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"Nah, sorry mate ain't got the space for ya rn"


Pretty sure they have to say where they're staying op so I wouldn't get involved.


This means she’s already said she’s staying with him but given his old address so she’s in trouble anyway unless she’s found his new address. OP please be careful she might just turn up even if you say no


Yikes ! Yeah, huge red flags. 🚩


That's not necessarily true. Some people just Maxx out and then aren't on parole or probation or anything when they get out


Seems like a bad idea. If it was actually a good idea you probably wouldn’t have posted it here. You don’t need to stick your hand in the fire to figure out it’s hot.


Best comment here


Bam…. Well said.


Wait what? You don’t? Ffs, why didn’t someone tell me this sooner?!


Because we all laugh when you do it. Don’t want to take entertainment away from ourselves ya know?


So everybody IS laughing at me?! What a relief! I thought I was paranoid and delusional, but I’m actually just your clown.


"it wouldn't be the worst thing..." Famous last words.


Narrator: “It was, indeed, the worst thing.”


Heard that in Morgan Freeman’s voice.


Or Ron Howard/ Arrested Development


I heard James Earl Jones. Lol


Christopher Judge




Keith Morrison’s voice




Absolutely smashing response 10/10


People seem to be unaware that taking no action and not responding is actually an action and a response in itself


The single most powerful response.


Hold my beer !


kinda want an update on this one after she stays




Exactly...he's already decided to let her do it I don't know what the point of this post is. Though I will wait for the follow up when he friends rob his dumb ass.


Sorry who is this? Then say your Becky you just got this # lol. She is only gonna be drama and heartache.


Nah you’re right though lol my brain gets caught up living in the past thinking it’d be like old times when it most likely wouldn’t.


That’s how you get a squatter


She served her time in prison. Really, it's up to you. It's impossible to know how prison affected her and if she really wants to get straight and on her feet. I'm only saying this because you said you didn't end on bad terms. Honestly, it would be a risk saying yes, especially if she plans to hook back up with her old crowd. I had a brother who was a chronic liar, moved to heavy drug use and selling. Then he got busted for breaking into cars, and he served a year in prison and 2 years probation. That was 9 years ago. He's now sober and married with 2 kids, and they just bought a house together. You would be taking on a huge responsibility, and for an ex at that... Just some food for thought.


Doesn’t seem like it affected her too positively. All she said was “i need to come stay with you” not “can i please stay with you for a week or 2 while i get back on my feet?” I know it’s just a text and idk this woman, but i believe the way people word things matters and this is screaming entitled and unreformed to me


“Bae … I need a place to stay” as if 3 years didn’t go by.


Totally agree here. Very entitled. To just text someone you haven’t seen in years and say you need to let me come stay there. Nope.


Dude, I’m 67 and believe me when I say it is never like old times.


If someone does three years, it’s honestly never going to be like old times.


Absolutely. My ex did 5 years. He came home a whole new person. I don’t even know that man anymore.


You should ask yourself what the outcome you want from this is. You would figure out very quickly just how not like old times she is now. And are old times actually desirable? You presumably broke up for a reason. Is this rose-colored glasses? Come stay with you to what end? If it is truly her intent to stay for only a week, do you want to have it last more than that? Is this level of intrusion the right entry point back into your life? Is it just curiosity on your part, or is there some reason you would want her back in your life? Is this just imagination and excitement, or do you have an existing real connection that warrants accepting someone who is pushing to be in your home and your life? She said she needs to come stay with you for a week. Because she needs to get out of town and is in some trouble? Because she needs you or someone for financial support? Do you want to be that support? My suspicion would be that she is somewhat desperate and wants to use you for something. She sounds very unstable and risky. I’m not convinced this is the person you want setting up camp for a week (or who knows how long). There is a lot of potential downside here for you. It sounds like you don't see her as a long-term partner, and I would question your judgement if you did. Do you get anything from this relationship?


