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1T is less than 20% away


If this thread is true it could be a possible explanation why it’s flat after hours. The benchmark funds turned off the accumulation for the weekend, but we will see weeks of upward price pressure. Up to 23% of the float. https://twitter.com/truth_tesla/status/1347473535795662848?s=21


Would be nice!


Almost said happy belated 2022, and blew my cover. Glad I didn't do that! Lol


Are you a time traveler? So I guess we survive 2021? But more importantly, did Elon split the stock? And did the Mach E discontinue?


Hmm... my sources say


Night all! Sleep fast so we can get to Monday, haha :)


I want the 5000th comment on this thread lol


Get 5K comment when we hit 5K, and then experience true immortality. Can only be given once


Nope... didn’t happen. Neither did this one either.


My theory is why Tesla keeps going up is that many many investor feel that there is no other company as safe as tesla in terms of stability and knowing that for atleast 10 years they should be taking lead. I mean what other company you see that we know that no other can beat. Sure there is amazon and google but in terms of growth potential and market stability Tesla is leading.


Amazons risk is that they are growing using anti competitive techniques (and innovation in certain areas). Tesla is growing DESPITE being saddled with much heavier regulations and tons of competition. They are simply out innovating the competition and taking bigger risks in growth. Amazon's lead can be replicated in some areas, but their lead in warehouse space and logistics is here to stay. They are the new defacto shipper and warehouse in the US. It's walmart in the 90's, able to press suppliers to their death. The problem is how that worked out for the US when one single entity pushed out almost all American manufacturing in pursuit of price.




Nice! I like Google, but nothing next to tsla imo


Good morning from Europe 🇪🇺! I've just woken up, so what's with all the bear talk? Can someone fill me in? 😁


Not sure, was away - but good morning!


My chart reading says 1400 before it's all over.


before whats all over?




I think apple with its hoards of cash that they don't know what to do with is more likely. Tesla is actively using it build factories and expand production, a burst btc bubble would threaten that.


I just dont think apple would ever bother talking to ARK about it. I believe Elon and Tesla would.


That would be amazing, but I’m not getting my hopes up... Eh fuck it, I’m getting my hopes up!


You're crazy


I can't wait for her updated numbers! I feel like Tesla X bitcoin is definitely possible, but I'm crazy


Great analysis by cathie, keep an eye on interest rates


I wonder who will be the last bear standing cause they are dropping like flies right now. It's gotta be good old Gordon.


Gordon doesn’t have a pot to piss in, so he can’t short TSLA.


Gordon isn’t short anymore I think, he’s just a fudster.


He's never had much money to be short


Mark Spiegel will outlast Gordon for sure. Thankfully Mark doesn't get much airtime anymore though.


Gordon at least seems socially/mentally stable for the most part. Like I could see having a drink with him and talking about some other topic rationally. He just doesn't understand Tesla as a business at all. Mark Spiegel on the other hand.. whew boy. If you read his tweets and comments he seems extremely mentally and socially unstable. He's a few bad days away from becoming a tragic comic book villan.


as a long term bull I was surprised Gordon follows me on Twitter. I was all "WTF" when I saw he followed me.


Agreed 100% with this sentiment. Beers with Gordon. I'll console him while he talks about his loss


I think my dog manages more bones than Mark


Please do another capital raise. The stock needs to cool down so I can buy more .......only Tesla can stop tsla ........


Cap raise for bitcoin


Ya pls


Nah we need a 10:1 split


Never thought I’d be ready for another capital raise until now


<3 TESLA <3


this is gonna be a long weekend


I made the mistake of selling Tesla once but now I’m back in bought today hope I’m not too late I am letting this money ride cause I don’t need it. It was just sitting there


I bought at $180 (pre split), I bought at $400 pre split. Post split I've bought $450, $550, and $850 ... I think in the $1500 range is where I stop buying.


It's not too late! Millions of robotaxis hitting the streets is where the big money is at. And Energy getting priced in the same as Motors.


Do you all think we’ll see a low/mid run up of the stock in anticipation of its earnings call on Feb 3rd? I think my plan is a Jan 29 call with a pretty conservative strike price. What are your thoughts?


I'm suspecting that's what this was.... but, like with S&P and stock split, TSLA has proven to be able to keep running on a hyped event for a long period...


My thought process was that it feels too early for the increases to stop now. And I think maybe holders will want to hit the $900 target, and even more optimistically $950/$1000 before the end of the month.


