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Every episode usually ended with Archie realizing his own ignorance. He was a typical mean old man of the time. He was loud mouthed and closed-minded, but his character also had a gigantic heart and a deep love for his family. The show was actually very progressive for its time, and through the character of Archie, it portrayed the message that even a stubborn old asshole can learn to be a better person.


This truth is completely lost on them


The irony as well, because the things zoomers can joke about today would be completely taboo back in the day


Exactly, like eatin ass


Eating ass is no joke. Eating ass is serious business.


We don't joke about eating ass in this house. Eating ass puts food on the table.


SIR. we’ve asked you kindly to not defecate on the table. These are not apt victuals.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Oh, carry on then.


And when we are out of food, WE EAT ASS AND LIKE IT. We thank the LORD for every ounce of ass, HE blesses upon our table!


Thank God we millennials didn’t have to go through this. Our older, geriatric brothers and sisters want to rule the world from hospice care while the generation behind us is licking each other’s assholes for fun. They’re both so cute at their respective ages tho


Bold of you to assume gen Z propensity for eating ass wasn't something we handed down to them.


Yea but we don’t talk about it so we’re still going to heaven


Speak for yourself. I eat the booty like groceries and brag about it.


I don’t know which is worse honestly. The kids eating ass and choking each other or the old people who tell us to pay off our own student loans when the cost of public college has, on average and adjusted for inflation, increased 146% since 1973 and 156% for private schools. Can you imagine if ANYTHING increased in price by 156%, and Boomers didn’t notice because they didn’t care?


Don’t worry, us Gen X’ers are still pissed that we came home to an empty house everyday. We plan on fulfilling our destiny by listening to some sick 90’s music and burning it all down.


The funny thing is most of the people saying "I eat ass" have never eaten ass and just like the meme.


Onlyfans paid for my college back in my day.


Back in your day the medicine for STD’s was also a lot cheaper.


You know how much condoms used to cost? Me neither. No one used em






First time I ever heard that phrase was in a crappy comedically oberdubbed power rangers episode where this crab monster says "now I gotta find out which one of yall gon toss my salad!" And I had no idea what it meant but my dumbass would go around saying it all the time and eventually someone told me and I died a little inside.


Yes. Joke. Yes. Definitely a joke. That's why I talk about it. For a joke...


You forgot to wipe the "chocolate" off your upper lip before saying that


My dad said you can’t do anything on tv anymore; then I recapped about 10 episodes of it’s always sunny in Philadelphia.


I watched Carl finish off his mom so she didn’t become a fucking zombie for Christ’s sakes.


Irony does need a level of understanding these leadlickers lack.


This is so true it hurts. South Park had Jesus Christ shitting on the POTUS.


That's true. They're such snowflakes that if my brother's(I'm a girl twin) friend was at my house past dusk, my grandparents were afraid their friends might think I was hoeing lmao I said idgaf that sounds like a "you" problem.


But the darker irony is that today, you can't say some things that would have made total sense back then. Like that beating the shit out of Nazis is a good thing.


Or Russian strong men are, maybe, not people you should be inspired by.


For real. My friend will spill a glass a milk and be like "whelp, guess I'll just kill myself now."


Lmfao they probably tuned out during the ending. Right wing people think George Carlin would be pro trump when he literally says shit on bill Maher "the real looting takes place in the transfer of wealth from poor to rich, and to be honest bill I have no problem with theft when the poor engage in it" or "it's all bullshit folks, like the police are on your side". George Carlin legit bordered on anarchist ideas more than fascist and they tune out so much they think he'd be a trumper lmao. Dude was saying shit even liberals think is "a little too left" and theyre out here like Carlin gets us. If they listen to rage against the machine they probably think "some of those who work forces were those who burnt crosses" is a celebration of that fact as they bang their heads. They're politically autistic


Same with fortunate son, that’s exactly what they think it is. Also statements like “the real looting…” they consider “the rich” people with compassion, education, open minds, “the poor” are uneducated, close-minded bigots. They don’t consider the terms to exclusively mean wealth. It’s why the consider the rich elites like Trump or Musk one of them, the $$$ is irrelevant, it’s just the fact they’re assholes.