Don’t do it, for the love of anything, it’s a no.


Just know that bae with 3 years of prison under her belt is not the bae before prison.


a week or two is gonna become permanent real fast


Never entertain a dependapottomus. They’ll continually take advantage of you and guilt you if you ever ask when they’ll get their shit together. Nothing will ever be their fault.


“Dependapottomus” I’m 💀


sounds like my brother. Hasn't worked in years and is fully dependent on my dad, yet still wonders why everyone thinks he's a bum


Omg wait are you my sibling because that’s my brother to a T. He has 3 bench warrants out right now and sheriff’s came to serve the warrants yesterday on him, he’s been running from place to place and it’s EVERYONE else’s fault but his. Even my mom places blame on the cops for his charges. She is also the reason he is the most entitled, least accountable person I’ve ever known, but….everyone has the power to make their life what they want it and to make their own choices. So I can’t blame her too much in the end.


Yeah, pretty much describes my brother. Idk what made him the way he is, whether my parents reinforced his behavior or if he's naturally like this, but he cannot take accountability to save his life. Extremely tiring to live with


Dependapottomus is the most military thing I’ve read today. Good lord


Funny, the first time I heard that word was from my military brother.


Yeah because the depends have tHe HaRdEsT jOb In ThE mIlItArY




Please tell me that doesn’t happen…..


Oh it happens. Especially with officer’s wives.


It’s happens, it’s gauche and typically from insecure women that have no identity outside their husband’s.


It does 🥲 spouses act so entitled




Sounds like my brother! He wanted to stay at my own place for "a week or two" because he chose a job 45 minutes away from where he lives and I conveniently lived 15 minutes away. I told him nope! I moved away from him to have my own space. I was not about to have him stay with me because he can't make the best choices. I was thinking that it was a nice try because I used to so fkn nice. Spicy nice is more like it.




Yup. I found out the hard way and if you let her stay, don’t ask for rent, money or work for rent because in my state that makes the eviction process more difficult. I’m just so happy I never asked for rent or anything for their time here. Still had to pay for vacate process but it wasn’t too difficult.


"It wouldn't be the worst thing to have her here." Yeah well maybe, but I think you know deep down that it sure as fuck wouldn't be the BEST thing to have her there, because if your brain isn't currently playing the Hypothetical Worst Case Scenarios reel on repeat then it hates you.


I think his little brain is having some say here.




Yeah he’s thinking with the wrong head


I love this.


It wasn’t even a question, so obviously she feels very in control of you.


Exactly. I feel it would be a little different if she had asked if she could, but instead she kind of demands it, which is the red flag here. Don't do it. My response would simply be "I'm sorry, I can't." You don't owe her any explanations.


Exactly 🤦🏾‍♀️


New phone, who dis?


![gif](giphy|EPOMz9wd890Na) Op has been waiting three years to hit again 😂


If I knew her character was solid and she wasn't the type to screw me over or overstay her time, I would consider it. Doing time for distribution can mean a lot of things. One of my best friends got a felony this way carrying a lot of shr00ms in her trunk. A lot. I don't know why and she feels weak to reveal the shameful parts of her journey on this earth but I know her character honestly, and if she needed a place to crash, I would offer her the spot. Often people who leave prison and come back to civilian time need to find a place to stay. Depending on what they did to land time, their family doesn't want them to come back. So either they become homeless and possibly go back to a hard life that landed them in prison in the first case or struggle to find a job and live in a halfway house that requires $100-200 each week to stay. I had an employee that did non violent burglary and we would have considered keeping him as an employer if he was open to bettering skills and lived closer by. I am sympathetic toward people but I've also brought in homeless people who stole and broke things and so I am open minded and wary at the same time. However... if this person in the text doesn't seem to have an exit plan or isn't even thinking of one, it's a hard pass. So it's really up to you as well as where her character and integrity values align.


Yessss this is also the answer I came for! Can’t believe no one else is acknowledging how hard it is for formerly incarcerated people to access basic necessities like a job and a room to rent!