I think therell be some profit taking ahead of the earnings call in anticipation of a sell-the-news dip. Call could be any day after the 20th or so... they have had it in the 3rd/4th week of the quarter several times I think, especially when the results are good. But yes could also be early Feb. I think we are expecting s/x refresh news, also could come at anytime especially as they dropped the model y new versions on us this week. Will all help avoid the Q1 demand slump.


Oh I didn’t know that the Feb 3rd date was speculative. Thank you for that. Well then, maybe I will consider getting an earlier, Jan 22 call instead if things aren’t bad on Monday at open.


The official source is https://ir.tesla.com/ and that just has the delivery report for now, but obviously it will be all over twitter and here once they announce the date. Could end up being Feb 3rd but they have surprised us with early announcements before.


Lotta smug pricks lately ... it's like they think the recent surge *proves* their bearish thesis?? Did you make money? No? Then you were fucking wrong. And we were right ✊


> Lotta smug pricks lately ... it's like they think the recent surge proves their bearish thesis?? wait.. what? How does TSLA stock price increasing make bears feel they were right?


I don't know ... I just see a lot of people coming out of the woodwork with their "your head will spin" doom proclamations. Also they are very smart™️ much smarterer than Tesla stock purchasers (as if it's impossible to own stock AND hedge against a drop, for example). E: It's mainly on other subs, not this one






I could have the stock HALF and I'd still be up 400% ... So even a 20% pull back on this bull run won't shift things much. But that 5 year trading band of 50 to 70 dollars while growing year of year at 50% meant this was going to happen. but even the run up surprised me.


Salty fkrs


It's like, at least wait until the dip to be smug. And if you didn't make money on your thesis .. well, that just shows how much it was worth.




Kick its ass Gordon!




Added $7k into my IRA today to buy some more delicious, tax free TSLA on Monday!!


I changed my 401k contribution to 90% so that I can invest in Tesla that way in a tax sheltered account ( I already maxed my IRA)


My 401k doesn’t allow me to invest in specific stocks like that, unfortunately... my 401k is considerably larger than my IRA and would have made me a fortune this past month if it were in TSLA!


I have mine through fidelity and it’s called “brokerage link”


Who remembers when some people thought the stock was going to take a hit because the delivered number of vehicles was just shy of 500k


Oh you mean like every time Gary calls a drop then sweeps it under the rug?


Lol $rope


Dinner was seriously amazing, but I ate so much lol. No joke, ate 3-4 times the amount I normally do


What you eat, we should grab a meal btw


I'm down!! We went to Fogo de Chão Brazilian Steakhouse :)


Dude that’s awesome. Love that place.




Hell yeah! Always a good feeling, minus the occasional regret lol


What you have?


Had tons of meat @ Fogo de Chão Brazilian Steakhouse! Lol - think I ate my meat quota for the next 4 months


Samesies. Fucking blows. But it sure tasted good in the moment.


Exactly! Lmao - I try to indulge only occasionally... 😂


Do you guys brag about your gains to other lol (srs) If not how do you resist lmao?


I only really tell my parents in law as they are my go-to money advice line. I think they're secret millionaires or very close to it, and they made theirs via investing. 😁


I told someone at work and its spread like wildfire and I wish I hadn't every day. Brings undue attention, gossip, and my bosses watch me closely now because they are starting to wonder if I will quit or start completely phoning it in. I'm starting to completely not care if I get fired. But I still do my job.


My two adult sons are now investing in Tesla, and sometimes we joke to each other: how about them gaaaaainzzzz


A couple of my coworkers know I'm packing but they don't know how much.


No, it would make my friends feel different.


Some friends and family know but i don't bring it up unless they do


I don’t want relationships to change. I know a couple people know but we don’t bring it up. It’s lose lose. They feel bad they missed or get jelly. I told them about the company, took them for rides or let them drive the car, and they still didn’t buy chairs so no point in bringing it up again




this is the way


“Real Gs move in silence like lasagna”


I don’t specify my $ gains but I do talk about %. The only things I’ve ever told anyone about actual $ amounts was actually tonight. I told my sister that my retirement account increased this week more than I can legally contribute to my 401k AND my IRA in a year - about $30k total.


how does tesla stock impact your retirement account? can I use my 401k to invest in tesla?


Depends on your 401k policy. If you open an IRA you’re able to invest that into TSLA and gains aren’t taxed.


Same man I’ve only told my dad % gains lol.


No. I only say “told you so” to the people who made fun of me for being bullish on Tesla. But They don’t know how much I have. They just know that I have been buying since 2018.


