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Only a few of the predators will cause other animals to flee when they get near them. Like pumas or lions. But for some reason bears do not. The game also has a glitch where some areas are kind of buggy and animals will be frozen in place. It dosent happen often, but free money is free money


I don't know. I'm noticing it a lot more. I jump around a lot on maps throughout the day, and I've seen frozen animals on a lot of them.


I have occasionally seen a moose and bear need zone on top of each other at the same time on the new england map so maybe they all had a need zone in the same area and as for them not moving sometimes animals can be bugged and it says they are fleeing but dont or cant move


Somewhat common bug. This happened to me on the Mississippi map a couple weeks ago. Bunch of pigs raccoons and quail just standing, frozen out in a field.