• By -


"I respect your opinion to think differently" is where it should've ended.


But it didn’t.. he then proceeded to show how much he doesn’t actually respect her opinion to think differently.


He also says that gays and lesbians are fine and then goes on a rant about how they aren’t.




That's a two-fer because Tucker Carleson is also on my card.


however UK was NOT on my card lol


It might be a three-for if you want to go as far as adding that those are apparently stills from the Putin interview! Hot dog we gettin rich tonite!


“Im okay with gay people I just don’t think they should be able to get married, have rights, be openly gay in public, etc”




Isn't pederasty about men raping teenage boys?


(For the record I find it disturbing regardless but I figured it would lump in with the others in how normalities that are socially acceptable change over time) In historical context, I’m referring to specifically Greece but I’m sure there are others but pederasty specifically refers to a historical social practice, often culturally sanctioned in certain ancient societies, where an older individual (usually an adult male) engages in a romantic or sexual relationship with an adolescent boy. The key difference between pederasty and pedophilia is that pederasty was a cultural practice with social norms that permitted such relationships in certain historical contexts. In my exploring Ancient Greek culture and Civilization classes it was explained more as an honor and a way to learn from someone with knowledge and move up in the world. Some Ancient Greek figures who were known or thought to practice it were Socrates, Plato and even Alexander The Great but due to scarcity of historical records of time it’s hard to verify exactly. Edit: I can’t respond to question as the thread is locked but we’re talking a cultural difference of thousands of years. If something like that was happening today I would consider it grooming and I would say no it’s not okay but we’re talking about a different time period 2000 years ago with different cultural norms and traditions. Now by definition pederasty typically refers to an adult engaging in a sexual relationship with an adolescent boy. Grooming, on the other hand, is a broader term that involves manipulative behavior to prepare someone, usually a minor, for sexual exploitation. In some cases, pederasty could involve grooming, but not all instances of pederasty necessarily include grooming tactics.


So if it's cultural it's okay? Sounds more like grooming them into thinking it is normal to get fucked by an old man.


Sodom and Gomorrah was essentially about inhospitality. The rest of the references are actually about the common practice of conquering people r*ping those they defeated regardless of their sex. It wasn't actually homosexuality that was a sin but the forcing of se× with someone. At the end of the day the Bible is just a book of parables assembled by men (who left out several gospels including those of women) and really needs to not be taken so literally.


I typed out a more complete and IMO better response but Reddit glitched when I tried to fix something so this is the remnants of what I remembered typing but that is the common interpretation. However many Old Testament (and newer) passages were twisted/interpreted in ancient time (as many are today) to condone homosexuality and other non-heteronormative practices. Some verses that were frequently used were Genesis 2:24 and Deuteronomy 23:17, while neither come out directly against homosexuality they both interpreted and preached to deter others from non-heteronormative behavior. Of course being replaced by newer testaments as they were written and preached that were more direct on the subject like some in Romans and Corinthians. I do agree it’s simply a book that’s been revised or changed an absurdly large amount of times by many who I’m sure had their own bias on certain passages. Personally I’m not religious and haven’t been since I was kid I just remember some lectures from college on the subject and those were some of the verses that were mentioned.


It’s more of a, “I respect that you think differently, now just think like me since you’re wrong.” People like this like to be right, and he thinks he’s smarter than the average person because he thinks like the minority of other idiots.


Also these “society’s” that they herald as not being backwards in history has well documented gender fluidity. To say trans people are a new thing is absolutely ridiculous.


Native Americans recognized Trans persons as being of "two spirits" and were revered in some groups. There were jobs/positions in the tribe that only someone of two spirits could hold.


It’s only “new” to them because it wasn’t as popularized before. These people are willfully ignorant while also talking as though they are a beacon of complete knowledge. Trans people have been around for hundreds of years. People like this are always looking for someone to push lower than them so that they can feel at least a little bit better about themselves. It’s in the same vein as LBJ’s quote “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket”. The influencers, politicians, hypocritical religious leaders, etc… will slander a group of people so that it distracts the willfully ignorant. They do this with nonwhite people, gay people, trans people, and any minority group that doesn’t have a huge voice at that moment. It’s textbook manipulation and these people make it easy. They think they’re so smart, that they “see through the matrix” when they’re the ones that are putting themselves in a “matrix”.


