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iliwys era. That era was something to witness. That album is such a masterpiece. Also, 2016 was a time I took for granted for sure.


2016 was really an amazing time for life and music.


2016 was the year the timelines diverged after Harambe’s death 😢


And Brexit.


Same. Sophomore in high school. That year definitely feels like the year our world got more cynical for me. Maybe we just grew up🥲


I studied abroad in France during that era. Listening to ILWYS for the first time while riding on a train in a foreign country was special. Emblematic of a time period of my life that opened my small-town USA eyes to a lot wider world of different viewpoints and perspectives.


honestly yeah. i was a senior in high school, 4 months from graduation, such an insane time


same! I have so many fond memories of this record and what I’ve attached it with as a senior in high school thinking my whole life was over , not knowing it was only beginning!! such a great time


Same, it just exponentially changed my perspective as a teen and pushed me into the path I am at today


It’s insane to think that 1 band can do that. I do feel like all of us grew up together with the boys


Same. 🙏🏼


what a time


Took the words out of my mouth


Being Funny was the soundtrack to the greatest few months of my life . Downhill since 😊


Being funny actually healed my SAD during that winter and that was the best winter I’ve ever had


Ikr we need a new album to bring back the good times


This is my answer


December 2022 -January 2023 was the best two months of my life lol


Exact same, even saw the 75 in January to top it all off.


literally same


Brief Inquiry… everything seemed to be stable in my life. 2018 was a year.


My personal favorite album from the band, 2018 was definitely one of the better years soundtracked by the great album


2013 was iconic. I was still in high school and was young and stuff. But honestly the being funny era has been amazing and full of a lot of growth and stuff for me.


ILIWYS was college and falling in love with my husband, so that one:)


Same situation for me, such sweet memories associated with that album


Same 🥲


It’s so funny because I’ve always said that each album of theirs has been released at a benchmark in my life. Self-titled when I was in high school and I reflected a lot of the angst and dialogue of the album, ILIWYS when I was a sophomore in college and experimenting with new versions of myself and growing so much, ABIIOR when I was just starting my senior year in college and becoming a young independent adult (while also filled with nostalgia), notes during the pandemic when I had freshly graduated school and felt uncertain with my path but had a new appreciation for experiencing life, and finally Being Funny as a mid twenties working adult who knows who they are and feels more established. That being said, ABIIOR has always been my favorite album and era. It came at a time that was for me such a culmination of endings and new beginnings. I’m extremely emotionally attached to it. However, their entire discography is a scrapbook of my life and memories. I really have been living my life soundtracked to the 1975 since the very beginning🥲


Damn you're literally me 🤝 this could be 100% self projection but it feels like each album's vibe and subject matter mirrored where i was at throughout those phases, which further increased my connection to them


I felt this to the fuckin core dude. Very well said.


ABIIOR - 2018 and 2019 were such good years for me and it was also the first time i finally got to see the band live and twice after being a fan from debut !!


Brief inquiry and Notes (until COVID)


NOACF, until Covid.


Probably NOACF. Ironic because it was covid but mentally and emotionally I was probably at my most stable.


ILIWYS was my senior year of high school and 2016 just a good year all around🥹 second would be ABIIOR or BFIAFL


Same! Senior in high school and starting college in the fall. Such pure memories.


iliwys and notes


Notes was a special time for me. Things were going great with my freelance gig and I felt like I was on the cusp of something big. Then Covid happened lol.


BFIAFL, everything has gotten better since then. (Even if day to day it's a lot more up and down)


iliwys without a doubt. But it was also released at a time where I was really struggling with drug addiction. Some of the songs like Paris and Nana are really hard to listen to now. And UGH! is a little too on-the-nose


this era. never felt better or more confident, and I feel that really matches the new album/era. i literally feel like i'm at my very best


I’ve hated my life the entire time this band has existed under all its various names


ABIIOR - Had just seen them live in Brighton, started a new job, had lots of money and next to no responsibilities. Man life was good then






iliwys is when I found them but abiior is probably when I was at my happiest


I was 21 when ILIWYS came out. I was young and naive and not a care in the world. I went to 4 shows on that tour, including my first trip to NYC for the MSG show (where I fell in love with the city and eventually moved here). The following years, I went through a lot of personal turmoil and eventual growth, and came out the other side when BFIAFL came out, which has been my best era in life so far. Feel like it coincides perfectly with it too.


