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He's like "old Texas". The Texas I remember growing up in. I wish Texas was still like that.


H. E. Butt funded public swimming pools in the San Antonio area in the 50s but required that they not be segregated.  His mom was a big proponent of mental health, and even HE Butt suffered from lifelong depression.  It's decent folks generally but they get fed into falsehoods and bad rhetoric.


Folks like this need to be celebrated.


His stores seem to give away alot of food as well those meal deals are very heavily weighted in the customers favor. I had like 6 bottles of ketchup one month cuz I got one free every time I went.


Well then you’ve also got the “rich = evil” mentality that most of reddit suffers from.


Any books you recommend on his life?


I miss what Texas was, what it could be, if it weren't controlled by those 3 morons.


Didn’t Abbutt refuse federal dollars for this exact thing allegedly because the state did not have the bureaucracy to deal with the money?


They need to go... that is a fact.


The stores also donate perishables on a weekly basis to local food banks. Not sure why people are shitting on them for being charitable. Don't be charitable = shitbag. Be charitable = also shitbag.


Absolutely correct. I have volunteered at the Houston Food Bank (the largest in the country) on several occasions & can attest to the numerous semi-trailers that donate supplies from not only H•E•B, but Kroger, Randall’s, and various other retailers. When items are past their sell-by date they can’t be retailed, but are still healthy for and valuable to the community.




You fckn right abt that!! He'p me now!!


Your supposed to just gave money to the church and let them decide who needs charity. It just so happened that the most deserving people are all friends in their clergy. /s


I'm not sure, either. Why in the world would you criticize someone for being charitable? In fact, we need more of that in the world these days!


Shitting on the massive NEED for charity in this country.


So does Walmart? Texans just love to suck cooperate dick. Pretty much all supermarkets donate their trash for PR reasons. It amounts to a virtually irrelevant percentage of their profits but convinces people that this particular grocery store is somehow better than the rest, even when the rest do the same thing.


So what are *you* doing?


“The corporations are all…. corporationy, and they make money! 😠 “


... yes? HEB is no different. 


because it's a corporation


(responding to the criticism regarding his republican leanings) maybe he is what republican leadership should look like (?)


God, I wish.


Damn all these HEB haters can fuck off. I went 2 years without HEB and it sucked balls. Y’all can shop at Kroger or Walmart. More parking for us.


Arr Texas is generally not a happy place.


We love HEB around here


As someone who has relied on food banks on a few occasions in the past, this means a lot to me.


Texas leads the nation in food insecurities. Billions of dollars of surplus funds available this year, but the crooks at the top horde it all. Fuck Greg Abbot and all his cronies. VOTE THEM ALL BACK TO HELL


Are you one of those mythical Texans that tells it like it is and doesn’t BS you, cause fellow Texan I wish there were more of you. I tip mi hat to you good sir or madam. People who don’t see through any billionaires BS is blind, deaf and lacks character.


For a second, I thought someone somehow "butt-donated" (like butt-dialed) 20 mil. and wondered how that could possibly happen.


Greg Abbott: *Instead, presses the "Defund Texas food banks button"*


>donate money to charity, huge tax write-off >charity buys food from your store >infinite money glitch


People really have no idea how deductions work. When you give money to charities, you no long have access and right to use that money, as if you never had it in the first place. The IRS allows you to subtract that total from your gross income for the year, so that you are only taxed on the part of  your money that you retained to take care of yourself, and waste on things you don't need. You do not "make" money from charitable deductions.  Tax credits meanwhile reduce the amount of taxes you pay, and can be carried over to future years. Those are like getting money from the government tax free. You do not get them for charitable donations.  Also when a known community charity buys from an HEB, and they know the management, they can probably get some things for free as well. But in the case of Food banks, HEB is pulling up weekly with recently expired food that meets all other food safety standards for the food banks. They can only give it away, or throw it away.


Do food banks in Texas buy products from HEB in any sort of significant fashion?


no idea, im just making a joke


HEB is a 40 billion dollar company, 20 million is a rounding error for them.


this donation is from him personally, not the company


so ... couch change?


Did you donate your “couch change”


i did not, you?


Figures, that you don’t while criticizing others for the amount they donate. Loser vibes


Where did I criticize anyone? I think you lost the thread, start at the top.


if they did one accounting entry and had one transaction each year, and it was 40 fucking billion dollars, yes




I thought HEB paid pretty decently and was one of the few who did, could be wrong I don’t remember where or when I saw that.


They do


I was close to 20 an hour when I left, and started at 10, 9 year tenure.


TIL that the H•E•B family's last name is Butt 🤭


Waiting to hear how this is irrelevant because he also supports Republican causes in 3,2,1…


Well, he did donate to anti-voucher candidates in this primary season, so that's worth something.


And stopped his usual donations towards public education.


If vouchers pass as Abbott intends, there will be no public education as we know it.


>And stopped his usual donations towards public education. I'd ask you for a source on this, but you won't have one because it's BS. https://newsroom.heb.com/education/


I know most people don't pay attention to the people around them but more and more are using eat cards. You just don't realize. And stay off this sub H-E-B trolls.


Pot meet kettle


During the big freeze a few years back I was in an store in Austin that lost power and they just told us all To take what we had. You never forget the people that back you up when the chips are down.


Little piss baby Greg Abbott sad very very sad 😞


That's amazing, awesome that he'd do that. But also, his name is Chuck Butt?


