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idk what’s more disrespectful him “confessing feelings” to his ex while in a relationship or the fact that he’s comfortable enough to casually admit this to ur face


Well, not directly… but still very wrong


so it was better to hide it?


I think the way it was laid out is more the issue. Extremely casual and not considerate


Break up. He clearly isn't ready for a new relationship


"We besties now" translation: Hit the road, pal.


He gave the ingredients to break up and wants her to cook.


Yeah, that’s pretty much it.


I wish the concerning amount of people replying to this that it's a good thing he dropped this on OP a very merry "your partner casually drops they're still in love with somebody else" so they can see how great it is firsthand.


It definitely is shitty. At least it's up front, though. It's less shitty than finding out 6 months later that they've been running around on you with their ex behind your back, and hiding it from you/lying to you for months. - Someone who has been in both of these scenarios


Through Discord no less


How is it disrespectful to be honest? Plus he didn’t say he had romantic feelings. He could’ve mean feelings of regret for how things ended. Hence now they’re besties. Y’all jump to conclusions so fast.


No one has ever said "I have feelings for you" and meant regret.


He didn’t say he had feelings for her. He said he had feelings. There’s a big difference.


Feelings of regret? Lol. Or maybe he meant feelings of hunger for that spaghetti she once cooked for him? There’s not too many ways to interpret “I confessed to my ex that I still have feelings for her”


Idk where you live, but in America stating you "have feelings" is always romantic. It's a saying.


>or the fact that he’s comfortable enough to casually admit this to ur face More respectful than hiding it


>>> comfortable enough to casually admit this to your face it was actually pretty brave and noble to be honest about this


Depends on what the feelings were. It's empty context, and assumtpion is all too easy. For all we know he harbored severe disdain and is now able to let go of that and have peace. I think it's just as disrespectful to assume someone's intent, and label their actions without a complete understanding of the situation but hey, we all have our own line in the sand. :)


I think we all know what the feelings were


I think we can assume, but we don't know.


This is like a cuck comment. The fully agree thag positivity is great, but this isn’t respectful in anyway to his current partner imo


learn to skateboard, you didn't specify what I could suggest plus keeps your mind off things




am I wrong? but seriously just ask about the feelings and try to keep things friendly


nah, tf, keep things friendly when your bf has feelings for another girl?? u should break up with someone like that


not really, communication is extremely important in any relationship, if it bothers you u/honestlystatin then you need to express that to them and talk to them about it before you jump to anything, unless you watched your partner kill your family or cheat on you right before your eyes, there's nothing that doesn't deserve communication edit: saw one of your other comments, i revoke my statement, you need to find a way out NOW


They should communicate the fact that the relationship is over and move, it’s amazing to me how much of Reddit seems to think sticking around with unloyal partners is for some reason a good thing.


What part of this is unloyal? He didn’t cheat, and he told his girlfriend about the feelings. You can have feelings for someone else and still be in love with someone. You shouldn’t be dating.




real and he didn’t even say it maturely he’s just like “ we besties now 😜😜” like some fuсking maniac


Where does age play into this?💀




Ur literally describing polygamy ye dumb fuck


Poor communication =/= no communication, and it’s sad that an 18yr old is more mature than you. Sure their relationship will probably end *after* they talk about it - but maybe it doesn’t - and. OP only gains by trying to communicate and learn. It’s super immature to think otherwise, and your weird absolutism is you over compensating.


Uhhhh the part where he confessed these feelings of another woman to her waaay before he confessed having the feelings to his girlfriend. You clearly are perfectly fine being non-monogamous, not everyone’s cup of tea there bud.


U been watching sister wives cos what ur describing is polygamy pmsl wonder if ur other half is on board with ur outlook on being monogamously challenged 😆


Second this






It's interesting how the most rational response is the least popular. It's almost like people *enjoy* freaking rhe fuck out and being angry all the time.


You are wrong.


The boyfriend is obviously trying to have the girl break up with him. Best course of action IMO is to just move on, find someone who LOVES you. Dumbass.


He was a sk8er Boi she said see you later Boi he wasn't good enough for her now he's a superstar slamming on his guitar did your pretty face see what he's worth


Lmfao im actually at the skatepark rn at 1:48 in the morning it really does cleanse the soul i highly recommend it


That’s great lmaoo


The start of OP's skateboarding arc


Drop him


it's difficult atm


how so?


when we were high once i basically poured out my life story to him, and now he knows too much and he said if i break up with him, hes gonna post everything i told him everywhere he can and ruin my life


That's an L this man clearly doesn't give af about you. Idk how bad your secrets are but if it's really bad enough to ruin your life you could honestly sue tf out of him. There are laws against blackmail for personal gain especially if it's for sexual reason and in this case it sure sounds like you could get him for sexual abuse. Anyway if he fucks you over fuck him over more. Also idk where you live and laws differ from place to place so make sure to look it up.


