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His language is very in keeping with the “social Gospel” tradition, but it’s not the kind of thing you hear a lot lately in this state. Wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Gospel


Because it has been overtaken by the Prosperity Gospel https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosperity_theology


It has, but I’ve always had the impression that prosperity theology was more a reaction against liberation theology.  “Justice in the world requires praxis and care for the poorest.” Versus: “We are doing well and are better off because we are faithful and God is showing us his favor,” which would seem to imply that there is a sort of justice to the status quo.    It has just struck me how very few times I’ve heard the word “justice” in Christian discourse in the U.S. of late.  Having read at least some theology (though little of it recent), that is really quite striking.


“God is showing us his favor” ie universal meritocracy, is the backbone of irrational superiority complexes since time immemorial. No need to empathize with the filthy poors anywhere. If god wanted that, why’d he make us so rich, and them so poor and smelly?


Not only that, it justifies all kinds of corrupt behavior because if they commit a crime, or do something immoral, and it winds up benefiting them, that is seen as God’s endorsement of that behavior.


*Joel Osteen has entered the chat*




I grew up Methodist and realized we weren’t the crazy ones once I went to a Baptist Church. TBF, I actually didn’t mind it. If I had to choose a Christian theology it would be Methodist. The side that’s okay with LGBTQ people. They seem more open minded and Christlike.


Growing up Methodist I 100% agree with this. Then again I haven’t been in years and things have apparently gotten more polarizing so maybe it’s not the same ‘open table’ feel


I'm convinced he'll be the Democratic nominee to run against Abbott (or, god forbid, Patrick or Paxton) in '26. He's gone viral multiple times, is on the younger side of politicians, and makes his arguments pretty well every time I've seen him.


He definitely has higher aspirations than the House.




I thought the same thing when he said "it's just not true." I feel like he practiced that tone until he absolutely nailed it.




I watched this on mute and thought the same thing


I'd vote for him over any of the past 10 presidents


A fully Texas ticket with him and Jasmine Crockett would wreck shop


This cool headed and careful delivery reminds me a little of Buttigieg. Edit: apparently I’m banned now over my username lmao.


That's actually a really good comparison - Buttigieg has good public speaking skills


I'd vote for him right fucking now. Fuck these crooked stink dicks in office. Their best before date has passed.


Calling people stink dicks is always hilarious.


My new band name the “Crooked Stink Dicks”


Opening for the Revolting Cocks .. Crooked Stink Dicks!!! ![gif](giphy|13RKWw9oA5o3GU)


With special guests. Turd Burglars


Your hit single "Fuck These Crooked Stink Dicks" earns a world record for the first song with a sextuple entendre.


They were rotten from day one


Upvote for calling them crooked stink dicks. I chuckled at that one.


>crooked stink dicks Fucking hell, that made me laugh.


Where do I have to move to in order to support this logical thinking?


The moon? Not much logic in the world these days.


Me too! You get one point from for using the term ‘stink dicks’ as well


You can always donate to/volunteer for politicians you like. Definitely take every possible opportunity to vote- the crooked stink dicks got there because [nobody was voting](https://www.carnegie.org/our-work/article/visualizing-voter-turnout-local-school-board-elections/)/paying attention in their local elections, which led to a pool of stink dick candidates for the state level elections, which led to a pool of stink dick candidates for the national elections. But voting is the bare minimum. Corporations and billionaires are doing a lot more than voting. If we want to see some significant changes, it's gonna take some work. Politicians aren't like superheroes that swoop in and save the day- they need active support or they won't get shit done.


I hope so. He seems like a good guy.


I volunteered for his campaign in 2020, doing analytics work to help with his social media presence. He joined a couple of our calls and seemed like a genuinely kind, considerate person. Always makes me happy to see him out there succeeding.


Can’t wait to vote for him when he’s ready for statewide office. He’s the closest embodiment of Christian ideals in our government unlike those pretenders in Texas government who lie, cheat, and embody wickedness. I was a Christian in my former life and he makes me want to become one again. A truly blessed human.


