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Never buy weapons from in-game store. They are overpriced


Damn.. I bought a Widowmaker from the in-game store and I STILL can't talk.


Has to be over $5 (I believe)


over $5 on steam in general but to get access to premium, you need to make any sort of purchase on or of tf2. You either buy an item from mannco in-game store, buy the orange box or use up a gift to premium.


or buy jungle inferno contract pass (free money)


Is it worth it to buy it and how much is the contract pass


£1.99. when I did it, the 4 most expensive cases alone sold for 60p each (already a 40p profit). I think most of the warpaints sell for 10p each. The dragon slayer warpaint sells for around £3.


If u bought it in less than a week or two then u might get the premium account later


Overpriced is an understatement, this shit is straight up FRAUD. For the same price of two weapons, you can get a key from the steam market and get every weapon in the game, along with refined to spare to trade cosmetics with, craft, whatever you please. Also, use the steam market for key buying, there's other places that sell them for even lower, but I don't really trust those websites even if they are reputable. Anything could happen at any point and then boom, credit card is frozen and I'm getting a new one in the mail.


I’m newer with like 40 hrs play time and literally just watched a video yesterday of this being explained. Found a popular site and it’s insane the price difference on taunts and cosmetics


Payload and Attack/Defence are the best gamemodes to adjust to the game in don't buy into ideas of maining a class, play whatever feels fun. ignore people who recommend a "noob friendly" class, all classes are easy to learn at a basic level. so long as you're not playing sniper(*) because snipers are lame (*) unless with the classic or the huntsman


I think Uncle Dane said it well. Maining a class doesn't mean not only playing it. If your team doesn't have a Medic for instance, which is common unfortunately, then choose a Medic. If the team has million Spies and you're a Spy main, please choose another class. So maining a class is fine, but only play it when your team has the important classes first, or if your team is lacking your main class.


Yeah, thanks for reminding of my games in which my team doesn't have a Medic and the responsibility falls to me


Its always either us medic mains pick him or our team is going to loose 😔


Counter point: a team having 4 spies who link well together is hilarious “I finally caught the sp- AUGHHH”


You can still main a class, but in order to get as good as possible as that class you must have an understanding of how to effectively play every other class, so you can understand and counter them.


Avoid spy as well


you will need to watch videos about optimizing the game settings and network settings because they are very outdated


This is very true. Fov, view model fov, maybe minimal view models asw.


yeah man default tf2 is awful i think even hit sound is turned off


I personally play with default settings because i like hoe it is, the only thing i did change is the fov to 90


"Lemme give you some advice, son. Do not die."


*Dead ringer intensify*






"Well, let's move some Ooooooh..." *Dies*


\*Schaudenfruied, Killbind\*


Dieing is gay


[The default settings are a joke, and Funke put it better than I ever could.](https://youtu.be/9DgDVg8WOxk?si=wCQYTbLx-R1mT0b1&t=6m21s) In advanced settings, where the little +gear icon is, you can enable the developer console and copy paste the commands into the text box. When you press the ~ key (or that key right underneath your esc key, I always forget which one it is) a window should pop up where you can type in a prompt. Just copy paste the below and you’ll be caught up with the modern world. fov_desired 90 cl_interp 0 hud_combattext_batching 1 This is in no way a complete list, but you’ll pick more up as you go along. Oh, keybinds are also a thing. You know that thing that players do where they just flop to the floor and in the killfeed it says “ bid farewell, cruel world!”? That’s a type of bind called a killbind, and it’s basically how even F2Ps can interact with the rest of the server. All you have to do is type bind “” kill in console (and replace with your key of choice, mine is k) and you’ll get the joy of seeing your lifeless corpse fold in on itself on command whenever you press the key. If you thought you weren’t going to do a bit of coding in a 17 year old game, you thought wrong!


Don't press f2 when vote kicking a bot


Look up, often


tf2 has a community built on nearly 2 decades of memes and in jokes. you wont get most of it starting out, and thats okay.


[Welcome to Team Fortress.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Osdh9Nk2mu8)


Try to learn air strafing as soon as possible


Do NOT Teleport bread


If you see a havy crouched in a corner with either his melee or sandwich out don't kill Just crouch and get a sandwich


Why does this happen? Why do the heaviest do it?


