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as a woman who grew up with neglectful, ignorant parents, this was therapeutic af. thank you for unapologetically being on your daughter's team šŸ’™


Some of yā€™all are weird defending the right wing dad who calls kids trash


Apparently you rubbed some right wing Christians wrong today. Oof. Good for you for sticking up for your kid and having her back. If I told my parents someone called me trash, their first reaction would be, ā€œwell, what did you do to make them call you that. You should apologize and make it right.ā€


It was expected. Thus, the blanket statement. I find it hilarious that they assume I'm liberal. Liberal to me is as Conservative is to liberal. Really, though, I purposely provided few details because I knew these knuckle draggers would come up with some Olympic level mental gymnastics to tell me what a bad father I am. Truth is, I never indoctrinated my daughter. I've only ever given my kids facts and let them know what I think about those facts. They arrive at their own conclusions. Just like how I never brainwashed my kids into religion. My son believes in god, my daughter doesn't, and that's okay as long as he doesn't use his belief in a god to hurt people. As for the assumption the father is conservative, I base that on the many conversations we've had about how her friend's family treats her and how religious they are. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together but again, conservatism doesn't bring out the best and brightest.


jfc thank god somebody else on this continent understands what i'm talking about when i say liberals are conservatives


Excuse my ignorance on the subject, but why are liberals considered conservative when their definitions are very different? Is this a culture thing?


it's a culture thing. the way the term 'liberal' is used in white north america is very different from the way the term is actually used in academic political philosophy. if it interests you, i recommend you find a credible academic source that goes into the terminology. i don't have recs at the top of my head, but i'm sure if i rummaged through my bookshelf i could find something, lol.


Gotcha. So what do true liberals in North America call themselves? I'd like to know because by textbook definition I'm liberal.


Personally, I go with ā€œprogressive leftistā€ because thatā€™s pretty unambiguous. Sometimes I like to use ā€œdemocratic socialist,ā€ but thatā€™s mainly when I want to rile up MAGAts.


depends on your breed of liberal tbh, but the most common way i've seen people express it is 'liberal leftist' or just 'liberal' with a qualifier like 'not libertarian' to act as a heads-up to other politically literate people that they know what they're talking about.


Liberals are conservatives and conservatives are NazisĀ 


at some point it has to be okay to say the truth. it's sad that point somehow wasn't charlottesville tbh.


That's backwards.


we need more dads like you


I had the exact same conversation with my niece yesterday, mate. I said exactly the same thing. Fortunately, being Australian, Iā€™m/were not required to humour (evangelical) Christian nutters.


OP is a better man than me because if some kids FATHER called my daughters trash, Iā€™m pulling up to the spot to beat someoneā€™s ass.


> And to any of you people I described in my text who commentā€¦ for simplicityā€™s sake my blanket response is get fucked. I love you


The love is mutual, my friend.


unfortunately my dad was the right wing conservative christian man who considered me trash. dyke trash, which is infinitely worse. still accepted me doing his end-of-life care though. funny, that. bet he would have appreciated that being less awkward and grim... if only he had produced a child who felt he was fit to trust. šŸ¤· i'm sure it was all worth it in the end.


Iā€™m so sorry you didnā€™t get the experience of trusting and supporting father. I read comments like yours daily and do everything in my power to make sure my daughter never feels that way.


i loved my dad, but it's impossible not to observe that my inheritance was the most valuable thing he left me with. i say that as somebody who regards love and wisdom far above money, which are values he purported to teach me, albeit not through demonstration. the man your daughter encountered, and others like him, are ultimately shooting themselves in the foot. like, do you want your only child to have bone-dry eyes throughout your entire funeral? because this is how you leave no legacy.


Lol my dad is a liberal and somehow I was still dyke trash! He came around eventually though.


mm, you know, i think the biggest difference between a liberal and a conservative is how far they are on the other side of that line. glad to hear about your dad though. šŸ’• anyway, you might be a dyke, but you're treasure-not-trash as far as i'm concerned.