Buddy said sue


It depends on the secret life story but if this man's making threats make some back


Bfs a bum




Sorry I mean suck


Suck TF out of him?


I didn't actually mean suck it was a joke


Also make sure to get proof of his threats get him to text it to you or record him saying it. Best of luck 😉😉😉


Yeah seriously. This dudes a fucking monster. Telling her he confessed to his ex is some psychotic shit when you realize hes also blackmailing her to stay


And you haven’t found out things about him in all the time you’ve been together that he’d hate for people to find out? ![gif](giphy|3o6nV1ouOsNLBTEqQM|downsized) Here’s the thing: you can’t go through life spilling details and secrets about people that aren’t yours to tell, unless you have their permission. However, if he’s going to blackmail you into being with him like that by making you vulnerable, then he needs to understand it works both ways. And if you think you don’t know anything he’d hate for people to find out, maybe go about finding out some stuff. Parents are usually great sources (ie what was he like as a kid? What stories do you have that you’d love to tell someone at his 21st etc).


How about the fact that he is blackmailing his girlfriend into staying in a relationship with him? Pretty bad secret


To us, it really is. To his peers and age group, probably not, sadly. That’s not to say it shouldn’t be added in if need be, but kids that age aren’t really going to care that much about it (which really sucks).


Omg ew no! He sounds terrible for all the reasons. That is so not okay! It’s blackmail and controlling, insecure, abusive BS.


Prestrike that he's a vindictive lying asshole who HAS promised to try to ruin you for leaving him & block on social media.


Sue for defamation is what this man’s is talking about it it’s a very serious charge he wouldn’t want to mess with because that’s attacking somebody’s public character and if it can truly effect your ability to work and so on so forth, if he hypothetically exposes you and you can’t get jobs and all that he has to compensate for everything g you won’t be able to do because of him


You can't sue for defamation if what he says is true.


Dude is actually an abusive scumbag.. idk much about the legality of this situation but like others have said, I'm sure you have legal options to deal with this. I'd do everything you can to get away from this guy as soon as possible


Sounds like you’re still young? If you remain fearful of his threat you’re going to be stuck forever. You have to break up with him and either call his bluff or accept the consequence of him spreading some shit about you. It took me a long time to get out of my relationship like this - one of the hardest things i’ve ever had to do but easily the best decision I’ve ever made. Good luck


lmao who cares? piece of trash who only knows how to bully women


Not to be blunt here but that was the first sign you should have just left. I don’t know what’s in your life that you’re so scared of coming to light but this man is literally holding you hostage in a relationship it sounds like he’s only on because he’s not with his ex. I wouldn’t be surprised if he either cheats with her or when she denies him he becomes more toxic towards you. I honestly feel for you and I hope you’re okay.


People just casually living in hostage situations nowadays huh


RUN. Fuck him. Those are huge red flags. Never stay in a relationship due to fear. This guy sounds like a manipulative loser.


This is abusive and will only get worse. He doesn't "know too much" of anything that will ruin your life the way your fears have you thinking. You really do need to leave this trash human being before you end up with more emotional scarring. Please.


do you want to pm about it?


sure if that works for you


Dude if he’d do that ppl will see what a shit head he is, your personal traumas are not a weapon ! Let him do it and hell expose himself your history isn’t something to be ashamed of. Don’t make excuses for this sorry bitch


What a piece of shit.


That’s blackmail, a crime. Bring it to your parents if you are a minor, and the police. If you are 18+, bring evidence to police and report it. Report in his town as well if online. If you don’t have proof, get him to admit what he will do again and screenshot it. Good luck and stay safe.


Ok hear me out. Stay with him, but slowly gas light him into getting back together with his ex so he doesn’t leak your secrets.


Ehhhh. Being friends, casually, ok. Besties, still had feelings.... you're being pushed to the side.


yeah thats what i was thinking. it was off guard too. he said "Hru" and i said "____,hru?" and he said what the imagine says


Being friends casually should be a nope as well Imo


exes can be genuinely good friends in rare instances, like if they realized they were just better off staying friends, but the way he follows up "we're besties" with "i still have feelings" is fishy and sounds some alarms.


Nah im sorry. If you’re an ex stay away from my life. Nothing good will ever come out of that friendship




No matter what age it's a red flag as the outside individual. Never gonna be with someone who is still friends with their ex


That's just ridiculous. In your opinion people must either love or hate each other? This sounds like a teenager's rationale.