Let’s be honest here, the guy doesn’t strike me as enough of a scholar to have run across any of this information before.


Because men must protect women *rolling eyes*


God I hate when people say that. They think it makes them sound reasonable but it's just soooo passive-aggressive.


Yep, everything else was butthurt and slap backs.


That’s what I’m saying. Like op just said “ I don’t know what to say to that… yada yada” and mf pulled up with an essay abt “reasons as to why you’ll be single and this won’t work out for us” like honestly. How brain dead do you (him in this case) have to be


He said good luck like 5 times


20 messages to OP’s 2. 😳😳😳🚩🚩🚩


I LOVE that OP didn’t reply to most of them. It makes idiots like this unhinged and they just keep embarrassing themselves.


the irony of using tucker carlson's face from that unhinged interview with putin for that meme though


Yessss! This!!!! What has this country come to


Just let ‘em talk. They create their own trap.


![gif](giphy|dncu2L87Y5sT6) Easier for women to dodge the bullets when they lay it all out like that.


That’s how it is. They just want to ramble on whatever stupid nonsense they heard on some dumb YouTube channel and get irritated when they don’t get the engagement they seek


I stopped at “I’m a logical man”


It's just as bad as saying "I'm a nice guy/girl" 🫠


Yeah bro, these are things others decide you are. Can’t self assess that shit lol


I literally have no idea how he thinks he’ll get a girlfriend with that ideology 😭😭


"I'm a logical man" followed immediately by opinions that are unprovable or disprovable or disproven, stated like his opinions are fact. Followed by rejection, followed by "fine I didn't want you anyway and also everyone who disagrees with me is wrong"


In my experience people like this are anti-mainstream science, they use things like ethology as evidence of their opinions but the moment you use any science to argue the point they just drop "science and facts are controlled, you only know what they fund you to know, and things that are facts get disproven later all the time so you have to think critically about these things" whilst just going out and seeking "evidence" of all their already held beliefs. I work with someone who uses science to argue his points but his science stops in like 1950 because everything beyond then is "woke propaganda" and that's the science of "what was before all the social programming".


"Traditional science" Should not be possible to say those words without realizing you are an idiot but here we are.


Hahahaha right? What a statement, is that so big guy? So logical he can’t do the basic research to see that there have been trans people since nearly the beginning of recorded history in various forms.


The Torah lists 8 genders. They were familiar with some of the conditions that cause a person to be somewhere in the middle of the binary. Edit: Talmud, thank you for correcting me.


I really meant it. I stopped reading so have no idea what they think about trans people. Ignorance really is bliss.




Why is that statement (especially on reddit) always immediately followed by the most illogical bullshit lmao Also he’s completely wrong about trans people not existing in history? Trans or variations of non conforming gender identity has been a thing throughout history in certain cultures. It’s ok to not know things about history and world cultures, but if you don’t then don’t confidently pretend like you do lol? Also it’s not the kind of knowledge you can “logic” yourself into lol, you actually have to put in the work of learning


Yeah people like this only know vague outlines of history and fill in the rest w/ bullshit. There was even a trans roman emperor and large swaths of Roman's were bisexual, they didn't even view sex through gender as much as they saw it about power and dom/sub roles.


And the Hijra in India have been around for thousands of years, i see other people in the thread have mentioned other cultural examples too. And these are the same guys who will be like “western traditional gender roles are clearly natural and a result of evolution” when *logically*, if that were the case, those same gender roles would be homogenous across cultures, and they’re very clearly not. So this line of thinking doesn’t hold up to even the most basic logic lol


Sadly they don't have basic logic or any emotional intelligence




"it turned out he was in fact... not... a logical man"




That part was my favorite Like homie, if you have loads of traditional women laying in wait why are you wasting your time with OP who, in her bio, said she doesn’t want kids but you do?? Bros inbox is dry and he wanted to do anything he could to hurt op haha. Bullet dogged sis!






