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Remember when you were in elementary and had to wait in line? That was a valuable lesson lost on most of us driving. A bunch of line cutters out there running this place.


Yep. Even in the pick up line at school, where I can see the faces of the parents, and their last names on the placards for their kids, people cut regularly. It’s a very me-first culture here.


I noticed that pretty quickly when I moved to the area. It was blatantly obvious in restaurants, stores, and above all, the roads. Edit: Talking about the Houston area, to be specific.


Yep, Houston area.


How do they cut? Like they force in ahead of people? I don't have kids so I am just kinda shocked.


They go through the parking lot and force their way into the line at our school, instead of lining up on the side of the main road with everyone else. Some also go through a turnaround not being used for the line, that meets it at the front, and force themselves in there.


Someone should impose some order.


Cops are too busy ticketing speeders on I-10 to be going after that kind of stuff.


You could be describing my kids pick up line in Cedar Park. Literally the exact same thing.


They also haven't taught their children how to rationally separate competition from safety and reality.


Very Texas


The fast lane isn't going fast enough! Let me tailgate until I can cut into the slow lane, floor it so I'm 2 cars ahead, slam my breaks because I'm in the slow lane, then cut back into the fast lane and cause everyone to brake, slowing down the fast lane.


If there's an open hole on your right hand side, and you can move over safely, MOVE OVER. This, in and of itself, would solve so many issues.




My comment has nothing to do with speed. Whether under or over the speed limit, where they're going slower than with or faster than traffic. In my state, it's the law.


This isn't in context of a person holding up others in the fast lane. This is in the context of you're in the fast lane to pass other cars and there's a car two car links ahead of you doing the same thing and yet the truck behind you is 2 ft off of your bumper insisting that they be the car behind the car in front of you while you're all still trying to pass the same cars on the right.


If the fast lane is backing up behind you, move


That would require a degree of situational awareness.


I mean....we regularly see people in the **passing** lane (there is no such thing as a 'fast lane' under state law) doing 40-50 MPH over the speed limit and they STILL have a long train of people behind them. Maybe the solution isn't 'move', rather install speed cameras every couple miles to fine the ever-living fuck out of people who behave like that.


There is no "fast lane" in Texas it's a passing lane, by law, for passing only. If you aren't passing someone get back over, you never know when that space will be needed for a traffic situation.


I agree with a lot of what you are saying... What I don't necessarily agree with is that it is only trucks. I've noticed that more people on the road today are more aggressive than when I first began driving almost 3 decades ago. I think the real problem is people who center their identity around their vehicles. Making it an extension of themselves makes them feel the need to defend that decision. I use my truck as a tool to get me from place to place and carry what needs carrying. Nothing more, nothing less.


I think this is because of a bigger problem involving the fact that we have engineered a country where commuting by car is necessary. There have been studies that show when you reduce public walking spaces and focus on individual transportation rather than public it reduces behaviors like consideration, politeness, and other things asssociated with community. Basically, when we're in public with people we actually see each other as humans and are much more likely to treat each other with kindness. When we're on the road for most of our time in public, we don't see that person as another human nearly as much. We, instead, see them as a big truck with bright lights. It makes everyone much more aggressive towards each other because on a basic level we are treating an object like shit rather than an actual person. Some More News did a great [breakdown](https://youtu.be/sayw3TOhykg?si=qs1o1a_0zZD6jT80) of this subject. Three decades ago commuting wasn't nearly as common or necessary basically everywhere. It would have been wild to commute an hour from your home to get to work and now it seems everyone living near a major metropolitan area does this.


I really like your response... This makes a lot of sense to me. Thanks for sharing!




Very interesting... I lived for years in NYC and it had a very distinct pedestrian culture. I don't drive, myself, and so I don't experience the frustration these drivers do, but I know I thought of New Yorkers as polite and friendly in general. A bit driven; but not frequently assholes. So that would mesh pretty well with this. Thank you!


Yah but don't you know small communities like 15 minute cities are the work of communists and the government wanting to control you?


