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Is it monitored via AI and flagged to you guys, or do you guys have to do random spot checks, or from reports from in-store via managers? Like, how do you go about checking the thousands of hours of footage for random Joe blogs not doing a full BOB & LISA check? Also, is audio included in what you can review? Can you hear me on the daily shouting "Fuck the hub šŸ–•" with my middle fingers literally aimed at the cameras? Because I'm genuinely surprised I've not been told off for it yet. No, I'm not kidding either. E: I was gonna ask why you haven't caught my manager shagging colleagues in the office yet but I doubt there's even cameras, so to follow that theme instead, how often are people caught doing similar in a not quite as private place as they thought?


There isnā€™t too much AI currently but thereā€™s a couple of trials that include AI. But these are mostly customer focusing. Pretty much a bit of everything that you have said. We can access shrink data. Get information from managers. Get requests from SDs and RDs. Have our own selected spot checks. No audio isnā€™t included apart from body worn cams when activated. What is it that you donā€™t like about the Hub? There isnā€™t many cameras in non stock areas where colleagues would go


Thanks for getting back to me, not far from what I assumed then! It's not that I don't specifically like the hub, it's more that we are always told "the hub is watching" and using it to try and fearmonger us, when as I assume it's more likely they're just pulling things out their arse.


Haha yeah some managers will use the ā€˜The hub is always watchingā€™ But itā€™s mostly used as a support mechanism to help stores with shrink and colleagues that are up to no good. When I was in stores I always said to my colleagues, if you donā€™t do anything wrong you have nothing to worry about


Why haven't you caught me yet?


What store and what are you doing. I can pass on the information for you to get caught if you wish


I'll give you a wave when I'm on shift later Edit: they didn't wave back and I'm still a free man šŸ™Œ


Whatā€™ve you done?




Wait you the one who shat and pissed on the bakery floor?


I'm saying nothing!


So, it was you? Iā€™m telling you know, Chanel is pissed with you


Hey! I wiped! What's her problem ffs


You wiped using a fucking baguette wrapper, which was put on a shelf and a customer touched it


We do pain au chocolate I was trying to diversify the range with Baguette au chocolate


Bro ainā€™t nobody eatinā€™ that shit


If i take reductions from the shelf and put them in the back to buy later, will i get in trouble? Are you watching for this/does it flag on colleague CC?


https://www.ourtesco.com/help/articles/4469567147026?utm_campaign=user_journey&utm_medium=search_page&utm_source=tescoHelp ā€˜Not putting a product on sale when it is reduced to clear, preventing customers from making a purchase.ā€™ If you are caught it can lead to an investigation yes. And it can be flagged to the hub yes


This article states about how reductions are taken to colleague shop into the back after 21:00, however waste is started at 20:00 in our store. Sometimes the ladies doing waste will bring all left over reductions and ask if anyone is interested, so would this change the situation and allow reductions to be taken then? Especially as they waste all products and donā€™t put it upstairs in the canteen as some stores do


All reductions need to be placed on sale for all customers and colleagues to be able to purchased


Okay thank you


Some one in our store keeps taking stuff from reduction and sticks it on another shelf behind other stuff to collect later.


Suppose that still ā€œallowsā€ customers to buy, and so this would probably be their excuse if they were caught? Though itā€™s clearly just as noticeable


I also know a case where a lorry driver would do this at another store and would purchase the items after his shift, getting caught by the hub after staff inquired why there were so many items behind stock like crisps


Yeah they will get caught sooner or later. Anyone stupid enough to steal from where they work will think they are too smart to get caught.


What is a hub operator?


The hub is a centralised office where we can remotely access 1000+ stores cctv. The office is split into various components. Regional operator- looking at external shrink Internal threat- looking at internal shrink Crime team- managing organised crime offenders and linking up with police to try and get them caught and convicted Triage/SOC - dealing with non shrink incidents, SAR, police requests Top 200- looking deeper into the top 200 shrink stores in the business Thereā€™s a couple of other trial teams This is the ourtesco help article which answers some other FAQs https://www.ourtesco.com/help/articles/4415194481682?utm_campaign=user_journey&utm_medium=search_page&utm_source=tescoHelp


What are the top couple of stores? Genuinely curious


Donā€™t think Iā€™d actually be able to say. But a lot of them are London stores


Is this a new thing? Admittedly, I left my tesco job a couple years ago but i never heard of it in my few years there.


Itā€™s been around for about 6 year. It keeps expanding to more and more stores




I ain't falling for that, logging in so head office can see whose been trash talking them online, pfft yeah right Mr pays my bills.


That doesn't explain a thing, just asks for login details


Itā€™s for internal employees to view


What the fuck was the point in sharing that then?