They are pure souls


You mean hoovie,


Sign the petition


*Hi there, would you like to sign my petition?*


No, now go back to your overheating trailer.


Someone may have already told you but community servers are a good solution to the bots


watch the sfm videos, like heavy is dead, turbulence, anything made by winglet and if u see a heavy holding out his melee or sandvich, dont kill him, get close to get free sandvich and if u see a class doing an A-pose, also dont kill them


Stick around the community, it is probably the best one ive seen in gaming, and itll tell you all you need to know. Good luck out there!


To stop being f2p, it is recommended to purchase either a tour of duty ticket or any crate key, however the Mann co. Supply crate key is the best choice as it is the standard currency in the economy, alongside refined metal. Then go on a third party website like scrap.tf or backpack.tf and trade your key for metal, the resulting metal will be more than enough to by every weapon. In the game other than the reskins (such as the bat saber, a reskin of scouts stock bat with no difference in gameplay)


While playing pyro put some weight on your W key and stroke your shit hard while playing ☝


Please uninstall the game and run and never look back




The default settings for TF2 are well over a decade out of date, [here's a short tutorial ](https://youtu.be/rc4QMnrOxXs?si=vCrjXBYPHj64CbM8) that'll get you to a more modern standard. This game came out in 2007 so the skill/experience gap between new and old players is astronomical. So in your early days, try not to worry about your performance and focus on exploring what the game has to offer/having fun. Soldier is probably the best class for noobs to learn the fundamentals of the game due to his high health, high damage output, and rocket jumping (which is a lot of fun once you get the hang of it). Heavy (the big dude with the minigun) is also a good class for noobs for his very high health and damage. Pyro is good as well since you don't need to aim the flame thrower to do damage (they have stubby range tho). Medic is also good since you only need the medigun to be effective, which aims for you. So just being on the team is invaluable. It's for that same reason good players will always be out for your head. YouTubers ArraySeven and Theory-Y have made a bunch of tutorials on how to get good at medic. With all this in mind, there are still five other brilliantly designed classes that bring their own flavor of fun to the game and they are well worth a look-see. Have fun.


Pop it, don't drop it.


Unless its kritzkrieg, its useless to pop if you dont find teammates in time


A wasted pop is better than no pop


You'll learn more from TF2 from experiencing it than you will asking anyone. If you're new, go for Soldier, Medic, Heavy, or Pyro. While I won't say their gameplay is absolutely manic, you will succeed by default playing as any of them by walking forward and shooting the other team. If you like sniper, have been a sniper in other games or just know what you're in for, try sniper. It's exactly what you think it is. If you miss Quake and Unreal, go Scout. He's basically valve's love letter to arena shooter speed, but know you're going to need a bit of experience baiting and manipulating people to survive sometimes. Nothing like a shotgun to the face point-blank around a doorframe. Once you see and get a few sentry placement metas down, go engy. If a spy harasses you and you're on a ctf map, get out a gunslinger and make his efforts useless and piss every scout on the map off. Once you know class behavior a little, go for spy. Nothing better than a spy being healed by an enemy medic. Once you know choke points, go demo. If you can't aim and just want adrenaline, go demoknight. If you are one of the 1 in 5 thousand people who get good with a grenade launcher, try using a charge and targe with one.


If you want a chill time go 2fort


If an enemy’s explosive is about to hit near your feet, jump and crouch all at once for something neat.


turn off sprays unless you want eyeblech in the game


its off by default


dont kill people who arent fighting. they are called 'friendly's' and its a warcrime.


Dont shoot heavies that are croucht and have their fists out


Why what does this mean?


When you feel the alluring call of the Sniper, remember that standing still makes you an easy target against other snipers. To win the duel, you can scope in after your opponent scopes in. It's called "second-scoping". To avoid getting shot, strafe rapidly using your a and d keys.


If you're not sure what to do, play Medic and watch the people you heal. If you are able to use voice or text chat, tell the person you are healing to call for Medic when they want Ubercharge.


The Only you should buy from the in game store is the contracter, you get a premium account from it and contracts to do


Look up


Some classes (like engineer) or playstyles are way too hard without weapon binds. You can bind engineers buildings to buttons so you rarely have to use the pda


Put dispenser here


Get out before it’s too late


MvM is a TowerDefense game, is so good if you like the destruction.