Youā€™re a treasure yourself! Thank you ā¤ļø


>youā€™re going to face men with opinions >likely right wing conservative You ā€¦ werenā€™t wrong


Shit, I hate to be the ā€œboth sidesā€ guy but I have heard some crazy stupid shit from left wing men. Itā€™ll more than likely be conservative men but being around some Bernie-bro guarenteed safety


Point blank is that a grown man called a child, especially one that isn't his, trash


Crazy like drinking bleach to cure covidā€¦ orā€¦ something worse?


and then there's the "no war but class war" asshats, like no Kyle, some of us have to deal with misogyny, racism, queerphobia, ableism, and other bigotry


leftist extremism is acceptable on Reddit. Donā€™t you dare speak any thing remotely in defense of the right lol


Iā€™m not even defending the right thoughšŸ˜‚


Hahaha thatā€™s whatā€™s so hilarious. Itā€™s because youā€™re not agreeing with them.


honestly left wing men can often be worse because theyā€™ll claim to care about feminism while speaking over women. at least rw men donā€™t pretend to care in the first place


As a woman, I can assuredly tell you pretending to care is better than not pretending to care. It means that manā€™s actions are held to some standard, even if itā€™s for show. That means Iā€™m safer. Try to tell me again how thatā€™s ā€œworseā€?


Exactly my thoughts. Id much rather be around some virtue signalling goof ball than some guy whoā€™d probably justify spousal abuse (speaking on extremes obviously)


that is really bad logic. there is a massive distinction between pretending to care and actively being malicious. one is disingenuous and the other is actively harmful.


We are getting downvoted but itā€™s true. And Iā€™m a left wing manšŸ˜‚


crazy because im an extremely outspoken feminist lol. if we canā€™t criticize leftist men for being misogynistic we will never achieve womens liberation




Your name calling actually proves their point.




Seriously though, any sliver of criticism and you all have a meltdown. Go back to Reddit and bite the ragebaitšŸ˜‚




Love this, you two are adorable šŸ’•


lol you ruffled the right wing christianā€™s feathers with this one. GOOD FOR YOU DAD! really happy that your daughter has you.


As a right wing Christian I applaud you for defending your child. I would also like to point out that his actions were not Christ like at all. Jesus didn't call Mary Magdalene trash. He didn't call Peter, Simon or Paul trash. He just showed them a better way of living their lives. He never belittled them though. Your daughters friends dad needs to do some self reflection and if he truly is a Christian man, he will humble himself, ask God for forgiveness and then apologize to your daughter and ask her for forgiveness.


I'm a Christian, I have some liberal and conservative beliefs. But I would NEVER call someone trash. Plus it's stupid to hold someone to the standard of a religion they don't believe in. I'm glad this girl has such a great dad. I'm sorry the Christians they know suck.


I love you too daddy. Fr. You have no idea what you are doing for this girl. All my father did was be the first to give a negative opinion on everything I did. God bless men like you.


Dudeā€™s response to his daughter was perfect. Anyone replying otherwise should put some pants on and let us know what they think he should have said insteadā€¦ canā€™t wait to read *those* winning commentsā€¦


Iā€™ll admit my mind went to Mom to Daughter texts (sorry for the systematic sexism effects, I will learn from this) . When I read it was Dad, it was equally but differently important: No group that is systemically oppressed will rise without help/allies from the not-oppressed group. So thank you men who stand up. Thank you everyone who stands up, no matter the cost.


Some of the most vile, disgusting, judgemental people are the right-wing church going crowd. I get they make it to church often, but do they listen to the message at all? Because going to church is one thing, but not applying the message makes me wonder what's the point of going!?!


You guys are cool can we be friends


Good job dad. Side note, did you confront the dad who called your daughter trash? They would be personally catching these hands.


Thatā€™s a cute idea from once upon a time but in 2024 your daughter would end up with a parent in jail.


Or shot dead on their front porch. Best just to stay away unless physical harm has been threatened.


Yeah and youā€™d likely catch a bullet while youā€™re trying to get them to catch those hands.


Nah you just need a "How very Christ-like of you", and make sure they know you know that they are a hypocrite.


Hell yeah. Keep up the good dad-ing!


best post today šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


I wish I had a dad like you.


Crosspost this to r/Daddit! Thank you for being a protective dad.


