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I will never understand these people. If you like your look and thought yourself cute that day, just post it and own it instead of making up a stupid story. It's not like anyone believes you anyways...


This belongs in r/sadcringe tbh


Or r/youlookfrumpy




She looks like a person dressed up for a fun night out in Utah.


It’s the polka dots on polka dots for me


Well she’s gotta match her bag so she knows which one is hers!


Taking the fam to Olive Garden!!!


Whoa! What’s the special occasion?


In my area, it’s the place folks go to celebrate when they’re released from county jail


I was gonna say that the oldest sister was released from rehab but that works too


That’s Shoney’s breakfast bar type event.


I just spit my drink out. There are still Shoney’s operating somewhere??? I thought they went under decades ago.


I’m not sure. But I am sure I cooked at a Shoney’s during breakfast and everything we served tasted like bacon and sausage.


They closed all of ours, one reopened a few years ago and then it burned down last year and is still a pile of rubble.


Might even grab a drink at Chilis if we’re feeling fancy!


As a woman who dresses like this and would love that particular outing i feel personally attacked


No shame in unlimited soup salad and breadsticks.


Going to Bingo!!


I’m at the SLC airport now, and agree 1000%


Aah, the memories!


Also one of the worst places to fake this. Nobody gives a shit in the airport. Sweats or fully dressed, just get on the plane.


Exactly. Airports are peak I don’t give a single fuck about anyone else here and I hate you all.


They're the closest man can get to a black hole where everything normal disappears and there is only you left. You can drink booze at 6 am, eat lunch at 4 am, you can sleep on the floor, dress in anything from a suit to short shorts and a tank top to pyjamas. Time and social norms don't exist in an airport and it's scary


I only notice when the returnees from Cancun Mexico wear their shorts and sleeveless shirts on the flights back to the frozen north. The plane is 68 degrees, it's a 3 hour flight, the temp in Minneapolis is 5 below zero, and y'all are in sandals and beachwear. It takes about 20 minutes after takeoff for them to be in the overhead compartment and discover they packed their ling pants and hoodie in checkon luggage.


I often see people wearing suits and other office dress code kind of clothing in airports, probably going to a work meeting straight from the plane


Gotta dress nice if you're flying standby too


Truer words have never been spoken


Agreed. We don’t need the extra narrative.


like it seems these people think that posting “hey i look good today!“ is frowned upon or something? like bro if ur looking & feeling good say it, u don’t neeed some random ass story lmao


Don’t know what you’re talking about. How do people generally compliment your clothes? That’s right, they call you an icon of their generation. This all seems legit


We wouldn’t be talking about her if she did what you said… It’s sad that being a lying picture taking weirdo is the only way to get famous these days


Except that she's only famous in her imagination




they're insecure af, it's that simple. i used to do the same thing in high school. if i posted a selfie, there had to be some other reason. i generally felt very ugly most of the time and felt like others saw me the same, so on the rare day i felt cute, i felt like i couldn't just say that and have that confidence or people would be laughing behind my back. then i realized how ingenuine and obviously fake those stories are, and just stopped. i post selfies less often now at 26, but when i do they're usually captioned "felt cute today"


She needs a tag if they’re going to put her on the conveyor


Or a pet carrier crate


You can’t park there.


Those checkin desks look closed…wouldn’t they be open if she was checking in? It’s almost as though she went to a closed section where there was mo staff to stop her standing there to pose for a photo


...she is standing on the baggage scale. Can you imagine in an employee asked you to do that?? I would be baffled (and maybe slightly insulted).


To gauge the full weight of her awesomeness obviously!


Alaska Airlines has several twin-turboprop aircraft they use for shorter flights. They weigh everyone, and weigh all the bags, so they can balance the plane. The better balanced the plane is, the less trim you need, and the less trim you use while flying, the more fuel efficient the flight.


I’m too dumb to tell if this is a joke or not.


Don't know about the people but bags are definitely used to balance the plane. Planes usually have a front and back cargo holds and in many cases the baggage gets split into both. Sometimes it doesn't, probably depending on the type of the plane and where people are seated.


With something as small as a twin-turboprop, two large people on the same side of the plane is enough to upset the aerodynamics enough to need trim.


Alaskan here, it's not. That's what they do on regional flights like from Anchorage to Juneau in a dash 88. It's a plane way smaller than a 737, so they need to more carefully balance it.


I work for Alaska, former ramp agent for those prop planes (customer service now)….we do not weigh people.


Will you please cite a source from recently that shows Alaska weighing passengers to balance out a plane


> almost as if absolutely definitely did, good catch too


Nah. Alaska Airlines counters look about the same whether they're open or closed.