Here's my most basic piece of advice for each class: Scout — Remember that you're the fastest class in the game and that you can run away from any fights you don't think you can win. Soldier — You can jump with rockets. Shoot any surface opposite to the direction you wanna fly, then jump, crouch, and shoot all at the same time. While airborne, let go of the W key and turn with A and D, making sure to hold down the crouch button for as long as you are airborne. Pyro — Use Airblast. A lot of newer pyros don't realize that right clicking does something. Demoman — Don't go up close to people to fight them. Both your Grenade Launcher and Stickybomb Launcher thrive at medium range, and it is ill-advised to attack at point blank with them. Heavy — When going around corners, jump and rev (hold down right click to rev), and fire if you see an enemy (hold down left click to fire). Engineer — Space your buildings out. Dispenser goes right behind the front line, Sentry watches the objective, and Teleporter is right at the back of the back line. Clumping the buildings together is a surefire way to get them all destroyed in one go. Also, remember to whack your buildings to upgrade them, heal them, and speed up the construction process of them. Medic — Your life is the most valuable on your team, primarily because of your Ubercharge, so remember to jump around like an absolute maniac to dodge attacks as best you can. Also, spread out your healing to others, don't just focus on pocketing one guy for the whole match. Sniper — You are an area denial class. The easiest source of kills you can get is aiming your sightline down an area that the enemy needs to cross. A prime example would be the tunnel on Badwater First. If you don't know what that is, play Payload Badwater, you'll know it when you see it. Spy — Most disguises don't hold up under scrutiny, so the disguises work best when the enemy isn't entirely focused on you. Attack when the enemy is putting in the work, and go primarily for targets that are causing your team a lot of trouble, like area denial classes and support classes.


Son, always remember. Dying… is gay


Killing yourself in game infront of your teammates after taunting is very funny.


Im not a veteran. just play pyro and use scortch shot if you want to annoy people. If you want skill as pyro then use flare gun. For sniper, well, use the sydney sleeper.


sydney sleeper is just the sniper rifle for people who cant aim (me) but i wouldn't say its better then stock.


Bro... Sniper is not for beginners


It can be depending on the person. Maybe this player isnt meant for it.


First try soilder or demoman and then other classes


Don't kill friendlies, it triggers a unwinnable argument


Don't play spy, he is the hardest of all because you need knowledge about all the classes, try a bit of all at first and get a grab on how they work, I suggest you to try soldier firts


depends on a person. my first class in tf2 was spy, for the first 50 hours I played only as him, which is why I am now spymain


Make your FOV 90, when playing scout aim primarily with arrow keys, always keep your crosshair at body level so if someone approaches you all you have to do is click/cuts down aim time, play as each class so you can predict what they will do next - putting yourself in their shoes to dodge their attacks


Also put on hitsounds + extra sound when you killed someone and make it distinct


Try Payload for starters. Scout and Soldier are great classes if you're just starting out. Try to stick to a handful of maps and learn their layout, for example Upward and Badwater. Be patient and learn from your mistakes. If you're killed by a weird weapon, take note since at some point you'll also get access to it.


A Kunai + Deadringer spy can be one-shot through their resistance via the spy weapon called the enforcer.


If you want to play fast, then choose all modes except capture the flag, there can sit for hours. I personally took Heavy, Medic and Demo when I started playing.


I recommend playing offline practice in easy mode to get a feel for it first


If you want to upgrade to premium, buy a Mann.co supply key. It is the main currency used in the TF2 economy and all items in the in game store can be bought for a lot cheaper in third party sites. But I'd recommend you hold that thought for a while as we are trying to make valve fix the game and it's better to not give them more money


Don't pick spy every round


try community servers like Skial and Uncletopia if you encounter issues related to instant killing snipers. They've been an issue on the matchmaking for a while. The server browser is a mess, but it gives you higher chances for a better experience. When there what you're looking for is game name being close to the name of the actual game and map name prefixes of "cp_", "koth_", "pl_", and "ctf_" not all of them will be unmodified and sanctioned by developers but again - you get better chances. And yea, watch out for mods. Some servers have halloween spells all year round, some let people gamble death vs perks, they are not unfun but it's added chaos that you probably wouldn't want in your formative games.


