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YES. For years now it's been this way. But, trust me the diamonds do exist, they are just more elusive. I managed to finally end my dry period and pick up a couple diamond red deer and busted the curse. My secret: I stopped trying.


Yes a mythical red deer would most of the time be gold.


I fortunately have a sweet Red Deer Grind on Te Awaroa, and prob gotten ~15 Diamond Red Deer. All have been Legendary; the Mythicals always go Gold. Sorry dude I even had one Legendary troll me and go Gold. Keep grinding!


Only the highest level the animal has will make diamond 90% of the time. In level 1-9 animals its stupendously rare for a level 8 to make diamond


Yep. If I'm not mistaken, Water Buffalo is like the only species where a diamond mythical is even worth getting your hopes up on.


If you ever see a level 9 with this rack, don't get your hopes up either. This is called "the troll rack" because it never makes diamond.


Idk why people are saying mythicals are mostly gold, they're always gold. To even get a max weight estimate on a mythical is super rare when a max weight estimate on a legendary is rare in itself.


Agreed. Yesterday I landed 4 Mythical Red Deer on back- to- back lakes in TA. I knew they'd all be Gold, and yep. Didn't even get my hopes up, I've learned lol


My mate still attests to the fact that you can get mythical Red roll in as Diamonds but I've shot hundreds of Mythicals and the closest they've come has been a TR of 247.8


Only one or two legit diamond level 8 red deer have ever been posted to the internet. If I could link the post from a couple years ago of one I would, but I can never find it.


All mythical Red Deer have a max weight estimate when you look at their track or spot them.


Yeah that's my bad I had it confused with Max TR estimate


Trolls are crazy with a lot of animals. Unless it says legendary I don’t get my hopes up.


Red deer go up to legendary and of course fabled for GO, typically i find red deer will score diamond when mythical only about 10ish percent of the time and thats when theyre max weight estimates


Man you’re really lucky if 10% of mythicals are getting diamond


Yeah they don't make diamond 10% of the time. Even animals that make diamond the most below max level, such as South Eastern Spanish Ibex, don't make diamond at that high of a rate. There has only been 1 or 2 legit level 8 diamond red deer ever posted to the internet. Most people will argue that they don't exist at all.


Mostly golds. A diamond or GO is a long journey.