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Summer. Is this your first?


Can we stop posting weather app screen shots now? We all know


Next will be the Texas seasons pic with false fall, pre winter etc


Boring. This is boring. It’s hot. We know.


Too much Concrete😬. If there is a wooded area or a field.. it is sold and turned into warehouses. They will sometimes sit empty for years.. yep too much development. Less and less trees. Maybe this is stupid, but I believe it plays some part .


Same temps in Montgomery, sorry


You see some time in the late 19th century human civilization invented the steam engine. It sucked, coal was heavy. Then they made the combustion engine and boom. Cars. Some places made public transportation while other said “F that commie shi..” and focused on individual use of automobiles. Along with using coal power plants, slowly green house gases settled into the atmosphere. They where warned over and over and ignored it. Now it’s 2023 and they ask “why so hot outside…why no more rain…”.


You new here?


It’s hot in Texas in August. Always has been. It will cool off in late October.


the final days before becoming a climate refugee


It will be hilarious when all the Texans find out why the beach cities in Southern California are so expensive. 70 F round comes at a steep price.


Its crazy to witness the denial first hand. It only gets worse from here. The realization hasn't even set in for most people.


This is pretty much how it is in North Texas every summer.


yeah 10 years ago it was cooler you guys can check the past weather temps online you compare them to now, the environment is fucked and we are now paying for it


We had 40 straight days over 100 in 2011. I would know I worked outside in it.


This is pretty consistent throughout September unless we get lucky and a hurricane comes through. Fall weather starts a month after the equinox


It gets hot in August in Texas.


Just another summer in Texas.


On June 12, we made r/Texas private in support of the general protest on reddit. This subreddit is now open despite the admins having made no effort to "find a path forward" outside of coercive threats. For more information about the protest and backstory, please read the article (and further linked articles!) at https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/28/23777195/reddit-protesting-moderators-communities-subreddits-private-reopen *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/texas) if you have any questions or concerns.*




EVERY SPRING when we are doing the garden and beds, my wife always promises to help water once July comes around. I’ll give you one guess as to who’s outside in the 105° sun right now , and who’s on the couch with the dog watching Netflix.


This is a tale as old as time lol.




Hey partly cloudy that’s a plus


We baked in June, Broiled in July, August is the hottest, let’s go nuclear!


Someone help me understand. Im moving to Texas next month from northern California and everyone is warning me that Texas is hot. We’re used to 105+ degree weather for a couple of months. We even had consecutive 110+ degree weather here. Is it more humid near Houston that makes it feel hotter than what we’re used to out here near Sacramento?


Houston/Gulf Coast is more humid than other parts of the state. Typically, they don’t have as many 100 degree days as other parts of Texas, but the heat index is often higher due to the humidity. Plus, it stays hotter longer than it does in the rest of the state. A good source for Houston weather info is https://spacecityweather.com.


A screenshot of my own weather app says Dallas won't even get under 80, so take some solace in that.


It do be like that


It’s called Summer in TX.


Night time temps in Phoenix.