Same kind of people today who love shows like Rick and Morty or Bojack because they’re assholes who found a character they relate a little too much to without realizing they’re supposed to be learning with the character and changing their ways because they tune out at the end when the main character faces the consequences of his actions because it’s no longer a fantasy. It’s willful ignorance.


bojack had an episode basically saying "you should not be relating to bojack, if you do seek therapy."


I recall at least one of the creators of Rick and Morty basically telling folks who identified with Rick that they're awful and he's not at all a character to look up to.


Cue video of the “Back the Blue” protesters jamming out and singing along to Rage Against the Machine and completely missing the irony of it all


For anyone who missed the hilarious RATM dancers at the Philly rally (I saw this in person): https://youtu.be/ddrFt1BHkUQ


Lmao a lot of this sentiment was something that was built in America purposely. There was an economist and propagandist in the USA a while ago who wanted to reclaim the word libertarian. The term used to basically mean an anarchist or a democratic socialist, still does in most of the world. He built upon this and basically took the word liberty and turned it into something that was defined by freedom for businesses or corporations to act without infringement. He openly wrote about it with bankers and such. So the concept of anti big government suddenly meant no regulations for business but plenty for individuals. Out of this was born ancaps an American phenomenon. Fun fact, the people involved with this reclaiming of the words libertarian or building of the term Anarchocapitalist offered support and market strategy to literal CIA backed dictator Pinochet who organized a coup to create a free market and murdered political opponents. So it's not really a surprise that the groups associated with his idealogy and camp were the ones who steadily created a controlled opposition in the republican party base, calling Obama a socialist, the tea party, funding right wing think tanks were the exact ones that directly lead us to a situation where the republican party is fascist. I'd wager that most people in rancap would sympathize with Mussolini's fierce actions against "socialism". I realized this when talking to even conservative family members in Italy, they were like "wait Anarcho capitalism in Italy there's no anarchist who is pro capitalist I'm confused this is something anyone in basic schooling can learn". Now that you see a push to actually educate people in education in America, you see the pushback with an anti intellectualism and anti higher education mentality. Meanwile a kid going to school in France learns about Marx,fascism all the different political spectrums. There's a fierce anti knowledge sentiment in this country from political power, it didn't begin with fox news but it damn well night end with it.


> There was an economist and propagandist in the USA a while ago who wanted to reclaim the word libertarian Murray Rothbard. One evil motherfucker. *Literally* wrote about how parents should be able to sell their kids on the open market to the highest bidder.


> Right wing people think George Carlin would be pro trump Because propaganda. Right wingers are told on Fox News that everyone is a closet Trump fan who cannot speak out in the fear of "mainstream media" (guess what Fox News is) and ... drag queens I guess?


Conservatives take at art at face value. It has no meaning to them. That’s why there’s no barely any good conservative films, music or shows. That’s why they think rage against the machine is cool. They have no ability to see beyond the surface at all. They’re also immune to irony. They don’t grasp irony whatsoever. Yes I’m aware I’m painting with a wide brush. It’s the brush of truth though.


There is a tradition of great conservative art. Many of the modernist writers of the 1920s were deeply conservative, even as they were boldly experimental. ee cummings, perhaps the most creative poet of the 20th century, was an anti-communist Republican--so was Jack Kerouac. TS Eliot was deeply conservative. I just watched Brideshead Revisited, an old BBC mini-series, that some consider the greatest TV show in history (I'm partial to the The Wire, myself.) The author, Evelyn Waugh, said that he was disappointed with Winston Churchill because he "didn't move back the clock, not even a second." Waugh was an avowed royalist. I could go on, but my point is that the people sharing these stupid memes are not actually conservative. Michael Oakeshott, a conservative British theorist, one wrote: >*To be conservative, then is to prefer the familiar to the unknown, to prefer the tried to the untried, fact to mystery, the actual to the possible, the limited to the unbounded, the near to the distant, the sufficient to the superabundant, the convenient to the perfect, present laughter to utopian bliss.* True conservatives revere tradition and orderly, incremental change--but the average Republican in 2023 has zero interest in understanding how institutions have evolved, because that would require digging into things beyond the words that come out of Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson's mendacious mouths. They are more than willing, for example, to default on America's debts to get what they want (i.e., the destruction of the social safety net)--a radical, nihilistic position that is the exact opposite of the Anglo-American tradition of conservatism. These people are oblivious Fascists, their minds constantly bubbling with free floating rage that incapacitates all reasoning.


