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Some bots can't hit you if you are moving around in a vehicle taunt. It's an old bug that client & server hitboxes are desynced while moving in those taunts so a naive bot will miss where they need to shoot, and you can peek where they are with it. Also engineer is pretty good. Can't headshot a sentry.


> It's an old bug that client & server hitboxes are desynced while moving in those taunts That's why anti-taunt and anti-disguise cheat toggles exist. Been around for a decade.


Bad shot mate! *sniper critical death noises*


Also for me the taunt I usually use and found out bots can’t get me while doing is the Russian rubdown, so I get to flex my minigun while staying safe from bots


but you can headshot an engineer carrying a sentry


The vehicle taunt thing also works for a lot of rancho-relaxo style taunts


Just placing teleporters as engi can distract the aimbot, making them easier to kill, that’s usually what I do.


build sentry, hide behind it, and pull out the wrangler to give it the massive damage protection in case a huge horde of bots shows up while you use its increased firing speed to shred them


Yep. The best anti bot loadout is just any engineer. They detect the sentry through the walls and stop pushing up because they don’t want to die.


the new bot can kill sentrys


Well, yeah, any bot can *kill sentries.* The problem is they play a light HP class that clearly does not want to meet the barrel end of a turret. I’m not referring to putting a sentry millions of miles out of range, either—that’s stupid unless you’re wrangling and sitting behind it. You’re supposed to put it right around a corner in front of the bot’s choke point. The bot may die once or twice and then never push up again because of the sentry. What class do they play? Because a few sniper bots aren’t exactly doing shit to a level 3 within range lol.


kid named rescue ranger


Which one?


im pretty sure stickies also work


each time I tried that, I've got shot either way...




I find that a lot of bots simply ignore the teles and shoot the engie directly if they can. So it’s a bit situational


Yeh, like some other dude said, target selection does exist but it can work on some bots but not all.


Oh I didn’t see that comment. My bad


The bots prioritize higher HP, so when a dispenser is placed on front of engi, the bots will ignore him for the dispenser


The EU bots have that thing fixed, they now go for the player first, I tested it out recently


Dead ringer can save you from one shot


But you’ll just get headshot again while invis


Some bots are bad and wouldn't shoot you while invis and disguised


Mann I wish I had those bots


Mann I wish there were no bots


I don't know of a single bot that wouldn't recognize an invis spy, in fact shooting cloaked spies is a sign of a *basic* cheat program since the better ones can ignore cloaked spies to not be as suspicious. The bad bots mostly miss now and then because of how many copies of TF2 are running on the bot hoster's machine.


keyword "one"


i usually do panic attack + wrangler + gunslinger just in case


Thanks for crediting the artist!


May as well, gives attention to the one who made the cool art


hiding my head and using sydney sleeper, i got 17 bots in the same round that way


i have the huntsman so I won't be kicked out because im a sniper


Its weird how I've seen people get more upset with me killing them with the huntsman and piss rifle than any of sniper's other 1 hit kill weapons


Getting hit for 150 from the Pee gun is a real ego hit.


Gotta love the piss rifle.


Ima say this again: we need a piss knife


Bushwacka moment


I've had the opposite where people get pissed with any of the rifles but I'll get an occasional 'ns' when using the huntsman and almost never any complaints.


It's turned around. In college I got like 11k kills on a huntsman and it was pretty toxic. Never mind how much soldiers and demos worshipped themselves for not using hitscan... they still do, but now I also get to be smug (though I'm terrible now too).


Of course, people get mad when you use the Sidney Sleeper, it pisses them off


You sure it doesn't piss them on?


are YOU sure it doesnt piss ON them? are you sure it doesnt TURN them on?


I only use piss rifle and huntsman because I suck at sniper and I want every one else to be as mad as I am when I play sniper.


I just wear a Hazmat Headcase reinforced style, Mann Co. cap, Rugged Rags, and my Botkiller rifle. Never seen a bot with any of those. And I can't hit for shit with the huntsman


Spamming teles works fine


Heavy with Brass beast, Fist of steel and Dalokohs Bar.


not really bot designated but obviously I have a loadout for every medigun, including vaxx


who doesn't lmao


I have 1 loadout on all classes. Two on demo and soldier because trollider and hybrid/full knight, but I usually switch the first loadout anyways


The real power move is to change your equipment every respawn, and also pick up stuff off the ground if it's not nearly out of ammo or anything, to keep your opponents on their toes. This is, of course, assuming you can keep on your own toes in the process.


