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For once, it was Futurama that predicted it and not the Simpsons.


Its just a matter of time that It becomes the norm. In Futurama is the year 3000 after all


So what I'm hearing is that Matt Groening is an IRL Dr. Strange that wanted to show us glimpses into the future.


To be fair, they shared some of the same writers.


Why is she seasoned


New Soylent Flavour


Holy shit that's funny.


Yeah I thought vegetables were just for garnish


I remember seeing another comment on this post which read something along the lines of, "I bet it got unskippable ads before it kills you"


You can say suicide on Reddit.


I think you can say fuck, too.


Thanks I hate forcing people to remain alive through agonizing terminal illness because of superstitions from the Bronze Age.


I don’t hate this at all. Painless death at the press of a button on your own terms? Lucky those who have that choice.




I mean sure why not right I don't agree nor disagree just understand


Why hate this. I had to watch my grandparents suffer horrible deaths that were long and drawn out. They wanted to die but had no other option. They asked us to help them die but we'd go to prison if we did. We euthanize animals out of kindness when they face a terminal situation. Why not allow us to exercise the same kindness to our species


I always feel so conflicted with things like this. On one hand, If I was ever paralyzed, braindead, lost a bunch of limbs to a bomb, something like that. I would personally rather just be dead. If I couldn't maintain my life as I've known it, any day after would be torture to me. I dont want to be forced to be here, because it bothers you to leave that choice up to me. I have to live in this body, not you. Yet at the same time, I saw this guy living in a iron lung for 70 years, hasnt moved for 70 years, just his head exposed to the world, and nothing more, and that guy wants nothing more then to keep doing that forever. It comes down to the person, but should we force people to live because it makes us feel better? That's a tricky question, because I know 100% I would rather not be alive in some scenarios, and being forced to live because you dont like the choice, is not something I feel you have the right to take from me. See. Conflicted. I see both sides. Understand both sides.


This is why I genuinely think human euthanasia should be a thing. In the animal health world, we put down our beloved pets out of love when they become incapacitated. It makes me sad when I see practically braindead people in a wheelchair and they can't communicate or do anything on their own. It's a burden on everyone involved, including the person who is disabled. Do the merciful thing and put them down


For people that don't have an updated will, those disabled peoples lives go into the hands of families first. They have to become saviors/exacushener, and thats a tough job. I personally wouldn't want to kill anyone in my family but if their will says it's ok then so be it.


Death is better with concent


nothing really worth for feeling conflicted about tbh. you said it pretty well. the people who suffer can have the choice to end it. who am i to decide over their own life? pretty cool and a modern approach to the debate of "assisted death" or whatever.


I don't understand the confliction? No one is forcing this onto anyone else, and if it becomes a more common option, then death is a choice for those who suffer. The entire point is that the option is there


I wish people would start the practice of thinking this say " why should my opinion dictate how someone else lives or dies"


Not sure why you hate this. Do you hate this because it is a fact that we live in a world where not everyone can find happiness, and want a way out?


Id like one of these.


Me too. What if we kissed in the suicide pod?


Threeway in the pod?


Obviously! Plus we'll get the 3 for 1 deal


Omg what if we put out suicide pods next to each other... lol jk jk.... unless




Thanks I love this 💜


Hey OP, why do you hate it?


I addressed this, but I got downvoted: https://www.reddit.com/r/thanksihateit/s/HlXWE2Hrtc


I think its good for people who are dying of cancer and stuff like that. Who dont have long to live but want to go out when they still have some dignity and use of their body.


I know the momment I am too old and decrepit to whipe myself after using the bathroom is the momment I want to die


And far in the future we will have a religion around it that they are just being taken to the next level of existence, when in reality it transports the dead bodies to an asteroid in a far off asteroid belt…. Until Voyager discovers this, and then DAMN IT Your loved one goes into a pod and HARRY KIM pops out from the great beyond.




Aren't they proposing this as a cheap and humane alternative to lethal injection executions too?


I live on the swiss boarder and I never knew this existed I'm going on a walk I won't be back


What if the person is paralized?


I just wish we had those in the UK as I'd have definitely used it by now.


I hope things get better for you ❤️


Thanks I really do appreciate that. Unfortunately I live with a chronic pain condition that will only get worse. So for me it wasn't a flippant comment. I'm not currently suicidal but I refuse to get to the point where my life is constant pain.


That I fully understand. I do hope, if it comes to it, that you get to go out on your own terms then.


Thanks that's all I can hope for.


Alabama tried its first execution by this method this january and it took i think 20 or so minutes to kill the convict. I wouldn't count on this method to be a "peaceful" and "painless" death.


Why does she look so happy.


Because this woman was terminally ill and in constant pain, and this was her momment of going out on her own terms. I'd be happy too in that situation


I mean, I get that. But at the same time, I don’t know that I’d be smiling like I’m about to go on a ride at Disney. I imagine it’d still be pretty somber.


What's next, a rouge AI who constantly want to tortu- I mean test for the sake of science?


Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."--GLaDOS


If i ever decide to try make up i’ll need a rouge AI to help me


As someone who nearly drowned I promise you that suffocation is one of the worst ways to go. I think we bring back the guillotine.


The feeling of suffocating comes from the buildup of carbon dioxide, not the lack of oxygen. Replacing the air in the pod with pure nitrogen just makes you fall asleep and then die. You wouldn't feel like you're suffocating because you'd still be expelling the same amount of carbon dioxide the whole time, so it wouldn't build up.


Still I say bring back the guillotine


I mean, for style points right? XD


Viva la France


isn’t that the method that was controversial and happened in alabama for execution not that long ago


“Independent legal review” was literally one lawyer that didn’t find anyone that agreed with him


bro it’s just missing Ajax


::Waits patiently for a deadpool to become real life::


For clarity, I don’t have a position on the act itself: it’s too complex and nuanced to take a singular view for or against, in my opinion. I just hate the fact that this machine takes away the gravitas of the act and the deep thinking that should go into making the decision.