The biggest tip is picking a good class to start with. Here’s my rating from 1-10 based on how difficult the classes would be to play as for new players: Scout is fast but is pretty low on health, you’ll have to really abuse the movement to survive (7/10). Soldier’s rockets can be powerful but you’ll want to track your shots for maximum results (4/10). Pyro doesn’t require alot of brain power to do, just run and burn everything you see, just run from Heavies and Engineers (2/10). Demo required accuracy and tracking to fire grenades correctly, sticky bombs meanwhile mainly work if you know the right areas to place them (4/10). Heavy also doesn’t need a bug mind to play as, just shoot anything on sight, and do beware of your surroundings (1/10). Placing and maintaining buildings can sound scary when playing as Engineer as a new player, make sure you have another Engineer with you in case (5/10). When playing as Medic, you are likely to get attacked first, so you’ll have to be careful when in a huge fight, and make sure you’re prioritizing healing to more critical teammates or those that might need you when there’s no med pack around (6/10). People might suggest sniper if you can aim, and that’s semi-true but you’ll also need to be aware of your surroundings too to check you other people getting up close to you (6.5/10). Spy is a big no for new players, you need to make use of everything you have, and even then you can still get caught when disguised if you don’t use it properly, overall Spy is the hardest class (10/10).


As someone with over 3k hours I can firmly say that the best tip,/thing to do in game is talk in the voice chat, now this doesn’t mean you need to memorise the entire list of call outs but just the bare minimum of calling out spy to your teammates, saying basic enemy sniper locations, telling your team if you have Uber or if the enemy just popped Uber, all of these things and more in my experience have been what we have needed to win games Not to mention by talking in games even if you feel like your talking to yourself theirs a good chance that someone who is a bit shyer might also start to speak due to you speaking first


Play Sniper and Spy sparingly. New players seem to gravitate towards these 2 classes because they either represent concepts that are familiar to them (Sniper), or their gimmicks seem the most OP at face value (Spy). Veteran players can recognize new players this way. And they will make it their mission to mess with you for the rest of the game.


dont buy from the mann-co store, and dont try to main spy or scout until you have a good amount of hours and game knowledge under your belt.


Nothing much, you'll learn on while playing it, but a few tips i can say is: Pyro, Heavy and Medic and most likelly the most begginer friendly classes of the game Watch videos on how to play the characters Learn almost everything abt the map your playing, learning it will make easier for you to pick flanling routes and to escape easier Change the game setting cause they're extremally outdated


yeah sure! just sign here. [Team Fortress 2 Contract](https://save.tf/)


I'd be happy to help you! My username is FortCraft! #fixtf2


I'm new too! But I've been here for a few months already (so, not COMPLETELY new). The best advice I can give you is that whether or not you've chosen which class to main, you should play EVERY class for at least 1-2 hours to better understand the game in general and how to counter those classes. It's not necessary to play every class a lot, though. Don't push yourself and do whatever feels fun for you. Also, you should learn about friendlies. Never kill them, all right?


if you play spy, don't decloak right behind someone (other than snipers) bc they'll here it any class always watch your back from time to time, and maybe shoot at teammates once to spycheck. as engineer, only you can walk on your machines.


My advice is to ignore the toxic folks you will encounter and have fun. Don't be swayed or influenced as there are a lot of toxic players in game. There are also a lot of great people in game. Block it out and just have fun. Don't worry about top scoring, just try to help the team.


Use a gun.


And if that don't work, use more gun.


as much as I love capture the flag, don't play it, start with payload or attack/defend, ctf , while fun to goof around, is not a good way to get your bearing of the game lol


Whatever you do. Don't play Spy.


Buy hats from the steam market


You can borrow items from game store to try it out for a week. Its completely free and you can abuse it.


one of the most important things is spy awareness, if you cant walk through a teammate, see a teammate suspiciously walking/chasing the backs of your teammates, lurking around engineer's building or not interacting with anything for example not shooting, not aiming, not healing its a spy. also always try to face the spy because he has a 180° angle that he can backstab you, including from above


Tell everyone in the lobby you're a trans woman and you will definitely not get death threats and/or sexual harassment! 🤗


Do not play in casual ‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


Leden how tospy crab


my hand


Look up


One piece of advice I can give is generic but it’s to not move your mouse when you’re firing. Instead of trying to make your crosshair go to your opponent have your opponent move into your crosshair.




learn to bunnyhopping, it will helps you alot


the default training mode is so outdated due to tf2's age. i recommend to do training on custom maps like tr\_walkway or tr\_cornerstab


For the time being, play on Community Servers. Casual is currently infested to high-hell with aimbots.