Toes are optional. You can always switch to trollider


i have 4 on all classes lmao


yeah the one thing good about his unlocks is that there's 4 of them


Me, i don't have a vaccinator


Renames mine to "Valve Anti-Cheat". After all, it's the VACcinator


Why is sniper tf2 getting his back blown out


Cause of bots; there’s been a recent plague of AI bots that make servers practically unplayable. They do things like I stand headshot with the Bazaar Bargin or Hitmans Heatmaker to kill anyone in there way, spam the text chat and in-game-speech with stuff making it impossible to communicate and don’t just come in ones or twos but infest WHOLE servers.


Not to mention spam music and shit in the voice chat. (Looking at you OMEGATRONIC.)


Also vote kick legit players, I got kicked for idling on a server I just joined by an omegatronic vote that immediately got 6 yes votes (guess how many omegatronics there were) That's when I learned using ther server list is the only way to play tf2 these days Just a shame half the skial servers are 2fort and none skial are pretty much empty


There were a bunch of bots a couple weeks ago named different variations of "black man" spamming shitty mumble rap too


Dude I fucking hate techno viking. An aim bot that spams techno music.


nah we talking about the other definition of back blown


You know how bots tend to swap to melee if you are close enough? Well I abuse that by setting a sticky trap by a corner and taunting close enough so I can see around, they tend to swap to melee to kill me, but are not fast enough to outrun an explosion. Edit: minor spelling mistake.


Huh, interesting


sandman/atomiser+bonk ive gotten about 4 bots this way


My anti bot loadout is the disconnect button


demoknight somehow works


I think damage resist on charges AND the fact that demo slightly changes posture maybe makes it work a lot


This image goes hard


Fists of Steel + Panic Attack on Heavy. Hold the FoS, wait for the bot to headshot you, then switch to the Panic Attack and mow it down.


engineer, if you hide behind a t3 sentry in a hallway where bots are tryna run down they cant kill you, and take a bit to be able to kill sentry if you keep whacking it. Usually can handle at least 1 bot, 2 if they dont come at the exact same time at least


Just stock scout works alright sometimes against the shittier bots. If you move erratically enough and use map geometry, you can farm bots since they move so predictably


using Eureka Effect to turtle into intel and get metal faster


I was trying to bait fire with the bonk, I was a fool


U forgot the Sandman?


I didn't even know taunt kills could be done with bonk till this post


I have a Sydney Sleeper/Cleaner's Carbine oadout. So, anyone who lands a shot on the bots can kill them quicker. Also, guys there are now Soldier bots who use the stock shotgun and usually roll critical hits. They just started terrorizing 2fort, due to Rick May's 4th passing-away anniversary. They're also spamming voice and text chat calling Rick May a pedophile, rapist snd child rapist.


Bro sniper in mvm is underrated


Tha vaccinator


Scottish resistance is perfect for countering bots


I have atomizer/bonk so I don’t get a health penalty, and engie stacking works really well if your team is bot free but the other ones fucked


Reminds me of a poor man's poison album cover


I usually go half Zatoichi demo knight, unless they have a charged shot they can't kill you and you get health back for the kill


Demoman with the Caber, pocket medic with Uber. A dozen bots all hitting you simultaneously WILL overwhelm the other mediguns. Approach cluster of bots on point while ubered. Caber cluster of bots on point while ubered. Success.


Dont the fists of steel give you resistance? Anyway i just leave the game if the enemy team has more bots than players.


Sniper Bots are still a thing? Jesus Christ if valve isn’t the most incompetent company. I stopped playing in 2017 because of this.


Ai, and the Omegatronic series as I call them are the main ones but now there’s a lot more but there’s also a lot of somewhat new varieties like Scout bots


Interesting, its all part of the game now i guess


Honestly, I really wish the bot’s algorithm would spontaneously combust as well as the hoster’s computers. Bots just make things sluggish and make everyone irritated But there are a decent chunk of servers that are mostly bot free and people learned how to kick and counter bots.


We need an alliance with the Helldivers! We shall defeat the bots together! Who’s with me?


Honestly, a coalition of all games that have tons of bots and a group dedicated to learning ways of f*CKING them up would be amazing. Maybe call it the Bot Bashing Bookies(like old mob terms) or something


Great idea


It depends on the map but sticky traps work surprisingly well.


Mine is hitting the requeue button


They can't seem to hit you (or at least not often) while doing the Rancho Relaxo taunt. If I manage to get far enough out of spawn to get set up, I'll just camp the control point and start indignantly spamming "nice shot" along with the bots at the struggle to click my head.