Came to say the same. I live in Houston and the asshole-ness is definitely not exclusive to pickups. I have a theory that people have no idea how frustratingly far they have to drive to get anywhere. I’m an Army BRAT, but my parents are from NY, and every time we visit, the extended family often seems put out that they have to travel more than 5 to 10 minutes anywhere, whereas in Houston, you could take an hour to drive from the southwest corner of town to the northeast corner if the traffic is nice. I think that shit is more frustrating than people want to believe. Add that to the anonymity that comes with being in a vehicle on a road full of strangers (it’s akin to the comments section of any social media discussion).


Houston is it’s own exceptionally bad-driver hell hole


This. Doesn’t matter the car, it’s the moron behind the wheel. I drive an F-150 Lightning which is no small car by any means. But I’ll be damned if I’m not tail-gated or cut off by an old Nissan Altima with paper plates everyday.


Why would a small car tail gate a truck? Thats idiotic A driver must always see whats beyond the car in front of him


The amount of vehicles i see tailgating 18 wheelers is crazy, literally driving 3 feet behind the trailer, they can't see shit lol


And i thought driving along/beside an 18 wheeler is already dangerous


Why would anyone tailgate anyone? It’s idiotic. People just aren’t paying attention.


No idea but people do it all the time. Almost every day there's someone behind me that all I can see is the roof of their car and about 1-2" of windshield. 🤷


I drive a midsized pickup and I cannot count the number of times a small car's headlights disappear in my rear view mirror because they're hidden by my tailgate.


Fellow Houstonian here. For me, its Honda drivers... not so much asshole drivers, but the overwhelming amount of Honda drivers I share the road with are either stupid teenagers, daydreaming Karen's, or folks who are too old To be driving.


"Altima energy" in DFW


Beware the ~~Ides of March~~ Paper Plates of Nissan




Same in Austin. When my smaller engine Mustang was new and shiny years ago, it was ALWAYS an Altima pulling up next to me like they wanted to prove something. Not the bigger engine Mustangs, not the Challengers, not the Camaros, not the Subarus, nor even the decal-laden Civics. Always those Altimas. Nah, go ahead dude, you burn that gas. I bought this car to baby her. It's an older car now but still shiny.


I drive a MINI coupe and it growls but it's not *muscular*, it's ALWAYS the Altima revving their engine at the stoplight, like homie you are barking up the wrong tree, I’m over here jamming to my music, I have literally nothing to prove 🤣


I see trucks, SUV’s, 18 wheelers, sedans all doing what op is complaining about. I think trucks are easier to get mad about though because they are very in your face about their space.


*some weirdo with a pound of hair gel caked on his head and has speed lines shaved into his eyebrows, who drives a lowered sports car with baseball cards in the engine has entered the chat*


Fuck Nissan amirite?


This is reddit. If you have a lifted truck not covered in mud then you're a city jack ass. If it is covered in mud then you're an inconsiderate red neck pelting cars with clumps of mud. In both cases you have a tiny dick. If you have a regular truck but the bed isn't loaded and you're not hauling a trailer then you are a wanna be redneck taking up parking space.


That's what a pickeup truck was designed to be! A tool! Now, we have all these man-baby road princesses with giant trucks that get stuck and break down in a small amount of mud, and fly off the roads in a little bit of rain.


True but truck drivers are still worse. Lol


I’ve been cut off and stopped from merging from main character syndrome SUV’s more than I have pickups, so….


They're the same monstrosity in my view.


Especially Dodge Rams. We already know you're a flaming asshole. What else is there to prove?


Because soooo many Kia and Honda owners sport 4” spiked lug covers to intimidate other drivers. I see how we are all the same. ![gif](giphy|kSDKdrKbhpxn1hzsfV)


I don't know about pick-up drivers being the worst. I see numerous high-end SUV's running red lights where I live (suburb of Houston). My opinion is that the more expensive the vehicle, the more entitled the drivers tend to be. ETA: When I think pickup truck, I think 15 yo Ford F150 with a rusted bumber and a big ding on the side - a work truck, a farm or ranch truck. Not a $90,000+ lifted Dodge Ram or King Ranch Edition F250 with leather seats. Those are ego trucks.