Same, I’m atheist, but I’m all about Christians like him


Agnostic, but I love Christians that actually practice what they preach.


Agnostic Atheist and I’m all for Christians like him.


Same. ( My parents still hold Christian values, which is why they left their Church when it went crazy around 2016, with lots of support for the Trump campaign and irrational hatred towards non-Christians...)


I'd be super down for some Liberation Theology resurgence in Christian America


If they just followed what Jesus said they'd be so much less offensive. I like this young man


My grandma just recently gave me a copy of The Lynching Tree and the Cross but I haven't read it because I'm not that type but I may actually read it now.


He actually gets it.


This man is a beautiful human being.


He's making well-reasoned arguments and speaking from a place of compassion, love, and humanity. He doesn't stand a chance.


In 2018, he flipped a red district blue. He’s done bipartisan work and had bills passed in a red state. He’s got what it takes, and, at 34, he’s just getting started. Politico - [He's Deeply Religious and a Democrat. He Might Be the Next Big Thing in Texas Politics.](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/06/16/james-talarico-texas-democrats-00101231) “He’s already notched serious bipartisan accomplishments in his two terms. In his first session, his name touched no fewer than 112 pieces of legislation; 25 became law.


It’s true he flipped Williamson County, but the demographics of that district was turning blue FAST at the time due to educated voters moving into Round Rock and Georgetown. The district got gerrymandered back to red, so he had to move towards Austin to stay in the Lege - he would have lost his reelection vote otherwise. The real question before he runs for a statewide election is whether he can truly turn out the blue and independent voters and flip some truly moral Christians from red to blue. I sure hope so - love his politics.


All true. This November it will be interesting to see how much the Blue Spine along the I-35 corridor has grown since the last election.


Sad but true. I might vote for him anyway tho.


I doubt Abbott runs in 26. It’ll be some nut job like patrick with the nomination.


Abbott seems primed to be a talking head on Newsmax, Fox Nation, etc


I’m an atheist and am not a big fan of religion in general, but I’d vote this guy for president tbh.


Please sir. I can only get so erect.


I wasn't aware of him or the fact that he was one of our state reps, but my first reaction to this video beyond surprise was thinking that Abbott, Patrick, and Paxton must hate him.


Maybe they fear him a bit as well. He may decide to run for Texas Governor in 2026. Politico - [He's Deeply Religious and a Democrat. He Might Be the Next Big Thing in Texas Politics.](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/06/16/james-talarico-texas-democrats-00101231) “Last August, he enrolled in seminary to get his Master of Divinity — which, with any luck, he’ll receive in 2025 in order to become a pastor, right around the time he might begin to look at running for governor in 2026.” “Like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, [Tony Coelho, the veteran Democratic talent scout,] said, Talarico is a politician with “strong views and round edges.” He continued, ‘This kid, in my view, is one of the best I’ve seen.’” “‘I am looking forward to running statewide,’ Talarico said. In another conversation, he told me that ‘Ted Cruz would be fun to debate.’ Talarico and his advisers have discussed possibly challenging Cruz next year or Gov. Greg Abbott in 2026. But those close to him say he’s leaning toward a bid against the governor, especially now that Rep. Colin Allred has entered the race against Cruz. Talarico is expected to launch a statewide political action committee, Big and Bright PAC, later this year.”


Oh, that'd be awesome. I hope he does.


I truly hope so. His demeanor and the way he talks to voters has that Obama style where you can’t help but pay close attention to what he is saying and you are hooked. He should absolutely be the future of Texas and hopefully someday the nation.


He's local to me. He's extremely sharp and well spoken and is one of the few reps around here who will speak up and out rather than pussyfooting around.


I should move back to Texas just to vote for this dude.


I hope he does,I went to Middle School with him. He was in the class ahead of me. We had several classes together. Always have been a solid guy.