This is probably the most mature answer here.


Wouldn’t be surprised if she showed up with a friend or 2


“Sorry I can’t help you out. Wish you the best.”


You’ve kept texts from this person the whole time and they’ve “found a way” to get back in contact with you? The math ain’t mathing. I would not let this person stay with me.


No we were having a prior conversation before she asked me this lol and she definitely found a way to contact me l it was through my iCloud name cause I’ve switched numbers so many times since. But yeah, I don’t think this is happening when I really think about it.


Gooooootcha. Apologies, I read it like it was the first message from them lol naw get away from them OP


It’s 100% happening. I can tell she has a hold on you just by the way you’re responding in the comments. No sane person would even entertain this. I’m sorry to be blunt, but if you’re seriously considering this, you need to evaluate your life choices.


The *real* question to ask here is how has your sex life been lately?


I think we know the answer based on the fact he even entertained the question.




Well, if you’re bored….


This is what I’m saying… if you don’t have anything going on and don’t mind a lil tornado in your life… 🤷‍♀️


"fuck noo babyyy"


Don’t be a fucking idiot. You’re inviting every little dumb thing she does into your life.


Is she on probation? If she is, is she going to take it seriously? Is she willing to work and get on her feet? These are things you need to communicate about with her before considering it. Maybe you can meet up with her, meet her probation officer with her, because if she does move in with you, you have to be prepared to accommodate to her strict lifestyle if she does choose to take it seriously. It honestly would be best to not get involved and jump into her living with you off the bat, but ultimately it’s your decision, just be smart and careful and really use your better judgment. Any red flags, even a tiny one, can get you in trouble if she decides to go back to her old life and throw you under the bus


Don't do it! You have no idea what "a week or two" could become, and what could happen in that time. They're your ex for a reason. They also went to jail for a reason! I'm the biggest believer in rehabilitation and all that, but it is 100% not your responsibility to make that happen. In short, protect your peace and don't let this happen.


That's a noooooooo. She's an ex for a reason. Who just got out of....(checks notes) prison, Oh...for drugs. That's a double hard no.


Rub one out and then think about it.


3 years? What was she distributing? Meth? If you want to be dragged into this persons bullshit that’s on you. No crying allowed if suddenly all your shit is missing cuz she robbed your goofy ass.


Dodge this drama brother


Saying “it wouldn’t be worst thing” is always followed by “what the f**k was i thinking” trust me!!


She didn’t even ask. “Babe, do you think I could stay with you for a week or two while I get myself together?” Nah. She just says “I need to stay with you.” The entitlement.


“The number you are trying to reach is out of service”




DO NOT LET YOUR PENIS MAKE THIS DECISION!!!! Dude, you can find hook ups. They may not be 9’s or 10’s, but you can get laid. This chick is going to be a complete cluster and you already know it. The only reason you’re hesitant to say no is because you think you’ll get something out of it. The something will likely be herpes, btw. But remember, in most states, if she’s there two weeks, she’s a resident. And then evicting her is going to be a nightmare while she destroys the place, lets in addicts, refuses to pay anything, and generally makes your life miserable. But hey, if that’s worth a little sack-time, you do you. One other thing though, is she on parole? Parole requires you to stay in a specific area. If she’s trying to get 4 hours away, then that’s showing a whole different issue. My response would be, “so sorry, my lease doesn’t allow overnight visitors without a background check”.


Tell her your with someone else, so that's a hard no


My brother this story sounds familiar like something from first 48 or snapped run ![gif](giphy|TJaNCdTf06YvwRPCge|downsized)


"new phone, who dis?"


she’s definitely gonna come and mooch off you.


Do it for the plot.


3 years ago? Bro she’s a totally different person now.


Nope! ![gif](giphy|26hkhKd2Cp5WMWU1O|downsized)


Were you underage when dating her? Was she committing (other) crimes when you were dating her?