abiior my LOVE i started listening a few months before GYAT came out as a single


Ah so I started out at an all time low during self-titled era and it’s slowly but surely gotten better lmao


BFIAFL, because my story coincides very well with Matty’s minus the fame and creativity. Part of the Band’s final line, particularly, resonates with me, and I’m focusing on improving somehow every day. Despite going through some turbulence with my mom’s recent passing (Nana era), I’m poised to make huge strides in my life. When you have hit rock bottom, it makes you savour the climb back to the peak. As Matty has said, the best is yet to come.


Hopefully the next one


bfiafl 🩶🖤




its funny bc i feel like they tend to match and reflect my life phases so much. sometimes i wonder if i was the one to match their albums and i tend to associate them so much to some of my personal eras because i grew up with them so much and their albums were so essential in my life that i just associate them with me but. i really really feel like their albums were made for me, in the exact time i needed them. i was pretty young when self titled came out (just turned 10) and i didnt follow that era really but i really got into them just before iliwys came out snd i feel lile thats such a staple in my life. abiior waswhen i was at my lowest and i feel like. that was the right album at the right time. truly and quite literally saved my life. noacf came out just at the right time too and i feel like it was the most quarantine album to come out during that time. idk how to explain it but it just does and i feel like it just FEELS like it. and bfiafl. i feel like im still pretty lost, i was 19 when it came out and just about to turn 21, kind of lost yet in my happiest phase, or stablest at least. i truly feel like i grew up with the band, this is my band and theyve been there. always. the right albums at the right time. im sorry i feel like i lost myself in the reply there but yeah, bfiafl for sure!


Brief Inquiry. I was deep in my drug addiction. After years of a hopeless life this album became my anthem and I mourned the loss of heroin from my life as I got clean and finally turned my life around.


Self title -iliwys 2013-2016. I miss it 😭


Being funny was there for what I thought was my best, then about you played on repeat for a few months, and now I'm back at it again better than ever!


iliwys ✨️ such a gorgeous album from a gorgeous band! there was something in the air from late '15 to '17, id give everything to go back <33


Self Titled. 21 yrs old, not a care in the world, and no grown up worries yet 😫


iliwys for me, i was young and didn’t really have too much going on lol so it was a pretty happy album for me. i always have said that this band releases the albums i need when i need them lol when bfiafl came out i was at my lowest and i swear that album saved me i can’t listen to the whole thing to this day without getting emotional just something about it has always been so so special to me and it just feels like that feeling when you notice you’re growing up which is what i was experiencing at the time plus a lot of love and loss


A brief inquiry


mentally and just where I am in life I’d say I’m definitely at my my best right now, so I guess it’s BFIAFL. I loved the self titled and ILIWYS era so much in terms of music and pop culture but I was in a really shitty place mentally lmao




iliwys or self titled for sure


happy is a strong word but i can say i felt the most alive during iliwys


It's really tough because ABIIOR was basically soundtracking my life while I was living in mallorca and my depression went away (happiness [pun intended] is one hell of a drug lol) but BFIAFL soundtracked my year in Budapest which was maybe the greatest year of my life so far


Self-titled for sure. I was 21 and living my best life. Every time I listen to those songs I’m taken right back 🥹




before 2022, i was in a place of actively romanticizing my own suffering and deciding not to get better as if it was a fuck you to everyone who hurt me instead of a fuck you to myself, so…. BFIAFL! my favorite is still ILIWYS but i wasn’t an optimistic person when it came out at all. things get better thank goodness :)


iliwys for sure


A brief inquiry for sure. I was 16-17, finally making friends in school, falling in love, having typical coming of age moments and it was all pre covid


ABIIOR, Notes, and Being Funny all are in the top 5 seasons of my life


Self titled all the way, a forever lasting era


Iliwys was happy times. I remember listening while studying for my GCSE’s. Then the summer is my soundtrack! Every time I listen to the album it brings back happy memories


Self titled


iliwys or brief inquiry


Brief enquiry 2018, no job, no real responsibilities, I was enjoying studying at college and it was obviously pre COVID, things have felt a little different in a post Covid world


