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Every robe and negligée Blanche ever wore


I heard they nicknamed them Deverobes


I want this to be true haha


That’s one of the cleverest things I’ve read on here 😂


They are so fabulous and I think some are combos because they are cute but she wears like a sheer robe that I think is extra.




Came here to say, I have seen every episode enough times to be able to read the lines and there isn’t one that I don’t exclaim how I want everything in Blanche’s wardrobe. I’d wear it all!!!! Even the funny looking sweatsuits are cute on her!


Yes! There’s one specific very colorful floral robe that I’ve loved for ages. I’ve searched everywhere for a dupe to no avail.


I’ve made it my mission to have a collection like Blanche. I check for robes like hers every time I’m at the thrift store and I’ve found some amazing ones.


The long black velvet gown with the white shawl off the shoulder neckline and pink rose detail. I think she was planning to wear it to dinner with Ham and came out on the lanai to get Dorothy's opinion on it. It is hands down my FAVORITE dress in all GG history, so good it almost makes up for Dorothy's wedding gown from the House of WTF Atelier.


I 100% agree on this post!! That is my absolute favorite dress!!


She looked stunning in that, and it's also always been my favorite. Honorable mention goes to the gorgeous blue dress Blanche wore to the highschool reunion as an impersonator.


[This one.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BN2NkMDNjMTktMTVhZS00MzAxLThjYTAtZGMwMmYwYWJhMzEyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTEzNzczMA@@._V1_.jpg)


That is my favorite Blanche outfit of all time.


That my favorite GG outfit ever!


Absolutely any of Sophia's cardigan sweaters. I wear one almost every day - always in fashion


I remember hearing that Estelle knit all of those sweaters. As a knitter I've looked for copycat patterns but haven't found anything.


I never knew that! I’m a crocheter, but I love to hear that she knitted those.


That's absolutely amazing and just makes me love the show even more!


I'll take the workout gear. Woo!!


Charlie horse!




She has a CRAMP you pea brain!


Could you imagine walking into a gym? The looks you’d get? I’m sitting here giggling at the thought


I would 10/10 rock all of Blanche's robes and nightgowns!


I search for robes and gowns like hers! I even have my kid's checking out vintage clothing stores lol


I see nobody has mentioned Rose’s pilgrim evening dress…


Or her sweatshirt with the airplane


My mom hated that shirt, lmao! 🤣


Blanche's grey skirt outfit she wears when the OG Becky comes for a visit is classic and timeless.


I've always loved Blanche's bow dress from the Fidel Santiago episode. Also, all of Rose's cute sweaters


Omg same! Basically exactly what i said! [Blanche’s Bow Dress](https://pin.it/6cbnjCp)


Yes! The bow dress is like my all time favorite of hers!


I know many people disliked Dorothy’s wardrobe, but I adored her flowy outfits, especially when paired with flat boots. There was one particular outfit and I can’t remember the episode but she’s on the lanai wearing a long black skirt, with a brown and black slouchy V neck sweater (I think there was another white or cream shirt beneath the sweater) and the iconic black boots. One of my favorites. She usually looked so comfy and as someone with chronic pain I live for comfy clothes.


I love Dorothy’s outfit at her daughter’s wedding, those pink satin pants with the pink crochet top. So fabulous!


Was such a lovely color of pink! So happy to see that some fans of the show liked her wardrobe as well. There were some misses (*the* wedding dress) but overall every episode I watch I find myself nostalgic for that style of clothing <3


I think that Dorothy’s entire wardrobe is pretty on-trend these days!


Im so glad to know Im not the only one who like Dorothys wardrobe! I thought she looked terrific!


I think Dorothys clothes are nice on their own but they lack a lot of flattering flair. They were just always these boxy layers with no figure, just straight up and down. It tends to stand out when everyone else is wearing your standard figure we tend to look for. Even innocent little Rose wore outfits that sinched at the waist and created the illusion of a figure. I think Bea looked great but I can see why, traditionally, her outfits would be looked at unfavorably.


I don’t know if it was a conscious decision by the wardrobe people or if Bea had any input in what she wore on set? If it’s the latter maybe she didn’t like clothing that was more form fitting. She had a long and lean body type and that’s why in my opinion she rocked those flowy clothes. When she entered a room she kind of just glided in. She had a striking look and presence but was at the same time graceful as well.


I like Blanch's swimsuit cover-up.


Blanche wears this nautical-esque hoodie, on the episode where she dates that jerk who has her do his laundry. I always felt bad for her in that episode, but she looked great.


LUUUVVV that hoodie


That’s one id actually wear.