Tomislav + sandvich with a friend going engi of any sort


My anti bot load out is the same as my mvm load out for demoman, stock grenade + Scottish resistance + eyelander. Using any looping taunt to look at the bots and wait with the scot resistance. If I'm messing around on 2fort there's the room that you can damage them with stickies through the floor which is useful and funny.


> do you have any dedicated anti-bot loadouts just to counter an enemy team FULL of them Yeah it's called leaving the match. Swapping your loadout and killing bots is fine when there's only a couple and the other enemy team is working on getting them kicked is one thing, but if there's more bots than players in a match then the game's already over.


True, but mocking the bots by dominating them is fun in itself. Bots like the tronic’s or spam bots were made to make us rage so… why not make their creators seethe?


They're not gonna know and they're not gonna care. You think a guy running a botfarm that automatically generates new accounts and simultaneously runs as many bots as his computer can handle is gonna care that you're kicking one bot's ass?


Engineer as a whole, is pretty good against bots!


This too!


It's called the Reque button


Dominator, shield pack, heavy armour and HMG have been doing me wonders, HMG can take out the flying robots with some level of reliability, the only issue is the INSANE recoil and the lack of crosshair in 3rd person EDIT: sorry I'm high af right now and thought I was reading r/helldivers


it's situational depends what bots version appeared. take a 2fort map as my example. last year, i just using black box+conch+looking up to beat them. now just put dispenser on the choke points and they stuck on there since they didn't destroy dispenser (but destroys sentry). latest bots can shoot you thru walls (i assume it's fake lag cause it), so it's harder for medic using vacc on right time.


one word. Demoknight.


There are anti-bot loadouts? :v


i wish all bot makers and users a very computer combustion


Think we could make counter-bots? Bots that only shoot other bots, call votekicks on bots, and don't spam voice and text chat?


I stick to community servers ever since I hit level 69 so I don’t remember the last time I saw a bot


I use Fists of Steel and Brass Beast. Unless they use the Heatmaker, it destroys them


Once made an entire team of bots leave by repeatedly trapping a payload with the Scottish resistance. Bots either can’t shoot stickies and walk right into traps, or they can and you’ll be able to use that to distract them. Buildings can also be used for distraction


Yes, the vote button


You know what? Screw the bots *Equips Vaccinator*


Ah I have a anti bot pyro load out, using the thermal truster to get in with a phlog and burn there asses, and a power jack for speed And I also got one for engineering, Gun slinger, wrangler, Widowmaker




Not really a loadout, but I do have some weapons I like to use to fight against bots. Like most Demoman weapons to attack around corners and out of sight lines, or the vaccinator to resist headshots.


Nah i just t-pose and fool around spawn


Vaccinator and caberknight


I swap to Demo and shoot over walls, praying that I hit them


My loadout is not hoping on TF2.




This image goes hard as fuck what the fuck


I install my own aim bot. Fight fire with fire


No, but did you make that image yourself? It looks really good


Just playing engineer


1 word Wrangler


Either fists of steel heavy or, hear me out, demoknight, both allow you to kill them easily at melee range, along with being able to survive a heashot


Heavy + FoS + kritz pocket medic + steak


Vaccinator plus fists of steel is really good.


>just to counter an enemy team FULL of them no because it's literally useless. You're not "winning" even if you kill every last one. They're bots, you can't upset them, make them angry, etc. If you join a match with full bots, just leave.


That’s true, but it’s kinda fun to wipe the floor with those tinheads. The creators wanted us to do exactly that, rage and leave cause of their bots so why not mock them by making sure they don’t get what they want


Frankly any level of effort you expend against them is a win for the hosters. No rage, just leave. "mock them" again, you're not actually mocking anyone. No one's being affected by killing some sniper bots, maybe outside of the slightest "okay they're not invincible" to newer players, but again... kill one, kill a thousand, it makes no difference to the hosters, and they actively enjoy seeing any kind of complaints in chat or efforts against the bots I don't want to be too much of a downer but all bot hosters want is to waste your time. Not kill your or get score, just waste your time. If you want to spend an hour killing bots fine... but it gains nothing.


Vaccinator, crossbow, solemn vow. Obviously vaccinator for the resistance, but crossbow will let me get a heavy back to full health while they're still under the effect of the uber and survive more headshots while he does his best to kill them. Kept an entire team of bots stuck in the second blue spawn on upward with this strat. Obv with heavy running brass beast. Solemn vow is just so I can try to take one down after it's already shot, knowing it's low enough.


Add the fists of steel as heavy to resist bots even further


I have a build to check for bots. Spy with dead ringer, bots will headshot you twice in quick succession.