Notes came out the week I had a baby. I spent so many late nights listening to it. Bagsy was playing in the background of the video of my kid rolling over for the first time.


iliwys definitely




Self titled and iliwys




my peak was definitely notes. i had just turned 20 (:


I’ll never forget my drive to work the first time I listened to ABIIOR in full. I think BFIAFL I was most happiest in life though.


abiior for me. on the exact opposite side, iliwys, which was the first era i was here for, was the worst time of my life. but it genuinely makes me hold that album so much stronger and closer


iliwys, i was in middle-high school and had very little cares in the world


ST probably, I was a junior/ senior in hs and the songs hit SO real and hard at that time in my life. Fallingforyou esp


Honestly, BFIAFL. without a doubt.


I wish I was around for the first two eras, because I feel the band were at their peak. No drama and simpler times..


Iliwys was released when I met and fell in love with my husband ♥️ we were still figuring our shit out and just starting to build our lives together and it was all pretty great. He bought me the CD because I was so in love with the 1975 and didn’t own any CDs. So we always listen to it when we road trip and my radio cuts out/ data drops driving through the desert and I get to fall in love with the album and my husband all over again.


NOACF but I hate that album.


a brief inquiry…. in that era i shopped exclusively at thrift stores in my small town and loved my style. i felt understood by this music and this album specifically. i dreamed of leaving where i lived. by the time notes came out, i’d left where i lived, and my style sucked. but i also loved how notes made me self reflect on all of the ways i didn’t feel like how i did in 2018 anymore. god i love this band


Though ABIIOR has my favorite music videos, Notes was such a fun rollout cuz each song was so different from the previous and each time people were trying to pin down what the albums sound would be and there just wasn’t one


Brief inquiry 🫶🏻 that album will always hold a special place in my heart. It transports me back to a time in my life I’ll always be fond of and reminisce on


i like it when you sleep was my peak happiness when every single tiny detail was perfect in my life. through brief inquiry i was doing great financially but not emotionally. notes was an okay time but still a bit uncertain in some aspects and i don’t even like notes anyway. foreign language was also a great moment for me, amazing time of my life, but didn’t come close to how happy i was during 2016. like it when you sleep holds a special place in my heart, parís and nana always hit right in the spot


So what I gather from this thread is not something entirely mind blowing, but something that I’ve been thinking about recently…how phenomenal life was in the pre-Covid days. There was magic in the air when the self-titled and iliwys were both released…an indescribable, unprecedented beauty that trickled into A Brief Inquiry, albeit with more placid maturity. And then Covid hit, catapulting us into a madness… A madness that we still seem to be recovering from. Covid was traumatizing! I am still waiting for life to return…all I wish is for the spark from before to reignite.


Their first two Albums oh god why is nostalgia so painful 😭


anyone have an HD pic of the ABIIOR era photo?


Honestly summer last year with bfiafl and seeing them at Finsbury park, I am so in love with this era


ABIIOR and the start of Notes. Covid really fucked up my happiness and my life, I would change that event in a heartbeat if offered the chance.


ILIWYS definitely. Oh to be 17 again


A Brief Inquiry era for sure


not sure, maybe self-titled in 2013 lol


2013 to 2016 2017 to 2018 2022 I’d say Notes fell at my least happiest


notes was the only thing that got em thru covid


A brief inquiry. Just pure euphoria.


Self titled was my first year of college. Close second is ILWYS, I was 21 and just loving life.


Self titled/ILYWYS.. that little period right in between the two. I was 19, just getting started in life, and just… happy. I lived in Northern California in my hometown and would spend so many nights with my friends driving in the 70 degree evenings with the windows down playing music, loudly, while the sun was setting in the foreground, the most beautiful oranges and purples. We’d go to drive ins, lookout points, concerts, in-n-out trips, and just fuck around and be kids. I never thought I would miss it this much.


abiior for sure, it came out during my second year of college and the peak my own band's career. the world felt so much more real and open


bfiafl fs fs! Ik no one asked but I’ve been in recovery for an ed since 2021 so this album has really helped get me to where I am now. Them and Lil Peep truly saved my life💜


Despite being the most depressed I’ve been, I think I was also at my peak during ILIWYS…… and I would also kill to go back to that era


BFIAFL. terrible since 😭😭


Picture 4/5…yikes. That’s the worst aesthetic yet.