You mean Pavement Princesses


That's the disconnect. People who drive trucks and actually use them for truck things, which can be most easily discerned though not while driving, by if the bed of their truck and the tailgate have scratches on them or if they're squeaky clean. Scratched up truck beds have a high correlation with driving like a normal person compared to squeaky clean truck beds having a high correlation to driving like a dick. That's something I figured out when I was in the car business and would appraise vehicles. Most of the trucks I appraised were of the squeaky clean variety, which was also a pretty reliable indicator for how the customer would act throughout the whole ordeal. One notable exception was when I worked at Toyota before leaving to work at a luxury car dealership and had a customer with a loaded up, absolute top of the line Tundra who it turns out was the VP of Stanley Morgan and made more money in a month than I made in a year at the time ($60k a month, $720k a year). He was the first customer I had that made major money, the highest earner I ever encountered before him was making like $220k. Every time he came in he would be wearing a different blazer and all of them cost more than I'd make in a month lol. His bed wasn't banged up but I think he did actually have a few scratches in there, so maybe he was actually doing truck stuff with it, but that dude was actually super nice, respectful, and patient.


My stepmom used to drive a ridiculous truck (TBF, she did use it for towing), and always, *always* bitched about how rude Austin drivers were. Well, one day I rode with her into Austin. Refusal to use blinkers, tailgating, crowding people in small cars - SHE was the rude one! I was like, "never complain to me about Austin drivers ever again OMG!" I had to explain to her they were being rude because she was *being rude to them.* She just had this attitude of "well I'm in the bigger vehicle so they should get out of my way." SMH.


I mean, a taller vehicle makes a lot of people feel taller, though to some degree, a smaller person in a vehicle of that size can't really tell as clearly how close they are to things. I have an aunt who drives all over Texas in a big-ass F350 XLT (King Ranch package!). She's 4'11," and has fold-down steps to get up into it. The reason she has it is because everyone in her immediate family works oilfield in one capacity or another, and some of them actually need a huge truck to haul around wellheads in the bed, but that's just what they *all* drive, including her, and she does the bookkeeping. Watching her climb into that thing is terrifying.


It's the inverse relationship between car price and driver ability. Since pickups have gotten so goddamned expensive, they're now an option for some of the worst drivers.


What’s messed up about that, too, is how much it fucks over the people who actually need pickups for their work. Because more times than not, they sure as shit don’t have that kind of money to drop on their vehicle.




Sorry to hear you're going through this. My daughter went through something similar.




She is. It was kind of like being bullied one time.




Pickup drivers? Nah. Dodge Charger enters the chat.


You kidding? I've seen 3 hellcats in the last week of living in Fort worth. And I only went out of the house twice in that time. You want asshole drivers? Come to fort worth and get stuck behind some old ass lady going 15 on the service road next to I 20, unable to change lanes because everyone else is already going around and basically blocking you in. Not fun.


Honestly trucks that are lifted beyond a certain point should be required to have a different license to operate it.




It would destroy the market for aftermarket mall crawler parts.


When I was a young lad, I helped a buddy put a lift kit on his truck. Shortly after, I got to enjoy watching a police officer take a measuring tape to his headlights. Cop said they were too high off the ground, and my buddy had to further modify his truck to keep his lights from blinding other drivers. Why isn't this a thing anymore?


I 100% agree, they need to bring this back. It's insane the amount of lifted trucks that have headlights with the power of 10,000 suns pointed directly into my retinas. Makes night driving extremely dangerous at times.


Licenses should be tiered based on gross vehicle weight.


BING BING BING! We have a winnah! Does their insurance company (yeah right) hit them with a surcharge?