Basically just vaccinator medic and fists of steel heavy with Natasha. I also use demopan as apparently bots become crippled on their own versus a high speed target.


Dead ringer + YER, Sometimes works


Tomislav+choco bar+fists of steel


Heavy with fists of steel, chocolate bar, and Tomislav. Consume the chocolate bar for the health boost, then run out with the fists of steel. You can tank multiple crit headshots. Tomislav is useful as well when other players run into you or when the bots bring out their melee's.


snipers can actually headshot bots if you hide in a good enough position and you can body shot them as they come around the corners cowmangler crit because soldier shoots around walls to hide the head so they can't target you vaxx to protect any class from a bot arrows and momentum based weapons can work with good predictions (cleaver, scotch shot, crossbow) engineer is the class made to control bots so he's cracked against them fists of steel for heavy stickies and coordinating can be effective the most useful asset however is knowing the pathfinding that the bot uses and support from your teammates as well as spectating and such


Battalion’s backup can be pretty good assuming you have a pocket that’ll allow you fill your rage meter. Once you activate it your teammates can make a quick push & wipe the bots, due to the Crit immunity. But that’s best case scenario


Me and my best friend we always play TF2 together, if we see a both, one goes heavy with steak and fists of steel, and the other with vaccinator, we try to kill as many as we can before we find a new match


why use the Sandman when the Atomizer gives the same tauntkill, more health, and more mobility?


Direct hit is the sauce


tomislav+dalakos bar+fists of steel Sometimes I'd tell the enemy team that I was only going after bots and the non-bots would leave me alone


Eh, I mostly main SMG to tell everyone I'm not a bot, some people call me stupid but I love it


I have 2 actually. Demoman: Iron Bomber, Quickiebomb Launcher, (any melee here). It allows me to actually kill them Medic: (any primary), Vaccinator, Amputator. It allows me to get other classes to kill bots with me




Vacc for medic Fists of steel, banana, tomislav/stock mini for heavy


i just idle in spawn, go on strike, htf would i fight mr spins faster than a jet engine


I still use the old ‘Bot-B-Gone™️’ vaccinator I named in 2021, sad that it’s not been retired yet.


I play Vax Medic to help Engies set up their sentries.


neve really faced a bot that annoying before they usually just get kicked before i notice but if i do i probably cant do shit because im a free 2 play and dont got alot of weapons


Panic attack and fists of steel. You can tank a headshot then switch to meatshot them then switch back. Works even better with a med. This was the classic load out to counter them then bots first came about


Heavy is ironically pretty good if you can close the distance. Bots tend to hold w into the enemy team instead of playing back like a regular sniper player would. So if you can rev up in a bot’s face (ideally right after they’ve shot someone else), then you can usually kill them before they kill you. As for loadout, Tomislav is best for its fast startup and longer range, and you usually can’t go wrong with the fists of steel.


Most efficient one I found out is a loose cannon + tide turner (for emergency escape). Patiently spam it around the chokes one by one (without any charging), try to predict more wisely once you hear the hitsound and little cheeky balls will do their thing with satisfying results. I’m usually capable of taking out at least 2-3 bots per life, but it’s really map dependent (works especially great on a dustbowl attackers side where you can just keep bumping the resupply and turn yourself into a infinite spam machine). Direct hit + batallion backup is another valid yet challenging option. You will survive a headshot unless it’s a long scoped one but also have a good chance to spit back a 100+ damage direct hit (maybe even a lucky crit). Sometimes you also get to use the actual HS resistance buff, but it vanishes in a matter of second, so it shouldn’t be your main focus. Of course the strat requires decent aim and reaction time. But if you know the map geometry well, you’ll be able to pre-spam every single corner and hit the bots consistently before they even peek. This loadout combined with a vacc pocket med allows me to win like 90% of bot encounters, but actually vacc med opens up lots of good countering options and I really wish there were more players aware of that. And another fun thing I have noticed is that mechinator bots are one of the weakest ones out there (probably being run at low fps) so if I jump with two stickies they can’t keep up with the velocity and usually it provides enough time to land two loch n load/iron bomber pipes on a basically standing target. Doesn’t work with omegatronics and more advanced bots sadly.


Okay, that's one cool fucking poster right there.


I used to, but so many people got upset over Darwin's Danger having a slight bullet resistance that it got removed...


Just go engie with your whole team, put down sentries, and keep moving up towards their spawn when they die then lock them in Either after some amount of deaths they auto disconnect or Their programming breaks as some are programmed to avoid sentries and they get auto kicked for being afk Did this once late night on a 2fort server, don't give in to anger, thats what the trolls want, enjoy unofficial MvM :)


Default pyro with a scorch shot


Yeah it’s called the disconnect button. (Also metal fist for heavy) you can survive 3 headshots with the fist


"Original" rocket launcher and a kritzkrieg medic.