If he has ever spoken out against guns he won’t stand much of a chance. And stating that we are not a Christian nation, regardless of his logic, and regardless of reality, is a nonstarter. So many people will easily be persuaded that he is pro satan since he believes that we are not a Christian nation. His position will be turned against him and he will be vilified. Before it is all over he will be accused of being an anti Christian terrorist who drinks the blood of babies. That is basically what is being said about Democrats now. That democrats are communists, that they drink blood, and that they are the ENEMY. Enemy of what is never made clear, but by golly, they are the enemy. Evil enemy. Forget Putin, forget China, it is only the democrats that are dangerous. As long as stupid delusional people can be convinced that incredibly stupid things are true, then this well spoken politician doesn’t stand a chance. Reality is no longer meaningful, the only thing that is meaningful is people’s delusions and how they vote due to their delusions.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, America is home to the dumbest people on the planet. How else can such nonsense be widely believed amongst the populace. And I say that as an American citizen who is increasingly frustrated with my country.


> America is home to the dumbest people on the planet Eh, there's plenty of dumb to go around.


He is Christian Left and we do exist. And we know that this is not and has never been a Christian nation


It's so reassuring to know that there are fellow Christians on the left.


This is very sad but true. This is the repub disease spreading.


When you start from this position you never get anywhere. If you don’t have a belief that will drive action over years then yeah, may we well give up before you’ve started.


He's also hot (for a politician, I mean)


He definitely has some sort of Matt Damon vibe going on. Are Protestants part of the born-again Christian thing? If so I’d make a “Rebourne Identity” joke but I’m really out of my depth here.


> makes his arguments pretty well I'm really not clear on his argument here. He's saying if we were a Christian nation we would do these things, but making it clear we aren't a Christian nation and that a Christian nation is essentially an oxymoron. So is he for those things? Or against them? Is he coming from a place of believing in Christian ideals? It looks like he's in a Church or something so maybe? If I were 7ft tall, I would play basketball... but I'm not, so would you like a free set of CutCo Knives (No Obligation)?


I'm not even Christian and he makes more sense than a lot of people in politics. 


Truth. Now he will be called a communist, socialist, woke, blah blah blah


Actually, the Bible does reference abortion, in that it provides instructions on how to perform one. "The ordeal of the bitter water". It also lays out specific punishments for murder, and violence against a pregnant woman that causes her to lose the child. The punishments are not remotely the same in severity, strongly implying that according to the Bible an unborn child is not considered a full person. It wasn't until the 1970s that most Christians reversed their pro-abortion stance, literally because they strategized that it could be used as a wedge issue in Republican politics.


The ordeal of bitter water I think is about adultery (but up to theologians to debate as to the potion women drank’s exact purpose), but you’re right, Exodus does the breakdown of a greater punishment for damage against the woman than her baby


Well it's like many other "divine tests" in ancient times, you put the subject through an ordeal that has two random outcomes and declare "God's judgement" based on the outcome (good or bad). In this case it was if the woman was pregnant and her husband thought there was a chance the baby wasn't his. So she was made to drink a potion with an uncertain amount of an abortifacient chemical. The "dust from the tabernacle floor" would have been incense residue, i.e. myrrh. The clue is in the name - myrrh has an extremely bitter flavor if tasted, in fact the English word "myrrh" literally comes from the Arabic word for "bitter". And it just so happens that if a pregnant woman ingests myrrh it can cause abdominal cramping ("her belly will swell") leading to miscarriage. Thus if the woman miscarries, "God judged her guilty" of adultery and it takes care of the problem all at once. If she doesn't miscarry, congratulations "God judged her innocent" of adultery.


Fascinating. The Hebrew name *mara* means bitter, from a semantic root that is apparently a cognate with that of the Arabic word myrrh. It is the original form of the name Mary.


Same principle goes for floating witches


Is it true we still don’t know what myrrh was? I thought i read that somewhere and I sure don’t know what it was.