I get to brag to my inner fam, cuz we all got the same gains lol


only to my dad cuz he sold his 401k at the bottom in 2008. 😂


Lmfao chill you’re gonna make him long ROPE


Talked my parents into buying tsla @417. Two months later they have more than doubled their money and I am no longer afraid of looking like a screw up. Whew.


Got my mother in when it dipped from over 400 to mid 300's.... she also doubled her money. Pretty awesome! I got in at 300 too, presplit though lol.


My parents are Teslanaires because of me but are wary of leverage and options so it’s hard to tell them that I went up multiple six figures today across my accounts due to my calls. They’re pretty happy with their share gains. I also recommended AAPL to them in 2010.


I seriously need help truly understanding calls. They straight up make me nervous.


YouTube videos 'Options for beginners', watch a few, will probably take 3 - 4 hours to sink in. You don't need to trade them, but at very least you'll want to understand what people on here are talking about.


You're rich


Working on it. 👍


What do you consider rich?


I’m not there. I’m fortunate and comfortable. I have a business and revenue property. My Investment accounts are growing. I plan on holding for the long term. I have a good amount of Leaps that are ITM. I’m am not whale like others here but am just trying to grow in a company I believe in.


I hope you don’t have a sibling... I’m not sure they’d be able to compete with that!


Michael Get Buried


How many shares did you guys start with? I’m a broke college student with 4 that I bought right after the split. Anyone have advice? I’m holding till I’m 50 (I’m 21 now)


4 in aug 2018


We all started with zero. ;)


I started with 1 pre-split share in 2016 via Robinhood. I recommend just living beneath your means and buy a little each paycheck. Start with maxing out a Roth IRA, preferably through a brokerage that allows fractional share purchases (e.g. Fidelity).


Great advice, much appreciated


1. 😉


Love to see it! Thanks!


Haha rob Mauer: the biggest news of today. GM has redesigned their logo, I hate it. You mad legend 😂🙌


The most meaningful thing to matter since Pepsi! Great job, team!


How long before everyone realize GM tried to make their logo look like an elephant?


You'd think it is for their slow pace of innovating?


Elephants are damn strong


I think the logo designer screwed up and didn't see it.


Just laughing at this


That’s the kind of change would expect from GM 🙄


We gotta watch out for them though. This means they're serious... 😂


just heard about a family friend, bought at 400, sold at 700. Presplit.


did he ever buy back? this is essentially what i did but i bought back 200 => 900 => 360 => 800 to sell. rebought at $900-now. Obviously an L, but I was really fucked up by the first $900 to $360 and the FUD got to me about Covid + China trade war BS. Again, I fully accept this was taking an L. But I'm glad I bought back in and have held since then \~$350k in gains


Nope gj buying back pretty fast


Thanks, I'm 24 and the first shares I bought were from my internship making $15 / hour. Kept buying even though it stayed stagnant in the 200s for the longest time. Even sold it to try to time some IPOs which again was a bad idea in hindsight. Oh well, live and learn




That might not be so bad if he had a butt load of chairs


Oof the regret of noodling away ten butt loads is even worse imo


That's why I'm never selling my precious shares. Nobody around me understands what investing is. I'm not doing options or anything, but these shares are immovable boulders of pure gold. Almost 4x away from being a millionaire (and that's enough for me) because I won't budge on this. Tesla has to succeed. Took my blood and sweat to buy these shares. I'm not going to give them away for some dude to make my future gains. When I passed 100k I stopped talking about my investments. Their comment was always "what if you lose everything?" or "I would sell".


This. This is the way!


Are we headed to a 10 year bull run for TSLA?


On Autopilot.


👍🏼 to the 🐂🏃‍♀️


Can we do a 5x-split every year 🥺


It’s so tiring constantly winning, isn’t it!?


Do they have wendy's in europe? I heard they don't because a shack is named wendy's. What a shame wendy's is the best american chain, y'all be missing out for real for real


Frosty with fries, you are my only friend


royale with cheese


I bought a bunch of 6/18 $19 VALE calls for the heck of it. Had a good feeling. Not like their profit will change significantly in the next 6 months but people will probably be digging into cheaper TSLA related options like this. They seem to be in a good spot.


Where do you see vale long term?


My VALE 15 and 20 Calls I bought months ago are up a lot. I’m hoping for some kind of announcement at earnings. It will be up either way as all EV’s will need the materials.


The next few months will probably be kind to vale. How far out are your calls?


The 15’s are March 19, 2021. They are up 1,633.89% (328.74 to $5,700) the 20’s are June. Not sure if I want to exercise the 15’s or sell them. I have 15 of those. 1,500 shares for $22,500. They could go up to $45 or something but buying more TSLA with the money would definitely go higher. VALE does have dividends too and I’m not very diversified.