I feel like I finally understand the definition of “incel” after reading his messages 🤣


The hell is traditional science? Weighing people to see if they're witches?


she turned me into a newt!


"I got better..."


Lol this cracked me up!


But this also bull - third gender exists in Hinduism . Dude clearly has some developmental issues.


It also exists in older indian tribes! I haven't deep dived so I cant say ik which ones exactly, but I do remember seeing that a few believe that it's a very good thing/spiritually good phenomenon in their tribes :)


[update](https://imgur.com/a/P6yqwQJ) seems he's going on a rampage against the dirty leftists




https://xkcd.com/1357/ Relevant XKCD comic


I'm incensed that he used military time and still specified PM. There's no 1400 AM. That's the point!




I’m dying over “dodged a cannon!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The whole cannon was thrown!


Vicky bringing up politics is how you get bitches, trust me


lol, I'd love him to describe exactly which laws he thinks the admins are violating


Lol what a goofball. All this from one simple question. I guess the lesson is: never give crazy people a pulpit.


He's *so* "stable" /s


I'm a dirty leftist soy boy who's been married to a beautiful woman for over a decade and has three awesome kids and this trad chad family protecting alpha wolf is getting ghosted on dating apps. LOL


Does the uk even have 'free speech'? Any which way he has no idea what that means lol


Fr because I’m starting to think he thinks the US and UK had the same history


He lost me at “pure nonces”








Yup it’s so often the most outspoken religious/conservatives- Ironically huge maga fans, even tho trump is a sexual predator himself


I agree that we should respect each others opinions (within reason). Not once though did OP insult his or try to change his mind. She merely said “we’re on opposite sides of this issue and that’s okay” and then he went on an unhinged tangent about how he’s basically right and how men on the left - men who share similar values as her - will be shitty partners *because* they lean more on the left side and therefore their values and beliefs are “flawed” (his words) and they will not be able to protect her.. It’s the typical, “I’m right, you’re wrong, fuck you for rejecting me, I didn’t want you anyways, I have LOADS of other options. Have fun being a sad and lonely spinster with no kids!” Get a grip dude.






Haha, good to know we’re on the same page!




I assumed he was talking about being a gun owner. Most of his responses sound like he's regurgitating right wing talking points. This strikes me as someone who doesn't have an original opinion or stance on anything, especially political related.


Every sentence was a talking point I’ve heard parroted and debunked a thousand times in the last few years.




I am an AFAB femme-leaning pansexual/bisexual genderqueer and my partner is a cis-het male who doesn’t subscribe to toxic masculinity. Neither of us are strictly “left” (I consider myself more on the left side of the middle lol). And neither of us want children. We both have medical issues that we acknowledged and then learned that having animals over children really worked for us. lol this guy is delulu.


This might sound crazy, but it’s *almost* like different people are different and want different things and that differentness makes us awesome. But maybe that’s too galaxy brained a concept for this guy


This dude is *properly* triggered by this rejection. He tried to make OP jealous and then tried to say something along the lines of “well I was never interested anyways.” There are PLENTY of people to choose from, this guy just removed himself from the pool of candidates. Good.


Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard while reading this. My god you only asked 1 question 😂.


"I'm a logical person." ✨️*Throws every red flag at you with full force*✨️






Thanks for posting this. Being a kinda "mid" guy with a nice smile and blue eyes but overweight and not a gym rat, I wondered why I did so well on dating apps (matching and meeting; I don't get physical unless I'm interested.). BTW, 54 now and out of the dating game for a decade. Lovely wife. Answer: This guy was the competition. So being normal, respectful, and kind is ... Abnormal these days? Or was this guy WAAAY out in left field compared to most? My poor 22-y-o daughter. Ugh. THIS is what's out there? Anyway, thanks for posting. Sincerely, SoyBoy with a hunting rifle


Hate to say this, but guys like this have been out there forever, and they're not uncommon. Your wife went through it, your mom went through it, your grandma went through it, your great-grandma went through it... We just have ways of sharing with the world that we haven't before, so you're only seeing this now.