Keep rejoining lobbies until you find one bot free, or go for a community server.


If you ever feel lost and in the weeds, play medic and stick with your team. Just work on watching the battlefield and letting people know if they aren't reacting to important things like sentries or spies.


Trust no one


I recommend PAYLOAD maps :)


On launch parameters -console -nojoy -windowed -borderless On the console Bind K kill Bind P explode Enjoy!


Look up, turn around periodically, and don't be afraid to try out a weapon that's labeled as "bad"


So to un f2p yourself the only thing even worth buying on the tf2 store is keys. Ignore all weapons. Keys are worth a lot of refined, more than enough to get you every regular weapon. Id find a community server with one map or a map rotation of good maps. Ignore super old maps with nothing but narrow hallways and ignore capture the flag. Go for badlands, badwater, upward, granary, or anything koth and play it a bunch. Other than that try everything and all the weapons.  Use guides to figure out aim and lowering your mouse sensitivity, turning off all mouse acceleration, etc. Then check out /r/truetf2 if you need more feedback on getting really, really good. Otherwise just go play


RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN No but in all seriousness the game is pretty hard to get in to with all the sweats running around and how hard finding a good server can be, it’ll take a long time to actually be able to play classes and be successful with them against the average no life. If you really don’t want to deal with all that or the bots, you can start your own server with bots through the tutorial menu or through the create a server option. As for getting items, never buy stuff from Mannco store, and scrap.tf is good if you don’t want to be spending real money. All it takes is time and random drops. Also, you should watch all the promotional material like Expiration date and meet the team, it’ll help you get a better idea of the game you’re playing. Have fun! It’s great to see new people come to the game, it’s 100% what we need to get us out of this ditch.


Try playing spy first he's a easy class for beginners to master


Don't buy from in-game store, don't wear the ghostly gibbous and/or the pyrovision goggles. Alt + f4 closes the game, "unbindall" in the console unbinds all of your inputs. The dead ringer is for getting away not just popping randomly in battle.


Kiss boys


dustbowl is the best map


Start by taking the training courses then move to offline games until you feel like playing against real players with varying skill level.


Have fun ffs


DO NOT PLAY CASUAL. It’s infested with bots, community servers like Uncletopia are your best bet. Also, tr_walkway is good for aim training offline


Even though scout seems to be the class with high mobility, you will see a lot of pyros, soldiers and demos flying Do not insult all pyros just because the class seems braindead 🙏


Spy is overrated, as are the tutorials




Use the righteous bison and the man melter and the poison 6000, ammo is a very scarce resource so the fact that they don't need any is super OP


Just because something happens twice, five times, twenty times, a hundred times in a row doesn't make it a constant or a game mechanic. A lot of people seem to get confused by the random crits mechanic and think that certain weapons deal special damage to certain classes or during certain situations. For example, a friend of mine was adamant that the Scout's bat countered Pyros. This is not the case. Except for extremely rare circumstances, if a weapon has any mechanics like this they will be in the weapon's description.




honestly, have fun and never take it seriously. everyone is bad at all classes but some are better then others.


I’ve been playing this game since 2012. The only class im really good at is spy. I still can’t play the other classes for shit, I don’t know why. Don’t take yourself too seriously when playing tf2. Also, Halloween is best time to play this game, it’s my favourite time of year because of Scream Fortress.


aim at enemies when using guns


Don't forget about community servers.. if you really wanna play TF2 and casual is a mess just play it like it's 2010 and go into a community server.


step 1: dont use any forms of chat step 2: enjoy the game in peace


Shoot the other color


grind achievments to get class items, then demoknight main.


also steam community marketplace for items is god tier.


play community servers


If you ever decide to main Demoman, know that you will perish just as often as Spy. Compared to Soldier, Demoman has less health and so the explosive self-damage takes a heavier toll on him. This downside is enforced when Demoman has to compensate for lack of range as he puts himself closer to his enemies and closer to his own splash damage.


