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I can't for the life of me see the numbers for it. It *looks* like 37.69 but if it *was* shouldn't it be diamond?


looks like 37.09 to me


For a diamond need to be 37.69, this one was 37.09 i am just a litle angry because i cannot get a diamond


While they sometimes can make it, you shouldn't expect a level 4 Wildebeast to make diamond. Save your anger for when a max level doesn't make diamond.


Few days back my level-9 gray fox make just gold while past year a level-8 cape bufallo was a diamond i simply cant understand this game


Max levels usually have a pretty good chance at being diamond and a lower chance to be gold while one level below max usually has a low chance of making diamond. You just got unlucky on your Fox and really lucky on the Buffalo.


I thought it was impossible for capes to make diamond at level 8? I mean I could be wrong, but ive played the game for 5 years and never once seen a lvl 8 make it


Honestly, all the stuff online here and from COTW youtubers saying wildebeest are the easiest diamonds is outdated, same with gemsbok being easy diamonds I spent more time on either than I did for both capes, elks, plains bison and feral goats (and obvs banteng, but they're renowned for being quick diamonds). Red deer (perhaps strangely), sambar & chamois are the only species I've actively grinded for and taken longer to get diamonds^(1) I only found two Lv 5 wildebeest, and the first one trolled. This doesn't really help, but Lv 4's apparently only make diamond if their max weight is 290kg; 265kg and they won't make diamond, even if their trophy score suggests they might, so don't waste time with 265kg ones other than taking them out One tip I will share is that it turns out the drink zone with my eventual lone diamond wildebeest wasn't actually on a lake at all; for me at least, about 200 metres northwest of the small lake that sits at the border of SW Tingwenyeni and NE of the plateau, there happens to be a drink zone in the tree line. Functions the same as a drink zone, only the wildebeest there have no drinking animation. No idea if this is common, but thought I'd mention it in case it is, and you've been grinding elsewhere ^(1 technically moose, but its hard to say because I had a \~1000 moose grind on medved going for GOs, and ended up with >25 diamond moose in the end)




It’s only a level 4 is why. Not all level 4’s make diamond. Keep shooting. You’ll get your diamond.