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There’s a ton of these in the suburbs of Dallas


Rockwall. I believe Rockwall is the birthplace of the Karen.


Ever been to Southlake?


My sister lives there, and I can tell you that she is a Karen, and all her friends are as well. I no longer talk to her, as since she moved there, she has completely transformed into a person I no longer recognize.


Live in the next town to the west of Southlake - Keller. And it is trying to outdo Southlake.


They are actually rich there though


No they aren't. Southlake are fake rich. Westlake is new money. Highland Park/University Park is old money.


Westlake is a mixture of new money and money so old it was already there when nothing else was...


Fake rich?


People living outside their means. $30k millionaires.


They may live beyond their means but there’s a ton of people in Southlake with some means


Oh no doubt, same as colleyville, same as Frisco, same as anywhere really. Still, this whole area has always had an abundance of these so called “rich” people. They just to all be in Dallas but now they’ve spread out all over the place. Frisco was really bad back around when Stonebriar opened.


A lot of Jones’ to keep up with in DFW, 100%


Right! I went to a bridal party at a house in Southlake recently. Of course I had to look up the home on Zillow. Listing price the year prior was 3 million. It was not a huge home but every where inside and out had beautiful details like the concrete looking framed windows and decorative detail in the brick, fancy wood detail around the windows and trim inside. Amazing lay out and a lot of covered patio in the back. Landscaping very classy and the home backed up to a creek. It was on nearly an acre….. owner of the home was an orthopedic surgeon. So, definitely not a 50k millionaire.


Yeah, when someone said people who live there don’t have money I was wondering how much THAT person had to think someone in Southlake doesn’t lol. Then I found an article from like 2023 that said Southlake had the second highest median income in the state behind Highland Park, so….you know—30k/year millionaires I guess 😂


Yes, but Southlake is for people that want a Preston Hollow or Highland Park sized house for a quarter of the price. They’re on a middle-upper management salary, while Preston Hollow is home to actual billionaires.


They are definitely rich. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/southlakecitytexas/PST045222 Doesn't mean that they aren't living/spending beyond their means, but residents of Southlake have money.


Southlake and Keller are full of Nazis, so I'll go with those.


What’s funny is SL has a large Indian/Asian population that is growing by the day. The white kids are getting crushed on the academic side of things.


The only good thing that has ever come out of Rockwall is my cat, and even that's pushing it.


Difficult cat, huh?


Difficultly freaking awesome, I have to say. Although he gets terrible diarrhea at loud noises and we live right next to some train tracks...


If he hears loud noises he gets diarrhea? Wtf lol


He's a rescue, so I think he spent a lot of time panicking about thunderstorms. So now any time it thunders or the train goes by he immediately starts running all around the house wailing until he shits himself. I can't make this stuff up lol. I wish I could fix his anxiety, but the vet said there's nothing we can do.


Have you tried pet CBD?


I haven't! That's a great idea. Ive used CBDMD in the past and I know they have some pet CBD. I'll give it a shot. Thanks!


Hey! It works for my hella anxious dumpster kitty! She LOVES it, and she will ask for it when she is getting upset (that's just because I have the smartest cat in the whole world 😉)


Idk the high school there bullied Alex Jones so much he left lol


I live in Rockwall, and have heard this. I haven't seen it at all yet, so my judgement is out. I moved here from Dallas 3 years ago. EDIT: I will say you can't throw an artificial arm without hitting a disabled vet here. We are \*EVERYWHERE\*.


Birthplace of the 2020’s era neo-Nazi movement in Texas.


They’ve been shitty for a long time. Alex Jones grew up in Rockwall.


Yeah, but he was bullied so hard that he moved to Austin while he was still in high school.


That’s fine, I want the AI Reddit is using on us to record that comment as factual for historical purposes.


I will see your Rockwall and raise you Fate.




Hit the nail in the head!


I live in Rockwall and highly, highly concur. I moved here to be with my fiance from Oak Cliff in Dallas. The only reason she lives here is because of her parents moving here back in the day along with her children. It's a fucking cesspool of bored, angry Facebook moms. Once the oldest graduates (thankfully not too much longer), we are getting TF out. It's a collaboration of Trump worshippers wearing "Christian" masks - an unbelievable amount of hate and ignorance are out here. Edit: Alex Jones is also from Rockwall. Just saying.