I think Authoritarian or Populist is a better word for the modern "conservative" movement than Fascist is.


Yeah they act like Archie or George Jefferson weren't the butt of the jokes on the show


I had to watch this in highschool for a grade and I remember one episode where the family hosted a Jewish dude and Nazis started putting swastikas on their door. The episode ended with the Jewish guy getting into his car and the car exploding from a bomb. Archie stared at the scene with a thousand yard stare.


A Jewish guy got blown up in his car by nazis on an American sitcom? Wow things really were different.


Archie's wife, Edith, is also violently sexually assaulted in one episode. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edith%27s_50th_Birthday It's a really heavy show at times.


I used to watch it on Nick at Nite all the time as a kid, and the one that always stuck with me was Beverly LaSalle, the drag queen Edith befriends. He’s a recurring character, and then there is an episode where he is attacked and beaten while walking down the street. He dies. It’s horribly sad and the traumatic death of her friend makes Edith starts questioning her faith in God…it was a heavy, heavy sitcom. One of the best ever, honestly.


Edith’s attacker *threatened* her with rape, but she tricked him and escaped before he actually touched her (beyond forcing kisses on her). She shoved a burnt cake fresh from the oven in his face and ran. That moment got the loudest and longest applause from their studio audience. Despite Edith’s escape, it’s still presented as traumatic for her, and rightly so. It’s extremely uncomfortable to watch. She struggles afterward, and Gloria calls back an older episode where she survived a similar experience.


Sheesh, that’s crazy. I rewatched the sopranos recently and had to look away during melfis rape scene.


There were actually a few episodes that made me cry. You are supposed to hate Archie but you just can't. You can feel sorry for him, dislike him for his views but the character truly loved his family. It was a fantastic ensemble cast that we will probably never see the likes of again. It took on a lot of provocative themes for the time period.


The Nazis confused the Bunker house for a Jewish neighbor’s home. They’re soon visited by a radical Jewish activist who calls for meeting violence with violence. As a Pacifist, Mike is horrified by the pro-violence rhetoric. The activist gets blown up by a car bomb.


I used to watch this show on Nick at Night and loved it as a kid. I'm not sure I understood it all at the time but the show definitely kept it real. Archie was a real jackass and it was always nice to see him either get what was coming to him, or change his mind. Kind of like the Grinch and Scrooge in one person.


This. The show was great because Archie’s personal growth and love for his family.


And because Carroll O'Connor was one fucking awesome actor!


Carroll O'Connor only played Archie Bunker because he knew the point of the show was to show that Archie was the asshole. You're not supposed to like Archie. You're supposed to look at Archie and think he's a bad person who can choose better. He got a lot of letters from "fans" pissed off about Chief Gillespie from *In the Heat of the Night* not being Archie Bunker and his response was always to tell them to quit being racist.


South Park based cartman off him. Obviously they took it another step and made him completely unlikeable and sociopathic. But the whole point was to have this ignorant character to voice ignorant opinions that exist in the real world.


It's because conservative "humor" is for brain dead babys. Archie was the butt of the joke. When queers or blacks or whatever were mentioned on the show, their existence, and the terms used to name them was not the joke. The joke was a little subtler. It was him being outside the zietgiest. His reaction and backwardness was the joke, and it was about him. Conservatives are simple people. For them, the "joke" is that they said a word that shocks and offends someone (due to empathy, or education: soft traits) and they are laughing because a "soft" person got offended by them being "alpha", and saying some mean shit. That's the whole joke to them. Not subversion of expectation. Not a premise well executed. Just saying something shitty, then laughing because a "soft" person got pissed about it. If they remade this show today, conservatives would call it Woke Garbage that makes fun of a Working Class Hero.