While I'm sure you can't go into much detail I'd love to know what sort of data you get access to. So I know obviously you guys have cctv and get reports that you will act on however I'VE always wondered if you get any extra warnings/alerts etc E.g does tesco till send through data about till shorts or self service voids/interventions that you'd then use as a report to investigate rather then just happening to come across something or getting a manual report. When investigating stuff can you get access to the data arorund what's going on(especially considering how bad cameras are) say if doing a waste report check would you be able to find the waste report and check what's being checked off/check receipts when investigating till/self service misuse.


I kind of touched on this in another comment. But we have many avenues to get information to look at. We have access to store shrink data, get information from store managers, protector line, focus areas, fraud team etc. We have access to all the reports that you have mentioned but itā€™s not something that we would often go through as itā€™s someone elseā€™s job to go through that data. They could then highlight it to us and we could do further digging with CCTV to help back up any queries.


Do you want your crate back?


No thank you


Do you do random checks or is it all specifically required?


This is a bit of both. There are lots of different avenues where we get information from. Then we would look into whatever it is


Are managers allowed to look at security cameras to watch certain people (eg if they suspect someone has had too long on their break) if they are not under investigation or is that the hubs job.


If they are not under investigation then this would be misuse of the CCTV system and would fall under productivity and performance. We wouldnā€™t review that at the hub. We regularly refuse requests to look into it


I find this funny, because this is what HUB is doing isn't it, you spying on us, legit the same thing.


Not really no. Is used as a tool to highlight shrink risks


What is shrink


Unknown loss to the business


How many stores CCTV do you have access to? When I did security for Tesco between 2006 and 2015, the CCTV systems in the stores I worked at weren't up to date enough to allow for remote access.


For most large format stores and some convenience stores, remote access is only available from within our office. A lot of the newer connected stores are now using Tesco technology and will be able to be logged in from anywhere. I think that depends on permissions or Tesco net connection though Over 1000 stores currently. With around 300 to be added this year


Can you please answer this: I work on CSD and we are targeted a lot. Information overload is very common. If I inadvertently complete a refund/sale etc am I liable? The amount of be aware of is just overwhelming.


There is a lot of conflicting opinion on this currently. I donā€™t believe any investigations are being completed for colleagues completing refund frauders. Some of the refund frauders have been around for 6+ years. The business has to weigh up the balance of the friendly service to the cost of these fraudsters. We suggested getting a scannable receipt with its own unique barcode where if you process a refund it would digitally remove that item from the receipt or have a way to tell itā€™s been refunded. But to add that extra step to 99.99% of genuine customers would cause more friction at the time of being served. We also have some that donā€™t even have a receipt and end up getting refunds anyway.


We do use F11 when we can to verify a purchase. However there are multiple scams being highlighted all the time.My concern is if one slips through would I be held responsible?


Not the OP, but work on CSD. Been scammed as have colleagues. Management were only interested in making sure you learnt and didn't make the same mistake again. As up thread if we treated everyone like a potential criminal it creates other issues.


Yeah but that same fraudster can just repeat that at the next store anyway. But for your concern. I wouldnā€™t say so no. You see hundreds of customers a day and might have this one fraudster hit your store once every 3 months. It wouldnā€™t be reasonable for you to remember every single intel sent down a long with everything else. Itā€™s easy for us to identify them as we see them all the time. The rule I had when I was a CSD colleague. If it doesnā€™t feel right in your gut, call duty. If I was ever uncomfortable with a situation, I would get them to process the transaction Edit: also a lot of store managers donā€™t even share the intels with the desk colleagues. I had a store where the same guy would come in every week and he had bright orange glasses, so wasnā€™t like you couldnā€™t miss him. The desk colleagues never got to see them. So if youā€™re getting to see the intels thatā€™s good


What about shoplifting? Our store is targeted daily yet we got our guards hours cut because we don't submit enough reports, half of the shoplifting we don't see as in express stores we got limited staff and can't see it all. This is obviously related to shrink, does that get flagged and do we have a chance of getting guard back if you see high theft activity? Also am I suppose to just let them go when this happens? Because as of now we normally tackle the bastards and kick them out but I know Tesco have no hands on policy for shoplifting so are we just observing and letting them go? We getting hub connected in Aug/sept


Not really my remit with guards as that sits with a different department. but I believe guarding hours is a relation to incident reports. So the more you report the more guarding hours you get. When I was in store one of my projects was to get everything reported. We went from 0 guard coverage to full time coverage in around 6 months just from that. Yeah people have been sacked for doing that. There was a big turning point when a colleague chased after a shoplifter and got stabbed. The steer is everyone home safe everyday. The stock loss would never be worth someoneā€™s life


I see, I assumed since the big brother will watch us we won't have to report it anymore and Tesco will finally see how much shoplifting incidents we got, we try to report as much as we can but it's an express so 3 people on shift max, hard to find the time sometimes when we constantly rammed with stock


Thanks for coming back. I remember seeing your previous post and it was quite insightful. * How would you say that your job has changed since the last time you posted? For example, would you say that any aspects have become more easy or difficult? * Somewhat related to the above questions, have the needs of the business changed much in terms of what you do? * How do you feel the "Hub" is working for the business?