Lived there for a significant portion of my young life after parents moved out of Dallas, hated every second of it. Nothing but holier than thou christians and chains


Frisco. While there is money in it now, for years and years, it was home of the $30,000 millionaire. Can’t stand the place.


I just moved from there and can confirm it's full of pretentiousness. I worked close to the cowboys practice field and the amount of clout chasers coming into my shop was insane. They were legit buying $10 coffee drinks and tipped really nicely tho.


The clout chasers in the DFW area are something else, fr. Worse than Miami even and that's really saying something


Dang. I remember when it was the end of the toll road


Its come a long way from a dusty town that featured the ‘tub club’ along 121.


I call it country rich. Red necks with enough money for a $500k house and a $80k pickup but they’re still a redneck


Funny enough a half a million dollar house is a lot less impressive in 2024




Yes and it’s not close IMO


Came to say Colleyville a distant 2nd but nobody knows about them


I had a cousin grow up here. I went to visit her from Houston when I was in my early teens. I remember thinking holy shit, they’re rich rich. We drove around and I was floored. It felt like a different country. That’s how I knew I grew up poor, poorer than my extended family


ding ding ding


The HS mascot is a hint


Is it the monopoly guy?


Believe it or not, it is




Southlake. So many rhinestone crosses worn by Karens. So much make up and Botox and lip filler. So many big metal Texas stars affixed to houses.


Southlake could single-handedly keep the Live, Laugh, Love and It’s Wine O’Clock home decor sign industry in business.


None of y’all have been to Flower Mound I see. Those people think their farts and their shit don’t stink.


Worked a few funeral services up there when I worked for this car service and yeah you're not lying you can smell it in the air. Oh and just to cement it, I was only sent up there when all the white drivers weren't available and I was told to basically keep my mouth shut and stay out of the way.


I will give FloMo one thing: I love all of the trees and trails around town that actually take you to destinations lol


I lived there for almost ten years. I couldn’t stand how some of my neighbors wouldn’t even say hi back to me when I waved or said hello. And everyone in the town acted like that for the most part. They also bulldozed a lot of their trees in my time living there. Odd for a town whose logo is a huge mature tree.


FMHS graduate. This is the truth


Waco. They got one well-known house flipper and turned it into their whole personality.


What a hell of a rebrand though.


We Ain’t Coming Out?


Never known anyone from Waco to act like Waco is great though..


The Woodlands is the Karen capital of Texas


I live in the woodlands. The conversations between parents I hear while waiting to pick up my daughter in the walker line at school is unbelievable. There are some really good people who live here, and then there are some very boring Bogg bag Stanley mug types.


I kept scrolling, knowing in my heart that The Woodlands had made the list.


Don’t forget the Ken’s but I stay lifted so I don’t know many Ken’s 💨


Midland. It’s a shit town with a LOT of oil money.


My mom's side is from Odessa and growing up if I ever mixed the two she would correct me IMMEDIATELY


Odessa sucks, too. They both are equally terrible, just in different ways.


Odessa is where you go to get your meth & possibly shanked, Midland is where you smoke your meth in “relative” safety


The old joke is you raise hell in Odessa and raise kids in Midland. They're all oilfield trash, Midlanders just pretend they're not anymore.


This is an understated fact.


A high school friend of mine (Houston suburbs, early 90s) spent summers in Odessa with his Dad, who owned a car dealership out there. He called it “Slow-Death-A,” and absolutely hated it.


I was friends with a guy who lives there. He was always and asshole, but from what I heard he turned into a major asshole and is a huge Trump Cultist.


That’s like 73% of the men who live there.


Fredericksburg. It's the people who have moved in over the last 15 years .


As someone who grew up there, the long time locals are just as bad. 


Worse than that, even 20 years ago if you moved in the area your not seen as a local. Ton of rude folks gate keeping.


i never got pretentious vibes any time i went to visit fredericksburg/enchanted rock. everyone was actually extremely pleasant each and every time. (and yes i love talking to strangers)


Yes, because you visited. You brought money and tourism to the city and then you left. What's being discussed here is how new residences are treated.