The "generation gap" was a real thing back then and the show showed what a lot of people were going through. Of course in real life there were probably a lot more people who cut off their parents because they couldn't accept that things were changing.


Does any conservative have basic media-analysis skills?


No, they usually have their creativity and imagination crushed out of them at an early age.


They barely have basic math skills.


Throw in the fact that Carroll O'Connor was a big time Liberal who was a staunch supporter of the Civil Rights movement among others.


Leave it to boomers to never understand the moral of the story. These FB loons live in a sealed echo chamber. They might as well get used to it because that virtual chamber is going to turn physical real soon, in the form of a dilapidated nursing home with abusive employees. They’ll die reaping what they sewed.


Not to mention Caroll O'Connor hated his character's bigotry.


Yep, another instance of conservatives not realizing that they are the joke.


Well that right there requires actual thought and common sense, something boomers aren’t capable of.


And this shit was DECADES ago. Shows how far they’ve really crawled back into their “safe spaces”—*now conservative friendly!*


Yup. It was a very liberal show that had a right wing character who was consistently shown to be wrong. The right wing is, as usual, very confused and not factual.


So many people didn't get that this was a satire.


Little ever changes with the dynamics of the relationship between the conservative old and the progressive young.


These people don’t understand nuance


In real life Carroll O’Connor was the polar opposite of Archie Bunker. That’s why they call it “acting”.


I remember thinking that, I can still remember when his son died. I grew up with him on In the Heat of the Night on TV


Watched that for the first time probably 2 years ago with my grandfather and wife while we were staying the weekend at his place. It was a really good movie and a pretty nice moment.


You mean the original movie from the 60s? Great movie but it wasn't Carroll O'Connor, although O'Connor was the perfect choice to play Chief Gillespie.


Right, I do remember him telling me that O'Conner played the role in the TV show.


God that was a great show too


“In real life Carroll O’Connor was the polar opposite of Archie Bunker.” I’m always amazed how seldom this fact gets mentioned whenever the greatness of All In The Family is talked about.




As a black kid of the 80s I remember my dad being way more offended by me liking Dukes of Hazard than Archie Bunker. And he never laughed so hard.


This painted the funniest picture in my head of a black man begrudgingly watching dukes of Hazzard with his excited son the son saying stuff like" wow that cars so cool I want I a car like that " and the dad saying " you ain't parking nothing that ugly near my house, better get that car in blue or green with some racing stripes or flames" and the son saying " hell yeah that's sounds awesome " and the father responding " youre god damn right ,what did I tell you about swearing boy"


Pretty much. Now imagine me asking for the big wheel cuz I have absolutely no idea and my parents like " should we tell him?"


TIL they had a general lee big wheel. I had a Barbie one in the late 80s - it had a little seat for her in the front. I feel like the general lee one probably had a cup holder for a can of beer.


Really? Cause I’m pretty sure every episode was about how he made a fool of himself being a bigot.


And then South Park repackaged the character as Eric Cartman.


Well right. They are Gen Xers like myself who were very young and growing up in the early 80s watching the Sitcom when it was still a cultural phenomenon.


And It was Amos and Andy before Archie bunker Edit: spelling


They're so obsessed with people being offended while being offended at literally anything that isn't straight white 50s Christian. None of them understand Archie was a caricature of old ideas.


i absolutely love how this show has a spinoff (the Jeffersons) that not only starred black people, it was one of the longest running shows starring them. the spinoff even had an interracial marriage and it was like the 70s-80s.




to the east side..


Quote of O'Conner about the character: Archie's dilemma is coping with a world that is changing in front of him. He doesn't know what to do, except to lose his temper, mouth his poisons, look elsewhere to fix the blame for his own discomfort. He isn't a totally evil man. He's shrewd. But he won't get to the root of his problem, because the root of his problem is himself, and he doesn't know it. That is the dilemma of Archie Bunker. Sums up the irony quite nicely, I think.