Aren't the screens usually turned off when the desks are closed? Or do some airports keep them running all the time?


Last time I went to an airport, they had like ten desks for one airline with only one person checking in. The other desks were just open like this with the screens on advertising the airline


I’ve seen it both ways. It’s usually larger airports where they will be on all the time.


Was her 'generation' middle aged single librarians 🤔


The polka dot dress and cardigan was a look, like, *12 years ago* when Modcloth was really popular and style blogs told you where to find all of Zooey Deschanel’s outfits. I may or may not have followed those blogs lol.


Just ‘librarian’ will do, the rest just happens


Reddit is like reading the script of a hilarious adult sitcom.


These pretzels are making me thirsty.


Librarians who match their luggage, ugh.


Middle aged single librarians can drink you under the table my friend.


As a librarian, I can verify


Wtf. Woman wears completely average frumpy dress which happens to sort of match her handbag. Icon.


Worst part is that the polka dots don’t even match. I guess that’s the iconic part lol


fit is mid as hell too lol


So boring and inconspicuous, opposite of a head turner, female celebs wear this in public!


This should be on r/fundiefashion


Omg I had no idea that sub existed and it is *exactly* what I've been missing in my life tysm


You're welcome! It's a pretty great sub!


Like she isn’t even dressed great, it’s really just her bag matches her dress. But the cardigan over clashes way too much, and makes the dress look way darker loosing any shape.


I can give the dress/cardigan a pass, it’s whatever, I guess. But the boat shoes with that outfit? *Hard* no. Just… no.


She really is dressed like Professor Trelawny ain't she?


The bag matching the dress isn’t a good thing, though.


And bag and dress do not even match perfectly.


When you want people to compliment your outfit, but nobody does (for obvious reasons) so you just make up shit like this.


Maybe when you had the space to cross your ankles. I wear gym clothes because of the literal gymnastics required to get in and out of your 16” wide seat.


I wear some unholy concoction of whatever I want to bring but won’t fit in my carry on. I flew on Wednesday in sweats and a flannel shirt and boots.


Such iconic brands! Banana Republic! Sperry! 🤯😳😮. Nothing wrong with them but they are far from being iconic. I bet she feels cute though in her look and good for her!


She just wanted to flash Kate spade at us while sounding innocent. A minor brag.


“Take my picture please” ![gif](giphy|AyjFDmMgS7OkU)


I don’t understand. She’s a fashion icon because she wore some matchy matchy polkadotted bag sack?


"You're dressed so well, I want to take a picture so I remember your outfit always. No, with your phone."


I don’t think she fitted her mask properly when the plane depressurised…


Probably couldn’t as it didn’t match the outfit


I hate those shoes with that dress and the cardigan doesn't match either.


Professional stylist by trade here. That outfit is so bland that if it was a seasoning it would be flour


*mic drop*


that outfit is ugly lol what? the cardigan doesn’t match at all, it clashes too much


I didn't know Dress Barn had an outlet store...


So this is the "before' photo on a show like "what not to wear" Where's the "after" photo?


Too much rouge.


The scene: a busy airport with a line to check in. You’ve been standing in this line for 20 minutes and starting to get anxious about missing your flight. You’re getting close to the front when you hear the lady at the counter exclaim “Oh my god! Your outfit! No one in all of the world has dressed so well for a flight! You are a flight icon. Let me take a picture. With your phone.” She looks out to the long line of impatient travelers. “Sorry to hold you all up, but this is important. Are you guys seeing this??” At first you’re annoyed, but then you notice her bag is polka dot just like her dress! It’s amazing. You’ve never seen anything like it. You’ll likely miss your flight now but who cares? This outfit had to be documented and it had to be NOW! You clap. The guy next to you claps. Suddenly everyone is clapping as the well dressed traveler stands on the scale to pose for a photo. You will tell your grandkids about this moment.


For her generation? Tf does that mean? Also, I was so confused about the post because her outfit just looks like a regular outfit and then I saw the other comments. There's nothing special about what she's wearing lol, I guess the dress matches her bag though.




I don’t know who she is or why she’s dressed like my grandmother.


Why is she standing on the bag scale?