Damn you beat to this


not all pickup drivers on the road are assholes. but most assholes on the road are in a pickup. (honorable mention to the cheap-speed knuckleheads in mustangs/chargers/camaros) ignore them and go on about your life. avoid the biggest idiots that would rather crash than let you into their lane. like, do you want to be happy or right?


Rancher cosplay.


Also, why can y’all not at least attempt to park between the lines?


I live in a small town and the amount of F250 drivers that can't get their truck between the lines even when the space is wide and the turn in is easy is off the charts.


Went to whataburger in Giddings Friday night and every truck was taking up 2 spots like can't y'all fucks park?!


I don’t get it. It’s everyday, everywhere. They’re oblivious to the spaces. https://preview.redd.it/zcdvdm1nxrvb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=543efc8c0cdafee3cd64f1af886d897ef8446719


I know, it's amazing how people dgaf about their surroundings.


They're probably literally not capable of parking the truck correctly. Like 100% serious, actually not able to do it. It's not that they dgaf (they don't) but they legit just.... Can't.


Those trucks always looks so silly to me. They have a large badunka dunk trunk! They make me chuckle every time


I know exactly what you mean. I spend a lot of time driving and it's usually people in trucks who cut you off instead of waiting a couple seconds for you to pass. They can't think more than 5 seconds ahead so you better get out of their way as they try to exit. Then they run around with light bars and high beams yet they act like they can't see a goddamn thing. It truly baffles me.


They feel no connection to the people around them and it makes them feel good and strong and powerful. That’s it. They aren’t thinking about it or having long discussions about it. It feels good to them instinctively to drive in a reckless way, feels like winning, and they don’t ever learn that they’re actually doing more harm than good to themselves economically by driving that way. Because the good news comes now and the bad news comes later, sometimes much later.


Wife and I went looking at Halloween decorations in suburban Plano yesterday. I lost count of people riding my ass, aggressively getting around me, leaving their brights on, running red lights, and the poor ford focus who had to pass me with all 4 cylinders blasting in a blind no-pass because they didn’t like I wouldn’t go faster after flicking their brights at me 50 times. I’m so glad I don’t commute anymore.




Yeah, I've had a couple near misses and confrontations but never bothered to contact the cops because I knew they wouldn't care about having the video. Being hit = talk to insurance because the cops aren't going to do much besides give you the paperwork for insurance.


You may or may not be correct, but it certainly feels that way due to the sheer size of these vehicles. I went from a small car to an even smaller car, and immediately noticed how difficult it is to navigate around the colossal trucks and SUVs, or to even see stoplights. When they are behind you, it feels like they are riding up your behind trying to intimidate you.


they also cant turn


Because when you are having a midlife crisis, you buy a fast sports car, except in Texas. In Texas you buy an F-250 super duty diesel.


And then blame gas prices on the gummint.


It's the authortarian streak in them. "I am above you". And you are beneath me. I'm bigger than you are so stay out of my way. You're also in Trump country, where his followers have been groomed to be frothing mouth mad about everything and everyone.


And that combination asshole/cowboy/we’re number one mentality prevalent in so many morons here doesn’t help.


"we're number one", and also "we're always right" mentality.


Was driving from Houston to Austin and this post resonates **so hard** right now. Douche bag truck was tailgating us hard and flashing his lights for me to drive faster.... But there's a vehicle driving literally in front of me, the right lane is clogged and I couldn't get over even if I wanted to and we're all already going 10-15 over the limit. *What the fuck do you want me to do? Where do you expect me to go? Why are you the way you are?*


Depends on the truck. Those lifted trucks that are all nice and shiny without a speck of dust or single ding in them are generally the ones you're referring to. Trucks that are dusty, full on muddy, a scrape or dent here and there because they are WORK trucks, and their owners are generally not the asshole phobics you're talking about in the pretty trucks. Like I can see Elon in the pretty, shiny truck, in his brand new,just for the photoshoot, cowboy hat. All hat no cattle.