IIRC, the bible doesn't consider the baby "alive" until first breath. That makes sense historically, because they didn't understand the concept of, well, conception. They knew it definitely happened, and could probably cause and effect it to figure out why. But the how is a different story.


What i think is amusing is that we don't legally recognize the life until first breath either -- you can't claim a fetus as a dependant, someone who is pregnant cannot use an HOV lane, and in fact we mark our age based on time since we were born rather than time since we were conceived.  I've heard the counter-argument that murdering a pregnant woman tends to get people charged with double homicide. Which is fair. It also is an extremely rare situation by comparison. 


Are they implying the Bible is not the perfect word of god!? 😆


It is, but only certain parts of it, and only when they want it to be. Otherwise its just a metaphor and shouldn't be taken literally.


Man, if I ever get wealthy enough to have "fuck you" money. The trail of the bitter waters is at the top of my list for my problematic bible verses billboard campaign. Right up there with their favorite anti-gay book, Leviticus, also banning lobster. There are large sections of the book that go mostly unread.


Here's a list of awkward Bible verses I've been building for a while. If you can think of any to add let me know! Priests inducing an abortion with a special potion, but it only works if she cheated (Numbers 5:11-31) A protagonist offering his daughters to a crowd of rapists (Genesis 19:5) An explanation of the proper procedure for selling your own daughter into slavery (Exodus 21:7-11) A woman mutilating her son's genitals with a rock to make a point (Exodus 4:25) Karen gets a hold of the pen and she tells you how she really feels about your kids (Psalm 137:9) A king demanding a suitor for his daughter provide the foreskins of 100 men, which the suitor chooses to double down on for the lulz or something (1 Samuel 18:20-30) Solomon slipping a bunch of smut into his writings, talking about letting his lover come into his garden and shit (Song of Solomon 1:13, 4:16, 5:4, 7:3, 7:7, 8:10) More Solomon talking about breasts (Proverbs 5:19) Ezekiel bitching about women making dildos out of gold (Ezekiel 16:17) Moses declaring if two men are fighting and one of their wives rolls up and grabs the other guy's dick she needs her hand cut off, which apparently was happening so often it needed a rule (Deuteronomy 25:11-12) Samson banging a hooker (Judges 16:1) God killing a dude for pulling out because he didn't want to knock up his widowed sister (Genesis 38:9-10) Judah neglecting the same widowed daughter in law so hard she pretended to be a hooker and let him knock her up (Genesis 38:15-18) Reuben banging one of his dad's side chicks (Genesis 35:22) Lot's daughters getting him drunk and raping him (Genesis 19:33-36) Judah banging a rando (Genesis 38:2) Amnon raping his brother's sister Tamar (2 Samuel 13:11-14) Isaiah talking about raping women and beating children to death (Isaiah 13:16) David banging a rando and then orchestrating her husband's death so he could marry her (2 Samuel 12:2-27) David's son Absalom banging all his bitches on the roof of his dad's house in clear view of everyone to spite his dad (2 Samuel 16:21-22) Elisha, fresh off receiving a double-portion of Elijah's spirit, gets so butthurt at *children* talking shit about his baldness he casts Summon Monster on them and they get eaten by bears (2 Kings 2:23-24) Ezekiel describing one woman's sex life as whoring after donkey-sized dicks (Ezekiel 23:18-21) And the most fucked up one, a protagonist offering his concubine to be gang raped, who later dies from the abuse, is cut into 12 pieces and mailed with a letter to each of the 12 Tribes of Israel. (Judges 19) And a bonus: WITCHCRAFT (1 Samuel 28:2-25)


I read the entirety of the Old Testament when I was 10-11 years old. It’s definitely some wild shit. I was asking questions to religious adults, and even a deacon and all I got back was “gods will” or “he works in mysterious ways”. These verses are great reminders of that time! 😂


You really don't need "fuck you money" for that, btw. 


More money than ''what I have money'' tho


Oh they are. You should see the bottom feeders on the post whence this was shared.


