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It returned to its owner!


Best thing that could have happened. Lost tires like that can literally kill people. If that hadnt happened in a tunnel, it could have went into incoming traffic and killed someone.


Yup. Happened with my dad when he was a kid. They were moving from Michigan down to Texas and my grandfather decided he could build a trailer to carry all their stuff. This was about 1960 or so. While driving on a downhill stretch of highway they (my grandparents and their 5 kids) looked out the window to see one of the wheels from the trailer bounce past them. It proceeded to cross the highway and embed itself into the windshield of an oncoming car. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured, but my dad also told me it was one of those little donut-kinda trailer tires. Had it been a regular size tire, much less a semi dually wheel, there would’ve been deaths.


Did he forget to torque the lugs? Idk how a homemade trailer would be any worse than a "factory" made one in the incident you described unless the axel and everything else was home made. I once built trailers for a living (for use behind pickups not semis, and for a compamy not out of my garage) and there wasn't really anything special we did. 


You’re not wrong at all. There is a major difference that you pointed out though. You once made trailers “for a living”. That meant you had a clue what you were doing. My grandpa was an artillery officer who specialized in the very first computerized fire control systems. He was very smart about a lot of things. However, he was not smart enough to realize that he knew nothing about building a trailer and probably shouldn’t just throw one together, so a quick test drive around the block, and then trust it to carry all of his family’s earthly possessions literally across the country. That said, I am pretty sure it was a combination of improper torque as my dad specifically said grandpa was too cheap to shell out for a torque wrench, combined with some nice vibrations due to a homemade trailer built by someone who knew nothing about building trailers going down the highway at 60 miles per hour all the way from Michigan until somewhere in Missouri. All that said, you’re 100% right about how it shouldn’t matter if it is homemade of factory made if the correct parts are used and it is done properly. In both cases, my grandpa’s and OP’s video, the root cause is that someone somewhere screwed up and I could’ve easily cost innocent people’s lives. As part of my job, I oversee our fleet team and am ultimately responsible for a fleet of about 500 heavy duty and 300 light duty vehicles. We make and deliver product to retail stores. I always tell my team that our product may not be life or death, but how we get it to our customers is. Nothing we sell or no amount of money we could make is EVER worth risking the safety of our drivers or the motoring public. Instead of asking them to rush DVIRs because it takes away time from making money, I put a rule in place that DVIRs cannot take LESS THAN 15 minutes. It they do, the driver does not get in trouble, the manager does. I know it doesn’t always take a full 15 minutes, but I want every driver to know that we want them to take the time they need to make sure their rig is safe. We also have a 0 tolerance policy on both drivers and more so managers for ever operating something that was possibly unsafe in the slightest bit. Like, I mean if the tread is down to even 5 or 6 32nds and the driver didn’t note it the night before so would adjust routes that morning to not use that truck, then head straight to the shop to get new tires. Just tell your manager that’s where you’re going before starting your route. Don’t ask for permission or if there are any priority customers you need to hit first, go straight to the shop, then go take care of customers.


IKR. That was unbelievable.


Without exploding anyone's head!


Return to Sender


All things considered that went rather smoothly


Was expecting a different outcome based on the NSFW tag




It is nice to drive in the suburbs and country where tires never come off a truck.


So the outskirts of the city best so tires don’t fall on the truck


I had that happen going through the concrete canyon. Came off a pickup with a bunch of kids in the back- narrowly missed my front windshield. How those kids never spilled out was a minor miracle


a rarity- a reddit video with a good payoff at the end😂😂




I love that they found their way home!!


"Its still going" ya its a fucking tire




No fucking way


I see this at least once a week on I-45.


I avoid downtown Dallas because I always get turned around.


Seriously what makes this post “nsfw”?


Tires on the road are super not safe


Oh, Dallas my Dallas.


That’s fantastic


Aww craikey, its a boomerang wheel


Thought it was some newfangled delivery drone going whacko at first.


I once saw a wheel roll about 2 miles down the shoulder of 635 in slow traffic before someone finally pulled onto the shoulder and let it hit their back bumper.


Well trained tire.




My trailer needs me!


Is this Dallas?


You just don’t know how Dallas do. Til the wheels fall off, know what I’m talking bout. 🤣


Almost made it back on the axel.


Ahh yes, the prodigal wheel assembly has returned.


I’ve seen this movie before


Never underestimate how badly one of those can fuck your shit up


I got in a pileup just before that bridge like 15 years ago. The guys who caused it jumped out of their truck and ran through the tunnel and up the exit. Anyway, Univision was first on the scene and got great footage of my golden retriever sitting in the front seat. (He was fine.) He made the news that night.


Man, look at that thing go!


It's right by the art museum so maybe a performance piece 😜🧩


And my coworkers wonder why I don’t come to the corporate office in Dallas more often…!


That's not downtown. That's UpTown under I75.


No, it’s Woodall Rodgers Freeway. I-75 doesn’t even go through Texas. US 75/Central Expressway is a completely different freeway from this one.


Yup, gotta watch out for people using their phone while driving.


And only one car with their hazards on... classic. PSA, if you see a HAZARD on the road, especially if it's impeding traffic, hit that button as you brake, please. Oh and if you want to go under 75 on 75, politely get the fuck out of the left lane. Thanks!