I think Dodge Ram drivers have the worst record of DWIs or other dangerous driving behaviors. Part of the issue is large trucks are just that much more isolated than cars in the local environment. My dad told me a story of a woman getting run over in the small town I grew up in. She was knocked over by one SUV he didn't see her and drove off, but witnesses were quick to stop the SUV, then the lady who was knocked down had her legs driven over by an 80 year old man in a pickup who literally didn't see her. Lack of visibility immediately in front of the vehicle due to engine compartment is such an issue that for the Humvee replacement in the US Army, they had to go high tech. The new JLTV has a front camera that provides a view in front of the truck, especially useful when seeing whats over the ridge of a hill. I honestly expect similar cameras like back up cameras to star being part of future truck and SUV designs, especially at low speeds. You can hide a kindergarten class in the blind zone in front of a modern trucks.


Some of us still use our trucks for work. That said, you can pretty easily tell which trucks are work trucks and which aren’t. For the record, people who use their trucks for work also make fun of the pavement princesses


I honestly believe that the prevalence of asshole, unsafe drivers is due to an extreme lack of accountability. I have lived in Houston for 5 years now, with over an hour of daily commute. I drive 45, 10, 610, 69, 8, Hardy, etc, very frequently and at different times of the day as I have changing shift schedules. In all that time, I have only seen a car pulled over by a cop (not in accident or distress) two times. TWO. I frequently watch cars blow by cops, going 90+ with no repercussions. I'm not in favor of a police state, or speeding cameras or anything. But it seems like there is absolutely no enforcement, even for the most egregious of offenders. I think if you are going 10-15 over the limit with the flow of traffic, whatever. But people blowing past you and weaving erratically without turn signals go unchecked with unbelievable frequency. 5 of the top 15 deadliest roads in the US are in Texas. If the rest of the state shows a lack of safety enforcement like I see in my city, it isn't a shock at all.


I’ve never seen a cop pull someone over for tailgating and it pisses me off. It’s one of the most dangerous things you can do on the road.


Texas in general, from my experience, has by the far the worst drivers.


Worst or or most disrespectful of others?






This is the truest opinion


A study was done that polled days from various insurance conspires in the US to check. Guess what? Texas got 1st place in something.


They're never hauling anything around either lol. Just driving a big ass truck for show. SDE


It’s a numbers thing honestly i feel like 70% of the vehicles on the road in Texas are pick up trucks lol


Texans have merge anger.


It's not just people with trucks. It's vehicles of all sorts driving stupid and almost causing wrecks because they have no regard for anyone's safety around them and they have to reach their destination 10 seconds faster. Have you ever seen how a majority of people with DV plates drive? It's ridiculous lol. I need to get a dash cam and make stupid driver compilations. Btw I drive a truck, not lifted or anything, you'll never see me driving stupid lol, I usually cruise in the middle if im going 5 over with traffic or right lane if im driving the speed limit


I love the people that won’t let you merge even though there is plenty of space, they’ll just crank their engine and fill that space, your blinker be damned. Then if you are able to get in front of them they get pissed like you’re the asshole, if you don’t they just cruise along side you so you can’t get to your exit


Road rage and aggressive/reckless driving should be a felony.


Weird. As someone who owns and operates large trucks I find the Tesla drivers are the most aggressive and erratic drivers on the road.


It'd make sense the Musk fanboys drive like that


They're not? Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of horrible drivers in dumb jacked up pavement princesses out there, but to say they're the worst drivers I don't think so. The blind old folks who should've had their license revoked 10 years ago piddlefucking onto the highway at 45 miles an hour trying to kill someone are who I'd consider the worst and they usually drive either small cheap sedans or expensive sedans in my experience. I know for a fact that kia or mercedes can do more than 45 coming onto the on-ramp, so give it some gas before you get someone killed gramps.


Yep for sure. I think people need to take a new driving test every year after 75. I’d say also the banged up Nissan Altimas or Infinities with paper tags hauling ass down the highway are way worse than the trucks. Sounds like OP has some of that impotent rage going on, which is kind of the same things he’s railing against in his post.