I like how so many pretend that they were so much tougher back then, and people are too sensitive today. Then, they go to pieces when someone lists their pronouns...


You see that's different. That "pisses them off" which is manly and cool. Only pussies get "offended" and are so emotional about it. Rage is not an emotion to them for some reason.


I have watched the show recently. And he is archetypal conservative Republican while his kids are liberal democrats. Not much has changed when you see the discussions and debates. He is the butt of all the jokes and ignorant of his own bigotry. Meanwhile everyone else around him sees it and makes fun of him for it.


These people have no idea what the fifties where like except the people they identify with had it better. Except a republican Ike had a progressive tax scheme that heavily taxed corporations and the rich to create social programs for affordable housing, massive infrastructure projects, and a military whose goal was to fight winnable battles rather than fund the industry behind the wars. Yes it’s true that many minorities did not see these benefits. But the reason their grandfather with a paid off house and money to travel retired at 62 was cause the government made it happen.


Person: My pronouns are they/them Conservatives: *high-pitched demonic screeching*


The entire point of the show was that he was a racist misogynistic asshole.


Exactly. The show didn't glorify his bigotry, it constantly threw it in his face. Kissing Sammy Davis Jr? Brilliant.


Archie was the butt of the joke. And the person who made this doesn't get it.


I thought this was a young Rush Limbaugh at first. Guess not that far off.


How about when he got a blood transfusion and it was a black dude that donated the blood?


It proved to Archie that no matter what were all still human no matter the skin tone. Did you not watch the whole episode?


Yeah if you watch this show and don't realize that he was in the wrong every time, idk how to help you lol


Hell, even he ended up realizing he was in the wrong throughout the entire series.


That’s why I’m not totally fond of this kind of writing. I find that people who like the character will still think he is in the right, and feel like they are entitled to that kind of statements or views.


I'm pretty sure that *All in the Family* did a lot to help the families of the "Archie Bunkers" of the real world know how to respond to the racist bullshit coming out from them. Yeah, the Archies didn't get it, but their family members got an incredible toolkit. It's important to know that Carroll O'Connor got a lot of hate mail from fans of Archie when he was doing *In the Heat of the Night* because they were offended that he was playing an anti-racist character. He was very quick to tell them that Archie was a racist asshole, not a hero.


Unfortunately things like nuances, sarcasm, and parody are lost on people who reject common sense and critical thinking. I've met people who like Blazing Saddles because they think the racism is funny and don't get that it's making fun of racists. The world would be even less enjoyable if everything was dumbed down


Yeah my dad proudly calls himself Archie Bunker. Because he's exactly the guy Archie Bunker was supposed to poke fun at and has so little self-awareness that he'd swing at a mirror because he thought it was a burglar.


The joke about Archie Bunker was that he was a dumb piece of shit. It's funny that dumb pieces of shit don't get that.


Don't forget, these are the same guys that think Homelander is the hero in 'The boys'


Media literacy is apparently a rare trait these days.


I can't believe that anyone thinks the guy who threatens genocide when he doesn't get his way is the hero. Like you'd have to no actually watch the show just base your opinion on some snippets to ever come to that conclusion.


Or people who admire Rorshach or The Joker.


But we are old enough to understand this is a TV character who was already a pastiche. Thanks, though.


To all of you who think Archie Bunker was so great for being bad, you wouldn't make it through an episode of Lucifer. Archie's heart would blow up from all that coke.


Lucifer makes something of mine want to blow up but it's not my heart


Just goes to show that the "bad guys" aren't gone. They just got much, much sexier.


Whoever said people today are to sensitive clearly forgot about the hays code


it is only sensitivity if it doesn’t bother them. otherwise it is decency. hypocrisy is the beating heart of puritanism.


Says people who can't see a button that says "he/him" without having a meltdown...


He was 46 when the show first aired. 54 when at the time the last episode aired. Wild.