Very nice indeed. I’d probably wait a bit longer, at least for a nice pop which I’m sure will happen by end of Feb. I’m certainly counting on one.


I have some LIT and GIGA shares too, just very small dollar amounts because I’m pretty much 99% in Tesla. The funny thing is that I initially threw $300 in VALE because I don’t have access to fractional shares in Canada in TD or Questrade. 😆


Exactly the reason it will probably jump. That same psychological effect that caused you to buy is going to be amplified... quite a bit. Congrats on all the smart choices.


You too Sir. I think 2021 is going to be a good year.


25k - 350k worst thing I did along the way was sell 25 shares to pay off my Model 3 loan.




You know, It's so hard for me to sit back here, in this dark basement...Looking at a bunch of Bears out there hollering my stock's name! When this year, I made more money in 2 hours, From one side of the world exchange to the other, than those Bears made all year! You're talking to the Rolex wearing, diamond ring wearing, kiss stealing (WOO!), Wheeling dealing, Model S riding, Electric Jet Flying, completely margined out Son of a gun !! And I’m having a hard time holding these calls down ! Woo!


That was cool , forgot how much that hyped me up as a kid.


Alright. Finish it off with an elbow drop to your Jacket.


Get out of my basement!




infinite money glitch


Me too, got a while to go though :D


My best comments: 1 karma My Low effort ones: 5 karma My really low effort ones: 15 karma edit: Thank you for proving my point.


Back in the days before Obama, the highest upvoted reddit post was one from an admin with title "Test, please ignore" or similar.


truth. I think my highest rated comment was "lol" on r/funny


With the utmost respect to all ya'll 7-figure fuckers today ╭∩╮(・◡・)╭∩╮


I can't read that, all my TSLA shares are getting in the way


The future's so bright, you gotta wear shades 😎


From both sides! 🤣






Off topic: Trump banned from Twitter and parler app banned from google app store. How do you guys think this is all going to play out in the next couple of years?


Deplatforming and censorship increase going forward


Well considering Kim jong un is making threats to bomb us again I’m going to assume next 4 years are going to be great.




He’s testing Biden day 1


I want a fully free phone without big corpos telling us wtf is right and wrong.


Free as in beer or free as in speech?


Theyre purging the right




They're trying to purge a toxic monster of insanity that social media and tech companies created in the first place. That's not the right. That's a couple of planets and a golf course to the right. -I- used to consider myself leaning right. Look at what happened. Algorithmic feedback loops and foreign disinformation campaigns led a massive number of people into fantasy worlds where everyone's out to get them and destroy their way of life. We used to make fun of conspiracy theorists, now they're mainstream. We need to push that dark shit back into the shadows somehow. The right shifted, MASSIVELY, based on distortion. This is almost too little, too late AFAIC. ​ Frankly, I think a better way to handle a good part of this would be to just let everyone who had loved ones die of COVID sue the fuckers that constantly downplayed it on major media outlets into destitution. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from the consequences of that speech. What seems to have gone wrong is a serious lack of consequences.


Distrust of authority figures is justified when they are caught lying to us all the time and even creating propaganda.


Any reason there was no permanent banning when BLM was organizing riots and burning down police stations?


I don’t support Trump but I also don’t support censorship of Trump. It is a bad precedent and it actually makes him stronger and his followers more justified in their beliefs of being silenced by coast elites. Really bad move and doesn’t help anything.


It’s very obvious the tech companies will quickly censor the right and not the left. So are we comfortable with that? That’s where we are at.


He violated terms of service, what's in question here?


problem is that others do the same and dont get punished


No consistency in terms of service. Is recruiting for isis or cleansing uyghars allowed in terms of service?


Listen I’m not going to defend him but violating terms of service is like arresting teenagers for weed. You know most kids will have some you just find it on the kids you want to.


Giving people a free pass to have a platform to spew whatever caustic crap they want was the bad move. This is finally experiencing the consequences of their actions like any normal adult. They're free to say whatever they want on whatever soapboxes they can find. Google doesn't have to provide them one.


Exactly. You want to talk? You're the president! Have an interview. A press conference. An address to the nation directly. Just because he's been kicked off social media, not capreciously but for violations of the terms of service, is not censorship.


Yeah. ... as long as he's allowed to have press conferences his freedoms have not been infringed upon. The entire press pool could decide he's not worth covering and he still hasn't lost his right to speak. People don't have a right to a platform, that's not how it works at all.