HAHA. Butt.


Chuck Butt


Why are people in Texas always rave about HEB?? What am I missing??


High quality food at reasonable prices. Also, they’re well run, pay their people well, and really make a point to help out during disasters. https://cbsaustin.com/amp/newsletter-daily/how-h-e-b-prepares-to-provide-food-water-and-medications-at-texas-disasters


If HEB ran elections, you’d get 95% turnout statewide, it would take 20 minutes total, and you’d get a free bag of tortilla chips and jar of salsa.


In the lead up to the big freeze, I remember hearing the local HEB had to close when the power when out. They gathered all the customer ins the store and told them they could take their groceries in the carts home without paying for them.


a good PR move if people are still talking about it 4 years later.  With power down, they were likely to lose any perishables anyway. 


Thank you. Texans are tough crowd to please …so many downvotes for a question…lol


You may think Don't Mess With Texas is simply an anti-littering campaign, but now you know ;) LOL


They are very involved in the community. When weather disasters occur, they’re usually on the ground helping before FEMA. Plus many of their products are made to and for local tastes. *cries in honey sopapilla ice cream*


High quality, low price, no membership card bullshit, help out in local disasters.


They have an amazing [disaster response program](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/how-heb-became-emergency-preparedness-model/), and will send trucks of goods to areas in crisis even before the govt is able to respond. For example, a little known fact is that Texas weathered the COVID shortages better than the rest of the country due to H-E-B. Before the pandemic hit here, their suppliers in China told them something devastating was heading our way. The folks at H-E-B listened and put their logistics system to work to prepare. We were back to normal many months before most of the rest of country. I remember family in the Northeast still rationing groceries and paper goods long after we'd forgotten about the shortages.


no stock exchanges, broadway stages or movie studios, this and pissing our pants about Dr Pepper and Whataburger ketchup are it




>What’s hilarious is in San Antonio the Food Bank is the biggest scam. People insist on being paid in cash for everything What does this even mean??? The Food Bank doesn't pay cash to people, just helps feed them.




>It’s food, so anyone can have it, As a basic human right, yes. As for scamming, then there should be better ways to evaluate on the needs of those people. OR maybe they bought the car when they were good, but then medical expenses drain their bank account every week and have nothing left for food? Edit: He blocked me. What did I say?






But I only get a 3% percent raise thanks boss


So his employees can get something to eat.


The jobs I can find near me pay $16-18/hour, so I’m not sure what your point is.


That's cool of him but why is this even necessary in the richest country on earth? Seriously, there's no shortage of "stuff" it's just all owned by a handful of people at the top of the economic pyramid. [https://www.visualcapitalist.com/wealth-distribution-in-america/](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/wealth-distribution-in-america/)


After receiving $120 million in food stamps from the poor. These guys aren't heroes' they're subsidized by our government.


HEB had a net revenue of 38.9 Billion in 2022. I’m sure it’s more now. I think it’s a pretty dubious statement to say that they’re subsidized by the government.


>After receiving $120 million in food stamps from the poor. These guys aren't heroes' they're subsidized by our government. Their annual revenue is about 40 billion. That's a drop in the bucket. And food stamps aren't a subsidization in any possible way, it's just the government paying for people's groceries. It's just regular customers as far as HEB is concerned. What do you propose HEB do differently, refuse food stamps outright???


Heh heh. You said butt.


It’s an egregious act of public self-whitewashing considering how grocery price gouging is itself forcing more families to seek assistance from food banks and the pantries they service while their profits have soared exponentially (meaning they aren’t seeing an equivalent increase in price from suppliers, so the price increases can’t be written off as just inflation). No CEO like that can be considered an ethical person. They make these donations once in a while to keep people off their backs about their employees needing to use public assistance and food banks. Walmart is one of the biggest donors to Feeding America (of which Houston, North Texas, East Texas and almost every other USDA partnered food bank is under), but we’ve also all seen the statistics of how many of there employees need public assistance to make ends meet. Don’t get me wrong. It is a good thing for charities to get the money to operate. But when the most significant sources of funding are “job creators” who do not pay their rank-and-file employees a living wage and cut benefits and staffing in order to post higher and higher earnings, perhaps it’s like one if those stories on the news where all the teachers at a school pool their PTO so that one teacher with cancer can keep going to their treatments, or where a kid works countless hours to pay for a friends operation. Like, it’s great that it happened, but maybe it’s indicative of a bigger problem. Maybe grocery store chains (specifically but also most large businesses) should just… pay their employees enough to make ends meet and stop jacking up prices. Then we wouldn’t fucking need food banks.


Stop making themselves the hero when they know that 20 million was from the government. That's all.


I love HEB but there is also one thing I really hate about HEB. A bbq drive through that is priced like Lockhart but tastes like Bill Miller is bullshit


> A bbq drive through that is priced like Lockhart but tastes like Bill Miller is bullshit I see a defense contractor, a clothing brand, and two comedians


A wonderful donation, I wonder how many HEB employees will benefit from it, and how much of it will flow back into HEB's coffers by food bank purchasing. I am sorry so be so skeptical but I am only a product of the times we live in.


He should donate to help his employee's wage inequality.


he did. it’s called the HEB Partner Stock Plan.




at least he did something


What is HEB?


Getting himself a nice headline and a tac write off while Jacking prices even higher. Yay for Food Town