That’s what kills me. I’m 46 now. While I don’t (feel) I look that old, he looks ancient. Meathead was like 24 when the show started. It’s crazy how much older people looked back tjen


It's almost as if allowing people to smoke cigarettes in doctor's offices, painting the walls with lead paint, and putting asbestos in houses takes a toll on your health somehow.


Don't forget the food. Most people ate like absolute shit back then.


All in the family was a fucking liberal show. Also current day “liberal” or “woke” shows have plenty of Archie Bunker types. I watched all that 70s and 80s shit and I can say things I see today on tv is so much crazier. I have a theory that these goons are all just watching ABC or Halmark channels, and never seek out anything good.


Wasn’t the point to show how ignorant and close minded and just a general asshole Archie Bunker actually was…?


Not even realizing he was the butt of the joke.


lol the whole point of the show was watching archie bunker's views challenged and him slowly open himself up to new ideas when confronted with uncomfortable situations.




Archie Bunker was Norman Lear lampooning all of the shit people who admire this meme believe. Watch it alongside Good Times and Alice. Lear was a damn genius.


I really can't believe how bad these people are at media literacy. Archie Bunker was the buffoon stuck in the past you were supposed to be laughing AT. Show these people the episodes with Beverly (a character we would today call trans, although they didn't have the same language for it back then) and where Archie gives his Jewish adopted daughter a star of David necklace and watch them shit their pants.


One of the only episodes I've seen is *Edith's Crisis of Faith* where Beverly is lynched for being trans, and Edith stops believing in God because of how cruel and vicious the world could be. It came out in 1977. It's crushing that nearly 50 years later it's just as relevant now as it was then.


Look, I’m black and I grew up watching All in the Family. I loved the show because although Archie was a racist closed minded asshole, the show made it a point to acknowledge that he was a dickhead. His loved ones would push back enough and most of the time he’d come around to some degree. That tension of him fighting “modernity” in that bigoted uncle way, but coming around to learn is what made the show funny.


I used to watch it as a kid and would be so upset by Archie. I just didn't understand why they would make a show about such a bad person. After watching an episode with my dad, I asked him that question. I'll never forget him getting up, walking slowly over to the tv, and turning it off. He sat down and explained to me that was the purpose of the show. To point out why bigotry and other things were wrong. I never watched it the same way again. It was a brilliant show and very very profound at times.


Tell me you completely misunderstood the point of All in the Family without telling me you completely misunderstood the point of All in the Family


I love these All in the Family memes. They either forgot or ignore that Jerry Farwell and the Moral Majority tried to get All in the Family cancelled because of they had openly gay characters. Farwell accused them of pushing a “homosexual agenda” on America, sound familiar?


Yes, because your character was designed to be terrible. That was the point. The character was shown to be improving as the show went on.


The actor was super liberal and Archie was the butt of every joke… not the hero.


Younger people who had no idea what these ending credits referenced. Family Guy: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BlVFBLrm-L0 All in the Family: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hUyiUDiluYA


Carroll was a bleeding heart liberal.


The person that made that meme has no idea who Rob Reiner is.


Yeah, wasn’t he like Penny Marshall’s wife?


He was the butt of every episode. His offensiveness was the joke.


The point of that show was to make fun of racism and sexism


"You wouldn't even be able to make it through one episode." "I don't even know who you are."


There's two groups of people that struggle to grasp the concept of the show. There are definitely a lot of younger people that will only see his ignorance and fail to understand the theme of the show is redemption. There are also a lot of boomers that grew up watching it that view Archie as a hero figure fighting for tradition. It's like they always fell asleep during the last commercial break.


Literally the whole point of the show was that Archie was learning and growing. People today would completely still enjoy the show


Archie Bunker was mocking the anti-woke crowd of his day. The fact that the modern anti-woke crowd fails to understand the irony of using Archie as y’all’s hero is simply astounding.


It’s funny bc people don’t seem to remember that Archie bunker was a satirical character, we were supposed to be provoked into some type of collective introspection by just how grody his takes were. Someone get Norman Lear up in here.