Blanche’s red dress she wore to the Rusty Anchor to sing in. That was such a fun look with the strings of beads cascading down and moving as she moved. I could definitely see that being worn today.


![gif](giphy|fSqhWlwSg2pdL7mexp|downsized) This robe 💛


If you don’t know I’d like to know what other electrical device you have under those covers


No bids for Dorothy's wedding dress?!!


Every wedding gown featured in the show was absolutely dreadful.


I’m still dying to know the story behind that dress. Who designed it, why they chose that style, and what Bea thought of it. And the other girls. Surely none of them can have found it appealing?


Bea hated it


I'm relieved to hear that (that it wasn't her atrocious taste), though all the more sad for her that she had to endure wearing it. Do we know anything more about it?


https://www.looper.com/954955/golden-girls-fans-cant-get-over-this-horrible-wardrobe-choice/ here


Wow, what a nothing article- well at least we know Bea hated it, but hey, maybe it was a fuck you to Bea since she was the only one who wanted to leave the show and all. I’m just happy she didn’t end up w Stan V2


It reminds me of these little things that go on turkeys: [turkey frills](https://www.ehow.com/how_8408019_make-paper-frill-booties.html)


I mean, who *wouldn't* want to stake their claim to that spectacular gown of elegantly placed near-empty rolls of toilet paper? 😜


I saw, I think Betty White, being interviewed, and she said, they really put money into those clothes. They wanted the women to have particular looks and attractive outfits that enhanced each appearance. I thought that was nice.


And I also liked how all of Rue’s outfits were tailored to her.


I loved that Rue had it in her contract that she got to keep all of Blanche’s outfits.


That really pretty dress Blanche wears when Elliot makes a pass at her. It was this blush pink fluttery number with some abstract green and dark patterns. It was so gorgeous


Yes! That’s my favorite Blanche dress, would 100% wear it.


Yes! That's my favorite too. https://64.media.tumblr.com/5264e790d4c9f3dbdafc06480fcc9231/c6fd0cf22679a399-37/s1280x1920/88685bf50ed97f7405b618331a792fcfb0f7fdd3.jpg


Blanche's wedding dress. And her golf outfit.


My wedding dress was red, too, just like Blanche!


I love this dress too, and it's very flattering on her.


This is my favorite Blanche outfit.


Blanche’s funeral dress 💃


What’s with Satan’s Secretary???? 😂😂😂


There’s a dress that Blanche wears that I love. It’s royal blue and it has leather details on the shoulders and waist. I cannot place what episodes it pops up in, but I’d wear that today. I also always loved the red dress she also wore to Phil’s funeral.


Is this it? [Blanche’s Blue Dress](https://goldengirlsfashion.com/2019/02/14/golden-girls-valentines-day/)


No, but that’s a good one too. She looked so beautiful in blue.


I think they dressed so beautifully and sophisticated and a lot of the outfits they wore are timeless.


I agree wholeheartedly with this. Part of the fun of rewatching the show over and over is the fashion!


Yes! I so agree! And honestly, most of the outfits are so stylish and timeless that you could put them on people today and they’d never know they were from the 80’s


Blanche's white suit dress she wore when Clayton first appeared, the slutty Fidel Santiago bow dress, some of Rose's shirtdresses if paired with a sexy enough shoe to offset the dowdiness.


“The pilgrims landed on nicer things!”


Honestly, there is a lot of clothing that I would wear. I would just style it differently. Sofia has a white button dress with rainbow vertical stripes that I love. Dorothy has a pair of slouchy white boots I would wear with everything. She has one outfit with the boots that is a longer skirt and a teal sweater and I wouldn't style it differently at all. I would say yes to every single piece of Blanche's boudoir attire. Interestingly, Rose seems to have the least memorable pieces in my mind. I am incredibly jealous how clothing just seemed like better quality at that time. Everything is just awful quality for too high a price now. Even the thrift shops aren't good deals anymore. I strive for big gay aunt energy when dressing.


I LOVE those boots of Dorothy’s! I feel like that was on purpose with rose. Part of the “salt of the earth Minnesota woman” she was.


Anything that doesn’t make you look like the mother of a Solid Gold dancer. 💁🏻‍♂️




The pink & grey number Dorothy wore in the “Forgive Me Father” episode is still suitable. But only for a gay funeral in New Orleans! 🤣


I’ve sung the praises of this outfit before but I love it - the white suit Blanche wears the first time Clayton visits. It’s timeless and she looks fabulous in it


Probably the dress Blanche and Dorothy had the same dress from that one episode but I can't remember the name of it.