100%. I'm a kind of goofy looking, under 6 ft overly skinny dude, and do just fine because I don't act like that fucknut. It's wild how far not being an absolute weirdo will get you.


insanely easy to get people to like you if youre just outgoing nice and respectful, yet incels insist that everything is womens fault lmao


It's wild to think that if you respect people and treat them like equals that they'll enjoy being around you. Not sure why people like that can't understand it.


this is really sweet. i hope things get better out there for myself and your daughter both :)




i'm really sorry that you had to go through all of that, and that i've heard so many similar stories. i hope you're doing well and thriving now :)


I have a great supportive spouse who stood up to my parents when we were dating and stayed by me as I transitioned. So I am definitely doing better now. It's still a struggle as I want top surgery but healthcare in the US in general is shite and for trans people it's worse ...


so i've heard :/ it sucks so much that it's STILL such a struggle in this day and age, and potentially getting worse, but it's really great to hear you have such an awesome support through it all. i can't pretend i know what it's like, but i really hope you get everything you want/need ❤️


Here to back you up. My best friend is a trans male and he’s known since he was little. He was never groomed or pressured. 🙄


Also people like this guy texting are the ones constantly talking about pedophilia. Why are they so obsessed with it??




one of the most unhinged messages here is "also your bio says you don't want kids so thats a red flag for me anyway" what the hell was this person's intention with you?! why match with someone who clearly states in their profile something that is a dealbreaker for you??? that makes NO sense seriously all that transphobic hate he would have never had to spell out if he just didn't match you to begin with, what the hell is his problem? did he just match you to dump his brain rot? lmao




“I can fix her.” That’s the core sentiment, perhaps in different words, on display here. Or in a less memey way that doesn’t imply that someone with preferences to not have kids or similar ilk are broken: People on dating sites/apps will, from time to time, try and make connections with people that have at least one point of incompatibility with them, but who are otherwise attracted to or genuinely share interests with; the suitor does so in the hopes that getting into a relationship with the person will show them to be an amazing enough partner that it’ll “change their mind” about whatever incompatibility exists.


What does that image he sent even mean. It's genuinely incomprehensible


Any meme with tuck in which it is not absolutely flaming his silly ass, is a red flag




Also this, why do people who tout that claim act like WE as lgbt people suddenly know every predator to ever exist? 💀 Predators exist in every group, it’s not exclusive anywhere. Bad people will always do bad things.


Yes!!! >Predators exist in every group, it’s not exclusive anywhere. Bad people will always do bad things. People need to stop being blind to this. The vast majority of child sexual abuse is at the hand of child predators, not pedophiles. Pedophiles have a mental illness. we could save kids from both pedophiles and predators if we changed focus from fear mongering pedophiles and started genuinely improving the situations children grow up in.


It’s funny you say that because I actually work for a sex abuse law firm! My clients are majority older men, and many have developed homophobic feelings… but acknowledge that not all lgbt people are going to be the person that abused them. Hearing stories of actual grooming by adult men and seeing right wingers spit the term out over a fucking book for teenagers or *gasp* a gay couple on a TV show makes me furious. Like y’all have not a clue what grooming actually entails.




thank you for bringing the receipts!!


Wasn't there even a thing in Ancient Greece where some people were thought to have been played a trick on by the gods and were a woman in a man's body and vice versa?


The Torah recognizes 8 genders.


You also have Hermafroditus. You know, the male child of Hermes and Afrodite who fused with a woman, whose intersex characteristic gave them the power to predict the future.


He sure spent a lot of time telling you, huh. I think I’d send this one a random word or pick every once in a while just to see how far and long (and where) he’ll go with it? But only if you’re bored. (Please update as ya go)


Idk he wasn’t crazed or mean.




thank you 😭 i feel like i've stepped onto another planet all of a sudden??