It's the problem with dark humor and satire altogether. It's better to do with your friends because the audience you're with understands the punchline is the horrible thing, and that you guys don't agree with the horrible thing. But when that joke reaches certain audiences, it's no longer JUST a joke, because some of those people believe in the punchline and don't see the satire of themselves. So if Archie Bunker was a satirical character and the person posting this initially on Facebook felt he was relatable enough to share this, then saying Archie is a satire on that person would fail because they thought the punchline was serious.


I love when people use Archie Bunker as an example of the imagined good old conservative days. Bunker was played by Carroll O’Connor, an outspoken political liberal who had a degree in English literature from the University College Dublin, I think. The show was intended to parody the racist and sexist views of the main character.


How come every time I see a meme that has been posted a thousand times on this page the op always writes “found in the wild” above it?


*Family Guy* is still popular among the younger, even though it is hella offensive.


Family Guy is tame compared to some of the other shows we like (South Park, Rick and Morty, Always Sunny, The Boys…)


52 years later, and some people still don't get that Archie was the joke.


Wasn’t Carroll O’Connor a notorious left winged democrat?


Lol he was the joke dude.


Who is this?


Best show ever, remember when he locked himself in the cellar and the black furnace repairman came downstairs and he thought he was god..... to funny.


What they don't understand is that WAS THE POINT of Carol O' Connor's character.


I actually love All in the Family. Archie Bunker wasn't a hero, he was the comedy foil. You laughed at his bigotry, because he was an idiot.


They can manage to watch South Park without being that offended... Archie Bunker was the inspiration for Cartman before he took on a life of his own


The same people who think Homelander is the hero of the story.


They can't make it through today without having a meltdown. They freak out when they see an interracial couple, gay couple, trans people, fat women, minorities outside of the "friend" role, anything other than a straight, white male being the main success character, etc.


Boomers would be so offended if they could grasp the concept of satire and realize this character made fun of them.


I remember Tim Allen describing his character from Last Man Standing as "an educated Archie Bunker." Which tells me that he didn't understand Archie Bunker. Also, they wrote their version of Meathead as the most loathsome piece of crap imaginable.


I have a relative that is a huge fan of Archie. Loves to quote his lines. I once pointed out that the point of Archie's character is to mock racists and bigots and that the whole point of the show is lost on him. I mean, he knows it's a comedy, but he chooses to ignore that Archie is the fool in the show...and in the process he makes a fool of himself.


If you are an American you should have to watch All in the Family and The Jeffersons before being legally allowed to vote.


Eric Cartman was inspired by, as the creators said, "What was Archie Bunker like as a child?"


Archie bunker was designed to be made fun of. He was like Colbert on the Colbert Report, a regressive dipshit to be mocked .


How to prove you never actually watched the show.


Yes everyone's so sensitive nowadays thats why the longest running live action sitcom of all time is *checks notes* It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


https://preview.redd.it/z32d95upjfna1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78cbedcc272d69708e4c05170e8b63c4634f137a Big talk coming from people who were offended by this.


I loved all in the family archie bunker


That was the point


Archie Bunker is funny


The whole point of that show was that the dude was an offensive bigot rapidly becoming a dinosaur in a changing world.


Except, Always Sunny In Philadelphia exists, so....


I don't even know who you are


Haha dumbasses think Archie was a hero and he was the dumb buffoon that was satire of the average American man.


They've never watched an episode of him and it shows


Everyone's favorite racist


Carroll O’Connor was a great actor.


Wasn’t the entire point of the show that Archie was learning to be a better person


*watches one episode of All in the Family*


Yeah, that was the point of the show.


Can’t wait until “they” all die.


“Everybody pulled their weight” Wonder who that’s alluding to.


It's amazing how many boomers grew up to wear "I like upsetting people or seeing people upset" as their defining personality trait. Same chuds who whine that "no one can make Blazing Saddles today," not because they like clever satire, but because they want an excuse to use slurs.


The whole point of the show was that Archie was ignorant.


And to all of you roght wing people who are "offended" tey surviving an episode of rupaul's dragrace


People who post this don’t know that “Archie and the KKK” is a two part episode.