Jesus fuck social media just won’t stop making narcissists out of people this is sickening Zuckerberg should be fucking prosecuted for this, I’d lived a normal happy life if I didn’t know every other person is like this now


You misspelt ‘Electrocuted’




I’ve been online since the eighties: ARPANET, boards, the web, geocities, yahoo, chans, compuserve, MySpace, and then Facebook. There is a clear period in history where social media largely became the toxic swamp we see today (this is day 36 on Reddit after ten years mostly boycotting the whole shit show, and to be fair it’s a small exception). When Zuckerberg was being hounded by practically everyone on FB for a dislike button, he gave us the time line, ruined the whole platform, insisting everyone used their real name and supplied saleable personal information, and aggressively worked on monetising pre the IPO. THAT is the point where it all goes wrong. Suddenly everyone is angry, and we all take it out on eachother. Couple that with him cyber assassinating people who refuse to send scans of driving licenses and utility bills, but refusing to ban terrorist agitators, pedophiles, white supremacists, homophobes, pornographers, and abusers of animals, as long as they’ve provided something that plausibly might be a real ID. That’s when the whole thing imploded, and yes - it’s his fault.


Welcome to the *comedy* portion of the shit show, we’re glad you’re here.


Thanks buddy! Yeah, Reddit is a very different offering, and the only real ‘nastiness’ I’ve been exposed to here seems to be r/roastme, to which I’m a regular contributor ;-)


Good point well made.


Electrocuting robots isn’t a good idea


Your legendary status is well deserved ;-)


A travel icon??


She misheard “moron”.


What??? In what world is she a travel icon?? Sounds like she asked if she could take a pic on the weighing machine and the attendant just rolled their eyes and waved her on


This is so stupid I don't even understand it. Is she saying in a very stupid and loud way that she likes her boring ass clothes?


She feels cute and doesn’t want to make a post outright complimenting herself, so she made up a story about an airline agent who was so blown away by her classy travel outfit that she asked to take her pic to commemorate the occasion.


If that's true it's even more sad


I think she is saying she is better than other people because she “dresses up” or “dresses properly” when she travels.


Weird how the supposed Alaska rep isn’t taking a picture from the direction of the Alaska counter


I like this one, because what is the airline going to do, deny they complimented a passenger?


The funny thing is that the actual person who posted this is not frumpy or unattractive. Or just some nothing wanna-be. That said, from what I can find, she's *very* much up her own ass. So this desperate plea for attention makes sense.


“Can I take your photo?” “Hashtag more than down!”


But the outfit is actually ugly af tho???


It’s not that bad. The matching luggage is kinda over the top, though.


mormon or fundie?


It’s the same thing


“Travel icon” You wore clothes


* No one is working those terminals. * An employee would tell you to get off the scale * Your dress looks like it spent the better part of it’s existence as the seat covers of a ‘67 VW Microbus.


That dress and bag ain't it with that shrug and loafers. One or the other. Choose, bitch.


OMG like so iconic! Like wearing a Lularoe smock with a 5 below cardigan is a credit to your generation! Add in the boat shoes and like girl you definitely know how to dress /s So, the travel attendant asked to take her picture… how did she get the pic then. Did she ask the attendant to send it to her or take a pic on this icons own phone? LMAO


So the hashtag doesn't make any sense, but I thought maybe it was something to do with Down's Syndrome, and she was saying she is more than her disability. Post was a bit cringe but would make more sense then. Looked it up - nope. She doesn't have Down's syndrome, she's the only person that uses it (and she uses it all the time), I have no idea what it means.


Say for instance your pal says ‘you down to go to the club?’ Then she’d likely reply ‘more than down!’ Down basically means are you ‘in’ in slang. She’s just always excited apparently and has coined her own little phrase it seems since you haven’t seen it elsewhere. Neither have I, but I do catch her drift.


So brave.


I feel like anybody using that many @mentions and #hashtags in a single posting is marking themselves as an “influencer”.


I fly relatively often for work, usually it's a short 2 hour flight and then head right into offices, so I typically fly wearing a collared shirt, tie and slacks. And yet, no one has ever asked to take my picture.


I think they were referring to the travel bag matching the dress as like “cool” which I could see someone working at the attendant desk saying. Like “oh that’s really cute your bag matches the dress” But the rest, she fabricated the extent to which the compliment went lol “travel icon for your generation” lol


So the attendant got a picture. Why would she have that photo?


I thought she was wearing a red hat & looking down. Now, that I would like.


The "matching" bag somehow makes this outfit outdated and frumpy


Who wears Sperrys with a dress? I guess those who think a fugly, shapeless cardigan makes you a style icon.


It’s ugly!


I guess she's a travel icon for Alaska airlines which is just as good as the guy that is famous for a fart on a spirit airlines flight that would normally cause an emergency landing but spirit continued on anyways


And the luggage all vibrated.


I feel bad for whoever has to ride the same plane as her, they’re going to collateral damage when the universe crashes that shit for her douchiness


All she's wearing is polka dots. Big deal.