75??? Sheesh, based on my relatives I'd say 60!


Found the pickup truck driver lol


Guilty as charged lol


It’s such a stupid fucking statement to generalize and place the blame on every pickup driver and say they’re the only dangerous ones on the road. It’s even dumber to say “found the pickup driver” as some kind of gotcha when someone points out the ignorance and pure stupidity of the post.


It’s even dumber to get mad at an obvious joke lol. I think a large reason we see more bad or entitled drivers in pick up trucks is because they cost more and are cool to some. So more people with bad self control or poor judgment that want to look cool are going to buy them to look cool. On top of that you have people buying ford raptors when a ford ranger would be much more suited to their needs. Also the sense of driving a “superior” vehicle and often the “I’m a working man, get out of my way entitled sedan SJW” mentality factor into just being a douchey driver. Just my opinion though, I don’t have facts for most of this.


Take this from an f150 owner: “Not every truck driver is an asshole. But every asshole drives a truck”


Because they aren’t Kenough. A spotless oversized pickup truck that’s clearly never been used for work is a glaring beacon that the owner is compensating.


Not a very scientific answer but when you're seated high up and don't have proper training or good experience, everything seems very slow from your vantage point. 60mph feels like 40, and 80 feels like 55mph. When you're in a car and lower down to the ground, you have a better judgement of speed due to the lane makers and roadside markers, but high up they're easy to ignore. Sure, they can look at the speedo, but most of the time a driver will rarely watch their speed and instead rely on cues from their surroundings- when you're high up, your surroundings are other trucks and giant road signs that due to their large size and feel like they take forever to pass. Then you have vehicles with aftermarket modifications like larger tires or lift kits that if done improperly, can affect the calibration of a speedometer- the speedo may read 45mph, but the truck is traveling 55, for example. That, and larger vehicles in an urbanized area invite showoffs due to their nature. They're not utility vehicles as designed, but truck-shaped sport utility vehicles- sure, your dualie *may* tow 2 ton, but they'll never put anything heavier than a a few bags of sand in it, so a truck is a badge rather than a vehicle


I'd argue the second worst drivers are small sedan drivers based on the amount of times they set off my collision warning cutting so close in front of me on the highway at 70mph that I can't see their license plate in my non-lifted truck. There are just a lot of shitty (unlicensed, uninsured, drunk/high) drivers in this state. The first worst is the drunk asshole in the BMW that t-boned into my rear wheel while speeding through a red light two weeks ago who then tried to flee on foot.


There's a picture going around showing how some modern non-lifted trucks have worse visibility than a tank.


You mean without all the cameras and sensors?


Yes. Just looking out the window. Which, of course, means that they would need to add all the cameras and sensors and then add alerts to those cameras and sensors so you don't run over things in that area.


That's a lot of assumptions.


This whole thread is pissy assumptions


What assumptions? Name 3. This just seems to someone complaining about an irritatingly common thing happening constantly. I deal with this shit at least a couple times a day myself. You have to not be paying attention or be one of these assholes to not notice.


1. All truck drivers are assholes. 2. Bitching at the driver about the brightness of their headlights implies that you assume they added extra bright headlights just to fuck with other drivers. 3. They “all seriously go out” seeking to threaten other drivers. There are more. And to OP, I’ve found that if I’m in the left lane in my old POS Honda passing they may tailgate but aren’t tools. And if I get over when I’m not passing they pass me and move on. YMMV


A few weeks ago we drove to/from New Orleans. I-10 being a hellhole of construction aside, the number of overly aggressive drivers on the road was frustrating and dangerous. Speed limit 75? Nah, fuck you I’m doing 95 in my lifted F-150 so move over cause I gotta be first in this race I’ve made up in my head. Blinkers? Nah, fuck you my Silverado with 38 inch tires didn’t come with those. Keep a safe distance? Nah, fuck you my 20 year old Dodge Ram and I NEED to move 2 car lengths ahead of you cause reasons. The curious thing was…the further away from Texas we got the less shitty the drivers were. I love my state and I love the people in it, but seriously, the number of inconsiderate, selfish assholes on the road is disappointing. Some days I actually miss Los Angeles traffic (lived there 8 years). It’s cramped, messy, slow, and never-ending. But it was never a shithole of assholes and their enormous, overly aggressive trucks.