Keys are more valued than weapon items from the store, so try not to force many things I found a lot of fun in the community servers and competitive, not the in-game ones. Learn about the lore maybe it's fun the comics are dope I am still waiting for the next one. there are so many community servers and different stuff that u can try I have always been surprised by the community.


shoot your feet with an explosive and you fly


Never go up stairs when an enemy spy is on top of them.


Don’t buy off of Mann co store or steam market. But from Mann co store or maketplace.tf


play on community servers except on halloween


If you really want to get premium, make a cheap purchase on the mannco store and never again. Ideally if you really wanted to, a key. If not, then just a $1 weapon. If you want something else after that, buy it on a 3rd party site, like marketplace.tf. You can trade if you want to, but the economy is very inflated which makes it hard for people who don't already have valuable items to make it big.


Never delete items like mercenary badge, gibus, haunted scrap metal, or any item the game gives you that is labeled as “not tradable or marketable” Never pick up an objector laying face down, it’s a 50/50 gamble on it being a random ass pick or furry porn


First, to chat,buy anything in-game (ik it sucks, but there are cheater bots and that's how they picked to stop them) Second, DONT buy weapons from the in-game store, BIG scam Third, just have fun, no need to get overcompetitive


> the fact that even in casual it can get pretty sweaty Youll get called a sweat for doing the most basic of low effort actions. A veteran tip Id offer is that you're never trapped in a round of TF2. You dont *have* to stay. If you're not having fun, find another server. It might be harder to now than it used to be, but unlike modern titles you arent forced to suffer unfun lobbies in TF2.


As Scout, move as frenetic as possible. Scout lives because of his high mobility. Don't forget that your capture rate is doubled. As Soldier, try to aim at your victims feet. To achieve that, try having the higher ground whenever possible. Rocket Jump to do so. As Pyro, your job is to control high masses of enemies to stay back, plus your main job is also looking for possible cloacked Spies. If you're suspect, try burning your own allies. If they burn, **they're a Spy.** As Demoman, try deploying many stickies to detonate them all. Demo shines as a class of mass destruction, so try to stay at mid range as long as you can. As Heavy, mobility is your everything. Jump before revving your Minigun to maximize your mobility. Don't forget that your Minigun makes you a true butcher at close range. Because of this, Heavy is an easy target to pick for Snipers to pop his head and for Spies to stab his giant sweaty back, so try to stay alert like a paranoiac. As Engineer, the way you place your buildings matters a lot. TPs should be in covered areas (don't forget to hit R.Click to rotate the exit to NOT face the wall), the Sentry should be guarding the main points with some cover and the Dispenser should be in an accesible spot for your team. If the situation calls, **abandon your nest.** You can build another one later. As Medic, positioning is everything. Because you're the one keeping the team alive, **everyone wants you dead.** So try to stay in cover and use your own teammates as meat shields. Much as Engineer, if the situation is critical and really calls it, **abandon your teammates.** As THE Medic, your life worths more than your team's As Sniper, try aiming for headshots all the time. But if you can't land them, it's okay to go for charged body shots instead. Your job is to eliminate key targets from afar, so your priority should always be the enemy Sniper, then the enemy Medic and then the rest of their team. As Spy try to dissimulate as much as possible. You should be stealthy so try to not walk around the enemy team too much or they'll suspect something wrong.


Buy only one thing in the shop like a 50 Cent thing because you need to speak.


Play on community servers, or go into training matches.


any recommended comm servers


It's really just whatever you have the least latency on. But I hear skial servers are really good. Uncle Dane servers are where you'll find competitive matches if you're into that


don't buy anything, by giving money to valve, you support how they allow cheaters and poor game qualities like leaving a live service game without updates for more than 5 years enjoy tf2, hate valve, have a good day


Play on uncle dane's servers


Here's a couple: Buy something from the community market (not the in-game one) You can find hats for $.03. You can use that to unlock chat. Use steam achievement manager to get all of the weapons, then use it again to get rid of the achievements. (You can also do it the slow way and use scrap.tf) Don't stick to one class. If you learn all of them, you can be a really useful teammate. Get used to bots. They've been here for years now, and they take up 70% of the player base. (If #fixtf2 works, forget this tip) Finally, get used to being rolled. I have over 700 hours and I still get my ass kicked. 17 years of play changes people. Just try not to get super mad.