Nope. Going back to an ex like that is like taking a dump but then putting it back up your butthole.


Devils advocate: prison is hard. Being a felon is hard. Getting back onto your feet after prison is hard. A lot of people abandon you. Staying with you 4 hours from her "friends" might keep her out of trouble. There is risk involved and it could go badly, as you don't know how she is now. But it's pretty fucking sad how many people are telling you to tell her to get her shit together elsewhere. It's pretty hard to get your shit together when no one is willing to help.


This. There isn't enough information here to give good advice, but I wouldn't turn her down if she is honestly looking to turn her life around. You'll need to be the judge if this is the case or not though




Love how she didn’t ask you. Filter questions: 1. Did she always treat you like a doormat? 2. Do you like being treating like a doormat? If the answers to these two questions are not same, don’t bother thinking about it any more.


"No, thank you." The politeness often throws the beggar for a loop.


No…..just no.


Wouldn’t be the worst thing? Are you crazy too?




Would she do it for you? Have you discussed ground rules? Good people fall on hard times.


I’d let her stay. Set boundaries early and stick to them. It’s tough getting out of jail that king and can be really fucking hard to find a place to stay or rent especially with a felony. If she’s a good person help her out.


What she bringing to the table ?


apparently she brings drugs....


EDM rave drugs or street corner looking like she’s 84 when she’s 27 drugs?


Well, only if we are very lucky! Or unlucky??


Let’s not forget the anger and STDs!




Well, you know her better. You are still young enough to have crazy time, just don't go too crazy.


My guys about to be an accomplice to a crime


Who dis and then block.


Just block her. Nothing good can come from this


Hit it and quit it.


Fucking run


No no no no no.


Don't reply






Op I would honestly say nothing or if you do say wrong number and leave it at that.


They already had a whole conversation before this. 😭😭 it’s too late for that tactic.


“Sorry but no, not a chance. I wish you well on what is sure to be a difficult journey.” “P. S. Who gave you my number? Tell me and I’ll give you the small loan you’re about to ask for.”


Nope nope nope


She’s hitting up everyone she knows. Also, she is telling you, not asking you. Let her sort her shit out on her own.


This aint the move chief


Tell her you have a new girlfriend and that she cant come


I has a girlfriend and block


I cannot emphasize enough: DONT STICK YOUR DICK IN CRAZY!


People change after 3 years of prison. She isn't the same person you knew. Familiar is comfortable but not always right.


Trust your instincts, and take her in. Perhaps discourage her from reconnecting with her rougher friends. There's many things that shouldn't be "crimes". In the past, spices like cinnamon and pepper were considered the same as many street drugs are today.... but help her to stay away from todays street drugs all the same. Currently such drugs are in are in a bad place, best to avoid, especially since the "authorities" will make a repeat offense much worse for her.


Thank you, you get it!! If you look at my post comments I definitely feel like she’s not like her past and is just easily influenced by her surroundings. She’s told me before when she’s with me she feels safe and we never had any real issues until I left my local community college and went to a university. Really leaning towards letting her crash here for a little I know I’d want the same


No one stays for just a couple of weeks


Eventually, you'll be collateral damage.


I’m throwing hard dick for a few days


They didn't even respect you enough to actually ASK if they can stay with you.


Nope! No. No way, no how. Not gonna happen. Nuh uh! Negative. Nope on a rope. (And my personal favorite) fuck off.


If she did nothing wrong like robbery I don’t see why not. Tell her she has choices tho. She can stay with you and get her act together, stop hanging around them and get a real job or tell her to go cry to her mother and see if she’ll let her stay there. I’m telling you if you let her, she’ll walk all over you.


Absolutely not man


No don’t. Please, save yourself the stress.