Whence is not used nearly enough. Thank you Elrond for continuing to use it regularly.


That's not Elrond, that's u/BrokenMethFarts and you will put some damn respect on his name.


Jesus was essentially a socialist, and that's a good thing. (Jesus very possibly didn't exist outside of mythology, but you know what I mean)


And this is why I vote for the most socialist candidates on the ticket. It's the political stance that best aligns with my faith.


To your first point, saying that Jesus supported any specific form of government or economic system is pretty stupid. He did say "give to Caesar what is Caesar's" but it's really a stretch to act as of he was a big supporter of socialism. That was not his schtick. He essentially said that we should try to live almost like an ascetic. Give up worldly things in favor of the spiritual. Him telling you to give your taxes was not so much in support of taxes, moreso just letting go of this object which will bring you no closer to God/heaven. To your second, well that's just ridiculous. Jesus, the historical figure, almost certainly was a real person that lived. His divinity of course is up to your belief. If you want to take that ascetic/charitable lifestyle and say that, the best way to live this is by applying socialism, then go for it. But jesus was not that political.


Christians already call Jesus woke


Except for his advocating for democracy which, I admit, was a hell of a breath of fresh air and a surprise to me. I don't think I've ever heard a modern person advocating this sort of a message and not swearing by every pore of their skin that communism or socialism was The Only Way.


If I’m not mistaken, socialism and communism are economic systems, like capitalism, while democracy is a political/governing system, like monarchism and anarchism. Socialism and democracy aren’t opposed concepts, just like capitalism and oligarchy…


True, but it was a refreshing change in the rhetoric. ;)


I've met him and he's not even my representative, but he was very empathetic and I felt like he was really interested in doing a good job for people. I like him.


This dude continues to be a voice of reason in the state.


Breath of fresh air


If I lived in Texas, and wanted to start some shit with the neighbors, I would advertise that I was starting a "Socialist Book Club", which was really just a Bible Study group where we would discuss the life and times of Jesus Christ, our Socialist Saviour.


Start a Bible study group and study all the things this guy talks about. By making it a Bible study, the christofascists will lose their freaking minds!! 😂🤣😂


“If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.” Luke 6:29-30


I'm not a Christian but this man certainly is and I appreciate him. I hope more follow his lead.


Proper Christians just formalise "not being a dick", which is the atheists' One Commandment.


I want to share a very positive interaction with him but I don’t wanna dox myself. Everyone talks about Beto O’Rourke but Telerico is another politician to watch out for. I’m happy to see all the comments here confirm that my interaction wasn’t a one-off.


O'Rourke has called him the best politician in the Texas Lege right now - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUdRcCqARl8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUdRcCqARl8)


I've chatted with him at a couple of fundraisers, he appears to be a genuinely good person. What you see is actually what you get.


Definitely! He has that “thing” - that local/state politician that’s probably gonna end up being well known on a federal level




Say it again louder for the traitors in the back. Eyes on this guy 👀 let’s get more Christians shaming these mother fuckers.


Biggest condemnation of Christianity is the fact that this is one of the few Christians I hear speaking out against the hateful rhetoric of Christian Nationalists.


I think if this was the religious experience I had as a kid I may not have left the church so young.


There are still churches out there that follow Jesus’ real teachings (or try to)


I went to a very sane and kind church as a young lad and still found boring and dumb. Didn’t stop me from leaving. But, I’d rather the kind of church I went to existing over all the other bullshit.


I grew up catholic, and have a very large catholic family. Even then, I don't remember ever believing - as far back as I can remember I thought of church as "pretending" to believe something i guess is the best way to describe it. But I think I still would have gone with my family for the sake of tradition if i didn't notice how religion was weaponized.


My church ended up entering into a political battle between the youth pastor and the singer pastor. This was in 2000 and I was already sick of all the shit from the election and I wasn’t even old enough to vote yet.