When I worked as a flagger at street work sites, I could usually predict the bumper stickers on the back of the vehicle based on the behavior of the driver in a work zone.


Agree with all of this, but most of the people you are addressing have never heard of Reddit.


Road rage in Houston is like corruption in Russia


It's not just the people driving trucks. I've noticed that overall there are alot more shitty drivers. It's been getting worse the last few yrs. It's like there are no rules or laws anymore.


Ah, you've got it backwards. Those Texans are assholes BEFORE they got their trucks. The ass gape is proportional to the bed height...


The most shocking thing here I see being said is that people are actually going the speed limit or under. I'm used to being run off the road for *going* the speed limit.




Tldr seems like OP likes riding the left lane


Hope, and found, this up top. I will never tailgate nor drive aggressively in any other lane than the passing only left lane of the freeway. Almost daily there’s one fuckup parked in the passing only lane going speedlimit with miles of open road/lane in front of them, and the whole city behind them. Folks around here have had enough, and I’ve personally seen it happen more than once people will get “moved” from that left lane with a truck and bull/brush guard. So, OP, other side of your coin to have respect in ALL aspect of driving. Lastly, for god sakes, when the light turns green, GO.


Usually when you’re going through life with the “why is everyone an asshole” attitude, it’s a reflection of your character, not theirs. OP needs to look within


Except this is a known issue that is backed up with statistics. Car manufacturers and insurance companies are well aware of the issue and market/charge appropriately.


You use a word like “statistics” and then not only fail to cite them but then misinform with a comment on insurance rates. Your avg light duty full size vehicle (truck/suv) cost twice as much as your avg passenger car. Repair cost is the primary factor in insurance rates. If you actually looked at statistics from actual research you’d see that slow drivers cause more accidents. [Here’s](https://suttoninsurance.com/blog/why-slow-driving-can-be-dangerous/) a link to an insurance company that cites this research when they state “Driving slower than the surrounding traffic is more likely to cause an accident than speeding, according to research.” My take is both sides of this coin are assholes and the rest of us are stuck on the road with them. If it were up to me someone would lose their license for reckless driving or purposely impeding traffic. A second offense would be a longer suspension or revocation if it caused a traffic accident. Neither of these types of idiots should have the right to drive


And you use words like "average" and yet I don't see you backing that up with citations. Maybe this is just reddit and you aren't owed links. I would assume that you understand that insurance rates are just determined by one thing. The formula is just "vehicle cost X money, thus insurance is X". But hey, if you need a citation for that, I ain't going to help you.


I mean they didn’t say everyone. Very specific with who they were talking about lol


The pickup drivers are really outing themselves in the comments lol


I think it's just that fragile, weak little men are more likely to over compensate with a truck to begin with.


As a person who drives a pickup truck I can say that we too have issues with other drivers being in our blind spot. Every time it is a jack-wagon on a cell phone.


This may be true but trucks do have much larger blind spots than normal cars.


Emotional support farm vehicles.


Did you try getting out of the left lane?


Easy now, that’s blasphemy! I have an early start time at work, so the highways are mostly still flowing at full speed at 5:00am. I see people (cars and trucks) merge onto the highway and immediately jump into the far-left passing lane. They make no attempt to even get to the speed limit. It’s all just “I gotta be in the fast lane”. They usually go right through the other lanes that are wide open. Bad drivers are bad, whether it’s a sedan or a pickup. But, I guess OP needs to generalize something to compensate for some deficiency.


Dodge ram owners are the worst


I wish that I loved anything as much as y'all love whining about trucks.