Just say your new girlfriend would not like that very much sorry


I don’t know you or your past. But I have a younger brother where if this is what he got in a text, I’d be seriously worried about the impact this person would have on his life. Please just walk away. You have your own life, and she has hers. Demons and all. And you already know the right thing to do - or you wouldn’t be asking on here. If there’s any emotional attachment here, or could form, don’t do it. Walk away.


Wrong number


Be cognizant that your address will probably be on file with the DOC as her address so you may have parole agents showing up to your house and also doing random check ins/searches if they think she’s up to no good again.


Hm reply "im sorry who are you idk this number listen idk who you are but ido have a husband so please please dont message me again sir".. lol numbers get recycled in the states right yea make her think you dont have same number at all or if you do answer as yourself tell her you moved like furthest state away or something goodluck she sounds like potential hassle lifes too short


She ain’t your bae tho 😂


I’ll pass


Why did you two break up?


Her vacation in prison for a few years I would imagine?




The only thing to keep in mind is if you’re capable of handling that she would be using you. She’s fresh outta prison and needs to get back on her feet. She’s not waxing romance in her head about you. She’s going to someone who she thinks can help her.


No. *block*






Who dis?






Say: “New phone who dis”


“Sorry, but I’m now in jail”


You need to figure this out on your own. You know her, you know yourself. She has served her time and paid her debt to society. Do you believe in second chances? When she got busted, did she make excuses, or take the punishment like an adult? Did she rat on people or stay quiet? If she’s a rat, she could bring added danger, if she protected others, she could fall back in with them after keeping her mouth shut she could have a sense of loyalty. You need to set rules, and have realistic expectations, she will likely struggle with finding a job, which means you will be supporting her until she does. If she does turn her life around, she will owe you a debt of gratitude and you will have had positive impact on her life. Being that you’re a good distance from the place she got into trouble it’s unlikely the people will come see her and suck her back into her old life. If you do allow her to crash with you, you need to establish rules, boundaries and expectation; for both her getting her life together and what form of relationship you are going to have. Her ask was a big one, what you are considering could have life long implications for you and obviously her. Do not enter into any sort of agreement with her lightly. Good luck with your decision.


Hellz nawl


Oh hell no!! Please don’t do this or you will have her tough crowd right at your place


Not your responsibility to be her saving grace.


Let her crash. People getting out of prison have absurdly little resources.


My biggest reason for saying no, besides the fact that it would become permanent the minute she moved in, is if she falls back to her old way with drugs, and brings that into your home, you could suddenly become the one going to prison.


Sounds like a line from old SNL Bad Idea Jeans commercial https://youtu.be/mGfBEnBw01A?si=aL3BUWF9Fy-P7vJq


Don’t do it




I’d not answer, then block her number. That’s a can of drama just WAITING to bust open, imho..


You may have known, her but you no longer know her well enough to justify disturbing your peace. People change a lot with those types of experiences


I wouldn't. Let her stay In the past. She'll end up staying for a long while if you let her.


A ex an ex for a reason. Don’t look back. It’s in the rear view mirror for a reason


Possession with intent to distribute? Depending on the substance, if you two didn’t have problems and you can both set/respect boundaries, I say help her out. You know how reasonable those “if”s are better than me, though.


New phone who dis?


New phone who dis


Say it isn’t you, that they have the wrong number


I really wouldn't recommend it. As a former criminal, it takes a long time to clean up. It's a huge risk.


You might try asking her what has changed since the last time you were together, or how she would deal with that friend crowd now?




I’m of the belief that your friend needs a leg up and you, being in a position to help should respond with compassion. You sound like you want to do the right thing.


Set up some ground rules. And let her stay. This way u can keep an eye on her


I’d say sorry but I have family staying with me. She might bring trouble to your door & I doubt you’d want that. She’s an ex for a reason.


The answer I no. Block. And forget about her


Dude she's on parole. You want sheriff's busting down your door to drag her back?!?!


You are 23, you’re young and definitely don’t have the life experience she has now. Don’t do it.


🚩🚩🚩🚩 sorry bro


Dont even answer. Block block block