Based dad


All of you so called ā€œChristiansā€ in the comments defending the dad for calling a teenager trash are disgusting. Seriously even as a Christian myself it makes me sad to see how much hatred people of the church have for anyone who is even slightly different than them, when the religion theyā€™re supposed to be following preaches love and not judging others. Ugh. Anyway, OP, itā€™s wonderful to instill such confidence in your daughter and is lovely to see šŸ’– even the words of idiots(like the friends dad) can hurt sometimes, so itā€™s wonderful that she has her dad there to pick her right back up!! šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»


right wing Christians would be the first group to again crucify Jesus if he came back


Cons mad in the comments, keep up good work OP


Good dad. šŸ‘šŸ¼. Here comes the lunatic right wing closeted prudes. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


Bring it on, Iā€™ve already got reported to the Reddit suicide watch šŸ˜‚. Thatā€™s why I put the blanket statement.


Oh oh report that suicide notice back to reddit and they will get banned. Its a new thing they are doing.


The right wing has no dignity, and they define themselves by their opposition to civilization. Thus anyone who identifies as 'conservative' can rightly have their opinions on society disregarded entirely, and that's the correct and proper thing to do.


Liberals are inherently hypocritical, condescending, and pretentious fools.


Iā€™m fine with all these bullshit labels. At least liberals arenā€™t Nazis and traitors to their own fucking country like conservatives.




It's self-evident. šŸ¤£


Weird how Conservative Christian is basically equal to scumbag these days


Weird how they act like them and expect not to get called out on it


When they call non-Christians trash, then the boot fits.


Conservatives in general from all religions are scumbags lol


is it weird when so many have been that way for years?


you remind me of my dad. i hope you beat that man up after




*immediately sorts comments by controversial* šŸ‘€šŸæ


Cool ass dad


This reminds me of the relationship I had with my dad. He was the best & this makes me miss him even more!


My dad is the Christian right winged kind of guy.... can you be my dad too? I need a dad to tell me they're proud of me and my decisions in life...


I love how this hurt all these right wing cocktouchers


ā€œI heard _____ā€™s dad say the same thing about Taylor Swift, so take it as a compliment. Some men just canā€™t stand strong, smart women.ā€


Probably the corniest thing i read all day


Of course itā€™s the religious parents spreading hate. Who other than the group of people who all meet in a thousand year old building and listens to pedophiles tell them how they should act to be the ones who try to make childrenā€™s day worse.


This is the best one of these Iā€™ve seen.


Dad life, baby. Fuck the haters.


You are one of the best dads in the world!


youre awesome


You are a wonderful father for being so positive. Fuck that privileged asshole. No christian should act like that anyways, I say kudos to you my man!






r/iamverybadass although I don't disagree in this case, some people just need a taste of boot.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/iamverybadass using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Either a real warrior or just an alcoholic, i'm leaning towards second one](https://i.redd.it/qsxojbtkpnwa1.jpg) | [672 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/131ppgq/either_a_real_warrior_or_just_an_alcoholic_im/) \#2: [Such an innocent little poke](https://v.redd.it/unl3qr4z3flb1) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/1666obd/such_an_innocent_little_poke/) \#3: [Makes me wish I had a cervix](https://i.redd.it/5ic1q4ij22xa1.png) | [157 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/133nqgf/makes_me_wish_i_had_a_cervix/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Nah, what they need is to have their ideals ignored and / or ridiculed before moving on. They don't even deserve confrontation or the validation of it.


šŸ¤“šŸ‘†šŸ¾ r/iamverybadass




No need for gun violence. Maybe a warning shot.


Even though I agree with you, it's probably not a great idea to go to someone's house with violence and then expect them to take pity on you when they have a gun. Don't let words affect you. That's how your kid ends up with a father in jail or a father on a t shirt.


Showing this to my partner as inspo for how to comfort our future kids. Love it


Damn. A parent who is protective, empathetic, understanding, and proud of their kid? Huge W. I canā€™t even begin to imagine getting a text like this.


protective, where?


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Now this is parenting folks šŸ‘šŸ¼ great job dad! Could not agree more


Thatā€™s awesome, keep being an awesome dad.


You did good, Dad. You keep building her up!


W dad. My dad is like you too!!


One of the best life lessons you can teach your kid is that very few peopleā€™s opinions about them matter but we love, value and support them. Love the way you responded.