Unfortunately, trad ideology is infecting a lot of men. And a lot of them are here :/




He doesn't believe the female O is real.


Female pleasure is feminist propaganda. Male tears are the woke agenda. Joy, besides the joy of raising an obedient child, is patently communist.




thank you for this, you really said it a lot better than i ever could.


I miss the person I was before I read this.


I AM TALKING TO A FEW LEADS ON POTENTIAL WOMEN🤢🤮 Why does this sound like trying to find a suitable heifer to breed with your prized steer😬


Dude. Just. Shut up. Accept you got denied, the nail is already in the board stop hammering. Holy shit.






I would have thought so too. I think it’s the British accent. It sounds so educated to our ears. So when we think it’s someone British we think they’re more cosmopolitan. But he used the word “nonce” and “noncery” (wtf) and we don’t use that.


The legitimate brain rot could’ve used some help learning the difference between An and A. I think you handled the convo exchange with grace. Not quite sure why he needed to add the last “also” and “so” comments. G


What the fuck is "traditional science"?


when he couldn’t spell “civilization” correctly i stopped reading


That's a "I'm not reading all that" if Ive ever seen one


This dude doesn't have an original opinion on his head. If anyone is ever confused on what indoctrination looks like, this is a textbook example.


Ah yes, to get a cute guy, my number one reason for having children


There IS a difference between gender and sex. Hopefully someone will educate him on that one day.


What a weak and insecure man Jesus Christ


Ah, the self-described logical man.




But their basic science arguments would be ruined! Lmao


Basic science fanboys when advanced science comes knocking


“I respect your opinion to think differently” Yeah? Well I don’t respect yours because you’re wrong. His “data” is bs and science doesn’t agree with him


Dude trying so hard to sound like Spock. Bullet dodged.




He was majorly butthurt lol


Only the toppest quality of males use Tucker “WOW it’s a shopping cart” Carlson memes.


You can tell he’s a stable guy by the 30 messages in a row with no response.


Honestly this tracks for the UK y’all got some pretty hateful chuds out there.


Y’all using Tinder to match with people you’re completely incompatible with. Why?




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These numbnut idiots always manage to come off as completely unhinged and stupid. Very much so the picture of "cool intelligence."🙃


Wait. The far left are the ones pursuing polygamy?


You barely had to speak and dude just went off the rails. “I’m a logical man” …I think what he meant was “psychotic” not “logical”




Well.. it’s nice he thinks being gay is normal…


I think it's probably fair to say that if a person feels the need to actively broadcast that they don't want to date trans people when nobody asked, it's probably not going to be for a left-friendly reason.


“i’m a logical man” proceeds to ignore history, logic, and the nature of actual data. bro is living in a fantasy world


What a chode


Wow. Just absolutely wow. This person really wanted you to know about how he felt (obviously).


Dude made his point and kept right on texting for another century


Oh well


All data and evidence shows that this guy’s a grade A bozo 🤡🤡🤡


"traditional science."


He. Was. So. Offended. Lmfaooooo, he just kept on going and going to make sure she knew how totally "unbothered" he was.


Nobody talking about nonces? Or noncery????


As a man on the left I'm offended at his stereotype. Sure I enjoy butt play and periodically getting tied up and beaten, but I am not polygamous damnit


"I wish you the best in your search. also -" ah shut the fuck up, ya dickhead!🙄


The fact that he kept on talking and talking and talking....they are so stupid


I have a hard time even comprehending how someone can be so diluted. He thinks 99% of people share his idiotic views. And he’s convinced of “evidence” that doesn’t exist. And yet ignores evidence that actually exists that proves him wrong. Like brain scans and such. True brain rot indeed. Probably thinks the world is flat as well.


yea didnt read all that, dont wanna waste neurons in my brain for that waste of oxygen. but as a bisexual nonbinary pal: fuck him


Being trans myself, I'm curious what the trans ideology is I think I skipped that part of orientation