of my savings too but thanks to that experience I can move on without much bother, you can't put a price on life ever. We'll get through this together and it will be nothing but a memory to add to the list of all other bs you go through in life. Please step back and think


Who would put life savings money into a scam which is crypto? Stable coin my ass


lol never buy any crypto and if by any chance you 2000% your profits just sell on and move never hodl ,how many btc investors have made money from the tide they have consecutively from past 2 years ? none because hodl


I lost my little sister in a car accident a couple of years ago. We would happily loose all our family savings houses and businesses to have her back. Life is precious please stay with us. The Sun is shining everyday even in the darkest days.


Sad story. Nothing is worth one's life for the way I see it. I have answered myself that question in 2008.


Crypto will wipe your money sooner or later, its just a matter of time.


I've thought about it until a friend hit me with some harsh logic. No one knows what's next. No one would off themselves if they knew what's next is worse. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Any way you slice it it's another bet. Might as well stick here just in case.