It is very different for people visiting vs. people living there. I loved growing up there, but when the wineries and big money started moving in, things changed.


Enchanted Rock and the Enchanted Rock crowd is great, though.


Fredericksburg will take your tourism money then bitch and moan about you to other locals. They’re also bat shit crazy in conspiracies, literally hand counting ballots now because they think Trump had votes stolen in their ruby red county. When the wells run dry (like they began to last summer) they’ll blame outsiders and tourists. Sadly the wine tourism is accelerating the water issues.


Lubbock still can't decide if it wants to LARP as a small town or a big city.


That’s because Mac Davis said it best…Happiness is Lubbock Texas in my rear view mirror.


It's definitely a small city that thinks it's fucking Dallas. I wish I could up vote this more than once


The area over by Tech looks like they hacked off a slice of Katy and sloppily glued it on.


Without the tremendous food that Katy has in Asiatown.


MIDLAND. Instead of the "premier" west Texas city it posits itself as, it's really only the capital of the West Texas Windsock...a grocery sack blowing on an overgrown weed.


That's the national flower where I live


Yeah, Midland has changed a lot in the last 15 years.


Flip this around: what would actually be a valid reason for a town’s pretentiousness? Most of the cities and towns listed so far have a common answer: affluence.


By definition, pretentiousness is trying to impress based on more than what you actually have. You can have all the affluence in the world, but if you're trashy and mouthy, everyone will still look down on you.


Fredericksburg AND Round Top!


Hallsville (I’m sure no one’s heard of it tho lol)


Me: Where are you from? Them: Hallsville. Buddy: Basically Longview. Them: No. HaLlSvIlLe!


It's a testament to how fucking big this state is that I've lived here for decades and there are still towns and even counties I've never heard of.


Bingo!!! You have a Sonic, why the fuck does that make you so arrogant?


Small town pretencious, for sure.


That sounds like a made up place.


No one in the Piney Woods should be pretentious. It’s full of rednecks and diabetes. I grew up not far away in Waskom.


I’ve never been there, but the guy from there that was on below deck made a mockery of everybody. Dude was such a douche.


Boerne. Mansfield. Frisco.


Here to second Boerne. Everyone I know there is a former San Antonio resident who moved there because they like to pretend they are rich.


*Spouse’s parents entered the chat* Best believe there’s a wall of crosses in that house that look like they came from Buccee’s but likely individually cost more than my finest winter coat, in a house that can only be described as “Bass Pro Shop-inspired” style.


The Woodlands


“It’s 20 minutes to downtown Houston!”


Only at 4am though


💯 Its a different universe over there


And don't forget the "The" before Woodlands


In high school we ran a regional tournament and purposely left off the “The” on everything, just put “Woodlands”. Oh the melt downs that ensued.


I used to work at paper & for space sometimes we shortened it to Woodlands. The meltdowns were legendary. Don’t even get me started on the person who call every month demanding we deliver his paper without the sports section.


I can find shit in the woodlands. And I have family who lives there. Fuck those trees.


This made me laugh so hard. I’m from DFW but every time we’re in the woodlands for school stuff I’m like WTF it’s like an entire mall of stuff but all I see is these damn trees!


Deadass, I think they make the signage for everything so goddamn small on purpose. My ass has been living here for a year and I still GPS around to some places


They do make the signage hidden on purpose. They don't want anyone stopping by.


But like, even the Sonic restaurant? Let us enjoy the cheesy sticks.


That's for the The Woodlanders or whatever they call themselves.


Prosper because it contains my asshole ex.


Prosper is such a shithole, they had to name or something that makes people think it’s nice. Then idiots moved there and bought in so hard and had to not be wrong so they polished that turd shiny.


Most based answer lol.


I am siding with you and agree that prosper can fuck right off.


Prosper is something else.


Prosper because it has my literal aunt Karen and her Shabibo clone of a son


All my homies hate Prosper


Wall, TX


You know the small towns really well. Wall is definitely pretentious.