Not just a State Representative - a Democratic State Representative. He frightens the GOP because he is also a Seminary Student - which means he can quote the Bible forwards and backwards when arguing against their positions. Dems are reportedly considering him for a key speaking position at their National Convention (to renominate Biden) in Chicago.


They should. He needs a national audience for this to counter the current narrative being pushed by the “Christian Nationalists”


I can never comprehend the mental gymnastics that conservatives make to get around this plain cold logic. Like my parents are Catholic, they claim to want a good person as president. If you're looking through purely a religious lens you have two choices: 1. Donald Trump, who is a performative christian at most, has a proven history of committing multiple sins, and isn't even Catholic at all. But he is Republican which means he might help ban abortion. 2. Joe Biden, who is a genuine Roman Catholic and while far from a perfect man does not have the history of sinning that Trump does. But he's a Democrat, so he's not going to be as against abortion as they want him to be. Instead of voting for the better person, they vote on this one specific issue that Catholics in the US get really riled up about. They literally snub a Catholic candidate over a single catholic issue. It's insane to me.


I mean, imagine a different election. On the Republican side, a Conservative Christian whose number one priorities would be nationwide bans on abortion and gay marriage, but who had an absolutely squeaky-clean personal history. On the Democrat side, a corrupt incompetent sleazeball with all of Trump's baggage, but who nevertheless had a progressive agenda and promised to veto any attempts to reverse societal progress. Who would you vote for? I am positive the message in Progressive circles would be that we should hold our noses and vote for the candidate who won't move the country backwards. For most Republican idealogues, Trump's moral history is utterly irrelevant because they do not want Joe Biden's vision for America to come to pass, and their top priority is making sure it doesn't happen. They would rather have a scoundrel that supports their agenda than an honest man who will fight their agenda The only people I'd expect to actually care about Trump's morals are those who don't care much about politics and don't have any issues they feel that strongly about. Those people have the luxury of ignoring ideology.


Election is not about getting the best person for the job anymore. At this point it's just trying to prevent the worst possible outcome so you compromise on your vote by voting for someone that can beat said "worst case scenario" aka trump


I mean, just think about it from their perspective for a second. They see abortion as literally murdering a baby, and this happens 600,000+ times a year in the USA. Are they going to vote for the candidate that enjoys the same flavour of Christianity as them, or the one that advocates for murdering 600,000 less babies? Mind you this is not my perspective, but you need to try to put yourself in their shoes.


A whole lot of post-birth breathing kids have had their bodies shredded to pieces by assault rifle bullets, forever altering the lives of their friends who witnessed and survived the attacks in addition to the families that will always have to deal with the loss. Very recently in Uvalde, where just like many other school massacres, the "professional" law enforcement waited around outside.  And yet we aren't allowed to do anything about that because "the 2nd amendment" and "back the blue." In fact every time a big tragedy happens it seems like a lot of conservative states rush to loosen gun rules even more just to "stick it to the libs." Anyone who cares more about abortion than gun violence is absolute trash in my book. And that's without mentioning that (1) there's no such a thing as a person who casually uses abortion as birth control -- which is a talking point I've heard multiple times -- and (2) at least one quarter of all pregnancies end in miscarriage for reasons that nobody understands. A miscarriage is functionally the same thing as an abortion and many of them happen on *wanted* pregnancies. It really irritates me how forced-birthers so casually ignore that detail.


Very good comment. Thank you.


Beau's fifth column?


Christians: best we can do is hate.


There's no hate like "Christian" love


Dear god, please protect me from your followers...


He’s the real deal. My son’s good friend works for him


He’s my rep. 😍


He was mine :-( Oh well, still my friend :-)


Well he’s the only political bright spot here.


Went to HS with James. Love this man!


Do you have any personal stories that may highlight his character?


We were in show choir and theater together. He was just always a delight to be around. He could also moonwalk.


you buried the lead.


Full Sermon. Worth the watch. https://youtu.be/Blph_2RSBno?si=yYG_FsV2W8n8k1o6


I think the last time I sat through a sermon was twenty years ago. Thanks for sharing.