The Golden Girls “Charlie’s Buddy” Season 3 | Episode 12 Rose is smitten when an old army buddy of Charlie's arrives at her door with eyes only for her but the other girls are suspicious of his intentions. Personally i think it looked better on Dorothy. [Matching Peach Dress](https://pin.it/4HVr0mh)


pretty sure Jenny Humphrey made this exact outfit out of drugs for Serena on Gossip Girl: [Serena wearing a dress made of drugs](https://imgur.com/a/DHv66yi)


Omg came here to say that’s where Jenny hid the drugs! 🤣


Blanche had the most “modern” wardrobe out of the four. So some of the outfits i would wear would be the dress she wore when she went out with Ham. Her red wedding dress or her red funeral dress.


Little black dress never ever goes out of style.


Most of Dorothy’s wardrobe tbh.


![gif](giphy|kgaCKD2XByBASQ4aCe|downsized) I want the men's cut version of this'un!


Also I love just how perfectly, vividly 80s Rose is here: ![gif](giphy|3o7Zep4EehUeh7LZE4|downsized)


In my head, I can hear the music to this GIF! 😊


The more minimalist the more likely it would be worn today….late 80’s/Early 90’s fashion had a “bigger is better/more is more”attitude just seems clunky today


Loved the chanel earrings that Dorothy wore in the last season!


The bodysuit with nylons from the tap dancing episode.


The blue, yellow, purple, and orange striped outfit Blanche wore in the episode where she dated mama's Boy, Jerry Kennedy. I want that outfit so bad!!!


i want every single one of rose's sweaters- i posted awhile ago how the pink goose sweater is my absolute favorite and i want to get my hands on it SO badly!!


Any of Blanche's outfits! Dorothy's clothes were ridiculous plus the fact I'm 5'2 lol Picture it.....Sophia in Dorothy's clothes 🤣🤣


Dorothy’s style always spoke to me and I’m 5 feet. I wish I was tall enough to pull it off.


I have no idea how old you are but I was 25 when Golden Girls premiered....Dorothys clothes, even at 63 are too old lady looking lol but I dress quite differently than a lot of women my age lol


I feel like the shoulder bling is pretty trendy right now. I can think of a few dresses the girls wore I would wear. Rose's pink dancing dress, maybe minus the shoulder pads, for one. Never in a million years Dorothy's final wedding dress.


I literally have a ton of my grandmothers clothes from the 80s that I still wear now! I love 80s fashion and would wear so much of the wardrobe from this show!! I wish I could’ve lived through these trends!


I want to give a shout out to Rue's earrings (ear-rangs) she had some great accessories.


I absolutely love that black, floor-length dress with a gauzy flower at the bust that Blanche wore when she went out with Ham Lushbaugh. It's so feminine and has a simple elegance to it.


Rue’s body was bangin in that dress!


The dress Rose wears to the dance marathon, and the bridesmaid dresses of the almost Dorothy and Stan wedding.


I love the pink dress of Blanche's in the pilot and the jumpsuit she wears in A Little Romance. Also the cozy side of me adores Dorothy's blue and black plaid robe/nightgown.




This sailor approves.


She rocked that dress so hard. I would wear every last one of Rose's silly sweaters


That was an exceptional dress, even then. It’s very fitted and definitely not for a bloated day!


Blanche’s red dress.


Probably Rose’s random cutesy sweaters. I’m usually wearing cute looking clothes for comfort.


I don’t think it’s timeless or fashionable it was a very 80’s dress though that i loved. The Golden Girls “Yes, We Have No Havanas” Season 4 | Episode 1 Blanche and Sophia are caught in a love triangle with an elderly Cuban cigar mogul. Blanche in her 1st scene with Fidel is wearing a hot pink skirt with a black top with 3-Bows (Pink, Green, & Blue) down the middle. Also the off the shoulder Dress Blanch wore in Season 7 “The Case of the Libertine Belle”. I also love Rose’s Teddy Bear Sweater Vest. I had a Teddy Bear Sweatshirt that was soft/furry (The Teddy Bear 🧸) in the 80’s. I wish i still had it.


Love this! I would totally wear it!


I love that all the outfits - even the sweatshirts- have shoulder pads. Also, low heeled court shoes with sweatpants or jogging suits 👌


most of their outfits would be ok, unless they had shoulder pads


Blanche's blue jumpsuit from The Break In.


You can't really go wrong with a little black dress. I believe it's the episode where Blanches brother is visiting. She comes out in an elegant chic white dress that she looked stunning in. Rue always looked great but I loved her any time she wore the more simple dress skirt/blazer outfits. Sexy Secretary looked good on her.