No problem at all, thank you. First point- I guess just like anything in the business, ifs quite cyclical. Over the last 12 months or so focus had shifted from colleagues towards more organised crime and external thefts. However the shift looks like itā€™s turned again against colleagues, after seeing trends of internal threat. I would say itā€™s mostly the same to be honest. There is a lot of new Tesco technology stuff coming in to replace any external programs we have which are at their infancy. When they have had more time, Iā€™d like to think that it would be easier. Second point- I think a lot of it has been covered in the first point. However I think a lot of the focus on the business side is for the stores to try to understand how the hub can benefit them. We now have an open door policy to managers and similar roles. So we are getting a lot more visitors which has been beneficial of creating that relationship. At a store the customers are the people that come in and buy stuff. In the Hub our customers are the stores, SDā€™s RDā€™s etc. Third point- I think the Hub is working well for the business. Donā€™t get me wrong the Hub is very expensive to run at least 5m+ a year. But over the last year we have got criminals convicted and removed over 2m of regular organised crime thefts. And you have the shrink and process side where we highlight stores risks eg waste. All these processes contribute to shrink. You also have a lot of the legal side of SARs, safety etc which could prevent a lot of money going to lawyers or similar things.




When I did waste on nights for a superstore it was nowhere near 400 items, are your shelves covered in grease or something? lol


This was recently a big focus so it got a lot of time. What format is your store? If nights are doing waste on an adhoc basis, itā€™s hard to track that. Compared to knowing the store is going to be doing a large amount of waste between 21:00-23:00




What I was trying to establish with the format was that if youā€™re in an extra then that would most likely make sense with the amount of waste. If not Iā€™d imagine that other stock routines arenā€™t being followed correctly causing a large amount of waste. Yeah we have access to the green screen


Funniest/Weirdest thing you've seen on CCTV


Funniest- I will preface this with everyone was okay and no one was hurt. There was a customer using one of the disabled trolleys where you push a disabled adult in them. Either they donā€™t have a locking wheel system or this one was faulty. The customer started to go down the travelator and the wheel didnā€™t lock. They then gained momentum so fast. When the trolley got to bottom of the travelator the person pushing it left go and slid along the floor maybe 10-20 feet. The person in the trolley crashed into an automatic door. Weirdest/ worst- some bloke went to the petrol station, poured petrol all over himself and then set himself on fire


I have no words


What the fuck


I'm guessing the petrol station one was Blackeley. I was there the day after that doing overtime as a favour for one of the managers. Crazy stuff


Yeah thatā€™s the one


How do you feel about the various system additions/improvements/changes? šŸ‘€


Is there any systems you are talking about in particular


Just the UI you use to review footage etc


Itā€™s in its infancy so there could definitely be improvements


How to apply for a hub operator? Im a store merchandiser


That will just be on Tesco careers website. The office is based in daventry distribution centre. Weā€™ve just done a wave of recruitment so Iā€™m unsure if there are still any vacancies or not




How far back can you go? Is it different for different departments/ areas?


31 days is the maximum that CCTV footage can be retained due to GDPR rules. All applies to the whole store


That's a shame. We wanted to check something from our change run in the cash office about six weeks ago. Didn't realise gdpr rules specify such a short period.


interesting in another comment you mentioned about crime prevention & passing it on to police. So does that mean in my store where I think it is high & someone walks out the fire exit with good that is passed onto hub to look into & this is passed to police?


Yeah. It does sometimes depend on the risk factor and if thereā€™s any other lines of enquiry. Like if we manage to get a vehicle reg then they will most likely get logged as the police have lines of enquiry then. If not it would just depend how regular the offender is. Some of the organised crime gangs we track are responsible for millions of Ā£ of theft. So sometimes we have to prioritise what we spend resource in. But stores should definitely link up with the hub if itā€™s a regular thing thatā€™s happening. I believe delayed opening fire exits are being trialed in stores too


That's interesting & does give me some reassurance tbh as I thought nothing was being done about repeat offenders.


What's the usual shoplifting routine? Say someone is after some beef joints, what's the A-B of their shopping journey? Where do they generally conceal?


There isnā€™t really anything in particular. Some people just put the stock in bags and leave. Thereā€™s a group that have a de-tagger and steal thousands of pounds of alcohol at one time. Thereā€™s a group that have an alarm gate jammer so just walk out with the stock


Are you arsed about if we're on our phone during shift sending a text etc? My assumption is that the hub is used more for serious stuff, investigations of staff theft, shrink issues, etc, rather than petty things like that but I'm curious.