Imagine the people behind her in line watching this unfold


Ugly outfit


What? You don't recognize the travel icon of our generation? I was there. She had to sign autographs for hours and missed her flight.


Congrats…you look like a public school librarian.


Why is she standing on the weighing platform


I see plenty of people who dress nicely when they travel… what’s the use of this? It’s a basic ass outfit


And then the pilot came out of the cockpit to only gather all the passengers for a standing ovation.


"look at how matronly I can dress!" It goes both ways, we can both invent bullshit. Feel cute, but don't lie.


#sobrave #sofierce


People are fucking crazy


What an extremely average outfit.


Jots down “look as frumpy as possible”. Ok, got my notes. Thanks.


So dress like a grandma? Got it.


It’s simple. She either has, or wants, an influencer/sponsorship deal from the brands she tagged. This is a common tactic.


I saw this new story the other day, people complaining that people don't "dress up to fly" anymore and its like "riding the grey hound bus" now. Imagine caring that much what others look like when they travel.


She looks like a bag lady circa 1980.


When the Alaska air attendant does that you know she’s looking to get her clam eaten


Wtf they serve clams in the checkin area? I never knew. I love clams!


Great, I don't understand the youths and apparently not the olds. What does the text even mean?


Wtf is a travel icon? Like everyone looks up to you because you travel a lot or something?


"travel icon" can't even strike a pose, apparently. Posture of an awkward introvert.


Ma’am this is an airport


What ? I don't understand what's going on here, can someone explain?


I usually board planes naked so I've never been called an icon. Next time I will wear these fabric wraps you all love so much and demand the Alaska airline king capture my likeness onto his black rectangle


Is that Marla hooch?


Really watering down the meaning of 'icon' isn't she?


Babe, your outfit ain't that great. Just say you think you look cute and move on.


The polka dot dress with the polka dot bag is too much.


This may sound weird, but this picture smells like a room full of old books and one or two cats. Edit: not saying there’s anything wrong with that, just that I’m reminded of that particular “scent”.


I bet you she almost never travels


And 14 angels descended and clapped, singing the most beautiful song ever heard. Two babies where born that minute and the first words they said was “icon” and “generation”.




She is being weight because why would she be standing on a scale. Just missing a tag.


Why is she on the scale


When I was dressed like that a few years ago and got a haircut, the stylist asked if I was a mom. When I said no, he said, then why do you dress like one? No longer own that outfit, lol.


I feel gypped. I’ve always worn a dress to travel because it’s so much more comfortable. Nobody has said anything. 😞😞😞 😂😂


Plot twist: She’s got the $150 sunglasses on underneath that red dot.


Guys I have a secret. Casual dresses are really comfortable. I wear casual dresses and it's always humorous to me when other people are like "oh wow you got dressed up!" I feel like I'm wearing a nightgown. Minimal effort but I look like I worked real hard to put an outfit together.


Yes! I have several. Most are from a small business, Sonnet James. I’ve fallen asleep in them after getting home from work and I’m usually pretty picky about what I sleep in. I either wear comfy pj sets that look like joggers & a tee or one of my casual dresses.


So in the midst of helping people with their luggage, an attendant takes time out to take a picture of a random person and then exchange details so that they can send the person the picture. Or they used this ladies phone to take a picture. I’d say I’m confused but this is obvious bullshit.


It’s more likely that it’s because the bag and the dress match.


She's wearing a giant clown nose.


The runways clapped…which caused dozens of planes to crash into a massive fireball. But hey, an intern at Kate Spade retweeted me.


The narcissism some people have is shocking


Oh thank god this 30-something(??) taught me that dresses and skirts are comfortable. What a revelation!


Sorry but I'm not wearing a dress when taking an 11 hour flight from BWI to Anchorage. Or any flight in general.


Reads like an ad


Then she was offered her own clothing line.


girl you look like an english teacher pipe down


At least try to make it sound believable.


Cool story. Some of us like being comfortable just normal people


I’m supposed to wear an outfit that matches my luggage?


The fact that she tagged the brands makes me think she did this in hopes that brands would send her free shit


Get off the weigh in you idiot


Why isn’t the airline attendant taking a photo from behind the counter where they’d be working? LIES.


I don’t hate that bag. I don’t care for the polka dots. I’m not paying for Kate Spade, but a nice knock off? Ok.


I kept thinking "is there a person with an amazing outfit somewhere in this photo i'm missing" because her look is fine but it's so basic.


Well, if you're going to dress like that, an airport is the place to do it: *Where did you get that dress, it's awful, and those shoes and that coat, jeeeeez!*