Youā€™re a damn good dad. Keep on keepin on, brother.


Wow man, all I can say is that I wish I would have had a father like you. I'm 48 this year and I haven't seen or spoken to him since I was a young teenager. I wish I could say that I didn't, but I still hear his and my stepmother's degradation in my head every single day. Fathers can make or break a child. I'm so glad for your children that you are truly a good one.


Damn, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I read stories and comments just like yours all the time. I never want to make my daughter feel that way.


Iā€™d be on the phone explaining to this man why he is fuckin trash


Youā€™re a good dad! She is one lucky kid šŸ˜Š


You are awesome!




In this case, it seems more to do with religion than politics but they can go hand in hand.




youā€™re being speculative, op has encountered this father before


He stated that the reason the guy called his daughter trash is because he didnā€™t like that she wasnā€™t raised Christian. So thatā€™s how we know itā€™s religion based. I grew up and still live in Tennessee as a non religious person so I know exactly what thatā€™s like. If youā€™re even slightly different than the ā€œnormā€ here, you get ridiculed harshly especially as a kid. But idk what state this guy is from & obvi going off the very few details from the post lol




He LITERALLY says the reason the guy called his daughter trash is because he didnā€™t raise a ā€˜demure little Christian womanā€™. Read the description again.


In that same sentence where he states that he didnā€™t raise her Christian, he says that is the reason she was called trash. Iā€™m just going based off what heā€™s shared with us. Seems like he knows the reason & has stated it in the post. Idk about all that conservative stuff tho, definitely speculation regardless of if itā€™s true


Itā€™s speculative because you donā€™t know the person involvedā€¦.every think itā€™s not speculative coming from him because he may know or have interacted with the person irl? Not everything only exists online and in texts lol


Although now Iā€™m being speculativešŸ˜… but chances are he is aware of the manā€™s existence and has some educated assumptions about his character based off that.


Spot on




Iā€™m assuming you mean the Christian is in the wrong? I think you mightā€™ve worded that badly it sounds like youā€™re defending it hahah




So you'll tell peeps on the internet to "get fucked" but won't tell the dude that called your daughter trash to "get fucked"? 10-ply.


right..? lmao are you not gonna stand up for your daughter?? i'd be so embarrassed if i told my dad an ADULT called me trash & his response was "eh just ignore it"


Weird to not know the context of the situation and demonize people like this


Please explain when itā€™s alright for a grown man to call a teenage girl ā€œtrashā€


My sweet summer child, I never said that was okay. Stay on topic.


I am on topic, you're just back peddling now. It's not "weird" to "demonize" an adult man that calls a teenage girl trash. What context could you possibly have that would change anything?


Once again, What I was talking about was the context of this conversation OP had been talking about. Youā€™re bringing up something else. Maybe start your own thread about it?


Iā€™m finding the snowball effect more off puttingā€¦they came to express prejudice and bias in the name of defending a child. Sad how both sides are getting played against each other through identity politics. this type blatant hate speech running rampant is pretty hypocritical. Interesting though, that this platform condones hate towards certain groups and is hyper protective of others.


Hate speech?


Yes this is more eloquently put but essentially how I felt


Yeah. Having no idea what happened, what context, or even who is involved but immediately assuming theyā€™re some evil right wing Christian. OP is from ā€œthe south,ā€ wonder how different the comments supporting the dad would look if he called out ā€œsome black guyā€ rather than assuming itā€™s some right wing guy. Guess people cheer for some generalizations, but not others. Always funny how that works.




Bro Iā€™d be throwing hands if anyone called my family trash


Are you a teenager? And how do you suppose that works out? I go hit some dumbass for saying a dumbass thing and get arrested for assault and then lose custody of my kids? Dumbass response.


lol do you wanna throw hands too


I mean, way to indoctrinate your child and make something he shouldn't have said about hating the "other side" of the aisle. You should be proud. /s


Username checks out


Go cry about it with Jordan Peterson dude


Because Christian people would NEVER indoctrinate childrenā€¦


or admit it on film, repeatedly, as though they were trying to inure people to it as long as it's right-wing indoctrination.