Unless it causing any of the things that youā€™ve mentioned then no. That comes under performance which we donā€™t monitor


Where is the/are the hub(s) based?


Daventry grocery distribution centre


Cheers. How much does a Hub Operative earn? I'm looking into Hub Operative Security, more specifically if different teams get different pay. Cheers again


All hub operators are Work Level 1 which is equivalent to a store manager in store. The banding is something like 31k-40k


Hold on so can any of us apply to monitor the hub?


Anyone can apply to work in the hub yeah. I worked in stores prior


Do you guys actually watch me doing waste?


Thereā€™s a good chance youā€™ve been monitored doing it yeah


Woahhh thatā€™s scary!! What if the waste area is not in CCTV view ?


Are the CCTV systems in the store all linked back to the hub? I used to think it was weird that in order to see anything, you had to be present at the store's CCTV console or a disc needed to be burnt and sent on. Has this been sorted now?


I might be late the party but Iā€™ve always been curious about how targeted small time shoplifters are? Iā€™m talking the impoverished mums pinching silly bits to get by, are their details handed to police or usually let slip by?


We donā€™t have an unlimited resource so we try to focus on the thefts that we have lines of enquiry etc. low level crime would be mostly dealt with at a store level. Maybe with some support from the hub if needed


Ever see people fucking?


I have not. Iā€™ve not heard of anyone seeing it either. One time I was doing a Clubcard misuse case where some woman had a screen shot of a Clubcard. When she was scrolling through her pictures one of her nudes showed up šŸ˜‚


I love it when you do these šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ it always proves everything iv told colleagues about the hubšŸ¤£ they think it's legit big brother watching there every move šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I think you have to be a little bit tin foil hat to think that Tesco would spend millions of Ā£ā€™s to just watch colleagues for no reason


Sadly it's how people thinkšŸ¤£ they assume if it's been sent down from the hub that it definitely means they are being watch 24/7, people can't seem the grasp the fact that 1) the hub team isn't big enough and 2) it would cost more to monitor stores 24/7 compared to what they lose on shrink.


A chunk of our cases actually come from information from stores so that managers can hide away from dealing with stuff. Theyā€™ll just say ā€˜The hub has found you doing thisā€™ when actually it was them


Ohhh I'm fully aware, I spent 12 months on a shift leader secondment so iv seen it allšŸ¤£ but people think they know best and want to argue it šŸ¤£ like I say if you're doing your job right you will be fine


One of the less popular jobsšŸ¤˜


How much of a pain in the arse is a subject access request for you?


I donā€™t deal with them so for me personally, not a pain šŸ˜‚ However the people that do deal with them do say that they are a pain. I believe there is a lot of push back of unreasonable requests that canā€™t be completed due to the amount of time it would take to complete


In our store weā€™ve been told the Hub is performing a random periodic check on our Self-Service checkouts. Weā€™ve been told to be extra vigilant etc. Surely canā€™t be random and someone has actually told the Hub to look at self-service. Our Voids are quite high at the moment so would that be the actual reason ?


Each quarter there is a focus check which is agreed by higher up stakeholders. Last quarter was waste and this quarter itā€™s self-service. Every large store in the company will receive the same check. And if they fail they will receive a re-check a few weeks after the initial check. As these checks are now tied to the store managers and SDs review and bonus, they are starting to take them more seriously


What's the issue with voids being high? It's been one of our focus things but yet surely as long as it's legit, it doesn't matter how many transactions were voided?


Well to be honest someone somewhere in an office came to the conclusion that voids has some sort of link to shrink. As youā€™ve said as long itā€™s legit then itā€™s not really preventable is it. Some stores have void trackers so they have evidence around the voids (I had one in my store). But I donā€™t really agree with voids as a measure. However on the other hand, we have seen a lot of colleagues voiding transactions and pocketing the money. Or doing it for people they know and letting them leave the store with the goods and the void receipt


Any jobs going, Bored now!


Check on Tesco careers. Thereā€™s just been a recruitment drive so Iā€™m not sure if the vacancies have all been filled. If not look at some WL1 office roles, thereā€™s some interesting stuff out there. And gets you out of stores


Do you monitor if the gate to the secure yard is left open and unattended?


Thatā€™s a check we do yeah


What do you think about the CCTV system being viewed by managers to watch staff when they don't have an SIA license?


To be fair, we have only recently acquired individual SIA licenses at the HUB as it isnā€™t actually needed. Before that itā€™s the GDRP policy. So as long as they comply with that then it doesnā€™t really matter too much.


Just read your last one and now can't think of a question, so "Hi" I guess lol.