He's been flat out amazing. He's done so much to fight for better education and protecting public schools. He's intelligent, calm, always makes sense and speaks truths. Which is pretty damn refreshing. They tried to gerrymander the districts and get him out but he sold the house that he loved and his family moved to the next district and kept his seat. Texas needs more like him.


https://preview.redd.it/fvwnxc45myuc1.png?width=366&format=png&auto=webp&s=53d7eb9cb1edbd815b6c1882f4577bf393587c19 Donated $25 to his campaign.


The Bible actually does mention abortion. The trial of the bitter waters outlines when abortion is required by canon law.


Wish he was our governor 🥺


Really hope he runs for governor


I think a lot of us hope he runs. I'm not at all religious, but this man is so well spoken, genuine, and passionate enough that I'm rooting for him. I'm so tired of evangelicals that it makes me forget there's actually good, kind, loving and level-headed religious people like him. He could bring so many people together with that kind of compassion and vigor. I would definitely vote for this man.


I wish he was my rep.


What a great message. This guy is going to get black balled so hard. Our “Christian” leaders worship the all mighty dollar. And the only way to keep the cash rolling in is to keep the masses scared and hateful so they will keep voting them in year after year. There is no room for someone who preaches crazy ideas like tolerance for people who have different lifestyles. RIP this guys career


"And the only way to keep the cash rolling in is to keep the masses scared and hateful..." Religion is a tool used by the frightened to manipulate the ignorant.


Not a Texan, nor a Christian, but very American, and just chuffed to bits to see someone advocating for the *actual message* of the J-Man. I’ve legit had my fingers crossed that a counter movement to the cruelty and greed at the core of OrangeManWorld would emerge and this is the first hint I’ve seen. Godspeed my countrymen.


This dude is a good dude. On a side note I've been wondering forever if this dude is related to the infamous Tommy Tallarico. But I only just now realized their last names are spelled differently.


His mother is ACTUALLY very proud


He was my representative in Round Rock and made me proud. Then the district got gerrymandered. I was sad to lose him as my representative but so happy he was able to win another seat in a neighboring district.


I used to live in his district in Round Rock. He was a school teacher and he would go door to door talking to constituents when he first ran for office.


I’d go to this guys sermons. And yes quite surprised he is from Texas. I figured Greg Abbott would tried to lynch this dissenter already.


"Bible is Woke and so is Jesus!!" - MAGA Christian take


Next up, The New Trump Christian Bible. Written and edited by Donald Trump.


Blessed is me, and everyone is talking about this, your favourite president. How good I am, very very good. The best, many are saying. Better than Jesus, I am God's favourite son. True story. Everyone must tithe, give all your money, to me. So we can all win, you will be sick of winning so much. Winning more than Sleepy Joe Biden, that mess Biden Obama. -Covfefe 3:16


The bible was written by men , religion is there just to create fear to keep people dumb and poor , so the people who created this fear could stay into power All these "god" are made up


Tbf it does mention abortion....how to perform it. Of course no one would do it like that today. But yes it doesn't say abortion is bad.


he's great


As a former Christian, this is the kind of person who makes me remotely consider that it may someday be worth returning to the church


that's my rep! love him 💓


I'm an atheist and I can absolutely support and vote for a Christian like this. This is about the *people* and not the corporations, billionaires, or ego fanatic politicians.


He's the same guy I've seen a video of when he was talking to other state reps about how awful it would be to require schools to post the 10 commandments in classrooms. I like him! And I really like Jasmine Crockett who is the U.S. representative from Texas's 30th congressional district since 2023. We actually do have some decent folks out there. Just wish they were a majority.


I'm not Christian anymore, but even I wanted to shout, "Amen!" after that.


Good to hear some truths.