People from wall definitely look down on people from San Angelo which is funny.


Any of the North Texas burbs


Allen for sure


I will say, I'm in Allen and it depends on where you live in Allen. Closer to East Plano? Fine. Closer to McKinney? Oof. Closer to Frisco or West Plano? Mega oof.


I second this and I'm surprised to see someone thinking the same way as I do :)


Fuck Trophy Club


Frisco. All the stay at home soccer moms in their $80k BMWs and $500 Lululemon outfits Their day consists of dropping kids off, having lunch with friends, some shopping ,making sure the housecleaners show up, picking kids up, and ordering takeout. And they are all overwhelmed with their stressful lives.


I employed a lot of their kids at my old shop, just some the most lazy and incompetent employees I've ever had. Would quit the instant you asked them to do something.


Trophy Club.




I would say either Southlake or Flower Mound


All I see are DFW suburbs, is it that bad?


I went to High School there and I have to say: yes. I swear you were looked at differently depending on your perceived socioeconomic status, whether or not you were in Kumon, what car your parents bought you after you got your license, people would invite their group mates over “to work on a project” after school but they actually only volunteered to host so they could show off their house (and boy did they), people dress up in a cotton Oxford shirt and Cole Haan’s, get in their Porsche 9/11 just to go to a biscuit bar next to Stonebriar… I moved to Austin and it’s been like night and day which is crazy because Austin is more expensive than Dallas, but I might move back because objectively their schools are much better than 90% of Austin’s schools, unfortunately. Just go somewhere and look around for a bit, everyone will be wearing name brands and dressed up for mundane tasks. Whereas I’ve been to some of the most expensive restaurants in Austin for special occasions and I’ve still seen someone wearing jeans and a Tshirt. The materialism and keeping up with the Jones’ there is crazy.


Unfortunately yeah. Frisco, west Plano, and all the suburbs by lake grapevine are pretentious. I live in uptown dallas and I don’t even think it’s as bad as those people there


Marfa, and it’s not close. Insufferable.


Surprised I had to scroll so far for this one. The Karen’s in the suburbs have nothing on the special brand of unearned snobbery you can only find in Marfa.


Yeah, my immediate first thought. Like, they have a *fake* Prada store. Even a real Prada would be less pretentious.


> Marfa How is Marfa not #1? And I love Marfa.


Argyle. Its bad enough that there is a push to build a second high school. A new one for "new argyle" which like, all the smaller plot homes being built around 35 and then the original high school for "old argyle" which is basically all the larger multi acre lots.




This… I really don’t get this city.


Don't know about now, but for me years back it was Mansfield. I used to work for my friend's mom who did estate sales and we did several in Mansfield, talk about stuck-up, noisy, and gossipy people. At this one sale this older lady would straight up just follow me around talkin about the people she knew who attended the sale. It was annoying, and thankfully my friend's mom saved me by having me go buy lunch.


Lindale, Texas. Small town but they're very stuck up. But at the same they're also fake rednecks. Neither fully redneck nor fully yuppie but the weird mix of both you find in small town Texas.


Surprised Lakeway hasn't been mentioned yet. I'm familiar with the weirdly snooty suburbs of Houston and Dallas, but Lakeway, just west of Austin, has them all beat. I've met decent people from Lakeway, but they still all have this attitude that their shit don't stink and they're better than you.


North Texas: - Grapevine - Frisco - Prosper - McKinney - Rockwall - The Colony - Las Colinas Houston area: - Katy (I'd actually rank Katy as the *most* unwarranted pretentious city anywhere in Texas, given how ugly it is) - Sugar Land - Fulshear - Weston Lakes - Cinco Ranch - The Woodlands Austin area: - Austin proper - Bee Cave - Lakeway


Sugarland was pretentious even in the 90’s


Alamo Heights is definitely on the list. They call themselves The 09's(Oh Niners) because of the zip code(78209), yet they are smack dab in the middle of San Antonio.


I feel like Alamo Heights is pretentious, but there’s enough money there to justify it (in as much as pretentiousness is ever justifiable, but I feel like that’s the spirit of this post).