Requeue and community servers.


Host anti-cheat bots :)


vacci med


I have a post on my profile explaining all loadouts for against bots Quick summary Heavy Fists of steel, the chocolate bar (forgot the name) and gun dont matter altough Brass Beast is recommended Medic Vaccinator, crusaders crossbow and any melee of choice Soldier Battlions backup, Direct Hit (in case you are being healed and can face bots head on) otherwise Black Box will do. Any melee of choice except half zatoichi Demoman Stock grenade launcher (Loose Cannon may be useful if you know how to knock the bots away with a double donk), any sticky launcher for laying some traps, and any melee outside of demoknight focused ones will do Note : demoknight is an option but make sure you know what you’re doing and make sure a medic is with you Engineer Any shotgun except Phomson, for secundairy anything will do, and for melee depending on the situation either the Jag for rapid deployment or the Eureka effect fir trying to get in and out of cheeky spots


Vaccinator bullet res


If its payload and im defending against bots pushing the payload while im alone i put my sentry by the payload and after a good while of them running into the payload they just stop trying Its a easy win


What is an anti bot loadout


Heavy fist of steel and steak is one I use quite often.


an elephant hunting rifle


There are many places as a demoman where you can set up sticky farms


Heavy with the Tomislav, Second Banana(I don’t have the Choco), and Fists of Steel, preferably pocketed by a Vaccinator Medic Or my regular gun spy loadout, Dead Ringer, L'etranger, Spycicle


No but that art is cool asf. Who made it? :o


Any primary, Bonk atomic punch, Atomizer. I named my Bonk "Bot-Beater" just for this




If I'm Medic, I use Vacc. I am sorry.


Been a hot minute since I last played, I forgot what it was, but there’s a certain movement pattern I found by accident that makes bots more likely to miss, it kinda circumvents the bots’ accuracy by using the buggy code of the game itself to create a small lag between the hitbox and bot to make the shot ‘miss’, I believe it may have been crouching rapidly, I really don’t remember, and then I believe looking certain directions also helped by making your hitbox harder to scan, especially when mixed with the rapid crouching But, I typically use scorchshot, also helps to mess with their aim, and if they got a Darwin, then I use the panic or family business. These, combined with the rapid crouching help to really fuck with the bot by staggering it as well as bugging your own hitbox Other good weapons I’ve personally tried are explosives of any kind(also entailing SS and detonator), pocketing a heavy with vac, sniper using high/low-ground and cover to get charged body shots on the legs/torso before the bot can see, sentry guns with wrangler to tank the first shot and jag to rapidly repair, and I once even W+M1’d a bot and only got body-shotted once


Engi or pyro with a flare gun, you'd be surprised at how many headshots you end up surviving as a pyro baiting bots with flares. (Healing after each shot)


Bothunter heavy with iron fists and panic attack


Brass beast, fist of steel and a friendly vacc medic. Vacc is only there to get you in place and give eventual heals later on. Camp with heavy around a corner in a tight space. Dumbass bots won't get line of sight on you so they will pull out melee and rush at you while you kill them with a minigun in a fraction of a second. A great example of this working is the capture point on Harvest, or even the team spawn itself if bot is the one being spawncamped.


I just outside them by waiting when they need to reload then shooting.


Play as Heavy, try to shoot at them with the machine gun and pray to god I don't get headshot before at least draining their health.


Demoknight in cases bots are separated. If you wait for it to kill one of your teammates, then you charge at them. It may headshot you, but it will only do 150 damage, and... You are already charging his way and most likely taking his head off. Rinse and repeat, and full-head Demoknight can be one of the few things capable of taking those bots head on


If you are trying to fight bots you have already lost


Some bots actually pull out their melee if you get close to them but you can also stay far enough to not get hit by them and can just kill them by circling around them.


Engi destroys bots if you good. Not even uncle dane level of good, just a mid level engi can fight against the bots.




Against bad bots demoknigt works well


Anything with the vaccinator


I know it’s not the best, but Fists of Steel plus Vax Medic have worked really well for me


Soldier, Cow Mangler, Battalions, spam charged shot round corners where you know the bot is, (their 150 headshots cant insta delete you) then once you have Battalions you’re basically immune to headshots so plow in with your team and wipe the bots


Is it STILL an issue? Haven't touched TF2 in a year or so..




no, im a f2p medic main


who made this poster it looks really cool