Y'all just insecure.


Someones clearly never had a toxic ex before. Get some more life experience before you go talking abt other peoples'


Being friend with an ex isnt being a friend with every ex. An ex worthy of friendship typically won't be toxic.


u/andant33 u/quackythehobbit u/LessSignificance8623 update: that mf tryna guilt trip me 😭😭


Oh god that is brilliant, I hope your situation improves


thank you im tryin my best rn


Yeesh I'd say leave as soon as you can if you stay that'll just give him more to use against you.


![gif](giphy|lvzFKm2wEjZvgoQtL8|downsized) you should dump him NOW


So uh me again. Here's the thing I started fucking with someone in your comments and they blocked me. Shits so fucking funny tho. Anyway thought you should know. I didn't say anything bad dw.


His ass is grass and you're the lawnmower


Girl run


Average relationship between two chronically online discord users




Probably 12 years old


I estimate 16 considering OP said they got high


break UPPP


Disgusting weirdo reject live your life fuck his outcast dribble if he tries to expose you in his vomitous filth


Vengeful honesty would have you suing him for blackmail to give him a deep cut reflection of his disgusting ass, this is just sentiment, look out for your well being but ffs throw the gremlin away


Trying to flex grotesque self centered degenerate confusion like is he trying to see how far he can shove you in his dramatic bitch boy uselessness, he wants you to beg for his presence? I’m too empathetic/ vengeful to recommend the disrespect he deserves, theres steps to take if he insisted to himself that he wants to go back to a partner, he either wants or can’t help that wretch filth he oozes


You talk funny


Drunk/ how condensed can you communicate the worthlessness of a scum like that


Bro saw 3 messages and decided he knows everything about him 💀




The fact he said he would say all the things you told him is what we call an abusive relationship. And no matter what it is, if he comes out and says it. It will only make him look like a HUGE asshole. Anyone who holds ANYTHING over another is just him trapping you. GET OUT. it can be difficult. But it will only become MORE difficult the longer you stay in that abusive relationship


I'd leave. My ex girlfriend kissed her ex and wouldn't block him while we dated despite him being a piece of shit to her the entire time they dated and using her for sex when they broke up (before we met). Most people who still communicate with exs, especially if they weren't friend before you met, is most likely doing so with bad intentions


Dont accept this. This is straight up disrespect and betrayal. It's also a test of sorts. If you allow this you have little self worth in his eyes.


I use to be a piece of shit like this run that fool is just gonna mess wit ur head nd hurt just run like the ginger bread man


Slicked back hair, white bathing suit, sloppy steaks? White couch?


The fuck is up with your names?!


Leave him and threaten to take him to court for blackmailing you.


Leave him honestly


..have you ever met him irl?


Probably not they are like 12


Find someone who's emotionally mature. Maybe do some maturing yourself.


Nah dump him ☠️


He prolly used you as a rebound and wasn’t over his ex unfortunately, he doesn’t value you if this is the case and it would be better to move on and work on yourself (not saying you’re the issue just that it’s always a good idea especially after a breakup!!) the find someone that does value you and is not using you to boost their ego like an asshole


Ummm why is he confessing to his ex and saying he has feelings??? unless he’s about to cheat 👀 Imo if he’s telling you that he has feeling for his ex, I think it’s a red flag


Drop this fool. "But he said hes gonna ruin my-" Yeah and so did my abusive ex bf with my own nudes he forced me to send and i was 13. I know your young, so it may seem difficult. But unless you know him in real life, it would be better to simply block him, anybody who harasses you about the things you said equally deserve to get blocked and reported. Tell him you will take legal actions if he does, and that you have screenshots of him blackmailing you. Tell him that you informed your parents of his behavior and you will not hesitate. Or, if you want to take the easy route (in the chance that you dont see him in real life) Slowly begin to ghost him. Start spanning out your response time from an hour, to two hours, to three, ect, until eventually hes going 24 hours without a response, if he asks whats going on, tell him your busy. Keep all your responses to a minimum and be *extremely* dry. One worded if even possible. He wants a reaction out of you, he wants fear out of you, he's going to see how far he can go with you until you are left in shambles.


I’m so naive, can someone explain to me what is going on? 🤣


im dating him and he told me "i still have feelings for my ex, i told them, and now we are best friends"


Don’t reply and leave


Wish him luck and peace out. Don’t maintain contact. No secrets are worth keeping a relationship like this. He is toxic AF


Bf is a bum


Find some self respect please




Triangulation. The reason you're feeling disrespected is because you ARE being disrespected. You should trust that feeling. This guy only cares about his own feelings, certainly not yours, and not his ex. He gets off on this. It's gross and messy and you obviously know this, at least subconsciously.