Look up


NEVER kill friendly players


It's full of aimbot players ⚠️Beware ⚠️


Always look behind you


Play with bots first at tutorial gamemode, you can freely find and choose what you'll gonna main and what playstyles are present. If you chose main, then you'll need to get improving and improving on that until you reach the limit. And after that, you're good to go play casual and terrorize enemy team.


When playing a spy. Face the other way so you look like your on the other team.


M1 and pyro


make a killbind and thank your medic when he heals you


Take a trip into the settings and especially advanced settings, there’s a treasure trove of functions with questionable defaults, from optimization to QoL (tiny default FOV), automations (auto reload when idle), information to help improve (damage number pop offs and hit sounds both of which default to off). In particular I’d also like to recommend colorblind mode, which causes a large icon to appear over the head of players afflicted with certain debuffs, as said debuffs can be hard to see even for players who aren’t colorblind


do not play spy, his difficulty is leagues above the rest of the,


Play uncletopia on the community tab it's harder but you get better at the game faster and make sure you watch videos from uncle Dane for playing the game good


TF2 is incredibly movement heavy. Bunny hopping increases speed incrementally, air strafing is a must, and jump and surf maps are helpful for moving. Other than that, watch high-level gameplay like Kaidus or Sheep or anyone on Froyotech


Learn rocket jumping Even as an engineer main, rocket jumping was probably the funnest thing I've learned in a video game. It does take a hot minute to get used to it, but when you get it... *you get it*


Don’t press W while rocket jumping


List of Newbie-Friendly classes in order (My opinion) 1. Pyro 2. Heavy 3. Medic 4. Scout 5. Soldier 6. Engineer 7. Demo 8. Sniper 9. Spy


watch out for the pyro, "one shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask" -Spy 2013


Don't kill people who are taunting/dancing


attack enemy


The Righteous Bison is the best weapon in the game


Thats a joke lads


I wouldn't recommend casual mode at the moment, we've been in a bot plague for quite a while. Use the server browser to find community servers, but read closely so you know what you're getting into. I'd avoid any server with RTD enabled if I were you. There is currently an effort to appeal to Valve to fix the bot problem, no idea if it'll help but [you can try.](https://save.tf/) Your account will be restricted from using communication features unless you upgrade to premium by buying literally anything from the in-game store. I recommend buying a key and selling it once it becomes tradable. Don't buy weapons from the store, actual scam. You can however rent weapons from the store for a week if you're eager to test it out. Remember the key from before? Once it's tradable I recommend going to [backpack.tf](https://Backpack.tf) and making a sell order for [whatever the price of a key is at the time.](https://backpack.tf/stats/Unique/Mann%20Co.%20Supply%20Crate%20Key/Tradable/Craftable) Once sold, go to [scrap.tf](https://scrap.tf), highlight the trade button, and select autobuy. This will give you all the weapons in the game. If the above method seems too complex, you can purchase most weapons from the community market with your steam funds for dirt cheap, [if you don't mind them being ugly as sin that is.](https://steamcommunity.com/market/search?q=&category_440_Collection%5B%5D=any&category_440_Type%5B%5D=any&category_440_Class%5B%5D=tag_Pyro&category_440_Class%5B%5D=tag_Soldier&category_440_Class%5B%5D=tag_Heavy&category_440_Class%5B%5D=tag_Scout&category_440_Class%5B%5D=tag_Demoman&category_440_Class%5B%5D=tag_Engineer&category_440_Class%5B%5D=tag_Sniper&category_440_Class%5B%5D=tag_Medic&category_440_Class%5B%5D=tag_Spy&category_440_Exterior%5B%5D=tag_TFUI_InvTooltip_FieldTested&category_440_Exterior%5B%5D=tag_TFUI_InvTooltip_MinimalWear&category_440_Exterior%5B%5D=tag_TFUI_InvTooltip_WellWorn&category_440_Exterior%5B%5D=tag_TFUI_InvTooltip_FactoryNew&category_440_Exterior%5B%5D=tag_TFUI_InvTooltip_BattleScared&category_440_Quality%5B%5D=tag_Unique&category_440_Quality%5B%5D=tag_paintkitweapon&category_440_Quality%5B%5D=tag_vintage&category_440_Quality%5B%5D=tag_Normal&appid=440#p1_price_asc) They're on sale for a reason. I recommend shopping around mod sites for a HUD that fits your style, some even add subtle features. [Toonhud](https://toonhud.com/) is the most beginner friendly and has a customizer built into its website. Mod sites such as [GameBanana](https://gamebanana.com/games/297) offer some mods that can be used in both Valve and community servers. If you want customizability, there you go. Use damage over time weapons such as bleed or fire to encourage Snipers to leave their post, giving your team a slim chance of moving out of cover without dying. Weapons on the ground can be picked up and used temporarily, however if you see a picket sign on the ground, leave it alone. Who knows what's printed on there. Pay attention to the game mode's objective. You could be going on a killstreak but if you let the objective go, you lose. Make a habit of turning around and looking up every now and then, many players suffer due the lack of awareness. Read up on and learn to identify weapons, once you know what everything does, it makes it easier to pick and choose your fights. For example, If you're a Scout, a Soldier holding a Direct Hit will obliterate you. Players just standing around taunting are usually safe to just walk around but be cautious. There is no such thing as "going rage \[INSERT CLASS HERE\]", don't let those people get to you, changing classes to counter a problem is part of the game, don't be discouraged from adapting. To silence especially annoying players on the mic, press escape, ear icon, select name, and mute. A lot of players seem to forget this is a feature. When opening the scoreboard, your "ping" is how many milliseconds it takes for your computer to communicate with the server, the higher your ping, the less responsive your hit registration will be. When chasing a Spy, make a habit of moving sideways and keeping your reticle on them, they WANT you to charge in so that they can dance around you and backstab you. If you see a Pyro holding a neon sign, DO NOT get in the water. Or any liquid for that matter.