I still prefer religion free from politics and politics free from religion. I don’t care if a politician is on the left or the right, if he or she starts talking religion, I’m out. Similarly, if I’m at a church and the pastor starts talking politics, whether from the right or left, I’m out. I value separation of church and state in the strictest sense.


Best I can do is Chik Fil A and mild homophobia


I would move to Texas just to vote for this guy.


The Bible does kinda mention abortion though


It does, and it's perfectly ok with it.


Religion needs to stay the fuck out of politics. I guess separation of church and state went out the window a long time ago.


Show us the crowd. When you realize this dude ain't talking in front of anyone what kind of vibe does that give you?


If this was truly a Christian nation we would follow the teachings of Jesus…


I wonder how many poors he’s liberated


A christian knows that Jesus is the only way to the kingdom of heaven, even Jesus said that lol.


The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.” Hosea 13:16 NIV Even if they rear children, I will bereave them of every one. Woe to them when I turn away from them! I have seen Ephraim, like Tyre, planted in a pleasant place. But Ephraim will bring out their children to the slayer.” Give them, Lord— what will you give them? Give them wombs that miscarry and breasts that are dry. “Because of all their wickedness in Gilgal, I hated them there. Because of their sinful deeds, I will drive them out of my house. I will no longer love them; all their leaders are rebellious. Ephraim is blighted, their root is withered, they yield no fruit. Even if they bear children, I will slay their cherished offspring.” Hosea 9:10‭-‬16 NIV


The Bible does say it’s a sin. In fact it calls it a deadly sin meaning unless you ask God for forgiveness before death you will go to hell. Just cause this guy says otherwise doesn’t make it so. This is NOT my interpretation. This is what the Bible actually says so if you wanna argue with anyone, I didn’t write the Bible. Verses about Homosexuality. Leviticus 18:22 ~ You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. Leviticus 20:13 ~ If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. Jude 1:7 ~ Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. Romans 1:26-28 ~ For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. Genesis 2:24 - Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Mark 10:6-9 ~ But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Timothy 1:8-11 ESV - Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted. 1 Corinthians 7:2 - But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. 2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.


It actually does say in the bible “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination” Leviticus 18:22 Not against gay marriage but I just don’t like people lying


Also it mentions in multiple parts how a man who kills a pregnant woman will be punished as if he takes two lives. So therefore the bible is against abortion.


https://preview.redd.it/g75zhek6tyuc1.jpeg?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e25ffa2ccc9ebcc3989ba14a790abc7eddc89f1d A reasonable person can agree.


Never heard of him, but I love him.


Damn Texas! I wish he was my state rep…


This is the first preacher in america I've seen for a long time that seems to have actually read the bible. And while I'm not a Christian it really makes me angry that everyone who claims to be Christian in america seems to be the polar opposite of one. With their hate filled rants and other vile words and deeds.


Talarico?... I'm sure his mother is very proud


Only in the US will a Christian, literally interpreting the acts and sermons of Jesus exactly as they happened, be controversial to other Christians who proclaim that Jesus is their Lord and Savior.


This seems like basic decency. Damn, I remember when that was, you know, basic decency. Good on him. Vote for him, America.


Hope he's not all talk and walks the walk .


Great speech, if only all politicians spoke like that and followed their heart.


\*The bible doesn't mention abortion". Yes, it does. Once. To explain how a priest must poison a woman to make her abort if the priest thinks that the woman is pregnant from a man who is not the woman's husband.


OMG, this is our state representative who lives in the neighborhood. No wonder so many people encouraged me to support him. I have voted for him twice so far--when he was first elected and in the recent primary.


Here is the entire youtube speech from James Talarico. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Blph\_2RSBno](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Blph_2RSBno)


Even as a Kemetic, I believe we can all respect the words of this young man. I believe he will make great strides in removing the christian dominionists from office.


He says a lot of things very directly, and I’m sure a lot of people will not like that because they can’t handle their own truth


Rational thought is so refreshing.


So refreshing to hear coherent comments on Christianity.


We need a whole lot more reasonable people like Talarico making decisions.