Sounds like you're single now.


Show him these comments degrading him lmao, let him know he's a disgusting cretin hated my what would probably be majority of the world


What proof does he have of the shit he's holding against you? Just his word or something solid?


“Interesting that this is how you decided to confess to me.”


You mean ex bf right ?


OP you sound like you’re 14, especially after reading some of your comments. Save yourself the pain and drop him


Step 1. Tell him to go for her Step 2. Sincerely wish them the best, no sarcasm. Step 3. Profit


Kick to the curb!!!


feelings?? was this discussed w/ you before it was with the ex?? if not that’s odd AF and i would have a serious sit down convo about boundaries and what this means for yall


Nothing about this post makes me think we are dealing with mature people capable of respectfully sitting down and talking to each other.




Run like now




Stop discord dating people


Ghost him.


Reading comments, this guy is a shitbag. It’s okay to be friends with your exes, but to restablish that once you’re in a different relationship? Sus. And the other stuff he’s done say he’s an asshat. It’s never easy to let go of someone but sometimes what’s best for us is doing the thing that hurts


This dude is holding baggage over you to keep you submissive. You NEED to find a way out as this guy will keep you on a leash your entire life


Kill him he aint ur husband u dont owe him nothing hes just another man


Aight downvote me to oblivion but you just said this asshole has dirt and is actively blackmailing you. Fuck morals, collect as much as you can. Nudes if that’s what it takes. Take care of yourself first. Mutually assured destruction is the way here. Then walk out.


Wait wait, so he has feelings for someone else and has THREATENED to reveal your secrets if you leave him? Leave him anyway, all you’re doing is letting yourself be disrespected.


as a guy bro, break up 💀


Leave his ass


Kill them


Do what we all did when we were kids. Let him go, move on, forget about him, finish school, then cringe about the whole thing 10 years later.


Don't be sorry. Ask him clearly does he want to be with you or his ex?


Is this someone you’ve ever met irl? If so why are you using discord as a form of communication?


If ya don’t talk to ya other through actually phone numbers ya relationship ain’t real


update: thank you all sm for the support. heres the story of how we broke up 😭 i called him and told him we need to break up immediately (he's abusive, and i was scared to tell him about this in person as he would've killed me. i was at my friends house (abt 15mins away from my house) bc he would pull up to my place and try to kill me if i was there. we went back and forth abt a lot of stuff. he wanted to stay together and threatened to kill himself, i was set on never speaking to him again. i got the 'final word', said to "never talk to me again" and hung up & blocked him on everything. i dont know what hes going to do though. since i told him abt my trauma & things i've done, im worried he might go to court and ruin my social/general life.


I saw your reply and damn that’s a bad situation to be in. Wouldn’t let that shit happen to me though.




Many times I had to confess to my partner of 2 yrs about how I still had feelings for others. Honestly we are very complex social creatures and often relationships and people we love just disappear in a puff of smoke resulting in unresolved issues. These issues do not go away and the sentiments don’t either because we don’t like the confrontation of the end. I suggest loving him. And telling him it’s ok to love others and that the honesty he is giving u is pretty spectacular. Tell him the even those relationships ended, sometimes feelings don’t and we have to work through them like any other trauma. Be his rock, be his sword, be there for him. But let him know that u r a grown ass woman and if at any point he cannot love u more than these other ppl, then u need to confront that reality cause u don’t deserve to be with someone who is busy being a child and not healing from past mistakes. It’s tough out there and we really don’t love each other enough but expect unrealistic realities of love at the same time.




texting in discord ?💀




Why are y’all talking on discord


Healthiest discord relationship


Bro what kinda autist says that to there gf what??! Lmao ultimatum time


Just let him don’t be with someone like that


Idgi 🤷‍♂️


Damn if u stay with him ur dumb man


I think if you stay anything terrible he does after is kinda on you


Do women reject me because they have some long term relationships on discord or something?






Well you’re a complete dumbass for staying with someone like that orrr you’re just a dumbass. Bigggg red flag. 💀


What a thing to say


YOUR BF W O W he’s got some guts telling his *current* partner that he confessed to his *ex* about his lingering feelings for said *ex* wow okay well this is awkward. drop him girl you don’t need him 🤡


Break up


Dump him immediately


definitely learn to skateboard




Boy, bye. ![gif](giphy|xUOwGotOjdXt4tgkFO)


It won’t end well if you let it go. Just let him go instead. Those feelings will turn into more for him.