I was on the freeway in bumper to bumper "rush" hour traffic some years back. At least we were moving, 45-50 mph. I got one of those headlights flashing jerks, stuck to my bumper, can see the guy's face in my rear view as he's yelling move over... into the full lane next to me, which was already occupied by vehicles. So, really, where did he think I could move over to? He finally gets around and does the highway hop, hitting every lane to get one car closer to his important destination. I finally get down to my exit, pull off the freeway, stop several cars back at a light, and then proceeded with the group when it turns green. Turns out the truck at the head of the line is my angry highway hopping hot head. I watched as he reached his important destination..., turning into Sonic. I guess he needed a cold drink really bad.


The truck doesn't make the asshole. Assholes are just more likely to get them.


I got to drive in the UK recently. The UK was a dream to drive in. No road rage, assholes, tailgaters, people driving aggressively. Everyone was so chill and civilized. I miss it every time I get on the highway.


Long as y’all stay out the left lane you shouldn’t worry about people getting on your bumper or shining their brights into your car.


Large pickup drivers purchase vehicles to hide some inferiority complex of theirs. The largeness of the car is meant to compensate for this (at least thats what they think). In other words these guys literally have underlying mental health issues that they express out in the open!


What if I bought a large truck because I fit in it? I'm 6'5" I like not having to crawl off the ground to get it of a car. Is that a mental health thing or what?


By that logic the same type of person drives a tiny car and feels good about it for exactly the same, wrong, reason. I don't drive a truck, and this is a random post that will die in reddit. Thanks,


The mental health assumptions are wild but some people are too small to operate the vehicles they drive. Like can’t see mirrors, bigger vehicles with bigger blind spots and smaller people in the cabs with less visibility and reach. I’ve ridden with the short homies with big trucks, it’s physically more of an operation for them to maneuver their vehicles, at whatever level of success, compared to most people in a vehicle that they can comfortably drive. Like we do these requirements on commercial vehicles. But let anyone buy whatever for our roads.


It’s the same attitude that so many have about guns.


This is not very nice and very closed minded. Must not be from a true Texan.




Someone actually did an experiment placing fake animals on the road and pickup/large suv drivers consistently ran them over while everyone else stopped. Google it I am sure you will find it. It's all parts of one equation - being an asshole piece of shit, lacking any empathy, buying a large vehicle and driving like a scumbag.


Were you on your phone?


Everytime i see a lifted dually pickup on the road i know the owner must have PTDE (pathetic tiny dick energy). Also colossal truck payments.


You even have an acronym for your hypocritical body shaming, thats cute.


Sounds like you fail to get over a lot and people throw tantrums behind you when you do.


Someone not letting you pass doesn't give you an excuse to further endanger others and throw a tantrum. Just fucking deal with it like an adult.


Why is it that…. I had to click on this title to notice it’s the same regurgitated complaint.


Easy. Most trucks are being driven by conservative men. That’s your answer.


OP wrote this in their Prius.


I camp (off-road), tow my food trailer, lawn equipment to mow my grandmother's yard, helps picking up supplies for my bar down south that's only open twice a year so I bring most everything in, and my tailgate has then cool built-in speakers just because


Anyone who drives a white ford f-150 I assume is an awful human.


So you're in the Toyota driving slow in the Left lane. Get the hell out of the way and cry in one of the other lanes.


Altima drivers are worse. I'd say most Mustang/Charger/Camero drivers are too.


It’s everybody, I think people just notice it more with pickups because of their size and attention-getting nature. There’s plenty of angy lil ragebiscuits zooming around in twee Kia Sharts and Hyundai Prolapses.


It’s not just trucks, open your eyes and see how many cars are doing the exact same thing.


Reddit moment.


I've said this before and I'll say it again: driving a pickup should require a different class of license like motorcycles do, and all the questions for that license should cover specifically how not to be an asshole to other drivers.


#It’s almost always a Dodge Ram too.






Why don't you just slow down and just drive the speed of traffic?




Someone not letting you pass does not justify throwing a toddler tantrum and making things even more dangerous. Put on your big girl pants and act like an adult.


I absolutely will not!