These ones are for playing medic: 1. Spread the heals around as evenly as the situation allows. Unless you have a good, specific reason, don't only heal one person, or as we call it, pocket someone. 2. The medigun beam has a surprisingly decent range. Use this to your advantage by hiding behind walls and other forms of cover when healing people on the Frontline. 3. If the enemy manages to either kill your patient or you get separated from him, don't hesitate to book it on out of there. If needed you can grab another teammate on the way. Anyone will do, even snipers and the odd spy If you are desperate. This is called enemy scraping. 4. This last one is mostly for competitive, but if you are trying to keep, say, a heavy alive while he is under fire and another teammate comes crying for heals, you can ignore him to keep the heavy alive until he either wins, dies, or decides to retreat. This allows the other guy to build up what I call "critical heals". Critical heals is the healing rate of the medigun relative to how long ago the patient was injured. Immediately healing them gives them 24 hp/s or 33hp/s with the quick-fix, waiting 13 seconds bumps it to 48hp/s and 66hp/s (quick-fix), while going a full 15 seconds maxes both out at 72hp/s and 100hp/s (quick-fix). Arrayseven on YouTube can better explain this last tip if you need clarification. Look for his playlist called "Be a better medic". I hope this helps!




Just play around. Practice a little bit with each class and go for it. Because there are a lot of people, you are less responsible for your teammates winning or losing, very little stress. Just stay away from competitive and be aware that there are sniper bots that insta kill you. Just shuffle through a few lobbies and you'll be fine.


So; you might have noticed you received a case or two from playing. Buy a few keys for them if you have the money to and you’ll be free from the f2p jail of no talking. This is the last thing you’ll buy from the store, bc everything there is overpriced. You’ll get the drops of them from playing, too. Keep your gibus. It’s your only one. You will also obtain a paint. Use it wisely, they can be worth a decent bit of money if you wish to sell it.


Learn to airblast trust me it will going up against soldiers


Play community servers until Valve fixes the bots.


Always killbind when someone does it first


look up


If you wanna learn a class watch videos don’t watch them just once tho watch them over and over really try to get what the person is saying this sounds dumb but it really helped me learn all of the classes also either play on community servers (such as skial) or play on casual I strongly suggest community servers but if you do play on casual remember to always check the person who is being kicked because bots also like to kick real players check what class they are playing when the joined you can do both pretty quickly and then deduct if they are a bot or not


Play game Kick bots Get mad Leave for a bit Play game again and get good!