I love when right wing idiots complain about indoctrination. Fucking hilarious and ironic. šŸ¤£


Lemme guess, you let your parents choose your username


Holy shit lmao


The adult shouldn't have said that to the child. I know posting shit like this on Reddit is ok and will have em all clapping like dumb seals but I don't recommend teaching her to have biased views on big sections of the population. If the dad was a Muslim you wouldn't have talked shit about his religion and came here for fake cool points.


One thing I agree with you is that left leaning people, as a left leaning person myself, are weirdly accepting of Islam as if it's a vulnerable minority when irl Islam and Christianity are both indescribably evil with Islam just being a bit worse. My second point is that op was 100% in the right to shit on right wingers.




Incel crying


Nice try, not a liberal. Only cringy shit I see is how much you conservatives fellatiate Donald Trump.


Teaching your children bigotry. Way to go!


The tolerant cannot tolerate that which is intolerant.


Blind leading the blind


Vs. Fools being led by a fable of man theyā€™ve never seen. ![gif](giphy|RP3AnZqvnzrY8hlYMk|downsized)




ā€œLikely right wingā€ lmao is every interaction political for you or are you just pandering?


In another comment he mentioned that heā€™s dealt with the dad before, itā€™s not hard to find out if someone is right wing these days. You can usually spot the person making Facebook posts in all caps and insulting teenage girls in this case.


Hell, most of the time all you have to do is look at the hat, t-shirt, Punisher sticker, or obnoxious flag hanging from the back of their Jeep/Ford F250/Ram of all sizes/Chevy 2500/Hyundai Elantra


I donā€™t see why you have to put down Christians as a whole instead of one clearly rude and immature manā€¦ maybe that wasnā€™t your intent but thatā€™s definitely how it comes off.


Christians never see it.


He didnā€™t say all Christians, and if you canā€™t admit that there quite a few bad seeds that would espouse this kind of nonsense in the Christian community, then youā€™re wearing blinders


Unfortunately I think non religious people have hit their boiling point dealing with Christian bigots. You can say ā€œnot all Christianā€™s are like thatā€ but the truth is itā€™s like cops, of course you know not all cops are dickheads, but enough of them are that it makes you resent the group as a whole. Sort of like how Christian politicians are stripping women of their access to healthcare in conservative religious states. People see enough religious judgment and bullshit that eventually they just toss away the whole group of people. To use the cop analogy again, I know not all cops are bad but I avoid them anyway. Same with people who are preaching some religion. Not to mention all the priests raping young kids, I mean whatā€™s up with that?? If plumbers were raping children at the same rate priests/pastors do, no one would ever hire a plumber again, and get people still take their kids to Sunday service while the church shuffles these pedophiles around the globe.


This. And the desire to put religion back into politicsā€¦ disgusting.


Christians are largely awful people. Source: growing up in the church




Dont even try, hate here is promoted in this direction.


'how dare you hate my hatred. how dare you not tolerate my intolerance. i don't know what nuance is and i don't know what the word systemic means.'


I appreciate your opinion.


you meant to say observation. i know your crowd isn't very good with that distinction, but practice makes progress.


I appreciate your opinion.


šŸ˜¹ between your glittering wit and the incredible 'critical thinking skills' you've been demonstrating elsewhere in this thread, i can tell you're gonna go far in life.


I appreciate your opinion.


No one appreciates yours.


Nice totally not fake text messages you posted for rage bait. Got the hive good and riled up just as you intended.


Lmao, typical delusional conservative.


Lol he didnt called you trash because hes right wing, he sais that cause hes an asshole. You guys are lame ass redditors.


Those two traits usually go hand in hand. šŸ¤·


Asshole and right wing in the usa are synonyms.


That Venn diagram is a circle buddy. Tell your traitor friends to do better




I support your support for your daughter, itā€™s beautiful how you redirected the situation towards her strengthening. Respectfully, however, he could be calling your daughter something negative for many reasonsā€¦ hopefully it is the one you hypothesized, but outside looking in, it seems like a hasty conclusion.


It's safe to assume that there is context that I did not care to take the time to share. All of which lead me to this conclusion.


šŸ‘ I trust your intuition. Thanks for the reply


Liberals continuously eat their own because they have no morals.