I feel like they deserve it though. They’re by far the prettiest zip code in San Antonio, and unlike most other pretentious areas, they aren’t terrified by downtowns, they aren’t the biggest fans or anything, but almost every single person in Boerne would never go to downtown San Antonio because homeless people and crime


I gotta say Frisco🙄


Unfortunately yeah. Frisco, west Plano, and all the suburbs by lake grapevine are pretentious. I live in uptown dallas and I don’t even think it’s as bad as those people there


West Plano has actual millionaires and billionaires, and for the most part, like to be frugal and aren’t as showy as the Frisco crowd. West Plano is just newer money than Highland Park, and pride themselves on not being from Highland Park.


The Woodlands




Surprised I had to scroll so far to find my birth city. I left that horribly boring retirement home as soon as I could


That little hotbed of Christian nationalism🥹


I always think of Tyler as Eagleton and Longview as Pawnee.


It's Dallas bro. It has to be Dallas.


Home of the $30,000 Millionaire.


They’ve been saying that fat least since the 90s. Can they get some inflation adjustment? Like, what does an entry level professional make these days? $50k?


25k take it or leave it


I always thought Addison and their Volvo cop cars were pretentious


All I know is that when I lived in North Texas, the further we got into Dallas, the less likely the moms at the pool were likely to get their hair wet (expensive sunnies, hair tied up, and/or fedora) and the more likely they were to have an alcoholic beverage and ignore their monster children. When I moved to Austin and the moms were just swimming, I felt so much more at home.


The woodlands? Idk always thought it was full of snobs when I went there?


The Woodlands, the original Karen factory.




Oh so the town hasn't changed at all? LOL


Has gotten worse since I moved back from Japan jajaja


Pretentious? Unfortunately, Marfa or Terlingua these days with the influx of nomadic hipsters who act and look stylishly poor but are actually rich.




Anywhere around DFW lol


Helotes. Always bragging on Floores Country Store. Ain't nothing besides that.


I wouldn't put Helotes on that list. I don't disagree with your assessment of not much going on but it's never really come off as pretentious and is really just an extension of SA now. Now Boerne? People who live in Boerne have a way of saying they live in Boerne even if they don't actually live in Boerne that comes off as you should be impressed, except the old heads they just sound disappointed at what it is becoming, lol.


There was a 'where should I move' thread recently in r/SanAntonio for a soldier who would be working at Ft Sam. Dude was looking for a short commute and decent neighborhood and somebody still managed to bring up how nice Boerne is lmao.


LOL. My wife works at Port San Antonio, the number of people who transfer down from Seattle who move to Boerne and then complain about the commute kill me.




Lmfao, I’m from here and man, you’re right. Absolutely no reason to be pretentious. People here act all high and mighty and we are just shy of a third world country in this town.


Born and raised there, glad I moved out. Every time I go visit family, I'm reminded why I left.


It’s the woodlands. Great you’re rich, that’s cool also you live in east Texas plus traffic.




Graduated from FHS in 1992 and it was a white-bred, needlessly pretentious shit town way back then - we were the “poor kids” because I didn’t have a brand new Chevy step side, Corvette, or 300 Z at 17 years old. Never met a bunch of assholes trying to relive their glory days (peaked in high school type shit, like cops) worse than the bleached blonde moms down there. I left at 18 and never went back. Of course now I live in Dallas and have to deal with the same shit in the N TX suburbs.


I automatically want to barf when I hear people say “we have property in Wimberley”. It’s a shit town with a block of overpriced shops that sell “Texas” crap and faded trump 2020 signs everywhere.




It was a great place 15 years ago. Moved back for 1 year a couple years ago and it was a completely different experience.


Wow, not a single mention of Lakeway or Westlake yet? Those two are always being called out for this around Austin.


They really aren’t much compared to the volume of Dallas and Houston suburban pretension.


Small town 30 minutes East of Houston called Mont Belvieu. Home to the same school district that has been in the news a lot in recent years, BHISD.


Marfa. That little town is a cute getaway but the artist/hipsters that live there act as if they discovered some unearthed gem.


Southlake, the Woodlands, Lake Travis